
Ontology toolkit

A curated list of ontology tools and resources

A curated list of ontology things


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Awesome Ontology / Ontology Editors

Eddy 65 2 months ago A graphical editor for the specification and visualization of ontologies in format
Fluent Editor An award winning comprehensive tool for editing and manipulating complex ontologies that uses Controlled Natural Language
OntoME Designed for any object-oriented structured data model to build, manage and align your ontology, or to simply browse through the existing ontologies. ( for issues)
OntoStudio (formerly OntoEdit) - A most widespread commercial modeling environment for creating and maintaining ontologies
OWLGrEd A UML Style Graphical Editor for OWL
Protégé A free, open-source ontology editor and framework for building intelligent systems
Termboard A very simple graphical editor to create Terms and Relations. It can use ChatGPT, Google Bard or any other chatbot. Ideal for beginners wanting to make and share quick sketches
Vitro 97 2 months ago A general-purpose web-based ontology and instance editor with customizable public browsing
VocBench and - VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets. Its backend, Semantic Turkey is a RDF service platform for Knowledge Management and Acquisition
Apollo (last updated ~2005) - A user-friendly knowledge modelling application
NeOn Toolkit (last updated 2011) - A state-of-the-art, open source multi-platform ontology engineering environment, which provides comprehensive support for the ontology engineering life-cycle
Knoodl (last updated ~2017) - An ontology-driven "Distributed Information Management System" (DIMS) by Revelytix, Inc
SWOOP 33 almost 10 years ago (last updated 2007) - An OWL Ontology browser/editor that takes the standard Web browser as the basic UI paradigm
TopBraid Composer Series (archived ~2021) - A powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for implementing Knowledge Graph/Linked Data services by TopQuadrant, Inc
WebODE 3 10 months ago (discontinued in 2006) - An extensible ontology-engineering suite based on an application server
List of ontology editors in Wikipedia
A List of Ontology Engineering Tools (Ontology Editors) by the Hozo group

Awesome Ontology / Ontology Utilities

LODE Java ontology documentation generator to convert OWL ontologies into HTML human-readable pages
OAK The Ontology Access Kit, a python library and command line tool for ontologies
obonet 136 7 months ago Python library to convert OBO-formatted ontologies to networkx graphs
OnToology 83 11 months ago Online tool to automatically generate documentation and evaluation for Ontologies hosted on GitHub
Ontospy Python library and command-line interface for inspecting and visualizing RDF models
OWLTools 109 6 months ago Java API and command-line utilities on top of the OWL API
pyLODE 180 6 months ago Python ontology documentation generator inspired by LODE
pyontutils 19 2 months ago Python utilities for working with ontologies
ROBOT Java library and CLI tool for working with ontologies, particularly Open Biomedical Ontologies. It also provides a bridge to Python by Py4J
WebVOWL 743 over 1 year ago Web application for visualizing ontologies on the Web
WIDOCO 298 3 months ago Java tool for publishing and creating an enriched and customized documentation of ontology automatically, by following a series of steps in a GUI. Based on LODE
yamlpyowl 16 almost 3 years ago Python based YAML-to-OWL-converter
owl-cli 15 5 months ago Command line tool for ontology engineering (diagram generation, read/write documents in various formats and OWL DL reasoning)
Tarql Python tool to turn CSV into RDF using SPARQL syntax
VocPrez 22 6 months ago Python tool (API and web front-end) for the read-only delivery system of SKOS vocabularies

Awesome Ontology / Datastore

SciGraph 220 over 2 years ago Neo4j backed ontology store

Awesome Ontology / Languages

Common Logic (CL) A language with an abstract syntax and semantics which are given in the ISO standard
CycL A language with a concrete syntax based on first-order predicate calculus and Lisp
OBO Format (OBOF) A language used in the OBO Foundry with a concrete syntax and semantics which maps the language to OWL2-DL
OWL 2 Web Ontology Language A language with and . It has a few defined (reserved) vocabulary terms (see and ). The language is compatible with RDF by . It can be extended with Description Logics (see )
RDF (Resource Description Framework) 1.1 A language with based on the subject-predicate-object triple and . For no vocabulary is defined in itself, it is used with RDF Schema vocabulary (see )

Awesome Ontology / Languages / RDF (Resource Description Framework) 1.1

HDT (2010~)
JSON-LD (2010~)
Notation3 (N3) (2008~)
N-Quads (2014~)
N-Triples (2001/2014~)
RDFa (2004~)
RDF/XML (2002/2004~)
TriG (2007/2014~)
TriX (2004~, inactive)
Turtle ( /2014~)
RDF* (generic extension of RDF, 2019~)

Awesome Ontology / Languages

Nanotation (2014, inactive)
Ontology language in Wikipedia

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies

Lists of ontologies in W3C Wiki - A short meta-list of lists of ontologies
BioPortal A comprehensive repository of biomedical ontologies
KBS/Ontology Projects Worldwide A List of 300+ ontologies and related resources, maintained by
The Linked Open Data Cloud
Linked Open Vocabularies Namespace lookup for RDF developers
BARTOC (Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications) Database of Knowledge Organization Systems and KOS related Registries, developed by the Basel University Library, Switzerland
DBpedia Archivo Ontology archive automatically indexing OWL ontologies on the web in (ODP)
Ontology List by Ying Ding
Protege Ontology Library in Protege Wiki - Listing 100+ ontologies

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies / Upper-level Ontologies

BFO (Basic Formal Ontology) A small, upper level ontology that is designed for use in supporting information retrieval, analysis and integration in scientific and other domains
DBpedia Ontology A shallow, cross-domain ontology, which has been manually created based on the most commonly used infoboxes within Wikipedia
DOLCE (Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering) A foundational ontology originally developed in WonderWeb project. ( )
GFO (General Formal Ontology) A top-level ontology for conceptual modeling, which is being constantly further developed by Onto-Med
gist Semantic Arts' minimalist upper ontology for the enterprise
KYOTO 3 Top An ontology which extends DOLCE-Lite Plus (DLP). It consists of ~50 classes
SUMO (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology)
YAMATO (Yet Another More Advanced Top-level Ontology)
UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) Vocabulary (UMBEL ontology) (merged to KBpedia in 2019) - An ontology consists of ~70 classes

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies / Mid-level Ontologies

KYOTO 3 Middle An ontology which consists of ~350 classes
MILO (Mid-Level Ontology) 226 3 months ago in
UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) Reference Concepts (Reference Concepts ontology)

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies / Cross-domain Ontologies

ConceptNet An open, multilingual knowledge graph
Cyc ( / ) - A knowledge base which contains more than 630,000 concepts
DBpedia A crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured content from the information created in various Wikimedia projects
KBpedia A comprehensive knowledge structure for promoting data interoperability and knowledge-based artificial intelligence (KBAI). It combines Wikipedia, Wikidata,, DBpedia, GeoNames, OpenCyc, and UMBEL
Mosaic Knowledge Graphs ATOMIC + ConceptNet combination by AllenAI
NELL ontology and knowledge base An ontology developed by the Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) project
Wikidata A free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. It contains more than 55,000,000 data items
WordNet A large lexical database of English. It consists of ~117,000 synsets (groups of synonyms)
YAGO A huge semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia WordNet and GeoNames. It has knowledge of more than 10 million (10,000,000) entities
Xlore A large-scale multilingual knowledge graph by structuring and integrating Chinese Wikipedia, English Wikipedia, French wikipedia, and Baidu Baike
Billion Triple Challenge (BTC) 2019 Dataset A result of a large-scale RDF crawl (accepting RDF/XML, Turtle and N-Triples) conducted from 2018/12/12 until 2019/01/11 using LDspider
Freebase (shut down in 2016) -
MindNet (~2001?) - ... by Microsoft
Mikrokosmos -
Open Multilingual Wordnet A list of open wordnets in a variety of languages, all linked to the Princeton WordNet of English (PWN)
KYOTO 3 Domain An ontology which consists of ~1900 classes

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies / Domain Ontologies

Digital Buildings Ontology (DBO) 375 2 months ago Ontology for buildings and building-installed equipment by Google
Gene Ontology (GO) The world’s largest source of information on the functions of genes
Uberon All body parts across all animals
GoodRelations The Web vocabulary for e-commerce
Product Types Ontology High-precision identifiers for product types based on Wikipedia
SIOC (Semantically Interlinked Online Communities) An ontology of terms that can be used to describe online communities on the Web of Data
CIDOC CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) An ontology for cultural heritage information, which describes the explicit and implicit concepts and relations relevant to the documentation of cultural heritage
Wine Ontology An example used in
Food Ontology An example used in
FoodOn An ontology built to interoperate with the OBO Library and to represent entities which bear a "food role"
Geographical Entity Ontology An ontology of geographical entities implemented in OWL 2 and based on Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)
CLARIAH/awesome-humanities-ontologies 94 over 1 year ago A curated list of ontologies for Digital Humanities
Liquid-Legal-Institute/Legal-Ontologies 95 11 months ago A list of selected resources, methods, and tools dedicated to legal data schemes and ontologies
rNews An approved standard for using semantic markup to annotate news-specific metadata in HTML documents
Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) A computer language defining a dictionary of people-related terms that can be used in structured data
vCard Ontology An ontology for describing people and organizations. A mapping of the vCard specification (RFC6350) to RDF/OWL

Awesome Ontology / Ontologies and Vocabularies / Vocabularies

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set A vocabulary of fifteen properties for use in resource description
DCMI Metadata Terms An extension of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set
IMI (Infrastructure for Multilayer Interoperability) Core Vocabulary A Japanese controlled vocabulary consists of roughly 60 class concepts, 250 property concepts and words associated to them
Open Graph protocol -
RDF Schema (RDFS) 1.1 A data-modelling RDF vocabulary used for defining RDF vocabularies Schemas -
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) An RDF vocabulary for representing semi-formal knowledge organization systems (KOSs), such as thesauri, taxonomies, classification schemes and subject heading lists

Awesome Ontology / Alignment & Matching

AgreementMakerLight (AML) 60 8 months ago Ontology matching system developed by LASIGE (FCUL, Portugal) in collaboration with the ADVIS Lab (UIC, USA)
LogMap 124 3 months ago Highly scalable ontology matching system with "built-in" reasoning and inconsistency repair capabilities
OntoEMMA 67 about 2 years ago Ontology matcher by AllenAI
Ontology Matching website - Hosting OM (International Workshop on Ontology Matching) and OAEI (Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative)
Alignment API Ontology Alignment API specification. (implemented in Java)

Awesome Ontology / Logics

Description Logics (DLs) -
F-Logic family -
Description Logic Complexity Navigator by Evgeny Zolin

Awesome Ontology / Reasoners

CEL A lightweight Description Logic (EL+) reasoner for large-scale biomedical ontologies. (Common Lisp+Java)
ELK 95 8 months ago An ontology reasoner that aims to support the OWL 2 EL profile. (Java)
EYE 127 2 months ago A reasoning engine which performs semibackward chaining and supports Euler paths. (Prolog)
FaCT++ The new generation of the well-known OWL-DL reasoner which uses optimised tableaux algorithms. (C++)
Flora-2 (Ergo Lite) A F-logic based reasoning system. (Prolog)
HyLAR 61 almost 2 years ago A rule-based incremental reasoner for the Web. (JavaScript)
jcel 14 3 months ago A reasoner for the description logic EL+. (Java)
Openllet 101 4 months ago An OWL DL reasoner build on top of Pellet 2. (Java)
OWL-RL 145 4 months ago A simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile, as well as a basic RDFS inference, on top of RDFLib. (Python)
pyfactxx 23 6 months ago Python bindings for upgraded FaCT reasoner and RDFLib integration. (Python/C++)
Racer A knowledge representation system that implements a highly optimized tableau calculus for the description logic SRIQ(D). (Common Lisp+Java)
Whelk 24 4 months ago A Scala OWL reasoner based on the algorithm implemented in ELK, using immutable data structures
cwm (last updated 2005) - A forward chaining RDF reasoner. (Python)
HermiT (last updated ~2013) - The first publicly-available OWL reasoner based on a novel “hypertableau” calculus which provides much more efficient reasoning than any previously-known algorithm. (Java)
Hoolet (last updated 2004) - An implementation of an OWL-DL reasoner that uses a first order prover. It uses the Vampire prover for reasoning purposes. Other reasoners could also be used; communication with the reasoner is via the TPTP format which is understood by a number of theorem provers
KAON2 reasoner (last updated 2008) - A DL reasoner for the SHIQ(D) subset of OWL-DL, based on novel algorithms which reduce a SHIQ(D) knowledge base to a disjunctive datalog program. (proprietary, Java)
Pellet 2 312 about 8 years ago (last updated ~2015) - An open source OWL DL reasoner for Java. Pellet 3 (proprietary) is embedded in the platform. (Java)
How does a reasoner work? An introductory article by Uli Sattler, Robert Stevens, and Phillip Lord

Awesome Ontology / Querying

DL Query (class expression) A query language supported by the DL Query tab plugin for Protégé based on the Manchester OWL syntax
SPARQL 1.1 A set of specifications that provide languages and protocols to query and manipulate RDF graph content on the Web or in an RDF store

Awesome Ontology / Querying / SPARQL 1.1

SPARQL-DL A substantial subset of SPARQL that can be covered by the standard reasoning services OWL-DL reasoners provide. It is implemented in the Pellet reasoner
SPARQL-OWL algorithm A sound and complete algorithm for answering SPARQL-OWL, SPARQL queries under the OWL 2 Direct Semantics entailment regime
SPARQL* An RDF*-aware extension of the RDF query language SPARQL

Awesome Ontology / Querying

[protege-user] which is the best query language for owl ontologies?

Awesome Ontology / Rule and Schema Definition

LinkML A polymorphic semantic modeling language
SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language)
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) A rule markup language which extends the logical expressivity of the OWL language
SPIN (SPARQL Inferencing Notation) (virtually succeeded by SHACL, see )

Awesome Ontology / Programming / OWL-aware libraries

Apache Jena Ontology API (Java)
FunOWL 50 over 1 year ago A Python library for working with OWL (functional syntax). (Python)
Horned OWL 70 3 months ago An OWL Rust library. (Rust)
ontor 31 almost 2 years ago Ontology editing library built on Owlready2. (Python)
OWL API A Java API for creating, manipulating and serializing OWL Ontologies. (Java)
Owlish 15 over 1 year ago A Rust library for working with OWL 2 ontologies with Wasm support and turtle parsing. (Rust)
Owlready2 A module for ontology-oriented programming in Python. (Python)
Tawny-OWL 255 4 months ago A domain-specific language and library for OWL ontologies in Clojure. (Clojure)
OPPL An abstract formalism that allows for manipulating ontologies written in OWL

Awesome Ontology / Communities

Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI)
Association for Ontology Design & Patterns (ODPA)
semantalytics/awesome-semantic-web 1,433 5 months ago A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources
jbenner-radham/awesome-semantic-web 57 over 2 years ago A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources
totogo/awesome-knowledge-graph 1,472 3 months ago A curated list of Knowledge Graph related learning materials, databases, tools and other resources
Materials-Data-Science-and-Informatics/awesome-fair-data 28 over 1 year ago A curated list of awesome stuff around the FAIR principles for (scientific) data, i.e that data is findable, accessable, interoperable and re-usable
pysemtec/semantic-python-overview 504 over 1 year ago A (subjective) overview of projects which are related both to python and semantic technologies (RDF, OWL, Reasoning, ...)
buaaliuming/Awesome-Knowledge-Bases 4 about 6 years ago Available knowledge bases, Ontology, Knowledge Graph or taxonomy
costezki/awesome-semantic-tools 14 over 5 years ago List of projects related to Ontology engineering and Semantic Web technologies that make a geek smile for they exist
KMax/awesome-semantic-web-business 18 about 5 years ago A curated list of awesome resources that feature usages of Semantic Web technologies in business cases (applications)

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