
collection of state management lib


187 stars
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last commit: almost 2 years ago

awesome-state / cross framework

redux 60,834 8 days ago Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
mobx 27,477 9 days ago Simple, scalable state management
mobx-keystone 548 10 days ago A MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for TypeScript, support for snapshots, patches and much more
akita 3,696 4 months ago 🚀 State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
effector 4,587 12 days ago The state manager ☄️
usm 297 9 days ago 🏖A concise & flexible state model for Redux/MobX/Vuex, etc
storeon 1,978 15 days ago 🌩 A tiny (167 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue, and Svelte
xsm 138 almost 2 years ago State Management made eXtraordinarily simple and effective for Angular, React, and Vue
xoid ⚛️ Scalable, fine-grained, and minimal state-management library for React and vanilla JavaScript

awesome-state / react

recoil A state management library for React
eventrix 91 3 months ago Scaling and predictable JS library for state managing and centralizing application global state
flux 17,442 over 1 year ago Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
reflux 5,361 almost 5 years ago A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture with React extensions inspired by Flux
react-redux 23,363 11 days ago Official React bindings for
mobx-react 4,854 almost 4 years ago Official React bindings for
concent 1,329 about 1 month ago State management tailored for react, it is simple、predictable、progressive and efficient
rematch 8,474 about 1 year ago REmatch, a complete binary diffing framework that is free and strives to be open source and community driven
constate 3,924 over 2 years ago React Context + State
unstated 7,807 about 1 year ago State so simple, it goes without saying
zustand 46,633 12 days ago 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
easy-peasy 5,031 17 days ago Vegetarian friendly state for React
react-easy-state 2,561 over 1 year ago Simple React state management. Made with ❤️ and ES6 Proxies
redux-observable 7,855 13 days ago RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics"
react-automata 1,339 over 5 years ago A state machine abstraction for React
dva 16,239 5 months ago Lightweight front-end framework based on redux, redux-saga and react-router
react-copy-write 1,785 over 5 years ago ✍️ Immutable state with a mutable API
unistore 2,855 over 3 years ago 🌶 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React
kea 1,937 9 months ago Production Ready State Management for React
undux 1,493 8 months ago ⚡️ Dead simple state for React. Now with Hooks support
moreartyjs 669 almost 7 years ago centralized state management for React in pure JavaScript
Hookstate 1,653 about 2 months ago The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React that is based on hooks
hox 1,453 6 months ago The next-generation state manager for React
use-persisted-state 1,378 over 1 year ago A custom React Hook that provides a multi-instance, multi-tab/browser shared and persistent state
marty 1,090 over 8 years ago A Javascript library for state management in React applications
TNG-Hooks 1,010 about 2 years ago Provides React-inspired 'hooks' like useState(..) for stand-alone functions
react-hooks-global-state 1,098 about 1 year ago
react-hooks-global-state 1,098 about 1 year ago Simple global state for React with Hooks API
redux-arena 134 almost 7 years ago Bundling reducers, actions, saga and react-component when using Redux
dob-react 37 over 5 years ago React bindings for
doux 723 over 1 year ago Simple reactivity system with composition API
react-tracked 2,713 12 days ago Simple and fast global state with React Context. Eliminate unnecessary re-renders without hassle
icestore 397 about 1 year ago 🌩 Simple and friendly state for React
overmind 1,577 7 months ago Overmind - Frictionless state management
outstated 107 over 4 years ago Simple hooks-based state management for React
pure-store 147 over 1 year ago A tiny immutable store with type safety
react-broadcast 1,318 almost 2 years ago Reliably communicate state changes to deeply nested React elements
react-nano-state 71 over 2 years ago Fast state that can be shared across components outside of the React tree
react-sweet-state 870 about 1 month ago Shared state management solution for React
stamen A React state management library based on Hooks
rex-state 31 almost 2 years ago The simplest state management tool for React
statux 72 about 1 month ago ⚛️ A minimal state management library for React with Hooks and immutable state
reworm 1,466 almost 2 years ago 🍫 the simplest way to manage state
remx 224 23 days ago Opinionated mobx
vuex-redux 8 almost 2 years ago Make Redux as simple as Vuex
linkstate 292 over 3 years ago Bind events to state. Works with Preact and React
statty 512 about 3 years ago A tiny and unobtrusive state management library for React and Preact apps
freactal 1,649 over 2 years ago Clean and robust state management for React and React-like libs
react-3ducks 7 almost 2 years ago Simple state management solution for React
teaful 712 almost 2 years ago Tiny, easy and powerful React state management

awesome-state / vue

pinia The Vue Store that you will enjoy using
vuex 28,404 10 days ago Centralized State Management for Vue.js
mobx-vue 475 over 1 year ago Vue bindings for
vuet 422 almost 6 years ago 允许你定义飙车过程的集中式状态管理模式
VueFlux 332 over 5 years ago ♻️ Unidirectional State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux
vue-rx 3,349 almost 2 years ago 👁️ RxJS integration for Vue.js
vuex-observable 155 almost 6 years ago Consume Vuex actions as Observables using RxJS 5
vue-reactive-store 28 over 4 years ago A VueX alternative : declarative + reactive + centralized way to structure your data store. Inspired by VueX and Vue.js . Compatible with vue-devtools
vuex-stores 62 almost 3 years ago 🗄 Store objects for Vuex, a simple and more fluid API for state-management
Vuex-Alt 14 almost 6 years ago An alternative approach to Vuex helpers for accessing state, getters and actions that doesn't rely on string constants
vue-entity-adapter 20 almost 2 years ago Package to maintain entities in Vuex
vc-state 6 over 1 year ago 像 React.useContext 一样创建作用域上下文. Easily to compose scoped state in Vue.js

awesome-state / mini-programe

westore 4,242 12 months ago 微信小程序解决方案 - 1KB javascript 覆盖状态管理、跨页通讯、插件开发和云数据库开发
minii 65 over 1 year ago State management for Wechat Mini App
herculex 69 over 3 years ago Predictable state container for alipay mini-program inspired by vuex, redux, immutableJS,elm,rxjs
mp-store 56 over 4 years ago 轻量级的小程序状态管理库
wxMiniStore 379 about 2 years ago 一个基于微信小程序的mini全局状态管理库
mobx-wxapp 56 over 5 years ago 在小程序中使用mobx
mobx-miniprogram-bindings 206 10 days ago 小程序的 MobX 绑定辅助库
Wepy-Redux 8 over 6 years ago 微信小程序wepy框架接入 Redux 状态管理
weapp_expressTime 66 over 5 years ago 微信小程序之物流状态时间轴简单模板样式
mp-store 56 over 4 years ago 轻量级的小程序状态管理库
wxappStore 78 over 6 years ago 微信小程序全局状态管理,并提供Vuex的开发体验
wxMiniStore 379 about 2 years ago 一个基于微信小程序的mini全局状态管理库

awesome-state / angular

ng-redux 1,159 over 1 year ago Angular bindings for
redux-rx 1,007 over 8 years ago RxJS utilities for Redux
ngxs 3,531 3 days ago 🚀 NGXS - State Management for Angular
mobx-angular 482 14 days ago MobX connector to Angular
RxEmitter 55 over 1 year ago RxEmitter combines the characteristics of Rxjs and eventBus
angular-model 275 over 1 year ago Simple state management with minimalist API, one way data flow, multiple model support and immutable data exposed as RxJS Observable
ngx-model 133 about 6 years ago Angular Model. Simple state management with minimalistic API, one way data flow, multiple model support and immutable data exposed as RxJS Observable
tinystate 224 over 5 years ago A tiny, yet powerful state management library for Angular
ng-simple-state Simplex state management based on Rxjs and service

awesome-state / other

fish-redux 7,334 over 2 years ago An assembled flutter application framework
RxAndroid 19,887 about 2 months ago Reactive Extensions for Android
flutter-provide 810 over 3 years ago A simple framework for state management in Flutter
bloc 11,764 4 days ago A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
mobx.dart 2,392 14 days ago MobX for the Dart language. Hassle-free, reactive state-management for your Dart and Flutter apps
multiple-counters-flutter 132 about 4 years ago Flutter State Management [ setState ❖ StreamBuilder ❖ scoped_model ❖ redux ]
flutter-native-state 181 over 3 years ago Flutter plugin to help restoring state after the app process was killed
easy 19 about 4 years ago The easiest state manager for Flutter
Reflow 231 almost 7 years ago A unidirectional data flow framework for Objective-C inspired by Flux, Redux and Vue
rebloc 215 9 months ago A state management library for Flutter that combines aspects of Redux and BLoC
OneWay 76 8 days ago A Swift library for state management with unidirectional data flow