
Compilation of Scala Native resources and libraries


253 stars
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last commit: almost 3 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Scala Native / Tutorials and Examples

Giter8 template for a minimal Scala Native project 76 2 months ago Official template for a minimal Scala Native project
Hands on Scala Native 31 over 6 years ago Tutorial for implementing a bandwidth monitor with Ncurses
Starter for Scala Native 27 over 6 years ago Scala Native project that links to a custom C library
Building C code using sbt-jni 4 over 7 years ago Example for compiling C code in a Scala Native project using
Example project with external dependencies 53 3 months ago Example project that uses external dependencies to generate HTML and run a test suite
Starter for Gtk+ Projects 2 over 5 years ago template for Scala Native GUI projects using
Modern systems programming with scala native book
Write a simple CLI application in Scala Native 10 over 1 year ago

Awesome Scala Native / Build Tools

sbt Scala's standard build tool
Mill 2,042 3 days ago Build tool striving for simplicity, inspired by
Bloop 901 4 days ago Scala build server and command-line tool for fast developer workflows
Seed 238 almost 4 years ago Build tool based on Bloop. Focuses on user experience and cross-platform builds, inspired by

Awesome Scala Native / Functional Programming

Shapeless 3,386 6 days ago Library for generic programming
Squants 922 8 days ago DSL for quantities, units of measure and dimensional analysis
scalaz 4,670 5 days ago Type classes and instances for data structures
nobox 33 8 days ago Immutable primitive array wrapper without boxing
PPrint 225 26 days ago Pretty-print values and types
SourceCode 521 24 days ago Implicits providing meta data similar to in C
reactify 86 7 days ago Functional Reactive Programming framework for Scala
chimney 1,160 3 days ago Boilerplate-free data transformations
Quicklens 824 7 days ago Modify deeply nested case class fields
Cats 5,243 6 days ago Abstractions for functional programming in Scala

Awesome Scala Native / Unit Tests

µTest 486 about 2 months ago Library for unit tests
minitest 179 about 2 months ago Lightweight testing library
scalaprops 277 5 days ago Library for property-based testing

Awesome Scala Native / Unit Tests / scalaprops

scalaprops-shapeless 10 8 days ago Generation of arbitrary ADT instances
scalaprops-cross-example 3 8 days ago Cross-platform example

Awesome Scala Native / Unit Tests

ScalaCheck 1,938 8 days ago Property-based testing for Scala
ScalaTest 1,148 26 days ago Testing library
specs2 734 7 days ago Software Specifications for Scala
Makeshift 1 over 6 years ago Library for unit tests
MUnit 429 4 days ago Scala testing library with actionable errors and extensible APIs

Awesome Scala Native / Bindings

cmark 15 about 3 years ago Bindings for the CommonMark parser library
libuv 10 over 7 years ago Bindings for , a library for asynchronous I/O
SDL2 and OpenGL 41 about 2 years ago Bindings for the graphical frameworks and
Cocoa 21 over 1 year ago Bindings for the macOS graphical framework
GNU Scientific Library 3 almost 7 years ago Bindings for
BLAS 33 5 days ago Bindings for , a library for Linear Algebra
Gtk+ 27 almost 4 years ago Bindings for the graphical toolkit
libsoup 2 over 5 years ago Bindings for the HTTP client/server library
libui 67 3 months ago GUI framework based on
GStreamer 3 about 5 years ago Bindings for the multimedia framework
Qt 9 over 4 years ago Bindings for
ncurses 5 almost 2 years ago Bindings for the
readline 0 about 2 months ago Bindings for the
libsndfile 2 about 3 years ago Bindings for the C library for sampled sound manipulation
libpng 0 about 3 years ago Bindings for the C reference library for reading and writing PNGs
libcairo 1 27 days ago Bindings for the 2D graphics C library
cairo-xlib 0 about 3 years ago Bindings for the 2D graphics with bindings for as well
libyaml 0 about 3 years ago Bindings for the C library for parsing
iup 2 over 1 year ago Bindings for the multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces

Awesome Scala Native / File Formats and Parsers

msgpack4z 4 5 days ago Implementation of , a binary serialisation format
FastParse 1,090 26 days ago Library for defining and running parsers
scalatags 755 26 days ago HTML/XML construction and rendering
Pine 107 almost 4 years ago HTML/XML parsing, manipulation and rendering
scala-json 62 over 2 years ago JSON parser
uJson fast, flexible and intuitive JSON for Scala
toml-scala 27 about 3 years ago parser with codec derivation
argonaut 546 4 days ago Purely functional JSON parser and library
ScalaPB 1,301 4 days ago compiler for Scala

Awesome Scala Native / File Formats and Parsers / ScalaPB

scalapb-argonaut 2 8 days ago JSON and Protocol Buffer converters for ScalaPB based on

Awesome Scala Native / File Formats and Parsers

sconfig 118 4 days ago parser
squiggly 2 over 1 year ago Cross-platform template language for Scala, inspired by Liquid and Hugo templates

Awesome Scala Native / Databases

JDBC 10 almost 7 years ago Port of the database access layer to Scala Native
SQLite4S 36 4 months ago Port of the Java library . Includes bindings for the SQLite native library
libpq4s 4 almost 3 years ago Scala wrapper around the async PostgreSQL C library libpq

Awesome Scala Native / Web Development

Trail 82 over 2 years ago Routing library
sttp 1,448 3 days ago HTTP Client library
snunit 130 about 1 month ago Scala Native HTTP server based on NGINX Unit

Awesome Scala Native / Concurrency

scala-native-loop 54 4 months ago Event loop and async-oriented IO for Scala Native
castor 134 about 2 months ago Lightweight, typed Actor library for Scala

Awesome Scala Native / Logging

scribe 525 6 days ago Fast and simple logging library
slogging 50 about 4 years ago and -compatible logging library based on macros

Awesome Scala Native / Console

fansi 226 26 days ago Library for creating
scopt 1,433 6 months ago Command-line argument parser
scala-optparse-applicative 16 8 days ago Port of Haskell's CLI argument parsing library
scallop 676 7 months ago A simple Scala CLI parsing library
mainargs 186 23 days ago Small, dependency-free library for command line argument parsing in Scala
decline 647 about 2 months ago A composable command-line parser for Scala

Awesome Scala Native / Robotics

Potassium 18 over 6 years ago Framework for writing robot software
WPILib 7 over 6 years ago Reimplementation of the

Awesome Scala Native / Programs

sglgears 14 about 6 years ago Port of GL
k8s-cli 3 about 7 years ago CLI tools to generate resources for , and -based applications
Coursier 2,035 9 days ago Coursier's generates native launchers
fractals 7 almost 4 years ago A self-similar fractal generator with basic animation support

Awesome Scala Native / Infrastructure

Seed Docker image Docker image for cross-platform builds with
scala-native-sbt-docker 4 over 7 years ago Docker image for Scala Native and sbt

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