
⚡ A curated list of awesome Svelte resources


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120 forks
last commit: 24 days ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists


Awesome Svelte / Resources / Official Resources

Official Guide
API Reference
GitHub Repo 78,588 3 days ago
Changelog 78,588 3 days ago

Awesome Svelte / Resources / Community

Japan Discord Svelte 日本

Awesome Svelte / Resources / Conferences

Svelte Summit

Awesome Svelte / Resources / Podcasts

Svelte Radio

Awesome Svelte / Resources / YouTube Channels

Svelte Society
Svelte Mastery

Awesome Svelte / Resources / Tutorials

Getting Started with Svelte 3 DigitalOcean
Develop a complete application with Svelte and TypeScript MDN Web Docs
An Introduction to Actions Svelte School
Svelte Tutorial for Beginners The Net Ninja (YouTube)
Sapper Tutorial (Crash Course) The Net Ninja (YouTube)
SvelteJS Series - tutorials and talks SpinSpire (YouTube)
Svelte Stores @lihautan (YouTube)
Svelte Actions @lihautan (YouTube)
Svelte 101 @lihautan (YouTube)
Learn Svelte by building a habit tracker app RadDevon
Meet Svelte 3, a Powerful, Even Radical JavaScript Framework SitePoint, by Chrome DevTools engineer @Jack_Franklin
Create your blog with SvelteKit @zhuzilin (Github)
Typescript + Svelte Cheatsheet 738 about 1 year ago An overview of all TypeScript related topics for Svelte and SvelteKit - @ivanhofer (Github)
Mutiple Paid Svelte/Sveltekit tutourials - LevelUpTutourials
Mutiple Free Svelte Tutourials - Joy Of Code
Mutiple Free Sveltekit Tutourials - Joy Of Code
Setup Authentication with AuthJS and Sveltekit 2.0 @bradcypert (YouTube)

Awesome Svelte / Resources / Studies

SvelteScaling Does Svelte Scale?
Will it Scale? 173 about 4 years ago Finding Svelte's inflection point
JavaScript Frameworks Performance Comparison Performance of Svelte and other top javascript frameworks

Awesome Svelte / Integrations / Preprocessing

svelte-preprocess 1,755 9 days ago A preprocessor for PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more
MDSveX 2,350 13 days ago Preprocessor for MDX markdown
svelte-preprocess-markdown 137 over 1 year ago Write Svelte components in markdown syntax
svelte-preprocess-less 13 over 1 year ago Preprocessor for less
modular-css 288 5 months ago Preprocessor support for modular-css
svelte-preprocess-postcss 25 over 4 years ago Use PostCSS to preprocess your styles in Svelte components
svelte-preprocess-sass 91 over 1 year ago Preprocessor for sass
svelte-switch-case 146 over 1 year ago Switch case syntax for Svelte

Awesome Svelte / Integrations / Mobile

Svelte Native Svelte controlling native components via Nativescript
Framework7 Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
Capacitor Build native mobile apps with web technology and Svelte

Awesome Svelte / State Libraries

Svelte-Domain 5 about 2 years ago The state management for svelte
svelte-asyncable 169 9 days ago The Svelte store contract with support for asynchronous values
exome 235 about 2 months ago Simple proxy based state manager for deeply nested states

Awesome Svelte / UI Libraries

AgnosticUI 723 9 months ago Accessible Svelte Component Primitives (that also work with React, Vue 3, and Angular)
Flowbite Svelte Open-source Svelte UI components built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
Sveltestrap 1,302 9 months ago Bootstrap 4 & 5 components
Smelte 1,529 over 1 year ago UI framework with material components built with Tailwind CSS
Svelte Material UI 3,304 5 months ago Material UI Components
carbon-components-svelte 2,685 11 days ago Svelte implementation of the IBM Carbon Design System
Melt UI 3,340 11 days ago A collection of accessible, reusable, and composable headless component builders and utilities
Radix Svelte 471 about 1 year ago An unofficial community-led Svelte port of Radix UI Primitives
attractions 1,036 11 days ago A pretty cool and modern UI kit
svelte-chota 287 over 1 year ago Component library built with Chota, a super light-weight CSS framework
ionic-svelte 762 2 months ago Svelte integration with Ionic's UI for mobile app development, including many starters
Svelte UI SvelteUI is an all inclusive Svelte library
YeSvelte YeSvelte is flexible Svelte UI component library built on top of Bootstrap css
Skeleton Skeleton uses Tailwind utility classes and design system to easily create theme-able user interfaces
Svelte UX 753 14 days ago Large collection of components, actions, stores, and utilities to build highly interactive applications
STDF Mobile web component library based on Svelte and Tailwind
M3 Svelte 243 21 days ago Robust component library implementing Material Design 3
AgnosUI Highly configurable headless framework agnostic component library
daisyUI The most popular component library for Tailwind CSS - adds component class names to Tailwind CSS so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever
SVAR Core for Svelte 30 22 days ago A collection of 20+ Svelte UI components for building fast-performing, interactive and responsive web apps

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Table

svelte-simple-datatables 268 3 months ago A Datatable component for Svelte
svelte-table 520 11 days ago A table implementation that allows sorting and filtering
svelte-generic-crud-table 66 about 1 month ago Agnostic web-component for object-arrays with CRUD functionality. Sort and resize columns. Multiple tables per page
svelte-generic-table-pager 4 9 months ago Svelte-generic-crud-table with paginator

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Notification

svelte-notifications 309 12 months ago Toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application
svelte-favicon-badge 102 9 days ago A custom component that adds a favicon and a badge that you can use to show for example number of unread messages, etc
@zerodevx/svelte-toast 800 14 days ago Simple elegant toast notifications
svelte-french-toast 848 9 days ago Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte, inspired by React Hot Toast. Lightweight, customizable, and beautiful by default
svelte-sonner 650 23 days ago An opinionated toast component for Svelte

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Grid

svelte-grid-responsive 55 over 1 year ago Bootstrap-inspired responsive grid system
svelte-flex 76 9 months ago A simple and reusable flexbox component for Svelte

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Icons

svelte-fa 400 11 days ago Tiny FontAwesome 5 component
svelte-simple-icons 13 about 2 years ago Simple Icons component
svelte-awesome 494 5 days ago Awesome SVG icon component, built with Font Awesome icons
svelte-icons 292 over 1 year ago Icon components
svelte-heroicons 8 over 1 year ago Icons, crafted by the creators of Tailwind CSS
svelte-icomoon 5 over 1 year ago It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your Svelte projects
svelte-unicons 3 over 1 year ago Unicons svg icons for Svelte based on @iconscout/unicons

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Calendar

svelte-fullcalendar 198 about 1 year ago A component wrapper around FullCalendar
svelte-calendar 537 almost 2 years ago A lightweight datepicker with neat animations and a unique UX
date-picker-svelte 309 29 days ago A date and time picker for Svelte with clean UX

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Maps

svelte-googlemaps 79 7 months ago Google Maps component
svelte-mapbox 342 4 months ago MapBox map and autocomplete components
leaflet-svelte 52 over 3 years ago Svelte wrapper for Leaflet
esri-svelte 14 7 months ago Web application that shows how to use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with Svelte

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Form

svelte-checkbox 78 almost 2 years ago A checkbox component (cool animation, customizable)
svelte-toggle 22 over 1 year ago Basic toggle component with styling

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Charts

svelte-frappe-charts 308 4 months ago Svelte bindings for frappe-charts
Layer Cake 1,358 11 days ago A framework for mostly-reusable graphics with svelte
LayerChart 564 8 days ago Large collection of composable Svelte components to build a wide range of visualizations, built upon Layer Cake

Awesome Svelte / UI Components / Miscellaneous

svelte-tree-viewer 16 almost 3 years ago A lightweight component to render tree views
svelte-copyright 16 8 months ago A Svelte component to format and display a copyright notice
svelte-splitpanes 362 10 days ago Full featured resizeable views panels
mathjax-svelte 0 over 1 year ago A Svelte component for MathJax
svelte-stepper 142 10 months ago A Svelte component for building animated step flows
css-3d-progress 2 8 months ago A 3D Progress Bar component

Awesome Svelte / Scaffold

create-vite 67,525 3 days ago Generates scaffold for a vite + svelte app
create-svelte 18,487 8 days ago A CLI for creating a new SvelteKit project
component-template 556 about 2 years ago A base for building shareable components
svelte-pwa-template 221 about 1 month ago A starter template for PWAs based in the official Template] [ - A open source, fast, and free to host Svelte SaaS template

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / Animations

AutoAnimate A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your Svelte app
svelte-typewriter A simple and reusable typewriter effect for your Svelte applications

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / Form

svelte-forms-lib 603 about 2 months ago A lightweight library for managing forms
Superforms SvelteKit library for handling server and client validation, and client-side display of forms
felte Extensible form library, with built-in Yup, Zod, Vest, and Superstruct validation
vest 2,561 4 days ago 🦺 Declarative form validation framework inspired by unit testing
svelte-formly 253 12 months ago A good solution to generate and control a dynamic forms using core and custom rules with customize styles
svelte-form-builder 67 6 months ago A No-code Drag n Drop Form Builder built for Svelte
Formsnap High level Svelte components for forms, built on top of Superforms and Zod

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / WebGL

svelthree 479 29 days ago Component library for declarative construction of reactive and reusable three.js scene graphs
threlte Svelte wrapper for three.js

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / PWA

SvelteKit-Adapter-Versioned-Worker 9 5 months ago An easy-to-use service worker build plugin where you don't need to worry about cache durations

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / Portal

svelte-portal 437 3 months ago Component for rendering outside the DOM of parent component
svelte-teleport 25 about 4 years ago A component to teleport elements across the DOM

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / Fonts

svelte-web-fonts/google 16 over 2 years ago Tiny component for easily loading Fonts via the Google Fonts API including autocompletion

Awesome Svelte / Utilities / Internationalisation

svelte-fluent 95 9 days ago Components for easy integration of localization
svelte-i18n 1,233 2 months ago Internationalization library for Svelte
VoerkaI18n Internationalization solution for
sveltekit-i18n 491 11 days ago For integrating style localization in SvelteKit
@tolgee/svelte 228 2 days ago Web-based localization tool enabling users to translate directly in the Svelte app they develop

Awesome Svelte / Routers

svelte-router-spa 518 4 months ago Router adds routing to your Single Page Applications (SPA). Includes localisation, guards and nested layouts
svelte-routing 2,019 2 months ago A declarative Svelte routing library with SSR support
tinro 675 about 1 month ago A tiny, dependency free and highly declarative router
svelte-spa-router 1,536 6 months ago Optimized for Single Page Applications (SPA) with hash based routing and support for parameters
svelte-client-router 17 6 months ago Svelte Client Router is everything you need and think when routing SPA's
@danielsharkov/svelte-router 13 7 months ago A simple & easy to use SPA router, developed with page transitions in mind
@shaun/svelterouter 3 8 months ago Another vue-router inspired Svelte router
Elegua 78 7 months ago Small (< 180LoC), fast, easy, full featured SPA router

Awesome Svelte / Frameworks

SvelteKit The fastest way to build Svelte apps
Elder.js Opinionated static site generator and web framework for Svelte built with SEO in mind
Routify Routes for Svelte, automated by your file structure
JungleJS The Jamstack framework for Svelte with GraphQL
svelte-document 8 7 months ago Create documents (PDFs), resumes, or presentations entirely in Svelte

Awesome Svelte / Dev Tools / Lint

prettier-plugin-svelte 735 9 days ago Format your components using prettier
svelte-check Check your code
eslint-plugin-svelte 295 8 days ago An ESLint plugin for Svelte using AST

Awesome Svelte / Dev Tools / Docs

svelte-docs 168 over 1 year ago A rapid way to write documentation for your Svelte components
sveltedoc-parser 90 about 1 year ago Generate a JSON documentation for your component
svelte-docster 9 over 3 years ago Generate metadata about your Svelte files from jsdoc

Awesome Svelte / Dev Tools / Test

svelte-jester 128 4 months ago A Jest transformer to compile your components before importing them into tests
@testing-library/svelte 614 about 1 month ago Simple and complete Svelte DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
jest-transform-svelte 35 almost 2 years ago Jest Transformer for Svelte components

Awesome Svelte / Dev Tools / Editors

Svelte for VS Code Provides syntax highlighting and rich intellisense for your components
Svelte 3 Snippets Svelte 3 Snippets for VS Code
ide-svelte Provides syntax highlighting and rich intellisense for your components
language-svelte Provides syntax highlighting for components, directives and other Svelte specific syntax in Atom
Svelte Syntax highlighting and support for Sublime Text
vim-svelte 318 almost 2 years ago Vim syntax highlighting and indentation for Svelte 3 components
vim-svelte-plugin 134 9 days ago Syntax highlighting and support for Vim
coc-svelte 177 12 months ago Syntax highlighting and support for (Neo)Vim
Svelte Syntax highlighting and support for JetBrains

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