
A curated list of awesome Gideros resources, classes and tips.


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last commit: almost 5 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Getting Started

Download Gideros Get Gideros here (it is free but donations are welcome!)
Getting Started Manual Check here first to get an overview of the framework
API Reference Whenever you need to figure something out- this is the first place to go
Forum Join the very helpful community
Online Editor Try Gideros in your browser without installing anything
Online Examples See some of the capabilites of Gideros in your browser
Developer Guide Official list of guides and tutorials

Resources / Tutorials and Tips

Introductory Video Tutorial By one of the maintainers of Gideros
Publishing to Android Getting started with publishing to Android
Improving performance Forum thread with hints about improving the performance of Gideros apps
Desktop API Overview of the Desktop API to manipulate mouse cursor and window decorations

Resources / Full game examples

Simple square-dodge game Introductory tutorial about creating a simple square-dodge game
Top-down roguelike Tutorial Extensive tutorial series about making a turn-based roguelike in Gideros
Breakout Clone Tutorial about creating a Breakout-like game using Gideros and Box2D
"Grab the treasure" course Comprehensive getting-started guide to Gideros by developing a small game

Resources / Publications

Gideros Mobile Game Development Comprehensive book about developing a game for mobile with Gideros
Learn Lua for iOS Game Development Introducing a variety of Lua-based game development frameworks including Gideros

Resources / IDEs and Editors

Using ZeroBrane Studio with Gideros Introductory tutorial for using ZBS with Gideros Remote Preview
Live Coding with Gideros and ZeroBrane Studio Video showing the live coding capabilities of ZBS and Gideros
ZeroBrane Studio integration and debugging Video tutorial by the creator of ZBS
Visual Studio Code plugin With Gideros support (Windows only)
Sublime Text 3 plugin Adding Gideros support to ST3

Resources / Graphics and Shaders

Shaders in Gideros Introductory text about shaders in Gideros
Shadertoy viewer Check out shaders from Shadertoy using Gideros
Intro to clipping and the RenderTarget Text-based tutorial on how to use the RenderTarget class to create a clipping effect

Resources / Scene Management

SceneManager Easily switch between scenes with or without transitions
Passing variables using the SceneManager Passing variables to the next scene when using the scene manager

Resources / Input

GidSwipe 0 over 7 years ago Easy to use tap and swipe manager for mobile
Gestures Define and detect complex gestures from points a list of points
Accelerometer Quick example of how to use the device accelerometer as input
Shake detection Small snippet to detect device shake

Resources / Animation and Tweens

GTween Tween sprite variables with this library (comes with all the easing functions you need)
Animation using MovieClip Tutorial on how to animate sprites using the MovieClip class
Spriteheet animation class 2 almost 12 years ago Class that helps with creating and playing animations from spritesheets

Resources / Tilemaps

Collision with Tilemaps Examples and suggestions on how to make stuff collide with the tiles in your tilemap

Resources / Camera

Smooth camera with Drag and Pinch-to-Zoom Useful class implementation for a camera in a mobile game

Resources / Audio

Intro to using audio with Gideros Tutorial about generating and using sounds with Gideros

Resources / Saving and Loading

Using JSON Loading and saving manually via JSON
DataSaver module User-friendly wrapper to make saving and loading data as easy as possible
Encrypting save files Some ideas (with code) about securing the save files from unwanted manipulation

Resources / Monetization

Admob integration Video tutorial about integrating Admob into your game
Google Service integration Second part of the Admob tutorial showing Google Play Service integration

Resources / GUI

Layout 9 over 2 years ago Comprehensive Gideors GUI framework ( )
Button class Simple class for creating clickable buttons
AceSlide class Sliding UI-Element that can be used for example for level selection

Resources / 3D

Tutorial using 3D in Gideros Introduction by one of the maintainers of Gideros

Resources / Plugins

SKStoreReview 0 over 7 years ago Gideros Plugin for SKStoreReviewController iOS 10.3+
C++ plugin development Getting started with Gideros plugin development in C++

Useful Lua-Libraries

lume 996 11 months ago Great collection of functions that are useful for game development
inspect 1,363 about 1 year ago Easily pretty-print your tables to the console in a readable way
jumper Super-fast grid-based pathfinding for Lua
bump 926 about 1 year ago Simple, flexible and fast library for collision detection using axis-aligned bounding boxes (from version 2017.8 onwards Gideros contains a C-port of the library with the same API that should be used instead
Bresenham 15 over 7 years ago Bresenham's line algorithm, implemented in Lua
awesome-lua 3,931 about 2 months ago
awesome-love2d 3,242 21 days ago
awesome-gamedev 21 over 4 years ago

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