
A collection of sources of indicators of compromise.


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last commit: 3 months ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome IOCs / Contents

IOCs 789 3 months ago

Awesome IOCs / Contents / IOCs

Indicators 789 3 months ago
Snort Signatures 789 3 months ago
Yara Signatures 789 3 months ago

Awesome IOCs / Contents

Tools 789 3 months ago

Awesome IOCs / Contents / Tools

IOC Tools 789 3 months ago
IOC Formats 789 3 months ago

Awesome IOCs / IOCs / Indicators

0x27/linux.mirai 553 over 7 years ago Leaked Linux.Mirai Source Code for Research/IoC Development Purposes
Neo23x0/signature-base 2,449 8 days ago Signature base for my scanner tools
aptnotes/data 1,645 2 months ago APTnotes data
botherder/targetedthreats 187 almost 3 years ago Collection of IOCs related to targeting of civil society
circl/osint-feed Open Source Intelligence for MISP
citizenlab/malware-indicators 264 about 4 years ago Citizen Lab Malware Reports
da667/667s_Shitlist Hi kids, do you like cyber violence? Wanna see me destroy evil in the blink of an eyelid?
eset/malware-ioc 1,606 25 days ago Indicators of Compromises (IOC) of our various investigations
fireeye/iocs 462 over 5 years ago FireEye Publicly Shared Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
jasonmiacono/IOCs 10 about 8 years ago Indicators of compromise for threat intelligence
makflwana/IOCs-in-CSV-format 11 over 7 years ago The repository contains IOCs in CSV format for APT, Cyber Crimes, Malware and Trojan and whatever I found as part of hunting and research
nshc-threatrecon/IoC-List 9 almost 3 years ago NSHC ThreatRecon IoC Repository
pan-unit42/iocs 697 10 days ago Indicators from Unit 42 Public Reports
swisscom/detections 52 almost 4 years ago This repo contains threat intelligence information and threat detection indicators (IOC, IOA) shared by Swisscom CSIRT

Awesome IOCs / IOCs / Snort Signatures

Snort Downloads Signatures for the Snort (& Suircata) Intrusion Detection System
kingtuna/Signatures 4 about 9 years ago A mixture of snort and suricata signatures

Awesome IOCs / IOCs / Yara Signatures

0pc0deFR/YaraRules 33 almost 5 years ago Multiple rules for yara-project for detect compiler/packer/protector
InQuest/yara-rules 362 over 2 years ago A collection of Yara rules we wish to share with the world, most probably referenced from
OALabs/iocs Machine-digestible malware indicators
Yara-Rules/rules 4,129 6 months ago Repository of yara rules
advanced-threat-research/Yara-Rules 563 10 months ago Repository of YARA rules made by McAfee ATR Team
citizenlab/malware-signatures 132 almost 8 years ago Yara rules for malware families seen as part of targeted threats project
intezer/yara-rules 122 almost 3 years ago Yara rules from Intezer
kevthehermit/YaraRules 51 over 8 years ago My Yara Rules Collection
reversinglabs/reversinglabs-yara-rules 749 25 days ago ReversingLabs YARA Rules
x64dbg/yarasigs 84 over 5 years ago Various Yara signatures (possibly to be included in a release later)

Awesome IOCs / Tools / IOC Tools

InQuest/ThreatIngestor 821 8 months ago Flexible framework for consuming threat intelligence
InQuest/iocextract 498 about 1 month ago Advanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor
Neo23x0/yarGen 1,537 4 months ago yarGen is a generator for YARA rules
mandiant/ioc_writer 200 over 1 year ago Provide a python library that allows for basic creation and editing of OpenIOC objects
yahoo/PyIOCe 61 over 9 years ago Python IOC Editor
ninoseki/mitaka 1,432 10 days ago Browser extension to lookup IoCs/observables on many sources

Awesome IOCs / Tools / IOC Formats

MISP Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing format 46 3 months ago Specifications used in the MISP project including MISP core format
Mitre Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX™) This site contains archived CybOX documentation
Mitre Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC™) A schema for understanding malware
Mitre Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX™) A structured language for cyber threat intelligence
Yara The pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers (and everyone else)
mandiant/OpenIOC_1.1 124 over 3 years ago This repository contains a revised schema, iocterms file, and other supporting documents which are the basis for a draft of a revised version of OpenIOC that we are calling OpenIOC 1.1

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