
A list of awesome Symfony bundles, utilities and resources.


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Awesome Symfony / Administration

AdminCrudBundle 20 over 5 years ago AdminCrudBundle - Use SensioGeneratorBundle. Extend controller, add paginator, filter, others
AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle 360 over 8 years ago Admingenerator for Symfony2, parse generator.yml files to build classes
EasyAdminBundle 21 10 days ago Simple admin generator for Symfony applications
SonataAdminBundle 2,106 about 1 month ago AdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator
AdminLTEBundle 210 10 months ago Admin theme based on the AdminLTE Template
Umbrella framework 134 over 1 year ago Admin components and theme to create administration backends
TablerBundle 92 26 days ago Admin theme based on the Tabler Template. It ships with many twig helpers (functions, filter, embeds, macros and includes)

Awesome Symfony / Certification

CLI tool to train certifications 442 about 2 years ago
Symfony 3 certification guide 139 over 6 years ago
Symfony certification preparation list 648 5 months ago

Awesome Symfony / Community / Facebook


Awesome Symfony / Community / IRC:

#symfony Official IRC channel for Symfony support
#symfony-docs Channel to discuss about the documentation of Symfony

Awesome Symfony / Community / Local:

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Awesome Symfony / Community

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Awesome Symfony / Development

AccessibleBundle 15 over 7 years ago Define your class' getters, setters and constructor using powerful annotations
ApiExceptionBundle 65 over 5 years ago Exception API Bundle
AvAjaxBundle 1 about 8 years ago This bundle offers a simple structure to run ajax actions
BeelabTestBundle 15 25 days ago This bundle contains just an opinionated extension of Symfony WebTestCase
CacheAdministrationBundle 18 over 7 years ago This bundle includes a controller with actions to clear the various caches
ControllerExtraBundle 152 over 6 years ago Set of useful Controller annotations
DunglasActionBundle 256 about 7 years ago A replacement for the Symfony controller system based on the Action-Domain-Responder pattern
http-bundle 39 almost 3 years ago Provides extra HTTP related functionality
JMSDebuggingBundle Provides advanced debugging tools
LadybugBundle 329 over 6 years ago The Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper
LiipCodeBundle 25 almost 7 years ago A set of Symfony2 console commands to help developers deal with the various ways of identifying classes, templates, bundles, services, etc
LiipFunctionalTestBundle 639 3 months ago Some helper classes for writing functional tests in Symfony 2
ListenersDebugCommandBundle 57 over 7 years ago A console command to debug listeners
ParamConverterBundle 16 over 7 years ago This bundle provides additional param converters for Symfony
PhpMetricsCollectorBundle 53 over 4 years ago Integrates PhpMetrics in Symfony2 debug toolbar
PsyshBundle 208 7 months ago Provides an enhanced PHP interactive shell loaded with a Symfony context
PUGXGeneratorBundle 56 about 5 years ago An enhancement of SensioGeneratorBundle
redaktilo-bundle 6 almost 9 years ago Integrates Redaktilo into Symfony 2
SandboxBundle 18 about 6 years ago Overriding controller logic & response in a Sandbox environment
StatsDClientBundle 164 about 3 years ago Easily monitor your symfony2 production env., with ready-to-use stats
TagDebugCommandBundle 8 about 10 years ago Integrate TagDebug library for inspecting and debugging tags
TwigReflectionBundle 15 over 11 years ago Displays what's in Twig
WebfactoryExceptionsBundle 63 6 months ago Easily develop custom, user-friendly error pages
WebProfilerExtraBundle 262 almost 5 years ago Adding routing, container, assetic & twig information in the web profiler
XhprofBundle 210 over 8 years ago XHProf bundle

Awesome Symfony / Distributions

API Platform framework 8,518 26 days ago
Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition 89 almost 3 years ago
Symfony CMF Standard Edition 118 about 3 years ago
Symfony Standard Edition 1,493 almost 4 years ago

Awesome Symfony / Ecommerce

Aimeos Ultra fast PHP e-commerce framework for #gigacommerce
Bamboo 198 about 8 years ago Full-stack E-commerce application based on Symfony and Elcodi components
Elcodi 423 about 8 years ago E-commerce PHP Components and Symfony Bundles
Sylius 7,855 8 days ago E-Commerce PHP framework built on top of Symfony with component-based architecture and format-agnostic rendering

Awesome Symfony / Forms

CraueFormFlowBundle 736 3 months ago Multi-step forms
InfiniteFormBundle 169 3 months ago A collection of useful form types and extensions
IvoryCKEditorBundle 336 over 5 years ago CKEditor integration in Symfony
IvoryOrderedFormBundle 49 over 6 years ago Provides a form ordering support
KarserRecaptcha3Bundle 160 5 months ago Integrates Google ReCAPTCHA v3 into Symfony
LexikFormFilterBundle 389 2 months ago Lexik Form Filter bundle

Awesome Symfony / Internationalization

BazingaJsTranslationBundle 574 about 2 months ago A pretty nice way to expose your Symfony2 translation messages to your client applications
JMSI18nRoutingBundle Bundle for multilingual websites to support international routes
JMSTranslationBundle Translate your website with ease - extract messages & translate them via a web-based UI
LexikTranslationBundle 424 3 months ago Allows to import translation files content into the database and provide a GUI to edit translations
LuneticsLocaleBundle 186 4 months ago Guess the visitor’s locale from different parameters
TimezoneBundle 26 over 8 years ago Serverside Timezone detection
TranslationFormBundle 330 3 months ago Translation field to facilitate the use of the Translatable Doctrine extension

Awesome Symfony / Miscellaneous

AnhTaggableBundle 6 almost 9 years ago Bundle provides integration of doctrine-extensions-taggable, adds form types for editing tag and tagging
AntennaBundle 3 about 9 years ago Makes it easier to integrate Antenna (and through it JWT) authentication
APYBreadcrumbTrailBundle 79 8 months ago This bundle provides annotations and PHP methods to generate a breacrumb trail
APYDataGridBundle 492 3 months ago Datagrid Bundle
AvAlertifyBundle 0 about 8 years ago This bundle allows you to easily harmonize alerts and others notifications
AviaryBundle 4 over 8 years ago This bundle provides multiple file uploads, based on the BlueImp jQuery file uploader package. It provides also Aviary editing image functionnalities
AvListBundle 6 almost 8 years ago Easily make paginate and orderable list in Symfony2
BackupManagerBundle 13 about 5 years ago A simple database backup manager for Symfony2 with support for S3, Rackspace, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP
BazingaFakerBundle 276 over 3 years ago Put the awesome Faker library into the Symfony2 DIC and populate your database with fake data
BazingaGeocoderBundle 308 4 months ago Integration of the Geocoder library
BCCMyrrixBundle 6 almost 12 years ago Myrrix is a recommendation engine built on Apache Mahout libraries
BGBarcodeBundle 24 9 months ago Bundle for barcode rendering using our barcode generator base library
BlogBundle 33 about 5 years ago Simple blog module
bootstrap-bundle 399 about 4 years ago Integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands
BreadcrumbsBundle 65 19 days ago A small breadcrumbs bundle
BrowscapBundle 13 over 6 years ago Bundle to access the browscap information
CacheToolBundle 18 over 8 years ago Bundle to integrate cachetool library in Symfony2 (Clear acp/opcache from the command line)
CarbonBundle 15 almost 6 years ago This bundle provides an opportunity to convert Request data into Carbon objects
CheckBundles 25 over 3 years ago Checks installed but not activated in AppKernel bundles
CloudBackupBundle 196 almost 6 years ago Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud
ConsoleBundle 140 about 2 years ago Commandline interface in browser
EightPointsGuzzleBundle 440 4 months ago Integrates Guzzle 6.x, a PHP HTTP Client, into Symfony 2-4 and provides plugins to extend basic functionality
CsaGuzzleBundle 250 over 3 years ago Bundle integrating Guzzle >=4.0 in Symfony
CsvBundle 9 over 4 years ago An integration for thephpleague/csv into Symfony
DomainParserBundle 0 over 8 years ago Integration of Domain Parser into Symfony
EasyAuditBundle This bundle provides audit logging for your application - works with Doctrine2 entities and allows logging selective events
EmbedlyBundle 2 almost 9 years ago Bundle for the library
ExcelBundle 369 almost 2 years ago Excel integration in Symfony2 thanks to library
FeatureToggleBundle 37 over 11 years ago Configure your feature toggling in Symfony2 by adding some simple tags to twig and extending it's configuration
ffmpeg-bundle 57 almost 5 years ago This bundle provides a simple wrapper for the PHP_FFmpeg library, exposing the library as a Symfony service
FlorianvSwapBundle 60 3 months ago This Bundle integrates the Swap library
FMBbCodeBundle 56 9 months ago Adds BBCode support to Symfony project
FMElfinderBundle 274 16 days ago Provides Elfinder filebrowser integration with popular WYSIWYG editors
GnugatWizardBundle 22 about 9 years ago Magically shrinks bundle installation steps into a single command
godfather 25 over 10 years ago A library for the strategy pattern in PHP
guzzle-bundle 99 about 6 years ago Integrates Guzzle
highcharts-bundle 3 over 11 years ago Integrates PHP Highcharts
HTMLPurifierBundle 4 over 12 years ago HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP
IbrowsWizardAnnotationBundle 0 about 4 years ago Give's a Symfony2 controller a simple wizard/workflow with annotations
ImageCropBundle 13 about 2 years ago ImageCrop lets you crop images in Symfony applications, this bundle add a new form field type
JMDUnoconvBundle 0 over 8 years ago Bundle which provides gate for converting files from one format to another via unoconv (LibreOffice) thru php-unoconv library
KayueEssenceBundle 6 almost 11 years ago This bundle integrates the Essence library (an oEmbed library) into Symfony 2
KitpagesDataGridBundle 77 over 2 years ago This bundle provides a simple datagrid bundle
KnpMarkdownBundle 417 over 2 years ago Wrapper for PHP markdown
KnpSnappyBundle 1,234 9 days ago Easily create PDF and images by converting html using webkit
LexikMaintenanceBundle 257 over 2 years ago This Symfony2 bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands in your console
LiipImagineBundle 1,664 about 1 month ago Image manipulation bundle, based on Imagine library
LiipUrlAutoConverterBundle 49 almost 7 years ago Add a Twig Extension for templates with a new filter for automatically converting urls and emails in a string to html links
marshaller-bundle 0 over 9 years ago A PHP library that converts from one format to another
metrics 316 7 months ago Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors
MhorMediaInfoBundle 6 over 7 years ago Integrates php-mediainfo library into the Symfony2 full-stack framework
MobileDetectBundle 398 over 1 year ago Bundle for detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version
MultiParamBundle 16 about 12 years ago MultiParam Annotation Bundle
ObHighchartsBundle 164 4 months ago Aims to ease the use of highcharts to display rich graph and charts
OneupUploaderBundle 603 6 months ago Provides server implementations for several multi file uploader
phone-number-bundle 459 10 months ago Integrates libphonenumber
prezent-grid-bundle 6 3 months ago Integrate the prezent/grid library in Symfony2
query-bus-bundle 1 over 9 years ago QueryBus integration in Symfony
request-object-resolver-bundle 9 10 months ago Denormilize and validate incoming request in your DTO objects
rss-atom-bundle 139 8 months ago RSS and Atom Bundle
Search-SphinxsearchBundle 40 almost 8 years ago Sphinx search bundle
SettingsBundle 113 over 1 year ago Database centric configuration management. Global and per-user settings supported
shorturl-bundle 12 over 8 years ago Provides short URLs for your project
SimpleArrayBundle 2 almost 8 years ago Symfony 2 bundle for simple tags management, based on doctrine 2 simple_array type
sphinx-realtime-bundle 5 almost 7 years ago A bundle which automatically syncs Doctrine entities to a Sphinx real-time index
SphinxsearchBundle 27 about 6 years ago Provide to use Sphinx search
StringGeneratorBundle 17 over 3 years ago This bundle allows you to automatically generate a unique random string on an entity property, useful for creating keys
TbbcCacheBundle 36 over 8 years ago Cache abstraction bundle
TbbcMoneyBundle 192 15 days ago This bundle is used to integrate the Money library from mathiasverraes into a symfony2 project
TemplatedUriBundle Expose the hautelook/TemplatedUriRouter
ThruwayBundle 97 about 2 years ago Bundle for building Real-time Apps in Symfony
timeline-bundle 193 about 1 year ago Symfony2 bundle to make timeline
TransmissionBundle 4 over 6 years ago Bundle for Transmission API client
versioning-bundle 112 about 2 months ago Simple way to version (semantic versioning 2.0.0)
VisithorBundle 16 over 8 years ago Symfony Bundle for PHP Package visithor
BabDevPagerfantaBundle 172 4 months ago Bundle to use Pagerfanta
WidopFrameworkExtraBundle 11 over 10 years ago Adds annotation configuration for Controller classes
WozbeRedirectBundle 5 almost 11 years ago A short bundle to manage many domains

Awesome Symfony / Monitoring

LiipMonitorBundle 467 2 months ago Bundle provides a way to run a series of application related health checks
SoclozMonitoringBundle 69 over 4 years ago A monitoring bundle for production servers

Awesome Symfony / Payments Management

CartBundle 102 over 10 years ago High quality cart for developers
JMSPaymentCoreBundle This bundle provides the foundation for various payment plugins
JMSPaymentPaypalBundle 122 almost 2 years ago Payment Bundle providing access to the PayPal API
MangopayBundle 0 about 8 years ago Mangopay API implementation for Symfony2
PaymentAdyenBundle 6 almost 9 years ago Provides access to the Adyen API. Based on JMSPaymentCoreBundle
PayumBundle 569 26 days ago Rich payment solutions for symfony2. Paypal, Stripe, Payex, Authorize.NET, Be2bill, Klarna, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more

Awesome Symfony / Queues

BernardBundle 96 over 2 years ago Bernard is a multi-backend PHP library for creating background jobs for later processing
GearmanBundle A bundle intended to provide an easy way to support developers who need to use job queues
HeriJobQueueBundle 15 almost 8 years ago This Symfony bundle provides the use of Zend Queue from Zend Framework
JMSJobQueueBundle Allows to schedule console commands as jobs
LeezyPheanstalkBundle 123 about 1 year ago Bundle for Pheanstalk, PHP client for beanstalkd queue
qpush-bundle The QPush Bundle relies on the Push Queue model of Message Queues to provide asynchronous processing in your application
RabbitMqBundle 35 over 6 years ago RabbitMQ bundle
RSQueueBundle 52 about 7 years ago Queues infrastructure based on Redis, with Producer-Consumer and Publisher-Subscriber
Enqueue 2,171 4 days ago Provides a common way for programs to create, send, read messages. Inspired by Java JMS

Awesome Symfony / Reading

Symfony 5: The Fast Track Book written by Symfony's creator, free online
High Performance Websites with Symfony2
Symfony - project tamed
Symfony 4.1 Jobeet Tutorial

Awesome Symfony / Recipes

Symfony Recipes 964 8 days ago Symfony recipes allow the automation of Composer packages configuration via the Symfony Flex Composer plugin
Symfony Recipes (Contrib) 526 12 days ago Symfony recipes allow the automation of Composer packages configuration via the Symfony Flex Composer plugin

Awesome Symfony / Resources

Symfony2 Service Config Converter A simple service to convert services configuration between YAML, XML and INI
Twigfiddle Small development environment to develop, run, store and access Twig code online
Modern PHP cheatsheet 1,275 10 months ago Cheatsheet for some Php knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects

Awesome Symfony / Service Container

CraueConfigBundle 173 about 1 year ago Manages configuration settings stored in the database and makes them accessible via a service in your Symfony 2 project
JMSDiExtraBundle Provides Advanced Dependency Injection Features
KutnyAutowiringBundle 12 over 8 years ago a bundle providing autowiring for service arguments
PHP-DI The dependency injection container for humans

Awesome Symfony / Storage

AliceBundle A Symfony2 bundle to help load Doctrine Fixtures with Alice
AliceFixturesBundle 75 about 8 years ago A Symfony2 bundle for using Alice and Faker with data fixtures
AvSpoolMailerBundle 7 over 6 years ago Store your mails as a spool and send transactionnal direct mails or store it in DB
doctrine-routing-bundle 1 over 9 years ago Dynamic database routing
DoctrineEncryptBundle 71 about 4 years ago Bundle allows you to create doctrine entities with fields that will be protected by encryption algorithms such as AES
DoctrineEnumBundle 459 about 2 months ago Provides support of MySQL ENUM type for Doctrine2
DoctrineFixturesBundle 2,453 3 months ago Integrates the Doctrine2 Data Fixtures library
DoctrineMigrationsBundle 4,199 4 months ago Integrates the Doctrine2 Migrations library
elastica-query-bundle 12 about 6 years ago Query builder bundle for ElasticSearch
FeedBundle 141 15 days ago A bundle to build RSS feeds from your entities
FPNTagBundle 76 over 5 years ago This bundle adds tagging, with the ability to associate tags with any number of different entities
GaufretteBrowserBundle 4 over 9 years ago This Bundle allows you to browse a Gaufrette Filesystem like a Doctrine Connection
KnpGaufretteBundle 716 10 months ago Integrates Gaufrette
MysqlDoctrineFunctions 44 about 1 year ago MySQL Function for Doctrine : RAND(), ROUND() DATE(), DATE_FORMAT()
OneupFlysystemBundle 630 10 days ago Integrates Flysystem
RelationBundle 10 about 10 years ago Bundle to manage relations between models/entities. (Not maintained anymore)
SncRedisBundle 1,036 23 days ago Bundle to integrate Redis into your app
StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle 1,888 about 1 month ago This bundle provides integration for DoctrineExtensions
VichGeographicalBundle 104 almost 8 years ago A bundle which provides geographical features for ORM and ODM entities and object oriented javascript maps rendering
WizadDoctrineDocBundle 15 over 11 years ago Allows you to generate a decent documentation for your doctrine model schema

Awesome Symfony / Template Engine

CgKintBundle 22 about 3 years ago This bundle lets you use the Kint library in your Twig templates
FlashAlertBundle 23 8 months ago Simplified way to handle (add/display) Symfony flash messages
GravatarBundle 129 almost 5 years ago Simple wrapper to gravatar API
KnpTimeBundle 602 4 months ago Provides helpers for time manipulation
swift-css-inliner-bundle 12 about 9 years ago A Swiftmailer plugin that provides css inline features
TwigCacheBundle 59 almost 3 years ago Bundle for asm89/twig-cache-extension
TwigExtraBundle 7 about 10 years ago Twig Extra Tools Extensions
TwigInflectionBundle 3 almost 9 years ago Apply inflection via a Twig extension
TwigJackBundle 23 about 7 years ago Handy additional features for Twig
TwitalBundle 19 2 months ago An attribute template engine built on top of Twig and 100% compatible with all twig's features
UcoTwigExtensionsBundle 5 about 12 years ago Provides some filters

Awesome Symfony / Third Party APIs

AlgoliaSearchBundle 191 3 months ago Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project
CoopTilleulsOvhBundle 29 about 4 years ago Send SMS using the OVH API
GordalinaMixpanelBundle 14 2 months ago Mixpanel integration in Symfony2
SwarrotBundle 89 3 months ago A bundle for swarrot integration
SwmMailHookBundle 37 9 months ago Bundle to catch API webhook from different mail service (Mailjet, Mandrill, custom)
YuccaPrerenderBundle 56 almost 6 years ago Symfony2 Bundle to use

Awesome Symfony / User Management

HWIOAuthBundle 2,264 about 2 months ago OAuth client integration. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2
JmikolaAutoLoginBundle 84 10 months ago This bundle integrates the AutoLogin library with Symfony2, which implements a security firewall listener to authenticate users based on a single query parameter
JMSSecurityExtraBundle Enhances the Security Component with several new features
SamlBundle 16 over 4 years ago The SamlBundle adds support for SAML 2.0 Service Provider in Symfony2
two-factor-bundle 386 almost 3 years ago This Symfony2 bundle provides two-factor authentication for your website

Awesome Symfony / Validation

dms-filter-bundle 77 5 months ago Provides a FilterService to allow users to implement input filtering in entities using Annotations
PasswordStrengthBundle 28 over 4 years ago Validator for ensuring strong passwords
vatin-bundle 27 6 months ago A Symfony2 bundle for the VATIN library (validate VAT identification numbers)

Awesome Symfony / Web Services

api2symfony-bundle 51 over 8 years ago Symfony 2 bundle allowing to automatically generate controllers from standard API specifications
BazingaHateoasBundle 295 9 months ago Integration of the Hateoas library
DunglasAngularCsrfBundle 148 almost 4 years ago Automatic CSRF protection for Symfony APIs used with AngularJS and other major AJAX libraries
DunglasApiBundle 2,419 11 days ago Bundle to build hypermedia-driven REST API
FOSOAuthServerBundle 1,085 9 months ago A server side OAuth2 bundle
FOSRestBundle 2,792 about 2 months ago Provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's & applications
JMSSerializerBundle 1,800 about 2 months ago Easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity
JSONApiBundle 115 over 5 years ago Bundle which provides support for formatting REST reponses to follow the JSON API specification
KnpJsonSchemaBundle 72 about 2 years ago Provide a service which allow you to generate json schema based on validation metadata
LemonRestBundle 123 over 2 years ago An opinionated bundle providing REST endpoints for Doctrine entities
LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle 2,522 2 months ago This bundle provides JWT (Json Web Token) authentication for your REST API using the lcobucci/jwt library
NelmioApiDocBundle 2,224 11 days ago Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations
NelmioCorsBundle 1,887 3 months ago Adds ability to add CORS-related headers based on simple ACL-style per-URL configurations
RateLimitBundle 332 about 1 year ago Add rate limits to your controllers/actions easily through annotations
RequestLimitBundle 11 almost 13 years ago With this bundle you can easy limit requests to your application
ResourceBundle 34 over 9 years ago Bundle that helps in developing REST APIs
SerializedResponseBundle 5 about 10 years ago A simple bundle to provide an easy way to send out json/xml/yaml responses of serialized objects with annotations
SRIORestUploadBundle 46 almost 4 years ago A symfony bundle to handle multiple upload ways on your REST API

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