
Linux on Windows

A curated list of resources and information about running Linux on Windows

Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux


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Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Overview / 5. WSL2

Announcing WSL2 Microsoft blog announcing WSL2
The new Windows subsystem for Linux architecture: a deep dive WSL2 presentation at Microsoft Build 2019
WSL2-Linux-Kernel 8,225 4 months ago The source for the Linux kernel used in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Overview / 7. Details

Windows Subsystem for Linux Overview at MSDN
WSL File System Support at MSDN
WSL System Calls at MSDN
Windows and Ubuntu Interoperability at MSDN
WSL Antivirus and Firewall Compatibility at MSDN
WSL Release Notes from
Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation from
Windows Subsystem for Linux - Update from Microsoft Developer YouTube channel
Windows for Linux Nerds from Microsoft developer Jessie Frazelle

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Overview / 8. Installation

WSL1 Installation Guide Microsoft's official guide for WSL
Windows Server Installation Guide Microsoft's official guide for Windows Server
Windows-Subsystem-For-Linux-Setup 624 about 3 years ago A basic guide for how to get setup with the WSL feature that is included with Windows 10

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Using WSL

Everything You Can Do With Windows 10’s New Bash Shell
The Unix Workbench A book for anyone to get started with Unix/Linux environments
The Art of Command Line 154,018 9 months ago Master the command line in one page
The Bash Academy The Bash Academy is an initiative to promote the bash shell language and educate people on its use
Awesome Command Line Apps 3,971 over 3 years ago
Epic Development Environment Using Windows Subsystem for Linux One developer's approach to their development environment using WSL1
Far More Epic Development Environment using WSL2
Setting Up a Programming Environment via Windows 10 Bash From the computer science department at Old Dominion University
WSL as a Development Environment 167 almost 8 years ago From the computer science department at University of Utah
Using WSL and MobaXterm to Create a Linux Dev Environment on Windows Another developer's approach using the third-party terminal MobaXterm
Setting up my WSL Environment - Azure CLI, Docker and .NET
ubuntu-win-boostrap 26 over 3 years ago A very simple bootstrap script to install some development basic tools on Debian/Ubuntu on WSL
Badass Terminal
We put Linux in your Windows YouTube talk by Windows kernel team member Sarah Cooley on WSL for Windows
Setting Up Windows for Web Development
How to Install LAMP Stack Server on Windows Subsystem Linux
CUDA drivers and toolkit are required to be installed on Windows. 11.7 is recommended
Section 3 will instruct how to install the CUDA requirements inside WSL. The Windows driver will be used through the 5.10 kernel
Arduino setup checklist Checklist to connect Arduino board from WSL 1
programming Learning , , and generally
Azure Building applications for , Microsoft's cloud platform
Python Leveraging the power of the shell and scripting to automate your personal workflow, like OCRing and sorting PDFs into folders using
with Xfce, Gnome, KDE, or i3. 786 about 4 years ago Replacing Windows shell
OpenFOAM Running Linux-based server applications like and locally for testing purposes
Ansible Managing your companies' CentOS servers using
pWSLinux+K8S: The Interop way
Vagrant and Windows Subsystem for Linux

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Supported Distributions

Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 18.04. Supported through April 2023. Very stable but some packages and libraries may be older
Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 20.04. Supported through April 2025
Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 22.04. Most recent update. Newer packages but more likely to encounter bugs. Supported through April 2027
Windows Store Link for Ubuntu Community Preview. These builds are previews for testing new features and ideas, these are for early adopters report issues and give feedback below
Installing Software guide to using apt from Ubuntu
Ubuntu Server Guide from Ubuntu
Ubuntu Community Previews More Information About the Ubuntu Community Previews
Issues and Feedback Report Issues and Give Feedback on the Community Previews Here
Windows Store Link for Debian Stretch
Debian Reference post-installation guide for Debian users with a focus on the command line from Debian
Package Management guide to using apt from Debian
WSL Wiki page from Debian
Windows Store Link for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Windows Store Link for OpenSUSE Leap 15.3
Windows Store Link for OpenSUSE Leap 15.2
Windows Store Link for SUSE Enterprise Linux 15
Managing Software with Command Line Tools from OpenSUSE
OpenSUSE Reference
SUSE Linux Enterprise Documentation from SUSE
Windows Store Link
Kali Linux Official Documentation
Windows Store Link 💰
Fedora Project Documentation
Fedora Remix for WSL Homepage
Fedora Remix for WSL GitHub 749 4 months ago
Windows Store Link 💰
Pengwin GitHub 1,482 6 months ago
Pengwin Enterprise Homepage
Pengwin Enterprise GitHub 64 4 months ago
Microsoft Store Link Demo
Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 7 Update 9
Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 8 Update 5
Oracle Linux 7 Documentation
Oracle Linux 8 Documentation
Windows Store Link

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Unofficial Distributions

miniwsl 73 over 4 years ago A mini Linux distribution for WSL powered by
ArchWSL 6,974 7 months ago ArchLinux in WSL
AlpineWSL 547 5 months ago Alpine in WSL
windows-subsystem-linux-fedora Fedora in WSL
WSLInstall 254 over 4 years ago Install any GNU/Linux distribution userspace in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with compressed RootFS tarballs, Docker containers, or ISO files
wsldl 1,768 3 months ago General purpose WSL installer and launcher
WSL-Distribution-Switcher 1,680 about 3 years ago Scripts to replace the distribution behind WSL with any other Linux distribution published on . Includes alpine, CentOS, Fedora, Clear, and others
acme-wsl 45 almost 6 years ago Install acme / plan9port on Debian, Ubuntu, or Kali Linux distributions on WSL
CentWSL 1,136 about 4 years ago CentOS as a WSL distro
RHWSL 130 about 2 years ago Red Hat Universal Base Image as a WSL distro. If you have a Red Hat Subscription, you can register and subscribe the system and use it as RHEL
FedoraWSL 136 about 2 years ago Fedora as a WSL distro
AmazonWSL 125 about 1 year ago Amazon Linux as a WSL distro
GentooWSL 44 3 months ago Gentoo as a WSL distro
DevuanWSL 20 over 1 year ago Devuan Linux as a WSL Distro. Devuan is a Debian variant without the complexities and dependencies of systemd
ManjaroWSL2 258 3 months ago Manjaro as a WSL2 distro based on wsldl
WSLackware 63 7 months ago Slackware as a WSL distro

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / WSL Tools

X410 X server for Windows 10 on the Microsoft Store. 💰
VcXsrv X server for Windows with hardware acceleration compiled with Visual Studio
GWSL An X server for Windows 10 with an app launcher, distro manager, shortcut creator, and ssh launcher
Xmanager X server for Windows from NetSarang. 💰
Xming open-source version An older X server for Windows. Has not been updated since 2016
Xming commercial version The current version of Xming, that is updated monthly. Donate at least £10 to have access to it. 💰
Cygwin/X Cygwin/X is a port of the X Window System to the Cygwin API layer for Windows
Windows Terminal 96,112 3 months ago The new open-source Windows Terminal
wsltty 3,117 3 months ago Mintty as a terminal for WSL
wsl-terminal 3,124 over 4 years ago A terminal emulator for WSL, based on mintty, fatty and wslbridge
Tabby A terminal for a more modern age
ConEmu ConEmu aims to be handy, comprehensive, fast and reliable terminal where you may host any console application for the Windows command line, PowerShell, or WSL
MobaXterm Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more
extraterm 2,555 3 months ago Open source project to build a terminal emulator and expand it with new features to support modern workflows
Hyper A terminal built on web technologies
Terminator Feature-rich tabbed terminal. Requires X server
Alacritty 56,937 3 months ago A terminal emulator with focus on performance and simplicity
Fluent Terminal 9,239 6 months ago A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies
Ansible-WSL 64 almost 4 years ago Provision WSL using Ansible
LxRunOffline 4,166 about 3 years ago A full-featured utility for managing WSL
Raft WSL Raft is a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distribution manager in native C#/XAML. 💰
WSL GUI Tool 94 about 2 years ago A graphical tool to manage (run, stop, import, export...) WSL
WSL Distro Manager 2,001 4 months ago GUI to manage, copy, distribute WSL distros
wslgit 1,198 about 2 years ago Use git installed on WSL from Visual Studio Code on Windows
pinentry-wsl-ps1 99 almost 2 years ago Store passwords for gpg-agent in Windows Credential Manager
wslexec 44 over 4 years ago Execute Linux executables as .exe files on Windows
wsl-proxy 143 about 3 years ago A collection of 'proxy' batch files that can be used to route requests to the WSL version of a command
wslpath 108 almost 7 years ago Easily convert Windows to WSL path names and vice-versa
wsl-open 493 almost 3 years ago Open files with xdg-open in WSL from Windows applications
OpenInWSL 103 8 months ago Easily Make WSL Linux Apps Windows File Handlers
is-wsl for Node 188 over 1 year ago Check if the current process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux, useful for scripting
wsl-gui-bins 35 almost 3 years ago Start common GUI applications under WSL as under Linux
WSL-Hello-sudo 1,225 almost 2 years ago Use Windows Hello as your credential for
xclip-xsel-WSL 65 over 2 years ago Make and in read and write on the Windows instead of the Linux clipboard.
vim-wsl-copy-paste 18 about 3 years ago Adds mappings in Vim to write and read on the Windows clipboard.
WslShortcut Run WSL commands directly in Windows. Also allows to use WSL / /etc. in or another software. Combines functionality of utilities like , , etc. with simpler usage
community.wsl.sdk 14 7 months ago SDK for Windows Subsystem for Linux for .NET 5, 6 and Standard 2.1
wslu 3,536 4 months ago A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystem, such as enabling sound in WSL and creating your favorite linux GUI application shortcuts on Windows 10
wslpy 74 almost 3 years ago A Python3 library for WSL specific tasks
wsl-vpnkit 2,361 9 months ago Script providing network connectivity to WSL 2 when blocked by VPN
xdg-open-wsl 162 over 1 year ago xdg-open replacement for WSL that opens files and links using Windows applications
ghc A version of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler built and optimized for WSL and hosted in a PPA for Debian and Ubuntu-based WSL distros
BootShellCredentialProvider 786 about 4 years ago BSCP lets you boot Windows directly into a Linux desktop experience such as xfce4 using Windows native login and a combination of Xming & WSL upon login
wsl-dotfiles 262 about 5 years ago Configuration files and scripts for creating an i3-based environment inside WSL
EnumWSL 8 over 7 years ago Enumerates installed WSL packages
WSL-DistroLauncher 1,695 8 months ago Reference launcher app for developing your own WSL distribution Microsoft Store package
WSL_Reverse 82 over 2 years ago Reveal hidden COM interface between WSL and Lxss Manager Service
wslbridge 355 over 4 years ago wslbridge is a Cygwin program that allows connecting to the WSL command-line environment over TCP sockets, as with ssh, but without the overhead of configuring an SSH server
WSLInstall 254 over 4 years ago Install any Linux distribution userspace in WSL with compressed RootFS tarballs (tar.gz) or with Docker containers or with ISO files
cmd-colors-solarized 1,105 over 3 years ago This is a solarized color scheme for the Windows command prompt that works in WSL
weasel-pageant 248 over 4 years ago An ssh-agent compatible helper for interacting with Pageant from processes running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux
wsl2-ssh-pageant 372 over 2 years ago A bridge between Windows Pageant and WSL2
WinCryptSSHAgent 542 9 months ago Using a Yubikey for SSH Authentication on Windows Seamlessly. Supports WSL and WSL2
Files 34,970 3 months ago A modern file explorer that supports WSL filesystem
easyWSL 561 4 months ago Use any Docker image as a WSL distro
setup-wsl 111 3 months ago A GitHub action to install and setup a Linux distribution for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Books

Learn Windows Subsystem for Linux A Practical Guide for Developers and IT Professionals
Pro Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Powerful Tools and Practices for Cross-Platform Development and Collaboration
Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2): Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Stuart Leeks
Windows Subsystem for Linux: Tactics, Mindset and Tips

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Additional Resources

WSL Official Documentation Microsoft
WSL Blog Microsoft
Console Blog Microsoft
WSL-Programs 1,101 about 1 year ago A community powered list of programs that work on the Windows Subsystem for Linux
/r/bashonubuntuonwindows Reddit subreddit
#windows-wsl IRC channel on Libera.Chat
#debian-wsl IRC channel on
WSL on GitHub 17,633 3 months ago For reporting issues with WSL
Microsoft Developer Feedback For developers to send Microsoft feeback on WSL
Portable Node.js guide 1,401 3 months ago Practical guide on how to write portable/cross-platform Node.js code
Stack Overflow: WSL Programming question and answer site
Bash Bash is the GNU Project's shell. Bash is the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh)
Cygwin Cygwin is a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows
Cmder A very nice console emulator built on ConEmu
PuTTY PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform
PowerShell PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language
Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code ("vscode") is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring
Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio is an IDE from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as web sites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store, and Microsoft Silverlight
Windows Services for UNIX SFU is a discontinued software package produced by Microsoft which provided a Unix environment on Windows NT and some of its immediate successor operating-systems. documentation

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / More Awesome

Awesome UNIX 1,553 11 months ago
Awesome Windows
Awesome VSCode 25,227 9 months ago
Awesome Bash 8,030 4 months ago
Awesome Shell 33,372 7 months ago
Awesome Powershell 4,894 11 months ago
Awesome Linux 4,357 about 2 years ago

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Thanks

Tara Raj The Windows 10, WSL, and kernel teams at Microsoft, including but not limited to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Canonical , , , and
Awesome community The on GitHub

Awesome WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux / Intellectual Property Notices

* Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and/or other countries
* Windows®, Windows Server®, Windows 10®, Microsoft®, Microsoft Virtual Academy®, Visual Studio®, Azure®, PowerShell®, and MSDN® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
* EdX® is a registered trademark of edX Inc. All Rights Reserved
* Ubuntu® and Canonical® are registered trademark of Canonical Limited in the United States and/or other countries
* SUSE® and SUSE Linux Enterprise® are registered trademarks of SUSE in the United States and/or other countries
* Red Hat®, CentOS®, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries
* UNIX® is a trademark of The Open Group. Use of The Open Group trademarks are authorized by The Open Group Trademark Guidelines as "Editorial or Articles, but not Advertising" and/or permitted by trademark fair use under United States law
* Debian® is a registered trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries
* Kali Linux® and Offensive Security® are registered trademarks of OffSec Services, Ltd
* Docker® and Docker Hub® are registered trademarks of Docker, Inc
* YouTube® is a registered trademark of Google, LLC
* macOS® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc
githublogo GitHub® and are a registered trademarks of GitHub, Inc
* Oracle and Oracle Linux are trademarks or registered tracemarks of Oracle, Inc
* Gentoo® is a trademark of the Gentoo Foundation, Inc
* The AlmaLinux OS Marks are trademarks of AlmaLinux OS Foundation

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