
Awesome npm resources and tips


4k stars
120 watching
254 forks
last commit: 11 months ago
Linked from 5 awesome lists


Awesome npm / Articles

Small focused modules 143 over 3 years ago
Unix philosophy and Node.js Write programs that do one thing and do it well
Writing small modules
Semver: A Primer
Semver: Tilde and Caret
Offline installation of npm packages
Task automation with npm run
How to use npm as a build tool
Install npm packages globally without sudo on macOS and Linux 2,470 over 1 year ago
Optimizing the footprint of an npm package
The Art of Node 9,796 about 4 years ago An introduction to Node.js and client-side development with npm
Why npm scripts? An introduction to npm scripts with common packages and scripts, as well as a boilerplate project

Awesome npm / Tools / Web

npms Superb package search with deep analysis of package quality using a
NodeICO Package badges Package discovery
npm-stat Statistics charts for packages
npmgraph Visualization of dependencies
npm trends Compare package download counts over time
npm-compare Easily search and compare packages
npm-top npm users by downloads
npm semver calculator Visually explore what versions of a package a semver range matches Redirects to the GitHub repo of an npm package
moiva Discover and compare packages

Awesome npm / Tools / Browser extensions

Octo-Linker Chrome extension to navigate across npm packages on GitHub with ease
npm-hub Chrome extension to explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
github-npm-stats View npm download stats on GitHub
npm-search-update Chrome extension to quickly search for dependencies and monitor changes from the npm registry

Awesome npm / Tools / CLI

zsh-better-npm-completion 465 7 months ago Better ZSH completion for npm
npkill 8,242 about 1 month ago Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders

Awesome npm / Packages / Publishing

np 7,552 about 2 months ago A better
publish-please 737 about 1 month ago Publish packages safely and gracefully
npm-release 102 over 6 years ago Making releasing to npm so easy a kitten could probably do it™
pkgfiles 84 over 2 years ago List all files which would be published in a package
release-it 7,956 14 days ago Automate releases for Git repositories and/or npm packages. Changelog generation, GitHub/GitLab releases, etc
semantic-release 20,616 5 days ago Fully automated package publishing

Awesome npm / Packages / Registry

npm-name 284 8 months ago Check whether a package name is available on npm
package-json 236 3 months ago Get the package.json of a package from the npm registry
latest-version 53 7 months ago Get the latest version of an npm package
npm-keyword 52 7 months ago Get a list of npm packages with a certain keyword
npm-user 57 7 months ago Get user info of an npm user
npm-email 32 7 months ago Get the email of an npm user
npm-user-packages 3 about 7 years ago Get packages by an npm user
dpn 27 about 7 years ago Get the dependents of a user's npm packages
npm-stats 51 over 8 years ago Get data from an npm registry
npm-cli-login 114 about 1 year ago Log in to npm
nrm 2,805 13 days ago Registry manager
npm-register 482 9 months ago Easy to set up and maintain npm registry and proxy
verdaccio 16,312 4 days ago Lightweight private npm proxy registry
cloudsmith A fully managed package management SaaS with support for public and private npm registries (and many others)

Awesome npm / Packages / Other

npm-home 198 2 months ago Open the npm page of a package
gh-home 191 3 months ago Open the GitHub page of a package
david 969 almost 2 years ago Check if your package dependencies are out of date
npm-check 6,579 7 days ago Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies, as well as interactive update
npm-upgrade 341 over 1 year ago Update outdated npm dependencies interactively
npm-shrinkwrap 774 about 4 years ago A consistent shrinkwrap tool
npm-windows-upgrade 2,531 over 3 years ago Upgrade npm on Windows
generator-nm 743 5 months ago Scaffold out an npm package
package-up 159 11 months ago Find the closest package.json file
read-package-up 258 11 months ago Read the closest package.json file
normalize-package-data 196 10 days ago Normalize package metadata
package-config 120 11 months ago Get namespaced config from the closest package.json
npm-run-path 104 about 1 month ago Run locally installed binaries in the terminal by name like with global ones
local-npm 1,157 over 4 years ago Use npm
npe 92 over 2 years ago CLI for inspecting and editing properties in package.json
engine-deps 20 almost 9 years ago Manage Node.js version specific dependencies with ease
enpeem-search 4 over 8 years ago Search packages by scraping the npm web search
npm-issues 48 over 8 years ago Search known issues of all your packages at once
john 42 over 7 years ago Make npm3's flat dependencies easier to find and sort
ntl 934 5 months ago Interactive CLI menu to list & run npm tasks
decheck 9 almost 3 years ago Explore dependencies of npm packages in the command-line
shrinkpack 793 over 1 year ago Lock down your dependencies and install offline
redrun 122 7 months ago Expand scripts from package.json to improve execution speed
package-size 425 over 2 years ago Get the bundle size of an npm package
synp 753 23 days ago Convert yarn.lock to package-lock.json and vice versa
npm-run-all 5,712 about 2 months ago CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or serial
onchange 815 about 1 month ago Watch files and folders and run a command when something changed
cli-error-notifier 72 about 1 year ago Sends native desktop notifications when npm scripts fail
luna 1,007 over 2 years ago App to manage npm dependencies
emma-cli 1,230 24 days ago Interactive CLI package search utility
lockfile-lint 782 23 days ago Lint lockfiles for improved security and trust policies to mitigate malicious package injection and insecure lockfile resources

Awesome npm / Clients

yarn 41,406 10 days ago Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management
npm 8,384 3 days ago The official client
pnpm 29,332 3 days ago Fast, disk space efficient package manager

Awesome npm / Tips / Standalone version of a package[email protected]

Awesome npm / FAQ

Check in node_modules vs. shrinkwrap
What is the difference between Bower and npm?
What does ^ mean in package.json versioning?
Find the version of an installed npm package
What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies, and peerDependencies in package.json?

Awesome npm / Community

#npm on Freenode
Stack Overflow

Awesome npm / Documentation

Troubleshooting 17,532 about 4 years ago
Semantic versioning
Fixing npm permissions
npm run script
Stats API 329 over 4 years ago

Awesome npm / Support
Contact form
awesome-nodejs 58,052 about 2 months ago

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