
Open Science Tools

A curated list of tools and projects related to open science, including computation environments, peer-review, document writing, discovery, data management, reproducibility, project management, and training resources.

some links to projects/tools related to "open science".


151 stars
16 watching
15 forks
Language: Haskell
last commit: over 7 years ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists

awesome-open-science / computation environments

IPython Notebook (evolving into ): A browser-based notebook with support for code, rich text, mathematical expressions, inline plots and other rich media
Maxima : A computer algebra system developed in Lisp for (symbolic) mathematical computations
Sage Math Cloud : Provides Sage, Python, and other environments for computing on the cloud; also provides terminal access and git commands for cloning repositories

awesome-open-science / peer-review : Steps towards annotating and peer-reviewing the Web

awesome-open-science / document writing

Authorea : Backed by Pandoc and Git for collaborative document writing
ShareLaTeX : Online collaborative LaTeX editor
WriteLaTeX : Online collaborative LaTeX editor

awesome-open-science / discovery


awesome-open-science / data management

Academic Torrents : Publish large datasets as torrents
Dat-Data : Dat is an open source project that provides a streaming interface between every file format and data storage backend

awesome-open-science / reproducibility

Code as a Research Object : Assign a DOI to your code and make it citable
Figshare : Platform for making research artefacts uploadable and citable
Reproduced papers : Collection of links to various researchers reproducing particular papers
Zenodo : Platform to host versions of code that can be cited; can be linked to GitHub
steps towards reproducible research : A tutorial/best practices for making your research reproducible

awesome-open-science / project management

GitHub : (Naturally.)
Open science framework : Collect together various sources (GitHub, DropBox, etc) into one spot
Trello and (open source self-hosted alternative): Keep track of to-do items in various lists of lists; keep track of figures, comments, questions, issues, etc

awesome-open-science / organisations

Center for Open Science
Mozilla Science Lab

awesome-open-science / journals/preprint servers

ArXiv : e-Print archive
ECCC : The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity - new papers in TCS
SciRate : Front for the , with voting and comments and accounts

awesome-open-science / training/meetups

software carpentry

awesome-open-science / community wikis

Complexity Zoo : Definitions of complexity classes in theoreticaly computer science
Mozilla Science Lab Forum
nLab : A wiki-lab for collaborative work on Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy — especially from the n-point of view: insofar as these subjects are usefully treated with tools and notions of category theory or higher category theory

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