
A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources


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Linked from 8 awesome lists

awesome-mysql / Analysis

Anemometer 1,385 almost 3 years ago Box SQL slow query monitor
innodb-ruby 1,667 over 1 year ago A parser for InnoDB file formats, in Ruby
innotop 757 8 days ago a 'top' clone for MySQL with many features and flexibility
MySQL Explain Analyzer 92 over 1 year ago A web-based analyzer of output, providing comments, scalability analysis and permalinks for saved samples
mysql-statsd 99 over 3 years ago A Python daemon to collect information from MySQL and send it via StatsD to Graphite
MySQLTuner-perl 8,865 22 days ago A script that allows you to review a MySQL installation quickly and make adjustments to increase performance and stability
Prometheus 55,095 3 days ago / - Time series database for real-time monitoring and alerting
pstop 204 4 months ago a top-like program for MySQL, collecting, aggregating and displaying information from performance_schema
Wireshark a protocol analyzer that can decode the MySQL protocol
Dolphie 592 15 days ago a modern terminal tool for real-time analytics into MySQL/MariaDB & ProxySQL

awesome-mysql / Backup

Dumpling 36,985 5 days ago Logical, parallel backup/dumper tool for MySQL/TiDB written in GoLang - support csv format output and integrated as library
MyDumper 2,495 9 days ago Logical, parallel backup/dumper tool for MySQL
Percona Xtrabackup 1,271 16 days ago an open-source hot backup utility for MySQL - based servers that doesn’t lock your database during the backup

awesome-mysql / Benchmarking

go-tpc 177 about 1 month ago A golang port of and benchmark for MySQL
iibench-mysql 46 almost 7 years ago Java based version of the Index Insertion Benchmark for MySQL/Percona/MariaDB
Sysbench 6,046 about 2 months ago a modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
TPCC-MySQL 479 over 6 years ago (archived) - A port of the popular benchmark for MySQL

awesome-mysql / Binlog-Replication

DM 424 8 days ago A High-Availability data migration platform which supports migrating data from MySQL/MariaDB to TiDB and merging shard tables
Kingbus 888 over 3 years ago A distributed MySQL binlog storage system built on Raft
mysql-ripple 371 over 3 years ago (archived) - Ripple, a server that can serve as a middleman in MySQL replication

awesome-mysql / ChatOps

Hubot MySQL ChatOps 90 over 10 years ago

awesome-mysql / Configuration

mysql-compatibility-config 94 over 7 years ago make MySQL configuration behave more like newer (or older) releases of MySQL

awesome-mysql / Connectors

DBD::MariaDB 32 3 months ago MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
DBD::mysql 62 16 days ago MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
go-sql-driver 14,479 about 1 month ago a lightweight and fast MySQL-Driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package
libAttachSQL 31 about 4 years ago libAttachSQL is a lightweight, non-blocking C API for MySQL servers
MariaDB Connector/J 333 about 2 months ago LGPL-licensed MariaDB Client Library for Java Applications
mex-mariadb 2 almost 2 years ago MIT licensed MariaDB/MySQL Client Library for GNU Octave and Matlab
MySQL C API Official C driver for MySQL
MySQL Connector/C++ 630 3 months ago Official C/C++ driver for MySQL
MySQL Connector/J 897 16 days ago a standardized database driver for the Java platforms and development
MySQL Connector/NET 290 12 days ago a standardized database driver for .Net platforms and development
MySQL Connector/Node.js 153 12 months ago Official Node.js driver for MySQL
MySQL Connector/Python 873 3 months ago a standardized database driver for Python platforms and development
mysqlclient-python 2,442 27 days ago MySQL database connector for Python
node-mysql A pure Nodejs Javascript client implementing the MySQL protocol
PHP mysqlnd MySQL native driver for PHP
PyMySQL 7,654 17 days ago MySQL database connector for Python
Ruby Mysql2 gem 2,244 29 days ago MySQL driver for Ruby and Rails projects
MyZql 23 23 days ago MySQL and MariaDB driver in native Zig

awesome-mysql / Deployment

dbdeployer 705 11 months ago (archived) - A tool that installs one or more MySQL servers within seconds, easily, securely, and with full control
MariaDB4j 835 19 days ago A Java launcher to run MariaDB without installation or external dependencies
MySQL Docker Official Docker images

awesome-mysql / Development

Flywaydb 8,133 11 days ago Database migrations; Evolve your database schema easily and reliably across all your instances
Liquibase 4,647 8 days ago Source control for your database
Shift 738 over 1 year ago An application that helps you run schema migrations on MySQL databases
Skeema 1,264 8 days ago Declarative pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL and MariaDB, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools
SQLE 1,426 5 days ago SQLE is a SQL audit platform for DBA or developer
Test database 4,043 2 months ago A sample MySQL database with an integrated test suite, used to test applications and servers

awesome-mysql / GUI

Adminer 6,213 4 months ago Database management in a single PHP file
DBeaver 39,430 8 days ago A cross-platform SQL and NoSQL database client
HeidiSQL 4,737 16 days ago MySQL GUI frontend for Windows
ILLA Cloud 11,429 13 days ago Low-code internal tool builder integrated with Mysql, can be used as GUI for Mysql
mycli 11,421 about 2 months ago A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting
MySQL Shell 189 3 months ago Advanced client and code editor for MySQL that supports development and administration for the MySQL Server and MySQL InnoDB cluster (AdminAPI) with an interactive JavaScript, Python, or SQL interface
MySQL Workbench 891 3 months ago provides DBAs and developers an integrated tools environment for database design & modeling; SQL devleopment; database administration
Ocelot GUI 62 10 days ago GUI client for MySQL or MariaDB, including debugger
OmniDB: Web tool for database management 3,164 over 1 year ago
Percona Monitoring and Management 622 11 days ago An open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL performance
phpMyAdmin 7,227 5 days ago a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web
pspg 2,462 8 days ago provides a pager with enhanced visualization and navigation for tabular data. Originally implemented for PostgreSQL, but also supports MySQL
Sequel Ace 6,663 3 days ago a Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases
SQLyog Community edition 2,185 2 months ago SQLyog Community edition. For Windows, works fine under wine in Mac and Linux
WebDB 168 8 days ago – Open Source and Efficient Database IDE. Featuring Easy server connection, Modern ERD, Intelligent data generator, AI assistant, NoSQL structure manager, Time machine and Powerful query editor

awesome-mysql / HA

Galera Cluster 447 about 2 months ago a true Multimaster Cluster based on synchronous replication
mha4mysql-node 402 over 4 years ago and (both unmaintained) - Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL
Orchestrator 5,609 3 months ago MySQL replication topology management and High Availability solution
Percona Replication Manager 3 23 days ago Asynchronous MySQL replication manager agent for Pacemaker. Supports file and GTID based replication, geo-distributed clusters using booth
replication-manager 647 8 days ago a high availability solution to manage MariaDB 10.x and MySQL & Percona Server 5.7 GTID replication topologies

awesome-mysql / Proxy

MySQL Proxy 419 over 9 years ago (deprecated) - A simple program that sits between your client and MySQL server(s) that can monitor, analyze or transform their communication
MySQL Router MySQL Router is part of InnoDB cluster, and is a lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and back-end MySQL Servers
ProxySQL 5,955 8 days ago High performance proxy for MySQL

awesome-mysql / Replication

data-diff 2,934 5 months ago Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases

awesome-mysql / Schema

common_schema 128 over 4 years ago DBA's framework for MySQL, providing a function library, views library and QueryScript interpreter
sys 827 about 2 years ago A collection of views, functions and procedures to help MySQL administrators get insight in to MySQL Database usage

awesome-mysql / Security

Acra 1,350 18 days ago SQL database protection suite: strong selective encryption, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection system

awesome-mysql / Server

MariaDB 5,584 10 days ago Community developed fork of MySQL server
MySQL Server & MySQL Cluster 10,733 about 2 months ago Official Oracle's MySQL server & MySQL Cluster distribution
Percona Server 1,139 9 days ago An enhanced, drop-in MySQL replacement
TiDB 36,985 5 days ago A distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol

awesome-mysql / Sharding

Jetpants 1,136 over 7 years ago An automation suite for managing large range sharding clusters, by Tumblr
Vitess 18,479 3 days ago vitess provides servers and tools which facilitate scaling of MySQL databases for large scale web services

awesome-mysql / Toolkits

gh-ost 12,296 about 2 months ago GitHub's online schema migration for MySQL
go-mysql 4,580 9 days ago A pure go library to handle MySQL network protocol and replication
MySQL Utilities 265 almost 5 years ago (deprecated) - a collection of command-line utilities, written in Python, that are used for maintaining and administering MySQL servers, either individually, or within Replication hierarchies
Percona Toolkit 1,130 12 days ago a collection of advanced command-line tools to perform a variety of MySQL server and system tasks that are too difficult or complex to perform manually
UnDROP 384 about 1 year ago a tool to recover data from dropped or corrupted InnoDB tables

Resources / e-books

Database Systems Lecture Notes lecture notes on Database Systems (available in pdf, html, odt and markdown) including a Chapter on SQL that covers basic set-up, exercises and problems
SQL-exercise 1,337 11 months ago contains several SQL exercises, including the schema description figure, SQL code to build schema, questions and solutions in SQL. Based on wikibook

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