
Everything awesome related to npm scripts and using npm as a build tool.


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last commit: almost 2 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome npm Scripts / Articles

Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp Blog post by Keith Cirkel
How to Use npm as a Build Tool Sequel to »Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp«
Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts Article by Cory House
Helpers and tips for npm run scripts Blog post by Michael Kühnel covering advanced topics
Running cross-platform tasks via npm package scripts The most comprehensive guide to using npm Scripts by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Awesome npm Scripts / Videos/Talks

Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts Talk at Nordic.js 2015 by Kate Hudson
How to create a build system with npm scripts Video tutorial series on setting up a front-end build system

Awesome npm Scripts / Task Runners

script-runner 27 about 6 years ago Simple task runner with a terse syntax
npm-run-all 5,712 about 2 months ago Fully featured task runner
redrun 122 7 months ago Expand scripts from package.json to improve execution speed

Awesome npm Scripts / File Watchers

onchange 815 about 1 month ago
watch 1,273 over 1 year ago

Awesome npm Scripts / Dev Servers

http-server 13,587 6 days ago Simple zero-configuration command-line http server
live-server 4,418 5 months ago Simple development http server with live reload capability

Awesome npm Scripts / Cross-platform Utilities

rimraf 5,634 2 months ago Delete files or directories; like
del-cli 311 about 1 year ago Safer file and folder deletion
mkdirp Create a directory, creating parent directories if needed; like
cpr 79 over 3 years ago for Node.js
cpy-cli 345 8 months ago File/directory copying/renaming
copyfiles 411 3 months ago Copy a list of files into a directory
sync-files 43 almost 6 years ago -like directory syncing with watch mode
echo-cli 6 almost 3 years ago Cross-platform with JS escape sequence support
clear-cli 44 almost 3 years ago Clear the terminal
cross-env 6,318 almost 4 years ago Set environment variables for scripts, unix-style
cross-os 43 10 months ago Run platform-specific npm scripts
ntee 23 over 5 years ago Utility that reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files; like Unix
catw Print a file to stdout, with optional watch mode; sorta like Unix

Awesome npm Scripts / Cross-platform Utilities / Utility Packs

shx 1,721 3 months ago Collection of common Unix utilities implemented in Node.js; example usage:

Awesome npm Scripts / Other Utilities

hashmark 195 over 4 years ago Take contents of a file and output as new file with a hash in the name
gzip-size-cli 188 almost 3 years ago Get the gzipped size of a file or stdin
opn-cli 418 10 months ago Open websites, files, executables, etc. with the user's preferred application
headr 3 about 8 years ago Add header / banner info to a file
Bower files CLI 3 12 months ago Get main bower files on the command line
cli-error-notifier 72 about 1 year ago Send native desktop notifications when npm scripts fail

Awesome npm Scripts / Miscellaneous

screwy 114 almost 6 years ago The npm scripts GUI
Forrest 341 over 5 years ago npm scripts desktop client
run-npm 185 almost 6 years ago Run locally-installed node module executables. Useful for debugging npm scripts
npm-quick-run 140 over 2 years ago Quickly run npm scripts by prefix without typing the full name
edit-script 10 almost 2 years ago Edit npm scripts from the command line without worrying about JSON escaping
ntl 934 5 months ago Interactive cli menu to list and run npm scripts

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