
A curated list of awesome HTML5 Canvas with examples, related articles and posts.


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Awesome Canvas / Canvas / Examples

30.000 particles [ ] • A result of a study creating performant particles with Canvas 2D
Canvas Colour Cycling [ ] • This demo is an implementation of a full 8-bit color cycling engine, rendered into an HTML5 Canvas in real-time
Canvas Loader [ ] • Reference to make loaders using canvas
Circular Rings [ ] • A great example about how to create circular rings using canvas
Cloth 3D Effect (Google Chrome strongly recommended) • Thid demo renders a 3d model of Apple iPod with sphere environmental mapping technique
Cloth Effect [ ] • A cloth 3D effect fork
Colorful Particles [ ] • Experiment show how to generates random particles. Very simple code for assimilate
Distance Field Waves [ ] • A example about GPU rendering shader experiments with procedural 3D scene generation using ray marching and distance field (also known as 'sphere tracing') rendering techniques
Draw Table [ ] • A simple example about events using canvas
Fibrous Texture [ ] • Simple canvas based animation; draws random lines across the field. Makes an interesting papery pattern that becomes increasingly detailed with each iteration
Image Nodes [ ] • Interactive nodes built from image data. Use the mouse to play
Inception [ ] • Generates a scrawl of a city, a canvas HTML5 experiment. Based on Inception movie
JS Metaballs [ ] • Experiment for Chrome. Mix of webkit-filter and canvas for a metaballs effect
Just Canvas [ ]• This is a JavaScript experiment to capture movements. Just Dance Idea + HTML5 Canvas Implementation
Linjer • Amazing experiment about nodes effects in addition with cloth and animation effect
Liquid Particles • A good example about Liquid Particles
LucidChart • A complete tool to draw diagrams and other geometric forms, made in canvas
L-System Turtle Fractal Renderer • A example about fractal renderer using canvas
Matrix Animation [ ] • A Matrix Rain animation using canvas
Motion Graphic Typeface [ ] • A example about typeface animation
Neatnait Canvas Rain [ ] • A reference to create rain particles
Particles [ ] • Reference to create astonishing particles
Particles.js [ ] • Beautiful particles created using canvas
Ping Pong Game [ ] • Besides being a good example, it also is a tutorial about game made with canvas
Pirates Love Daisies • A entire game created using canvas
PixelCraft 1,264 over 1 year ago • A pixel-art editor made using canvas
Raining Day [ ] • Raindrops using canvas. It's Neatnait Canvas Rain fork
Space Noodles • Amazing example about line movement and animation
Star Time Lapse Effect [ ] • An example about creating a star time-lapse sky using canvas
Tree in the Breeze [ ] • Demo about generating 2D trees in canvas
Trigonoparty! [ ] • Simple trigonometry visualisation
tsParticles examples Collection of particles animations samples
Video Destruction • Block based destruction of HTML5 video, best viewed in webkit based browsers
Wipers [ ] • Wipers receiving life with canvas
3D Lorenz Atractor [ ] • A simple canvas example showing a Lorenz atractor
3D Movement in HTML5 Canvas [ ] • Excelent example about vector postion and movement
3D Space Craft • A Space Craft made and rotating with canvas
Wormz • Particles experiment

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / To draw using canvas

Akihabara is HTML5 games library for making pixel based games using Javascript and the canvas tag
Chart.js 64,458 11 days ago is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating dynamic and visually appealing charts using the HTML5 Canvas element
ChemDoodle is an open source chemistry and chem-informatics toolkit where canvas is being used to solve common chemistry related tasks, displaying the molecules in a variety of different ways
d3 108,502 9 days ago (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards. D3 helps you bring data to life using SVG, Canvas and HTML
EaselJS is a JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy. Useful for creating games, generative art, and other highly graphical experiences. EaselJS is part of CreateJS - a modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5
fabric.js provides interactive object model on top of canvas element and also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser
iio.js 455 about 6 years ago A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications
isomerjs An isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas
Javascript-Voronoi 1,015 about 1 year ago A Javascript implementation of Fortune's algorithm to compute Voronoi cells
Konva 11,403 26 days ago Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications
Origami.js 767 over 1 year ago JS Lib to redesign canvas API interface
p5.js p5.js is a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences
Paper.js 14,453 2 months ago Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas
Pencil.js Nice modular Javascript library with clear OOP syntaxe and lots of features
Pixi.js Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback
Processingjs is a data visualization programming language

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / To draw using canvas / Processingjs

91 basic demos

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / To draw using canvas

Proton 2,410 7 days ago is a lightweight and powerful javascript particle engine. With it you can easily create countless cool effects
Pts.js Pts is a javascript library for visualization and creative-coding
Rough.js Rough.js is a graphics library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style
Scrawl-canvas easily add multiple responsive, accessible and interactive <canvas> elements to a web page
Sketch 4,091 about 1 year ago Cross-Platform JavaScript Creative Coding Framework
Three.js is a javascript library that makes WebGL - 3D in the browser, however you can

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / To draw using canvas / Three.js

Some amazing examples

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / To draw using canvas

tsParticles is a lightweight library for creating easily particles animations. It includes ready to use components for the most used Javascript frameworks (ReactJS, VueJS, Angular, etc.)
Visualize 353 about 2 years ago is a JQuery plugin who creates charts and graphs from tabular data using the HTML canvas element
zDog 10,344 about 1 year ago Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
ZIM ZIM is a general Canvas Framework with simple, powerful JavaScript that lets everyone, from beginners to professionals, code creativity
zrender 6,022 about 2 months ago A lightweight canvas library which providing 2d draw for Apache ECharts (incubating)

Awesome Canvas / Libraries / For other purposes, but still use canvas

React Canvas 13,168 about 2 years ago High performance

Awesome Canvas / Resources / Talks

Google I/O 2012 - GRITS: PvP Gaming with HTML, by Colton McAnlis
Mobile HTML5 Graphics Performance, by Sam Abadir
The Making of an HTML5 Platform Game, by David Geary
High Performance Mobile Web Game Development in HTML5, by Sangmin Shim
HTML5 Canvas Animation with Javascript, by Josh Robertson

Awesome Canvas / Resources / Books

HTML5 Canvas by Steve Fulton, Jeff Fulton - O'Reilly. Updated:
HTML5 Canvas For Dummies by Don Cowan
Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment by Rob Hawkes
HTML5 Canvas Cookbook by Eric Rowell
HTML Canvas Deep Dive by Josh Marinacci

Awesome Canvas / Resources / Twitter

@jeresig Creator of
@mrdoob Creator of
@soulwire Creator of and actively creating and sharing canvas/WebGL experiments
@spielzeugz Actively creating and sharing canvas experiments
@paul_irish Active contributor and write a
@end3r HTML5 game developer and EnclaveGames indie studio founder

Awesome Canvas / Resources / Websites and Tutorials

Mozilla Developer Network Canvas Tutorial This tutorial describes how to use the
HTML5 Canvas Tutorials
31 days of canvas
Dev.Opera: HTML5 Canvas — the Basics This article takes you through the basics of implementing a 2D canvas context, and using the basic canvas functions, including lines, shape primitives, images, text, and more. You are assumed to have mastered JavaScript basics already
Breakout a fantastic tutorial for any canvas programming wannabes, where he runs through the steps needed to create a Breakout clone. The tutorial consists of 12 very clear and concise steps, where you can view a demo of how your project should look so far
Canvas Demos by David Walsh 9 Mind-Blowing Canvas Demos with their respective source code
Procedural Drawing in Canvas a tutorial that explains more about how procedural drawing works so that others can also learn the skill and start producing their own patterns
The canvas element in the HTML5 draft standard
Internet Explorer 9 Guide for Developers: HTML5 canvas element
Accelerated Game Programming with HTML5 and canvas this tutorial describes the structure of a typical game class in JavaScript, drawing to the canvas, double buffering, map/tile representation and player movement
Physics for Lazy Game Developers Provides examples of velocity, acceleration, collisions, rotation and particle effects
Draw Particles using HTML5 Canvas Shortcut tutorial shows how create simple and colorful particles
Create a game chracter with HTML5 and JavaScript - Part 1
Create a game chracter with HTML5 and JavaScript - Part 2
Khan Academy - Hour of Drawing with Code
Making a Lunar Lander in JavaScript A 5 lesson tutorial that explain how to make a Lunar Lander game in JavaScript
W3Schools Canvas Tutorial Tutorial covering various features and methods and with many practical examples

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