
Security toolkit

A curated list of resources and tools to help developers secure their Ruby applications.

Awesome Ruby Security resources


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Tools / Web Framework Hardening

secure-headers 3,164 3 months ago Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults
Rack::Attack 5,577 3 months ago Middleware for blocking and throttling requests

Tools / Multi tools

Ronin 700 3 months ago Ronin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development
Salus 25 about 1 year ago Multi purpose security scanning tool supporting Ruby, Node, Python and Go
Snyk Continuously and automatically finds & fixes vulnerabilities for Ruby and other languages

Tools / Static Code Analysis

brakeman 7,033 3 months ago A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
rubocop-gitlab-security A set of rules to extend rubocop with additional security rules
dawnscanner 736 about 1 year ago A static analysis security scanner for ruby applications. It supports Sinatra, Padrino and Ruby on Rails frameworks
git-secrets 12,504 11 months ago Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories
DevSkim 920 3 months ago DevSkim is a set of IDE plugins and rules that provide security "linting" capabilities. Also has support for CLI so it can be integrated into CI/CD pipeline
ban-sensitive-files 64 3 months ago Checks filenames to be committed against a library of filename rules to prevent storing sensitive files in Git. Checks some files for sensitive contents (for example authToken inside .npmrc file)
rails_best_practices 4,170 about 2 years ago A static code analyzer for Ruby on Rails applications that finds - among other things - common patterns that might lead to security vulnerabilities
Rails Application Routes Parser A script that print out ruby on rails application routes/URLs
Bearer 2,112 3 months ago A code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks

Tools / Vulnerabilities and Security Advisories

bundler-audit Patch-level verification for Ruby apps
ruby-advisory-db 1,025 3 months ago Open source database of security advisories that are relevant to Ruby libraries
GemScanner 3 almost 4 years ago GemScanner identifies depreciated versions of gems in your ruby on rails project

Educational / Hacking Playground

RailsGoat 872 7 months ago A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10
DeleteMe 3 over 10 years ago Educational insecure Rails application

Educational / Articles & Guides

Rails Security Guides The essentials to read when dealing with Rails Applications
Securing Ruby and Rails Apps Applying static code analysis and dependency checking in your CI/CD pipeline
OWASP Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet This Cheatsheet intends to provide quick basic Ruby on Rails security tips for developers. It complements, augments or emphasizes points brought up in the rails security guide from
Rails security checklist 1,361 over 2 years ago 🔑 Community-driven Rails Security Checklist
Attacking Ruby on Rails Applications Phrack article by on finding security vulnerabilities in Rails applications
Zen Rails Security Checklist 1,817 about 5 years ago A well-documented Rails security checklist
Rails security best practices 1,031 about 2 years ago A good overview of usefull things to look out for when working with Rails
Securing Rails Application from developers perspective A detailed blog on Ruby on Rails security from developers perspective that contains OWASP Top & other application issues with fixes / recommendation and fix codes
Rubyfu Offensive security book for rubyist ( )
Ruby gem installations can expose you to lockfile injection attacks security blindspots of lockfile injection in the Ruby ecosystem

Educational / Newsletters

Security for Developers Newsletter catering towards developers and covering many languages

Other / Reporting Bugs

Ruby Bug Bounty Program Found a bug in the Ruby language? Report it there
Ruby Security Updates Follow the latest security announcements

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