
Serverless guide

A curated collection of resources and information about serverless computing and architectures

DEPRECATED: Curated list of resources related to serverless computing and serverless architectures.


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Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Serverless / General homepage
Documentation Documentation
Forum Official Serverless forum
Meetups List with all official Serverless meetups
Stack Overflow Stack Overflow questions
ServerlessConf Serverless specialized conference
Serverless Weekly A weekly newsletter about serverless architectures and paradigms
Serverless working group 1,518 9 months ago CNCF serverless working group
Serverless Summit Conference about serverless technologies / computing
Serverless Plugin Directory A directory of Serverless Framework plugins
OpenEvents A specification for describing event data in a common way
The power of serverless Overview why serverless is a great choice - especially for frontend developers

Awesome Serverless / Blogs

Serverless Code Blog about everything serverless related
Serverless Zone Everything Serverless related
Serverless Blog Official blog of the Serverless Framework
Serverless Stories Medium publication from the team behind the Serverless Framework
Going Serverless Blog about serverless architectures and the Serverless Framework
Foobar Tech Blog about serverless architectures and programming in general
Serverless Guy Blog about a "life without servers"
Serverless City News, products, opinions, howtos, and everything you need to know to be a Serverless Citizen
FaaS Forward Learning & living on the FaaS-Lane
ServerlessOps Design, build and run reliable serverless systems

Awesome Serverless / Blog posts

Serverless computing requires a shift in mindset Why IT leaders must communicate business value when talking about serverless solutions
Hosted vs. installable serverless platforms Survey which covers hosted vs. installable serverless solutions
Launching TriggerMesh TriggerMesh (serverless management platform on top of knative) announcement blog post
Serverless without containers How Cloudflare utilizes the v8 engine to isolate and run Cloudflare Workers written in Node.js
Takeaways from ServerlessNYC 2018 Key takeaways from the ServerlessNYC 2018 conference
Serverless & Functions - Not one and the same Post about the differences between serverless computing and FaaS
Serverless for startups Why serverless is the fastest way to build a technology idea
Serverless monitoring, security, frameworks, tools Post about the different serverless monitoring, security, framework and tooling solutions
Writing portable serverless applications Post on how to write portable serverless applications that can run on different compute environments
Serverless sea change Article which defines and explains how serverless is different from other application architectures
Serverless Instant Checkout Links with Square An example showing how to build serverless instant checkout links backed by Square APIs

Awesome Serverless / Screencasts

Build apps faster with Azure Serverless Walkthrough of the Microsoft Azure Functions serverless offering
FaaS performance comparison Comparing serverless function performance
Introduction to Kubeless Video which introduces the Kubeless project and their Serverless Framework integration
What's new in Serverless v1.22 Video walkthrough about all the new features in Serverless v1.22
Kuhiro: Birth of the NearCloud Video which explains the concepts of NearCloud
How to build a regionally distributed serverless architecture Webinar on how to build a regionally distributed serverless architecture
Autoscaling DynamoDB with the Serverless Framework Walkthrough on how to use DynamoDB autoscaling functionality with the Serverless Framework
Building React + Serverless full stack apps How to build full stack apps using React and the Serverless Framework
Become a serverless black belt AWS online tech talk on how to optimize serverless applications
Jazz serverless developer teaser T-Mobiles Jazz serverless developer teaser

Awesome Serverless / Talks

The serverless and event-driven future How the Event Gateway enables a new way to build event-driven applications
Serverless, Not So FaaS CloudNativeCon 2018 Keynote by Kelsey Hightower, Kubernetes Community Member, Google
Bringing serverless to Rock 'n Roll Podcast on how Fender utilizes serverless technologies for their digital learning platform
Using the Event Gateway to build serverless multi-cloud applications How the Event Gateway can be used to build multi-cloud applications
Deep dive into serverless Slide deck about serverless application development
Discussing serverless Podcast about the serverless landscape
Confusion in the land of the serverless Sam Newmans talk about serverless technologies at GOTO 2018
Serverless state of the union Austen Collins keynote talk about serverless and the state of the union at the Open Source Summit 2018
ServerlessConf SF 2018 videos Talks from the ServerlessConf SF 2018
Serverless at iRobot How serverless technologies are used at iRobot

Awesome Serverless / Projects

Official joke API 871 4 months ago Vue Jokester application backend
Event Gateway Getting Started 50 over 6 years ago Walkthrough application for using the Event Gateway
Utils General Serverless utilities
CloudWatch public metrics 28 almost 6 years ago Expose AWS CloudWatch metrics as a public HTML page
Invoicely 25 about 6 years ago Invoice automation tool
World Cup Slackbot 13 over 2 years ago Post 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ matches events to Slack
Serverless Express 151 over 1 year ago Run your unmodified express app on AWS Lambda via the Serverless Framework
TypeScript composite monorepo 124 over 6 years ago Yarn / Lerna workspaces with Typescript 3.0 composite references using for compatible serverless application packaging
Next serverless 81 almost 3 years ago Deploys your next.js application to AWS Lambda
Serverless Central 37 over 6 years ago Sample Lambda monorepo
Tipe Next generation serverless CMS
Spiderless 185 over 2 years ago A web spider / scraper / website change detector built with Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and SNS
PriceTrack 126 5 months ago API / Website for E-commerce price tracking. Built with Firebase functions and Firebase Hosting
FaaS boilerplates 16 over 6 years ago Boilerplates for FaaS offerings that work in conjunction with Hasura GraphQL Engine's event triggers
CloudCompose An open community marketplace for serverless functions and workflows
Mutton 16 over 2 years ago A Python shim library for better AWS Lambda handlers
Begin Create AWS serverless apps, APIs, and sites with databases, sessions, and full CI/CD
Operiant Connect your event streams to actions
TriggerMesh Serverless cloud with a library of event triggers to enable hybrid cloud and workload portability
Handly 16 over 6 years ago A wrapper for serverless handlers to prevent silly mistakes
Serverless boilerplate 242 over 6 years ago Minimal yet super-functional Serverless boilerplate
Firecracker 26,473 3 months ago Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing
Cirrus 107 almost 3 years ago Serverless machine learning framework
OpenFaaS Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker and Kubernetes
OpenFaaS Cloud 768 about 2 years ago OpenFaaS Cloud: multi-user serverless functions driven by git

Awesome Serverless / Serverless Framework Plugins

Local environment 7 over 6 years ago Set local environment variables
Offline SSM 94 about 1 year ago Read SSM parameters from a file instead of AWS
Nocode 10 about 7 years ago Deploy nocode via the Serverless Framework
Canary deployments 375 11 months ago Implement canary deployments of AWS Lambda functions
Flow-based programming 6 over 8 years ago Flow-based programming plugin for Serverless
Go serverless 21 over 1 year ago GoFormation for the Serverless Framework. Create Serverless configs with Go structs
Event Gateway Event Gateway plugin for the Serverless Framework
Fn 8 over 1 year ago Fn provider plugin
Cloudflare Workers 175 6 months ago Provider plugin for Cloudflare Workers
S3 Deploy 58 about 2 years ago Plugin to deploy files to an S3 Bucket

Awesome Serverless / Literature / Education

Going serverless Building scalable applications with the Serverless Framework and AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda, Kinesis & Serverless Framework Udemy Course on the Serverless Framework
The Serverless Framework: Quick Start Video course which provides a quick start for the Serverless Framework
Intro to the Serverless Framework Introduction course for the Serverless Framework
ServerlessLab Effective serverless, AWS Lambda and Node.js training
Serverless Applications with AWS Introduction course with AWS and Serverless Framework. Build a production like app using the most common AWS Serverless services
Event Gateway Workshop 19 about 7 years ago Learn what the Event Gateway is, how it works and build your first event-driven multi-cloud application
Serverless streaming architectures Serverless streaming architectures and best practices
Develop a Serverless Backend using Node.js on AWS Lambda Learn how to create a serverless API and connecting it to DynamoDB leveraging Lambda's new async / await syntax
Agile development for serverless platforms How to apply agile practices in fully serverless architectures
AI as a Service A book that teaches you how to harness the power of cloud-based AI services and serverless computing. An engineering approach to serverless AI

Awesome Serverless / Professional services

Cloudonaut Consultancy
PromptWorks Consultancy
Craftship Consultancy
EPX Labs Consultancy
Red Badger Agency
Langa Agency
Emerging Technology Advisors Consultancy
OneSpeed Agency
Seraro Agency
Superluminar Agency

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