
A curated list of awesome jQuery plugins, resources and other shiny things.


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Linked from 7 awesome lists


Awesome jQuery / Resources

API documentation Official jQuery documentation
Code School Learn the basics of jQuery, a JavaScript library, to modify elements on a webpage and improve user interaction
Codecademy jQuery track Beginners track for learning jQuery
Learning jQuery Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library
Style guides jQuery's code style guides when contributing to jQuery projects
Tuts+ Useful and indepth articles about jQuery
jQuery guide for teams 32 about 6 years ago Tips to write consistent jQuery code, easy to use and understand by your team

Awesome jQuery / Resources / Tutorials

jQuery patterns 1,588 over 8 years ago A variety of jQuery plugin patterns for jump starting your plugin development
Learning jQuery Design Patterns jQuery Plugin Design Patterns
Learn jQuery jQuery learning center
Snoopcode jQuery tutorials
Extending jQuery Extending jQuery’s selector capabilities
Free jQuery Courses at Classpert List of Free jQuery Courses at Classpert Online Course Search

Awesome jQuery / Resources / Books

JavaScript plus a dash of JQuery A Sensible Introduction to Coding with JavaScript and jQuery,
jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, mobi, epub)
jQuery fundamentals 184 about 1 year ago Comfortable working through common problems you'll be called upon to solve using jQuery
jQuery in Action, Third Edition Fast-paced and complete guide to jQuery,
jQuery: Novice to Ninja: New Kicks And Tricks fast track to mastering jQuery,
Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition Guide to jQuery,

Awesome jQuery / Resources / Blogs

jQuery Blog News from the official jQuery website
jQuery UI Blog Official jQuery UI blog
Sitepoint Sitepoint's jQuery category section with useful articles
Smashing Magazine jQuery tag, useful jQuery articles and tutorial alike blog posts

Awesome jQuery / Resources / Miscellaneous Resources

jQuery Foundation Providing jQuery and many other projects home and support
jQuery Source Viewer Browser of jQuery method implementations
Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser Faster way to browse the jQuery documentation
TodoMVC 28,589 26 days ago Helps you select JavaScript framework. Same Todo application created in multiple popular JavaScript MV* frameworks including
jQuery CheatSheet
Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning jQuery
HTML Tutorial by Scaler

Awesome jQuery / Plugins

Plugins Registry of jQuery plugins, is now in read-only mode
jQuery Rain Top & Best jQuery plugins, tutorials, cool effects, examples, demos
jQuery Unheap A tidy repository of jQuery plugins

Awesome jQuery / Animation

Animsition 3,830 almost 5 years ago A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions
fakeLoader.js 721 over 5 years ago Lightweight plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect
Fullpage.js 35,253 9 days ago Create full screen pages fast and simple
jQuery Transit 7,290 over 2 years ago Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
Material Design Preloader!s 369 over 7 years ago Recreation of the Material Design preloader
Midnight 3,670 over 2 years ago Switches fixed headers on the fly
Parallax.js 3,529 over 2 years ago Scrolling effect
Scrollify 1,805 5 months ago Assists scrolling and snaps to sections. Touch optimised
Waves 3,478 almost 2 years ago Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design
jQuery DrawSVG 768 almost 8 years ago Lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to animate SVG paths
jQuery Particles 7,570 3 days ago A plugin to easily add Particles animations to your web application

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Editors

Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor 5,277 about 1 month ago jQuery WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor based on HTML5
Hallo 2,432 about 4 years ago Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
jQuery Notebook 1,688 over 4 years ago A modern, simple and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor
jQuery TE Lightweight HTML editor
TinyMCE Popular WYSIWYG editor with jQuery build and a jQuery integration plugin

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Forms

Bootstrap Multiselect 3,668 7 months ago Multiselect for Bootstrap
File Upload 30,954 over 1 year ago File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video
Ideal Forms 726 almost 6 years ago Framework for building and validating responsive HTML5 forms
jQuery Form Plugin 5,195 9 months ago Easy and unobtrusive HTML forms upgrade to use AJAX
jquery-minicolors 959 4 months ago A tiny color picker plugin
Justified Gallery 1,687 12 days ago Allows you to create a gallery with a justified grid
Labelauty 884 almost 7 years ago A lightweight and beautiful plugin for radio and checkbox inputs
Payform 427 over 2 years ago A library (with jQuery plugin) for building credit card forms, validating inputs, and formatting numbers
Pickadate 7,697 about 1 year ago The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight date & time input picker
Select2 25,875 24 days ago Select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling
selectize.js 13,026 15 days ago jQuery based hybrid of a textbox and <select> box

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Images, Maps and Charts

AnyChart-jQuery 13 almost 3 years ago Plugin for easily using AnyChart JavaScript charting library with jQuery
Arbor 2,662 over 4 years ago Graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
BackStretch 3,913 about 4 years ago jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element
Chart.js 64,458 11 days ago Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
Cropper 7,755 about 4 years ago A simple image cropping plugin
Dense.js 212 about 8 years ago Serving retina-ready, high pixel ratio images with ease
Flot 5,942 11 months ago Attractive charts
Gridder 461 about 1 year ago Displays a thumbnail grid expanding preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images
jquery.sparkline 1,237 over 4 years ago Generate small sparkline charts
jQuery.eraser 332 over 7 years ago Erasing image with mouse or touch movements
jQuery Mapael 1,011 over 2 years ago Plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps
jQueryGantt 2,213 almost 2 years ago Gantt editor
jQuery Images Compare 61 almost 2 years ago Plugin for comparing two images
Nivo Slider 1,245 over 3 years ago Beautiful and easy to use image slider
Owl Carousel 2 7,907 2 months ago Responsive carousel slider
Slick 28,492 about 1 month ago The last carousel you'll ever need
Peity 4,218 6 months ago Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
Unite Gallery 530 over 3 years ago Responsive jQuery image and video gallery plugin
Viewer 1,015 about 4 years ago A simple jQuery image viewing plugin
JQuery-linechart Simple and lightweight library for creating line charts

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Menus

jQuery contextMenu 2,245 over 1 year ago Management facility for context menus
jPanelMenu 922 over 7 years ago Creates a paneled-style menu (like the type seen in the mobile versions of Facebook, Google and native iPhone applications)
jQuery-menu-aim 7,679 almost 6 years ago Fires events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items
mmenu 2,587 over 1 year ago App look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus
Multi-level push menu 804 about 4 years ago Allows endless nesting of navigation elements
Slidebars 1,500 about 1 year ago jQuery framework for off-canvas menus and sidebars
stickUp 1,542 about 8 years ago Sticks an element to the top of the browser window while scrolling past it, always keeping it in view
Superfish 913 almost 2 years ago Adds usability enhancements to existing multi-level drop-down menus
Yamm 1,205 over 3 years ago Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Modals and Popups

animatedModal.js 962 over 5 years ago Plugin for creating fullscreen modals with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from or create your own
Avgrund 1,756 about 4 years ago Plugin for your modal boxes and popups with new concept of showing depth between popup and page
Bootstrap Modal 5,001 over 5 years ago Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable and ajax
iziModal 2,159 about 2 months ago Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery
jBox 1,399 4 months ago Powerful and flexible plugin which takes care of all modal windows, tooltips and notices
jQuery Modal 2,608 6 months ago Simple and lightweight method of displaying modal windows
jQuery Popup Overlay 508 almost 2 years ago Responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips
Lightbox 6,198 10 months ago JavaScript library used to overlay images on top of the current page
Magnific Popup 11,383 4 months ago Fast, light and responsive lightbox plugin
SweetAlert 22,399 over 1 year ago A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's alert
tipso 319 over 5 years ago A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin
vex 6,926 over 1 year ago A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Tables

Bootgrid 972 about 1 year ago A grid control especially designed for bootstrap
Bootstrap table A powerful table control designed for bootstrap
DataTables Advanced interaction controls for HTML tables
FancyGrid JavaScript grid library with charts integration and server communication
Filter Table 174 over 5 years ago Live searching/filtering for HTML tables
FloatThead 1,219 over 1 year ago Sticky headers. Supports responsive, window and overflow scrolling
FooTable 2,127 12 months ago Make HTML tables responsive
Isotope 11,049 about 3 years ago Filter & sort magical layouts
HighchartTable 270 over 7 years ago Simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs
jqGrid 2,843 about 1 month ago Grid plugin
jQuery treetable 739 8 months ago Show a tree structure in a table
jsGrid 1,523 over 1 year ago Lightweight grid plugin
Stackable.js 1,026 about 2 years ago Stacking tables on small screens
Stupid Table Sort 709 about 3 years ago A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin
tableExport.jquery.plugin 984 6 months ago Export HTML table to JSON, XML, CSV, TXT, SQL, Word, Excel, PNG or PDF
jquery.table-shrinker 29 over 4 years ago make HTML Table responsive across all devices, the right way!

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Time and Date

jQuery Timer Plugin 294 over 1 year ago Start/Stop/Resume/Remove pretty timer inside any HTML element
Timeago 3,818 about 1 year ago Easy support of automatic updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago")

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Translations

i18n properties 428 over 3 years ago Lightweight plugin for providing internationalization to JavaScript from files
jquery.i18n 701 about 2 months ago jQuery based Javascript internationalization library for easy internationalization of web application
jquery.localize.js 465 about 7 years ago Easy internationalization of your static web site

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Validation

FormValidation Form fields validator, designed for Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, Semantic UI, UIKit and other frameworks
h5Validate 576 over 5 years ago An HTML5 form validation plugin for jQuery
jQuery Form Validator 972 about 3 years ago Validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from JavaScript code
jquery-validation 10,354 3 months ago Drop-in validation for your existing forms, while making all kinds of customizations to fit your application really easy
jQuery.validationEngine 2,568 about 3 years ago Validation of form fields in the browser
jQuery-form-validation 33 about 5 years ago Validatie html forms using Laravel syntax

Awesome jQuery / Animation / Miscellaneous Plugins

Boilerplate 2,525 about 4 years ago A jump-start for jQuery plugins development
Interlink Event interlink plugin
Sisyphus 1,986 over 1 year ago Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more
Slugify 87 almost 9 years ago Creates a URL slug as you type a page title (like Django slugify())
Readmore.js 1,502 9 months ago A lightweight jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with "Read more" and "Close" links
Yahoo! Emoticons Yahoo! Emoticons JQuery Plugin
autoNumberic 1,758 7 months ago autoNumeric is a standalone library that provides live as-you-type formatting for international numbers and currencies

Awesome jQuery / Mobile

jQuery mobile Lightweight framework for building mobile web apps with HTML5
Interdimensional 336 over 9 years ago Spatial scrolling on mobile devices for your web pages
OhSnap!.js 280 almost 3 years ago A simple jQuery/Zepto notification library designed to be used in mobile apps

Awesome jQuery / UI

Dragula 22,010 4 months ago Framework agnostic drag and drop library, supports jQuery integration
jQuery UI Curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
jQuery Enhanced Splitter 30 almost 9 years ago Create draggable content splitters to emulate frames and separate content
tabulous.js 545 almost 9 years ago Tabs for todays web
X-editable 6,506 almost 2 years ago In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery

Awesome jQuery / Testing

Qunit A JavaScript Unit Testing framework, used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery mobile projects
Mockjax 2,118 26 days ago Provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses

Awesome jQuery / Server-side Integrations / Node.js:

Bower Useful package manager optimized for the front-end
cheerio jQuery for server-side manipulations. It makes possible to construct jQuery instance from HTML string then query and manipulate it. Does not implement ajax and effects API

Awesome jQuery / Server-side Integrations / PHP:

PHP front end setup without Node Tutorial how to combine BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and into a PHP front end asset building pipeline
symfony-collection 444 over 2 years ago jQuery Plugin that manages adding, deleting and moving elements from a Symfony2 collection

Awesome jQuery / Server-side Integrations / Python:

django-static-jquery jQuery packaged in an handy Django app to speed up new applications and deployment

Awesome jQuery / Server-side Integrations / Ruby:

jquery-rails 948 6 months ago A gem to automate using jQuery with Rails
jquery-ui-rails 1,126 3 months ago jQuery UI for the Rails asset pipeline

Awesome jQuery / Community

Forum Official forum
Freenode Support IRC channel for users of jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Mobile
Stack Overflow Support on Stack Overflow
Facebook Large and active group on Facebook Large and active group on
Reddit Discussion and sharing news, articles, plugins and tutorials, covering jQuery Core, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, and other related projects
Quora Ask and answer questions on Quora website
Meetup Get involved locally
Twitter Official news and updates from the jQuery team on Twitter

Awesome jQuery / Alternatives

cash 6,506 7 months ago small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. Includes all API with deliberate exception for ajax
Zepto small jQuery alternative, which includes ajax, effects and additional utilities
jBone jQuery implementation to use with Backbone. Supports only subset of API which is required for Backbone to work. Can be a byte-saver if you don't intend to use jQuery directly, but have Backbone in your project

Awesome jQuery / Looking for more lists like this? / Awesome lists:

awesome 327,194 26 days ago Awesome lists
awesome-all 207 about 1 month ago Awesome lists
emijrp/awesome-awesome 2,788 2 months ago Awesome lists
erichs/awesome-awesome 272 11 months ago Awesome lists
GetAwesomeness Awesome lists
lists 9,927 5 days ago Awesome lists

Awesome jQuery / Looking for more lists like this?

awesome-javascript 33,524 about 1 month ago Awesome JavaScript list
awesome-javascript-books 126 almost 6 years ago Awesome JavaScript books
js-must-watch 13,271 over 2 years ago List of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript

Awesome jQuery / Looking for more lists like this? / Translations:

Chinese 11 over 8 years ago Chinese translation of Awesome jQuery

Backlinks from these awesome lists: