
EE resources

A curated collection of resources and tools for working with Google Earth Engine

A curated list of Google Earth Engine resources


992 stars
53 watching
199 forks
last commit: 10 months ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists


Awesome Earth Engine / Earth Engine official websites

Official homepage
JavaScript Code Editor
API Documentation
Data Catalog
Earth Engine Apps
Sign up
Developer Forum
Issue Tracker
Earth Engine API on GitHub 2,712 3 months ago
Google Earth Engine Community Tutorials 602 3 months ago
Google Earth Engine Community Developer Resources

Awesome Earth Engine / Get Started

Sign up for an Earth Engine account
Get Started with Earth Engine Read the Earth Engine API documentation -
Client vs. Server Read another Earth Engine API documentation - . Make sure you have a good understanding of client-side objects vs server-side objects
JavaScript API Try out the or Python API (e.g., )
Coding Best Practices Read

Awesome Earth Engine / Get Help

Earth Engine Developer Forum
GIS Stack Exchange
Report a bug
Dataset requests
Feature requests
Slack channel for geemap and Earth Engine

Awesome Earth Engine / JavaScript API / Playground

JavaScript Code Editor The official Google Earth Engine JavaScript Code Editor

Awesome Earth Engine / JavaScript API / Repositories

jdbcode/Snazzy-EE-TS-GIF 42 over 4 years ago Apps for creating Landsat time series animations
fitoprincipe/geetools-code-editor 306 over 1 year ago A set of tools to use in Google Earth Engine JavaScript Code Editor
Fernerkundung/EarthEngine_scripts 251 about 6 years ago Scripts and snippets for Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine Toolbox (GEET) 165 7 months ago Library to write small EE apps or big/complex apps with a lot less code
LandTrendr Spectral-temporal segmentation algorithm
zecojls/tagee 72 7 months ago Terrain Analysis in Google Earth Engine (TAGEE)
ee-palettes 313 over 4 years ago A module for generating color palettes in Earth Engine to be applied to mapped data
gee-ccdc-tools A suite of tools designed for continuous land change monitoring in Google Earth Engine
Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) A system for monitoring forest degradation and deforestation
LT-GEE Google Earth Engine implementation of the LandTrendr spectral-temporal segmentation algorithm
spectral 179 3 months ago Awesome Spectral Indices for the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API (Code Editor)
msslib 17 over 3 years ago An Earth Engine JavaScript library for working with Landsat MSS image data
geeSharp 42 about 2 years ago Pan-sharpening in the Earth Engine Code Editor
snazzy 32 4 months ago Custom basemap styles in the Earth Engine Code Editor
ee-polyfill 1 over 2 years ago Modern Javascript methods (ES6+) for the Earth Engine Code Editor
gee-blend 35 about 3 years ago Various blending functions for Google Earth Engine
OpenEarthEngineLibrary Collection of code goodies for Google Earth Engine (GEE)

Awesome Earth Engine / JavaScript API / Tutorials

Introduction to Google Earth Engine
Introduction to JavaScript for Earth Engine
Introduction to the Earth Engine JavaScript API
Global Forest Change Analysis
Global Surface Water Change Analysis
Beginner's Cookbook
Combining FeatureCollections
Customizing Base Map Styles
Forest Cover and Loss Estimation
Getting Started with Drawing Tools
Identifying Annual First Day of No Snow Cover
Interactive Region Reduction App
Land Surface Temperature in Uganda
Landsat ETM+ to OLI Harmonization
MODIS NDVI Times Series Animation
Non-parametric trend analysis
GEE 开发 on 知乎 by 无形的风
Calculating Area in Google Earth Engine
Extracting Time Series using Google Earth Engine
Histogram Matching in Google Earth Engine
Getting Git Right on Google Earth Engine
AmericaView - Google Earth Engine (GEE) tutorials
Earth Lab - Introduction to the Google Earth Engine code editor
Coding Club - Intro to the Google Earth Engine
Global Snow Observatory - Google Earth Engine Tutorials
GEARS - Getting started with Google Earth Engine
An Introduction to Remote Sensing for Ecologists Using Google Earth Engine
An introduction to Google Earth Engine

Awesome Earth Engine / JavaScript API / Books

Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine

Awesome Earth Engine / Python API / Installation

Earth Engine Python API installation

Awesome Earth Engine / Python API / Packages

earthengine-api The official Google Earth Engine Python API
geemap 3,515 3 months ago A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets
geeadd 62 6 months ago Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons
geeup 123 5 months ago Simple CLI for Google Earth Engine Uploads
cartoee 47 about 6 years ago Publication quality maps using Earth Engine and Cartopy
gee_tools 531 3 months ago A set of tools for working with Google Earth Engine Python API
landsat-extract-gee 58 over 5 years ago Get Landsat surface reflectance time-series from google earth engine
Ndvi2Gif 27 over 1 year ago Creating seasonal NDVI compositions GIFs
eemont 420 3 months ago A Python package that extends the Google Earth Engine Python API with pre-processing and processing tools
hydra-floods 167 9 months ago An open source Python application for downloading, processing, and delivering surface water maps derived from remote sensing data
RadGEEToolbox 3 10 months ago Python package simplifying large-scale operations using Google Earth Engine (GEE) Python API for users who utilize Landsat (5, 8, & 9) and Sentinel 1 & 2 data
restee 38 9 months ago A package that aims to make plugging Earth Engine computations into downstream Python processing easier
wxee 207 about 1 year ago A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray for processing weather and climate data
taskee 12 about 1 year ago Monitor your Earth Engine tasks and get notifications on your phone or computer
geedim 83 3 months ago Search, composite, and download Earth Engine imagery, without size limits

Awesome Earth Engine / Python API / Repositories

earthengine-py-notebooks 1,382 almost 4 years ago A collection of 360+ Jupyter notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping
earthengine-py-examples 135 over 4 years ago A collection of 300+ examples for using Earth Engine and the geemap Python package
ee-tensorflow-notebooks 76 almost 5 years ago Repository to place example notebooks for Deep Learning applications with TensorFlow and Earth Engine
CoastSat 701 4 months ago Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery
Google-Earth-Engine-Python-Examples 315 11 months ago
csaybar/EEwPython 279 9 months ago

Awesome Earth Engine / Python API / Tutorials

geemap and Earth Engine Python API tutorials 3,515 3 months ago
A Quick Introduction to Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Image Analysis
Earth Engine Python API Colab Setup
Earth Engine TensorFlow demonstration notebook
Earth Lab - Calculating the area of polygons in Google Earth Engine
Semantic Segmentation of GEE High Resolution Imagery

Awesome Earth Engine / Python API / Books

Geospatial Data Science with Earth Engine and Geemap

Awesome Earth Engine / R / Packages

rgee 694 3 months ago An R package for using Google Earth Engine
earthEngineGrabR 53 over 4 years ago Simplify the acquisition of remote sensing data

Awesome Earth Engine / R / Repositories

rgee-examples A collection of 250+ examples for using Google Earth Engine with R

Awesome Earth Engine / R / Tutorials

rgee tutorial #1: Creating global land surface temperature maps
rgee tutorial #2: Satellite image processing

Awesome Earth Engine / QGIS / Packages

Website Earth Engine QGIS Plugin ( , ) - Integrates Google Earth Engine and QGIS using Python API

Awesome Earth Engine / QGIS / Repositories

qgis-earthengine-examples 904 over 3 years ago A collection of 300+ Python examples for using Google Earth Engine in QGIS

Awesome Earth Engine / QGIS / Tutorials

Creating Maps with Google Earth Engine

Awesome Earth Engine / GitHub Developers / Community

earthengine-api 2,712 3 months ago
Google Earth Engine Community
Google Earth Engine Community Tutorials 602 3 months ago

Awesome Earth Engine / GitHub Developers / Individuals

Cesar Aybar
Justin Braaten
Tirthankar "TC" Chakraborty
Diego Garcia Diaz
Gennadii Donchyts
Ujaval Gandhi
Philipp Gärtner
Eduardo Lacerda
Kel Markert
Mort Canty
Keiko Nomura
Rodrigo E. Principe
Mark Radwin
Samapriya Roy
Sabrina Szeto
Qiusheng Wu

Awesome Earth Engine / Twitter / Bots

Earth Engine Bot
Geospatial Python
Synthetic Aperture Random

Awesome Earth Engine / Twitter / Google affiliated

Google Earth
Google Earth Outreach
Tyler Erickson
Rebecca Moore
Kurt Schwehr

Awesome Earth Engine / Twitter / Individuals

Cesar Aybar
Justin Braaten
Tirthankar "TC" Chakraborty
Morgan Crowley
Diego Garcia Diaz
Gennadii Donchyts
Ujaval Gandhi
Philipp Gärtner
Belize GEO
Mort Canty
Kel Markert
Keiko Nomura
Samapriya Roy
Sabrina Szeto
Dave Thau
Qiusheng Wu
Iain H Woodhouse

Awesome Earth Engine / Apps

Earth Engine Apps Google
An image gallery of almost all publicly available Google Earth Engine Apps Philipp Gärtner
A searchable list of all publicly available Google Earth Engine Apps
Earth Engine App Filter by Philipp Gärtner

Awesome Earth Engine / Free Courses

End-to-End Google Earth Engine by
Spatial Data Management with Earth Engine by
Professor Iain Woodhouse’s guide to GEE resources and courses

Awesome Earth Engine / Presentations / geemap

Using the geemap Python package for interactive mapping with Earth Engine Earth Engine Virtual Meetup on May 8, 2020
Cloud computing and interactive mapping with Earth Engine and open-source GIS GeoInsider webinar on May 28, 2020
Mapping Wetland Inundation Dynamics using Google Earth Engine Machine learning and data fusion workshop on June 10, 2020

Awesome Earth Engine / Presentations / General

SERVIR Global - Introduction to Google Earth Engine

Awesome Earth Engine / Videos / Google

Geo For Good 2019 on YouTube
Earth Engine Video Tutorials

Awesome Earth Engine / Videos / General

video Getting Started with Earth Engine with Sabrina Szeto ( - )
video Earth Engine Virtual Meetup on May 6, 2020 ( )

Awesome Earth Engine / Videos / geemap

geemap tutorials on YouTube
geemap tutorials on 哔哩哔哩
geemap tutorials on 西瓜视频
video GeoInsider webinar - Cloud computing and interactive mapping with Earth Engine and open-source GIS ( - )
video GeoInsider webinar 2 - Using Google Earth Engine for large-scale geospatial analysis: A case study of automated surface water mapping ( | )

Awesome Earth Engine / Projects

Google Earth Engine on Research Gate

Awesome Earth Engine / Websites

Global Surface Water Explorer
Global Forest Cover Change
Global Forest Watch
Map Of Life
Climate Engine
Surface Water Mapping Tool
Surface water changes (1985-2016)
Decision Support Tools
Earth Map
CoastSat shoreline change database

Awesome Earth Engine / Datasets / Community Datasets

awesome-gee-community-datasets 805 3 months ago

Awesome Earth Engine / Datasets / Landsat

Landsat 9 Surface Reflectance
Landsat 9 TOA Reflectance
Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance
Landsat 8 TOA Reflectance

Awesome Earth Engine / Datasets / Sentinel

Sentinel-1 SAR GRD
Sentinel-2 MSI Surface Reflectance
Sentinel-2 MSI TOA Reflectance

Awesome Earth Engine / Datasets / NAIP

NAIP: National Agriculture Imagery Program

Awesome Earth Engine / Datasets / Land Cover

NLCD: USGS National Land Cover Database

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Highlights Aybar, C., Wu, Q., Bautista, L., Yali, R., & Barja, A. (2020). rgee: An R package for interacting with Google Earth Engine. . 5(51), 2272 Gorelick, N., Hancher, M., Dixon, M., Ilyushchenko, S., Thau, D., Moore, R., 2017. Google Earth Engine: Planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone. . 202, 18–27 Wu, Q. (2020). geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine. . 5(51), 2305

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Journal Special Issues

Call for Papers , Remote Sensing for Environmental and Societal Changes Using Google Earth Engine ( )
Call for Papers , Cloud Computing in Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing ( )
Call for Papers , Google Earth Engine and Cloud Computing Platforms: Methods and Applications in Big Geo Data Science ( , )
Call for Papers , Google Earth Engine Applications ( , )
Call for Papers , Remote Sensing of Land Change Science with Google Earth Engine ( , )

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Review Amani, M., Ghorbanian, A., Ahmadi, A., Kakooei, M., ..., Wu, Q., & Brisco, B. (2020). Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform for Remote Sensing Big Data Applications: A Comprehensive Review. Boothroyd, R., Williams, R., Hoey, T., Barrett, B., & Prasojo, O. (2020). Applications of Google Earth Engine in fluvial geomorphology for detecting river channel change. Kumar, L., Mutanga, O., 2018. Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential. 10, 1509 Tamiminia, H., Salehi, B., Mahdianpari, M., Quackenbush, L., Adeli, S., Brisco, B., 2020. Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-analysis and systematic review. 164, 152–170 Wang, L., Diao, C., Xian, G., Yin, D., Lu, Y., Zou, S., & Erickson, T. A. (2020). A summary of the special issue on remote sensing of land change science with Google earth engine. Yang, L., Driscol, J., Sarigai, S., Wu, Q., Chen, H., & Lippitt, C. D. (2022). Google Earth Engine and Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Comprehensive Review. , 14(14), 3253 Yang, L., Driscol, J., Sarigai, S., Wu, Q., Lippitt, C. D., & Morgan, M. (2022). Towards Synoptic Water Monitoring Systems: A Review of AI Methods for Automating Water Body Detection and Water Quality Monitoring Using Remote Sensing. , 22(6), 2416

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Hydrology Donchyts, G., Baart, F., Winsemius, H., Gorelick, N., Kwadijk, J., van de Giesen, N., 2016. Earth’s surface water change over the past 30 years. . 6, 810 Pekel, J.-F., Cottam, A., Gorelick, N., Belward, A.S., 2016. High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes. 540, 418–422 Radwin, M., & Bowen, B. (2024). Evolution of Great Salt Lake’s Exposed Lakebed (1984-2023): Variations in Sediment Composition, Water, and Vegetation from Landsat OLI and Sentinel MSI Satellite Reflectance Data. Geosites, 51, 1–23 Wu, Q., Lane, C.R., Li, X., Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Clinton, N., DeVries, B., Golden, H.E., Lang, M.W., 2019. Integrating LiDAR data and multi-temporal aerial imagery to map wetland inundation dynamics using Google Earth Engine. . 228, 1–13 Yamazaki, D., Trigg, M.A., 2016. Hydrology: The dynamics of Earth’s surface water.

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Urban Li, X., Zhou, Y., Zhu, Z., Cao, W., 2020. A national dataset of 30 m annual urban extent dynamics (1985–2015) in the conterminous United States. 12, 357 Liu, X., Hu, G., Chen, Y., Li, X., Xu, X., Li, S., Pei, F., Wang, S., 2018. High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine Platform. . 209, 227–239 Liu, X., Huang, Y., Xu, X., Li, X., Li, X., Ciais, P., Lin, P., Gong, K., Ziegler, A.D., Chen, A., Gong, P., Chen, J., Hu, G., Chen, Y., Wang, S., Wu, Q., Huang, K., Estes, L., Zeng, Z., 2020. High-spatiotemporal-resolution mapping of global urban change from 1985 to 2015. 1–7 Patel, N.N., Angiuli, E., Gamba, P., Gaughan, A., Lisini, G., Stevens, F.R., Tatem, A.J., Trianni, G., 2015. Multitemporal settlement and population mapping from Landsat using Google Earth Engine. . 35, 199–208 Weiss, D.J., Nelson, A., Gibson, H.S., Temperley, W., Peedell, S., Lieber, A., Hancher, M., Poyart, E., Belchior, S., Fullman, N., Mappin, B., Dalrymple, U., Rozier, J., Lucas, T.C.D., Howes, R.E., Tusting, L.S., Kang, S.Y., Cameron, E., Bisanzio, D., Battle, K.E., Bhatt, S., Gething, P.W., 2018. A global map of travel time to cities to assess inequalities in accessibility in 2015. 553, 333–336

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Vegetation Li, X., Zhou, Y., Meng, L., Asrar, G.R., Lu, C., Wu, Q., 2019. A dataset of 30 m annual vegetation phenology indicators (1985–2015) in urban areas of the conterminous United States. . 11(2), 881-894 Robinson, N.P., Allred, B.W., Jones, M.O., Moreno, A., Kimball, J.S., Naugle, D.E., Erickson, T.A., Richardson, A.D., 2017. A Dynamic Landsat Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Product for the Conterminous United States. 9, 863 Xie, Z., Phinn, S.R., Game, E.T., Pannell, D.J., Hobbs, R.J., Briggs, P.R., McDonald-Madden, E., 2019. Using Landsat observations (1988–2017) and Google Earth Engine to detect vegetation cover changes in rangelands - A first step towards identifying degraded lands for conservation. . 232, 111317

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Agriculture Dong, J., Xiao, X., Menarguez, M.A., Zhang, G., Qin, Y., Thau, D., Biradar, C., Moore, B., 3rd, 2016. Mapping paddy rice planting area in northeastern Asia with Landsat 8 images, phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine. . 185, 142–154 Xiong, J., Thenkabail, P.S., Gumma, M.K., Teluguntla, P., Poehnelt, J., Congalton, R.G., Yadav, K., Thau, D., 2017. Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. . 126, 225–244 Xiong, J., Thenkabail, P.S., Tilton, J.C., Gumma, M.K., Teluguntla, P., Oliphant, A., Congalton, R.G., Yadav, K., Gorelick, N., 2017. Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. 9, 1065

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Wetlands Amani, M., Mahdavi, S., Afshar, M., Brisco, B., Huang, W., Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh, S., White, L., Banks, S., Montgomery, J., Hopkinson, C., 2019. Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The First Map and Preliminary Results. 11, 842 Chen, B., Xiao, X., Li, X., Pan, L., Doughty, R., Ma, J., Dong, J., Qin, Y., Zhao, B., Wu, Z., Sun, R., Lan, G., Xie, G., Clinton, N., Giri, C., 2017. A mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. . 131, 104–120 Hird, J.N., DeLancey, E.R., McDermid, G.J., Kariyeva, J., 2017. Google Earth Engine, Open-Access Satellite Data, and Machine Learning in Support of Large-Area Probabilistic Wetland Mapping. 9, 1315 Mahdianpari, M., Brisco, B., Granger, J. E., Mohammadimanesh, F., Salehi, B., Banks, S., ... & Weng, Q. (2020). The Second Generation Canadian Wetland Inventory Map at 10 Meters Resolution Using Google Earth Engine. , 46(3), 360-375 Mahdianpari, M., Salehi, B., Mohammadimanesh, F., Homayouni, S., Gill, E., 2018. The First Wetland Inventory Map of Newfoundland at a Spatial Resolution of 10 m Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform. 11, 43 Radwin, M., & Bowen, B. (2024). Evolution of Great Salt Lake’s Exposed Lakebed (1984-2023): Variations in Sediment Composition, Water, and Vegetation from Landsat OLI and Sentinel MSI Satellite Reflectance Data. Geosites, 51, 1–23 Wang, X., Xiao, X., Zou, Z., Chen, B., Ma, J., Dong, J., Doughty, R.B., Zhong, Q., Qin, Y., Dai, S., Li, X., Zhao, B., Li, B., 2020. Tracking annual changes of coastal tidal flats in China during 1986–2016 through analyses of Landsat images with Google Earth Engine. . 238, 110987 Wu, Q., Lane, C.R., Li, X., Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Clinton, N., DeVries, B., Golden, H.E., Lang, M.W., 2019. Integrating LiDAR data and multi-temporal aerial imagery to map wetland inundation dynamics using Google Earth Engine. . 228, 1–13 Yancho, J. M. M., Jones, T. G., Gandhi, S. R., Ferster, C., Lin, A., & Glass, L. (2020). The Google Earth Engine Mangrove Mapping Methodology (GEEMMM). , 12(22), 3758

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Land Cover Brown, C. F., Brumby, S. P., Guzder-Williams, B., Birch, T., Hyde, S. B., Mazzariello, J., ... & Tait, A. M. (2022). Dynamic World, Near real-time global 10 m land use land cover mapping. , 9(1), 1-17 Carrasco, L., O’Neil, A.W., Morton, R.D., Rowland, C.S., 2019. Evaluating Combinations of Temporally Aggregated Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 for Land Cover Mapping with Google Earth Engine. 11, 288 Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Moore, R., Hancher, M., Turubanova, S.A., Tyukavina, A., Thau, D., Stehman, S.V., Goetz, S.J., Loveland, T.R., Kommareddy, A., Egorov, A., Chini, L., Justice, C.O., Townshend, J.R.G., 2013. High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change. 342, 850–853 Huang, H., Chen, Y., Clinton, N., Wang, J., Wang, X., Liu, C., Gong, P., Yang, J., Bai, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhu, Z., 2017. Mapping major land cover dynamics in Beijing using all Landsat images in Google Earth Engine. . 202, 166–176 Liu, H., Gong, P., Wang, J., Clinton, N., Bai, Y., Liang, S., 2020. Annual Dynamics of Global Land Cover and its Long-term Changes from 1982 to 2015. . 12, 1217–1243 Radwin, M., & Bowen, B. (2024). Evolution of Great Salt Lake’s Exposed Lakebed (1984-2023): Variations in Sediment Composition, Water, and Vegetation from Landsat OLI and Sentinel MSI Satellite Reflectance Data. Geosites, 51, 1–23

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Disaster Management DeVries, B., Huang, C., Armston, J., Huang, W., Jones, J.W., Lang, M.W., 2020. Rapid and robust monitoring of flood events using Sentinel-1 and Landsat data on the Google Earth Engine. . 240, 111664 Liu, C.-C., Shieh, M.-C., Ke, M.-S., Wang, K.-H., 2018. Flood Prevention and Emergency Response System Powered by Google Earth Engine. 10, 1283 Tellman, B., Sullivan, J.A., Kuhn, C., Kettner, A.J., Doyle, C.S., Brakenridge, G.R., Erickson, T.A., Slayback, D.A., 2021. Satellite imaging reveals increased proportion of population exposed to floods. 596, 80–86

Awesome Earth Engine / Papers / Coastal Vos, K., Splinter, K.D., Harley, M.D., Simmons, J.A., Turner, I.L., 2019. CoastSat: A Google Earth Engine-enabled Python toolkit to extract shorelines from publicly available satellite imagery . 122, 104528

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