
Blockchain project overview

A collection of knowledge about the Diem blockchain project, its history, and its implications for global money transfer

A collection about all things Diem (formerly Libra), Move & Facebook Zuckerbucks - Let's reinvent money with fast and cheap world-wide transfers; let's bank the 1.7 billion unbanked, ...


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last commit: almost 4 years ago
Linked from 1 awesome list


Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Historic - Libra Version 1.0 - Anno June 2019

PDF Download (~40k, 4 Pages) 9 over 3 years ago The Official (Historic) Libra Reserve White Paper (V1.0),

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Org Diem Assocciation Org Page -
@DiemAssociation Diem Assocciation Updates - twitter:

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Code

libra/libra 16,703 2 months ago Diem (formerly Libra) Core / Testnet Client, github: (formerly )

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Developers, Developers, Developers Diem Discussion Forum - (formerly )
@diemdevelopers Diem Dev / Tech Updates - twitter: (formerly ) Diem Dev / Tech Blog - (formerly )

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Blockchain / Protocol

The Official Diem (formerly Libra) Blockchain / Protocol White Paper ,

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Consensus with Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

The Official Libra Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): State Machine Replication in the Blockchain White Paper ,
What is HotStuff and why is it a big deal by Cypherium, June 18, 2019
What is the difference between Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), Tendermint, Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerance (SBFT) and HotStuff? by Ittai Abraham, June 23, 2019
Facebook's proposed currency is technically sound, but should you trust it? by Dapper Labs, June 21, 2019
On LibraBFT's use of broadcasts by Sam Moelius (Trail of Bits), July 12, 2019
HotStuff: Three-chain Rules! by Dahlia Malkhi, October 24, 2018 - Most protocols contain quadratic voting steps. When Byzantine consensus protocols were originally conceived, a typical target system size was n=4 or n=7, tolerating one or two faults. But scaling Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus to n=2000 means that even on a good day, when communication is timely and a handful of failures occurs, quadratic steps require 4,000,000 messages. A cascade of failures might bring the communication complexity to whopping 8,000,000,000 (!) transmissions for a single consensus decision
HotStuff: Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) Consensus with Linearity and Responsiveness Whitepaper , by Maofan Yin, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Guy Golan Gueta, Ittai Abraham - a leader-based Byzantine fault-tolerant replication protocol for the partially synchronous model. Once network communication becomes synchronous, HotStuff enables a correct leader to drive the protocol to consensus at the pace of actual (vs. maximum) network delay - a property called responsiveness - and with communication complexity that is linear in the number of replicas. To our knowledge, HotStuff is the first partially synchronous BFT replication protocol exhibiting these combined properties. Its simplicity enables it to be further pipelined and simplified into a practical, concise protocol for building large-scale replication services

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Blockchain Explorer

Libra Testnet Explorer , by - incl. faucet to mint your own free (test) libra tokens / money
Libra Block (Testnet Explorer) , ,
Libra Vista (Testnet Explorer)
Libranaut (Testnet Explorer)
Libratics (Testnet Explorer)

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Wallets

Novis's Blockchain and Cryptoeconomics Team Page @ Facebook Research includes publications / papers such as:
The First Libra Wallet Proof-of-Concept (POC) - Building your own Wallet and APIs by Nattapon Nimakul, June 23, 2019

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Wallets / The First Libra Wallet Proof-of-Concept (POC) - Building your own Wallet and APIs

Live Demo ,

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Wallets

Libra Paper Wallet ( ) by Libra Startup; generate a new Libra cryptocurrency wallet address, its QR code, and the recovery seed - 24 words

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Libraries

Libra Core 136 about 2 years ago by Perfect Makanju - a javascript library client that can be used to interact with libra nodes. Coded in typescript
Libra gRPC by Fabien - a lightweight JavaScript library for Libra
Libra API by Fabien - a REST API for Libra blockchain
Libra Web 25 about 2 years ago by Paul C. (Band Protocol) - a javascript client for Libra blockchain. The library allows javascript program to interact with Libra nodes with protobuf message through grpc web. It works in both browser and node.js environments
PyLibra 60 about 2 years ago by Sorawit Suriyakarn (Band Protocol) - a python client for Libra blockchain. The library allows Python program to interact with Libra nodes with protobuf message through grpc
Libra gRPC 13 over 5 years ago by Yehor Smoliakov - a gRPC client for Libra in Python
Libra Client 2 about 3 years ago by Yuan - a client library that lets you interact with Libra nodes with protobuf message through gRPC
Libra Go Client 49 about 5 years ago by Ibraheem Bello - a go client for interacting with Libra blockchain
Libra Go SDK 21 almost 2 years ago by Philipp Gillé - a go dev kit for Libra
Libra Example 16 over 5 years ago by Philip Kannegaard Hayes - example Libra Go client
go-libra 44 almost 2 years ago by the729 - a Libra go client library with crypto verifications
Libraj by Wen Shen Jun - a java library client that can be used to interact with libra nodes
Jlibra 36 3 months ago by Sauli Ketola - a Java library for interacting with the Libra blockchain
TaoHe 18 over 2 years ago by Ville Sundell - Collection of nestable smart contract resources for Diem and other MoveVM blockchains

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / Courses / Code Schools

Libra Basics Lesson 1 Live - Becoming a Shop Owner -- In this first lesson, you'll learn how to interact with the Libra testnet blockchain using the command line interface (CLI). This perfectly simulates how you can interact with the REAL libra testnet today. Later, we'll show you how to install it yourself

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Testnet / More

#diem , Topics @ GitHub
Help & Discussion in Testnet Channel / Category @ Diem Discussion Forum
Connecting to Libra TestNet on Windows with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) by Ibraheem Kolawole Bello, June 19th, 2019

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Reference

Diem (cryptocurrency) @ Wikipedia

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Reference / Diem (cryptocurrency) @ Wikipedia

Diem (cryptocurrency) Talk / Discussion @ Wikipedia

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Articles

Five months and growing strong: the Libra project by Michael Engle (Libra Association), Nov 15, 2019
Why building a new protocol for money is the only way to truly change the game for people by David Marcus (Libra / Calibra Project Chief / Head), July 25, 2019
Libra Testimony @ US Senate, Committee on Banking, PDF Download (~100k, 7 Pages) by David Marcus (Libra / Calibra Project Chief / Head), July 16, 2019
Libra, 2 weeks in by David Marcus (Libra / Calibra Project Chief / Head), July 3, 2019
Libra: The Path Forward by Libra Engineering Team, June 18, 2019 - Today we are announcing the Libra testnet, a live demonstration of an early prototype of the technology behind Libra - a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that can empower billions of people
Coming in 2020: Calibra - A New Digital Wallet for a New Digital Currency by Facebook Newsroom, June 18, 2019
(Christian Catalini) Libra co-creator (and Calibra Head Economist) explains, defends Facebook's cryptocurrency by Beth Stackpole, MIT Sloan Business School Newsletter, Nov 13, 2019
First Look: Libra by Binance Research, June 18th 2019 - An in-depth review of Facebook's long-anticipated entry into cryptocurrency
Libra: Understanding Facebook's Digital Currency by Coogan Brennan (ConsenSys), Sept 2019 - 21-page guide booklet (free PDF download; email registration required)
Uncle Sam weighs Libra by Ben Munster (Decrypt), July 16, 2019 - Facebook's David Marcus spoke before [the US] Congress on the company's upcoming pseudo-bank, Libra. The oldies on Capitol Hill [in Washington] could barely conceal their contempt
[US] Fed[eral] [Reserve] chief [Jerome Powell] calls for Facebook to halt Libra project until concerns addressed , July 10, 2019, Reuters
Facebook's Libra currency spawns a wave of fakes, including on Facebook itself by Drew Harwell, Tony Romm and Cat Zakrzewski (Washington Post), July 22, 2019 - Roughly a dozen fake accounts, pages and groups scattered across Facebook and its photo-sharing app Instagram present themselves as official hubs for the digital currency, in some cases offering to sell Libra at a discount if viewers visit potentially fraudulent, third-party websites

Awesome Diem (formerly Libra) and Move / Awesome Awesomeness

Awesome Libra Blockchain 8 over 5 years ago by Copperbits
Awesome Libra 100 over 4 years ago by LearnDapp
Awesome Libra 11 over 5 years ago by Methuz Kaewsaikao
#awesome-libra Topic @ GitHub

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