
Mobile Web Guide

A collection of resources and guides on building high-performance mobile web applications

All that you need to create a great mobile web experience


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Awesome Mobile Web Development / Articles and Documentation

300ms Tap Delay, Gone Away How to prevent 300 ms delay on tap
60 FPS on Mobile Web How to make a really fast mobile website (by Flipboard)
Adaptive loading: improving web performance on slow devices How to optimize site for specific hardware and network constraints
Animating the Mobile Web A case study on achieving fast animations on mobile web (by Yelp)
Autofill: What web devs should know, but don’t Everything you need to know about forms autofill
Back/forward cache How to optimize site for navigation through the history
Benchmarking the global 5G experience A case study on prolifiration of 5G networks
Cache-Control for Civilians How to setup Cache-Control to achieve the best reponse time
CSS fix for 100vh in mobile WebKit How to fix issue with 100vh in mobile WebKit
Current Web on Galaxy Fold An advices on web development for Galaxy Fold
Designing a Dark Theme for OLED iPhones On issues with dark themes on OLED displays and what to do with them
Designing Websites for iPhone X How to deal with "the notch" on iPhone X
Developing Mobile Web Applications: When, Why, and How The good high-level overview of mobile web development
Enhance SMS-delivered code security with domain-bound codes On additional security measures for 2FA
Everyone has JavaScript, right? A diagram that shows in which cases JavaScript can be unavailable
Faster Web App Delivery with PRPL On pattern for performant web applications
Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices Debug your web app on Adroid with Chrome DevTools
Guidelines For Mobile Web Development The compilation of good articles about mobile web development
Hiding Videos on the Mobile Web How to hide videos without an impact on mobile traffic
How To Poison The Mobile User An overview of negative practices on mobile sites
How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage What you can do with web app to achieve better battery life
HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience On autocomplete attribute regarding 2fa
Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions On detection of various input devices
Learn AMP by Example A hands-on introduction to Accelerated Mobile Pages focusing on code and live samples
Loading web pages fast on a $20 feature phone Best practices for building web pages for feature phones
Measuring Network Performance in Mobile Safari An advices on using Mobile Safari for measuring network performance
Microbrowsers are Everywhere On optimizing sites for messengers
Mobile Performance Inequality Gap Why you need to care of performance on cheap smartphones
Mobile Search UX 8 Obstacles Series of articles about mobile search UX
Mobile Web Best Practices A little bit out of date but still useful list of best practices for mobile websites from W3C
Mobile Web Application Best Practices The list of best practices for mobile web applications from W3C
Mobile Web Development Guideline (must read) from Mozilla about designing mobile websites
Mobile Web Performance Checklist Best practices for optimizing mobile web apps
Observing Intersection Observers An introduction to intersection observers
Offline First (Awesome List) 3,153 about 2 years ago The awesome list of offline-first stuff (Progressive Web Apps, Service Workers etc.)
Prevent Mobile Browser From Sleeping How to prevent your phone from sleeping
Responsive Web Design – What It Is And How To Use It Overview of technics of responsive design
Rules for Mobile Performance Optimization An overview of techniques to speed page loading
Self-Host Your Static Assets Reason why you need to self-host your static assets
The Impact of Web Performance On performance as a key factor for the business
The joy and challenge of developing for KaiOS How to start developing for KaiOS
Timing Out A service worker strategy for dealing with lie-fi (a bad network connection)
Tips for making interactive elements accessible on mobile devices List of advices on creating accessible mobile UI
Touch Devices Should Not Be Judged By Their Size Overview of interaction media features
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible
Web Fundamentals Guideline from Google about creating good mobile web experiences
What Does A Foldable Web Actually Mean? Musings on the impact of foldable phones on web
Who Killed My Battery An interesting paper about websites' power consumption

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Books

Brain Food Mobile Performance Free small ebook on mobile performance from Awwwards
Going Offline Guide on building offline experience with service workers
High-Performance Mobile Web: Best Practices for Optimizing Mobile Web Apps Book about the performance of the web on mobile devices
Mobile Design Pattern Gallery: UI Patterns for Smartphone Apps UI patterns which can be useful for mobile web apps
Mobile First How to design sites for mobile devices (free online version)
Responsive Web Design Book about responsive web design

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Specifications from W3C for Enhancing Mobile Web Experience

Battery API On access to information about the battery
Connection API On access to information about connection
Generic Sensor API The spec for exposing sensor data
Geolocation API On access to geolocation
HTML Media Capture On user access to camera or microphone
Payment Request API On payment method with minimal integration
Presentation API On access to presentation displays
Remote Playback API On controlling remote playback of media from a web page
Vibration API On access to the vibration mechanism of the hosting device
Visual Viewport API On access to a visual portion of a screen excluding on-screen keyboards, areas outside of a pinch-zoom area etc
Wake Lock Api On access to wake lock request (prevents some aspect of a device from entering the power-saving state)
Web Bluetooth On an API to discover and communicate with devices over the Bluetooth 4
Web NFC API On access to Near Field Communication capabilities of the device
Web Notifications On an API for end-user notifications

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Talks

Adaptive Loading - Improving web performance on slow devices Overview of practices for adapting a site to hardware and network constraints, by Addy Osmani, Nate Schloss
Fundamentals of Mobile Web Development Overview of the best practices for mobile web development, by Matt Gaunt
Future App Model: Advanced Service Worker The glimpse on how to optimize web apps and sites using streams and service workers and other new APIs, by Jake Archibald
Instant Loading: Building offline-first Progressive Web Apps Introduction to service workers, by Jake Archibald
Mobile Web Performance What to do on your site to achieve the best possible mobile experience, by Estelle Weyl
Mobile Web Performance Auditing How to audit performance issues on the site, by Paul Lewis

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Auditing Tools

Lighthouse 28,476 about 22 hours ago Analyzing tool for web apps and web pages
Mobile-Friendly Test Tool for testing that your site is mobile-friendly
PageSpeed Insights The tool that analyzes your page and gives recommendations for increasing downloading speed
PageSpeed Web server modules that optimize your site automatically
Site Speed Checker Compare the speed of your mobile site to others
Test Your Mobile Speed The tool from Google that performs comprehesive speed check of the mobile site
Webpagetest Website speed test from multiple locations using real browsers and at real consumer connection speeds

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Platform Monitoring

Can I Use State of support of various web features in browsers
Mobile Browser Market Share Market share between various platforms and countries
Standards for Web Applications on Mobile Current state of mobile-related W3C specifications
What Web Can Do Today What your browser capable of

Awesome Mobile Web Development / Other Useful Tools and Libraries

Browsersync Time-saving synchronised browser testing
Eruda 18,913 23 days ago Console for mobile web browsers
Interact.js 12,395 8 months ago Drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers
Fastclick 18,650 over 3 years ago Removing of 300ms delay in old browsers
Lozad.js 7,459 6 months ago Highly performant, light and configurable lazy loader using IntersectionObserver API
React Dates 12,230 8 months ago An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker React library for the web
Screen Sizes A list of screen sizes of all popular smartphones
Shiny 2,803 about 2 years ago Shiny reflections for mobile websites
Slideout 7,935 about 4 years ago Standalone and lightweight navigation menu for your mobile web apps
Swiper 40,053 15 days ago The most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
Web Inspector Remote (Weinre) Web inspector for debugging sites in non-mainstream browsers
Web Starter Kit 18,417 7 months ago A workflow for multi-device websites
Workbox JavaScript libraries for adding offline support to web apps
WorkerDOM Library to provide a full representation of the DOM inside of Web Workers

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