Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / General introduction |
Zero Knowledge Proofs: An illustrated primer by Matthew Green | | | |
Demystifying zero-knowledge proofs | | | ( ) (math-heavy, awesome introduction into underlying cryptography) |
Introduction to SNARKs/STARKs by Eli Ben-Sasson | | | (YouTube) |
On Interactive Proofs and Zero-Knowledge: A Primer | | | |
ZK Basics Cheatsheet | 119 | over 1 year ago | a "for (not too much) dummies" poster, trying to not miss core concepts despite the simplified approach and topics selection |
A Non-Mathematical Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proof | | | a ZKP primer for those who flunked algebra |
Part 1: What is a SNARK? | | | |
Part 2: Building a SNARK (Part 1): | | | |
Part 3: Building a SNARK (Part 2) | | | |
Part 4: SNARKS vs. STARKS | | | |
Part 5: PLONK and Custom Gates with Adrian Hamelink | | | |
Part 6: Lookup Arguments for Performance Optimisation | | | |
Part 7: Zero Knowledge Virtual Machines (zkVM) | | | |
Part 8: Achieving Decentralised Private Computation | | | |
Part 9: Introduction to zkRollups | | | |
Part I | | | |
Part II | | | |
Part III | | | |
Appendix | | | |
Part I | | | |
Part II | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Courses |
The 9th BIU Winter School on Cryptography: Zero Knowledge | | | |
UIUC: ECE498AC/CS498AM: Applied Cryptography, Fall 2019 | | | |
Zero Knowledge Proof, MOOC Spring 2023 | | | |
[MIT IAP 2023] Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Use cases |
Awesome Privacy on Blockchains | 261 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Ethereum |
ZK Sync | | | by |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Ethereum / ZK Sync |
ZK SDK | | | |
ZK Sync code | 4,903 | 8 months ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Ethereum |
SNARK-based permissioned database: rollup by BarryWhitehat | 362 | about 2 years ago | |
Gnosis dFusion: DEX on SNARKs | 90 | over 3 years ago | |
Loopring DEX Protocol (v3) | 333 | 4 months ago | |
zkPoD: A Practical Decentralized System for Data Exchange | 207 | almost 2 years ago | |
Dark Forest: zkSNARK space warfare strategy game | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
Zcash: Privacy-Protecting Digital Currency | | | (SNARKs) |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains / Zcash: Privacy-Protecting Digital Currency |
Community Chat | | | |
Forums | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
Monero: Private Digital Currency | | | (Bulletproofs) |
Mina Protocol: A Constant-Size Blockchain | | | (recursive SNARKs) |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains / Mina Protocol: A Constant-Size Blockchain |
YouTube introduction | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
Grin: Simple, privacy-focused, scalable MimbleWimble chain implementation | | | (Bulletproofs) |
Beam: Private and Scalable Coin based on MimbleWimble | | | |
Namada: Asset Agnostic, Multichain privacy | | | (SNARKs) |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains / Namada: Asset Agnostic, Multichain privacy |
Youtube Introduction | | | |
Specs Documentation | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
IronFish: Privacy-Preserving Regulatory-Friendly Cryptocurrency Platform | | | (Groth16 zk-SNARKs) |
Whitepaper | | | |
Community Chat | | | |
YouTube Channel | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
succinct: Write ZKPs with Rust using SP1, a performant, open-source zkVM and generate proofs in 1-click on Succinct’s decentralized prover network | | | |
document | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Other blockchains |
Valida: Valida is a STARK-based virtual machine,The VM has a RISC-inspired instruction set,The VM is designed to be customizable. It can easily be extended to include an arbitrary number of user-defined instructions | 303 | 3 months ago | |
Nexus zkVM: Nexus is a modular, extensible, open-source, highly-parallelized, prover-optimized, contributor-friendly, zkVM written in Rust, focused on performance and security. | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Applications / Non-blockchain |
awesome-zkml | 840 | 7 months ago | Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning - |
zk-email | | | |
Proof of Passport | 356 | 3 months ago | |
Semaphore | 938 | 3 months ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Bulletproofs |
Introduction and collection of resources | | | |
From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs | 156 | about 2 years ago | a long and very nice gradual explanation |
Bulletproofs | | | succinct and complete description of the protocol |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Bulletproofs / Try |
Implementation in Haskell | 534 | about 2 years ago | |
Implementation in Rust | 1,058 | 8 months ago | |
Implementation in C | 1,170 | 3 months ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Bulletproofs / Proof system implementations |
Programmable Constraint Systems for Bulletproofs | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / Bulletproofs / Halo |
Halo: Recursive bullet proof composition | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Learn |
Introduction to zk-SNARKs with examples | | | |
What are zk-SNARKs (Zcash blog) | | | |
BabySNARK- The simplest possible SNARK for NP. You know, for kids! | 230 | 10 months ago | |
The MoonMath Manual to zk-SNARKs (A free learning resource for beginners to experts) | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 1: Introduction & the Medium of a Proof | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 2: Proving Knowledge of a Polynomial | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 3: Non-interactivity & Distributed Setup | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 4: General-Purpose Computation | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 5: Variable Polynomials | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 6: Verifiable Computation Protocol | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 7: Constraints and Public Inputs | | | |
Why and How zk-SNARK Works 8: Zero-Knowledge Computation | | | |
ZkStudyClub Part 1: Polynomial Commitments with Justin Drake | | | |
ZkStudyClub Part 2: Polynomial Commitments with Justin Drake | | | |
ZkStudyClub Part 3: Polynomial Commitments with Justin Drake | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part I: Homomorphic Hidings | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part II: Blind Evaluation of Polynomials | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part III: The Knowledge of Coefficient Test and Assumption | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part IV: How to make Blind Evaluation of Polynomials Verifiable | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part V: From Computations to Polynomials | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part VI: The Pinocchio Protocol | | | |
Explaining SNARKs Part VII: Pairings of Elliptic Curves | | | |
Part 1: Quadratic Arithmetic Programs: from Zero to Hero | | | |
Part 2: Exploring Elliptic Curve Pairings | | | |
Part 3: Zk-SNARKs: Under the Hood | | | |
zkSNARKs in a Nutshell | | | |
Groth16 protocol | | | (original paper) |
Zcash Sapling protocol spec | 275 | 3 months ago | (very useful as detailed cheat-sheet of all cryptography used) |
Circom | | | |
Halo2 | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try |
libsnark (C++) | 1,846 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try / libsnark (C++) |
great tutorial | 191 | almost 4 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try |
bellman (rust) | 1,031 | 8 months ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try / bellman (rust) |
demo circuit | 8 | over 6 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try |
jsnark (Java, bindings to libsnark) | 210 | about 2 years ago | |
snarky (Ocaml, from O(1) labs, team behind Mina Protocol) | 498 | 3 months ago | |
zokrates (toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum) | 1,836 | 7 months ago | |
ZoKrates Remix plugin tutorial | | | |
Zero Knowledge Proof Application Demo, with libsnarks, truffle and docker | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try |
ethsnarks by HarryR (alternative toolkit for viable zk-SNARKS on Ethereum, Web, Mobile and Desktop) | 241 | 4 months ago | |
gnark - library for zero-knowledge proof protocols written in Go | 1,459 | 3 months ago | |
circom and snarkjs tutorial | 473 | almost 2 years ago | |
Roll-up tutorial using Circom and SnarkJS by Ying Tong | 31 | over 5 years ago | |
A circuit and zk-snark implement using Circom and SnarkJS by Luozhu | 61 | about 2 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Try |
SnarkyJS - a TypeScript framework for writing zk-SNARKs in the browser and developing Snapps for Mina Protocol by O(1) labs - WIP | 540 | 3 months ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Scaling the prover |
DIZK: Java library for distributed zero knowledge proof systems with Apache Spark | 237 | almost 3 years ago | (see the ) |
SnarkyGPU: distributed GPU based zkSNARKs prover | 23 | over 6 years ago | (work in progress) |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Multi-Party Ceremony (MPC) for Trusted Setup |
“Powers of Tau” protocol for scalable generation of structured reference string | | | |
Implementation of ZCash MPC Ceremony, Part I: "Powers of Tau" | 141 | almost 4 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Multi-Party Ceremony (MPC) for Trusted Setup / Implementation of ZCash MPC Ceremony, Part I: "Powers of Tau" |
Archived independent implementation in Go | 33 | almost 7 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNARKs / Multi-Party Ceremony (MPC) for Trusted Setup |
Implementation of ZCash MPC Ceremony, Part I: "Sapling Circuit" | 30 | about 2 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNORKs / Sonic |
Introducing Sonic: A Practical zk-SNARK with a Nearly Trustless Setup | | | |
Sonic: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updateable Structured Reference Strings | | | |
Sonic MPC implementation by Matter Labs | 24 | about 6 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNORKs / PLONK |
Awesome PLONK | 232 | 7 months ago | : A curated list of awesome things related to plonk proof system |
Understanding PLONK by Vitalik Buterin | | | |
Ignition: Trusted Setup MPC Ceremony for PLONK | | | |
Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / SNORKs / Marlin |
A Marlin is One of the Fastest SNARKs in the Ocean | | | |
Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal and Updatable SRS | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / STARKS / Learn |
STARK @ Home {video playlist} | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / STARKS / FRI-STARKs |
Transparent Succinct Arguments by Alessandro Chiesa (Oct 2018) | | | |
State of the STARK by Eli Ben-Sasson (Devcon IV, Oct 2018) | | | ( ) |
Introduction to ZK-STARKs by [email protected] | | | |
Part I: Proofs with Polynomials | | | |
Part II: Thank Goodness It's FRI-day | | | |
Part III: Into the Weeds | | | |
The STARK paper | | | |
libstark implementation | 520 | almost 2 years ago | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / STARKS / SuperSonic |
Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers (Dec 2019) | | | |
Introducing Sonic: A Practical zk-SNARK with a Nearly Trustless Setup | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp) / STARKS / Fractal |
Fractal: Post-Quantum and Transparent Recursive Proofs from Holography | | | |
Awesome zero knowledge twitter list | | | |
Zero-knowledge podcast | | | |
ZKProof, an academic and industry initiative for standardizing Zero Knowledge Proofs | | | |