
sunglasses A curated list of awesome {Less}


63 stars
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7 forks
last commit: about 2 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Less / Getting Started

Beginner's Guide
Getting Started with Less
Learn in 10 Minutes
Official Guide
Official Repository 17,012 3 months ago

Awesome Less / UI/Theme Frameworks and Components

1pxdeep Brings designing by relative visual weight, or designing with color schemes, to Bootstrap
Ant Design 92,032 1 day ago An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation
Bootstrap a11y theme 32 over 10 years ago Makes web accessibility easier for Bootstrap developers
Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web
Bootswatch Collection of free themes for Bootstrap
Cardinal Small "mobile first" CSS framework for front-end developers who build responsive web applications
CSSHórus 70 over 10 years ago Library for development of responsive and mobile websites
Flat UI Free Theme and framework for Bootstrap
JBST Theme framework that can be used as a standalone website builder or to create WordPress themes
Less Rails 340 over 2 years ago Less for Rails
Material Design for Bootstrap 24 over 3 years ago Material Design for Bootstrap is a Bootstrap V3 compatible theme; it is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in your Bootstrap 3 based application
Metro UI CSS Set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8
Schema Light, responsive, and lean frontend UI framework
Semantic UI UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language
UIkit Lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing web interfaces
Wee Lightweight front-end framework for logically building complex, responsive web projects

Awesome Less / Libraries and Mixins / Grid

Bootstrap Grid Only 448 about 7 years ago Bootstrap's responsive grid and responsive utility classes only, without any extras. Lightweight yet still powerful. Style to taste
Framework 698 almost 8 years ago Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive web sites. It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid
Flexible Grid System This framework will let you create your web applications in a flexible way that you've never experienced before
Fluidable Fluidable is a mobile first, responsive grid system. It is standalone, lightweight & built using Less
Grid System 7 almost 9 years ago Super-easy to use, markup-independent grid system
Less Zen Grid 5 about 10 years ago Implementation of in Less
Order.Less 21 about 7 years ago Baseline alignment, column grids and modular scales

Awesome Less / Libraries and Mixins / Media Queries

CSS and Media Query Strategies 17 almost 12 years ago Using Less CSS to develop a media query driven solution for modern and legacy browsers
Media Queries Library 10 over 8 years ago Really simple media queries in Less
Media Query to Type 10 over 10 years ago A method for creating an IE specific stylesheet that allows the content of media queries to become accessible to Internet Explorer 8 and below

Awesome Less / Libraries and Mixins / Color

Brand Colors 1100+ collection of popular brand colors available in Sass, Less, Stylus and CSS
More-Colors Variables for easier color manipulation while you design in the browser
Open Color 5,270 10 months ago Open color is a color scheme for UI design. Available in CSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Adobe library, Photoshop/Illustrator swatches and Sketch palette

Awesome Less / Libraries and Mixins / Animation

Animate 44 about 7 years ago A library of CSS3 keyframe animations authored using Less
Animate Less 531 about 5 years ago Port of Dan Eden's to Less
Cube Less 55 over 1 year ago 3D (animated) cube using only CSS (Less), originally used by LeanCloud (aka. AVOS Cloud)
Hover Collection of CSS3 powered hover animated effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on
Less Burguer 6 almost 9 years ago Port of to Less

Awesome Less / Libraries and Mixins / Miscellaneous

3L Mixins library
Bidi 13 over 8 years ago Set of mixins for creating bi-directional styling
Clearless Collection of mixins
Css3LessPlease Conversion of to Less mixins
CssEffects Collection of CSS style effects
Cssowl Mixin library
Dynamic Stylesheet 97 over 9 years ago Set of useful mixins
Est 397 over 1 year ago Mixin library
Hexagon Generate CSS hexagons with custom size and color
Homeless Helpful functions
Less Elements Set of basic mixins
Lesshat 2,188 over 2 years ago Smart mixins library
Lessley A jasmine like testing suite written in pure Less
Lessmore 5 over 7 years ago Mixins library. Cross-browser support for the CSS3 features and more
Normalize 13 almost 6 years ago Modularized famous using Less
Oban Collection of mixins
Preboot 1,676 over 8 years ago Collection of mixins and variables for writing better CSS
Retina.js 4,420 over 4 years ago JavaScript, SCSS, Sass, Less, and Stylus helpers for rendering high-resolution image variants
Shape 36 almost 11 years ago Collection of mixins for various shapes
TRRtoolbelt 2 over 10 years ago Mixins and functions for common actions

Awesome Less / Style Guides

Handshake Style Guide 9 almost 8 years ago This guide presents a collection of best-practices and coding conventions
WebMD Health Services Style Guide 2 over 10 years ago This document outlines CSS/Less best practices at WebMD Health Services

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / Java

JLessC 56 7 months ago Less compiler written completely in Java
Less Engine 221 almost 4 years ago Runs Less in the Rhino JVM-based JavaScript interpreter
Less CSS Compiler for Java 163 almost 6 years ago Runs Less in the Rhino JVM-based JavaScript interprete
Less4j 145 about 2 years ago Native Java implementation
Lesscss 11 about 9 years ago Runs Less using Rhino, Nasshorn or node.js engine; 1.7.0 compliant
Lesscss Gradle Plugin 10 almost 7 years ago Gradle plugin based on Less

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / .Net

BundleTransformer.Less Compiler written in .Net
Less CSS for .Net Compiler written in .Net

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / PHP

ILess 47 over 5 years ago PHP port written in Javascript
Lessphp Compiler written in PHP
Less.php PHP port

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / Python

Pyhton Compiler 144 about 1 year ago Compiler written in Python

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / Ruby

Ruby Compiler 121 over 7 years ago Less in Ruby's V8 Engine

Awesome Less / Ports of Less / Go

Go Compiler 17 about 7 years ago Runs Less inside embedded Javascript engine

Awesome Less / GUIs, Editors and Plugins

Atom Linter 11 over 2 years ago Linter plugin in the Atom text editor
CSS 2 Convert Quick way to automatically convert CSS to Less, easy as copy and paste
CSS Less(ish) 48 over 9 years ago Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin that implements a stripped down version of the functionality in css preprocessors (such as Less)
Crunch 2! Crunch 2 is a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux) editor with integrated compiling. If you work with large Less projects, you should definitely try it out, as you only need the free version for Less files
Diamond Dependency management built for Sass, Less, and CSS
Eclipse Less Plugin This plugin extends the Eclipse IDE by providing handy features to edit and compile Less stylesheets
Eclipse Transpiler Plugin 21 over 7 years ago Eclipse plugin to automatically transpile your files (Less, SASS, CoffeeScript, etc.)
Emacs 100 almost 6 years ago Emacs mode with support for compile-on-save
Grunt Contrib 668 3 months ago Compile Less files to CSS using Grunt
Grunt Lint 76 over 3 years ago Lint your Less files using CSS Lint from Grunt
Gulp Less 559 over 3 years ago Plugin for Gulp
Hayaky 971 over 5 years ago Hayaku is a bundle of useful scripts aiming for rapid front-end web development
Hyra Helper 27 over 9 years ago CakePHP plugin that converts your Less files to CSS using only PHP
Koala Koala is a cross-platform GUI application for compiling Less, sass and coffeescript
Less for Notepad++ 70 over 1 year ago Syntax Highlighting for Notepad++
Less Sublime 500 over 1 year ago Syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
Lesshint 116 over 2 years ago Tool to aid you in writing clean and consistent Less
LiveReload CSS edits and image changes apply live. CoffeeScript, SASS, Less and others just work
SimpleLess SimpleLess is a minimalistic Less compiler. Just drag, drop and compile
Sublime Less2CSS 202 almost 5 years ago Sublime Text 2 Plugin to compile Less files to css on save
SublimeOnSaveBuild 234 about 6 years ago Trigger a build the moment you save a file in Sublime Text 2. Works best with web projects that make use of Less, Compass and any other pre-processor or a makefile
Vim Less 599 over 8 years ago This vim bundle adds syntax highlighting, indenting and autocompletion
Visual Studio Web Essentials If you ever write CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript or Less, then you will find many useful features that make your life as a developer easier
Winless WinLess started out as a clone of, it takes a more feature-complete approach and has several settings. It also supports starting with command line arguments

Awesome Less / Online Less Compilers

BeautifyTools Less Compiler Online Less compiler with optional formatting and minification at
EstFiddle Online Less compiler providing live demo for Less and est. Allowing users to switch among all versions of Less after 1.4.0 with optional est/Autoprefixer functionalities
ILess Live demo of PHP compiler
Leafo live demo
Less2CSS Online Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is hosted in a browser allowing users to edit and compile Less to CSS in real-time
LessPHP live demo
Lesstester Online compiler for Less CSS
Precess A real time preprocesser compiler
Winless This Online Less Compiler can help you to learn Less. You can go through the examples below or try your own Less code

Awesome Less / Online Web IDEs/Playgrounds with Less support

CodePen CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web
CSSDeck Labs CSSDeck Labs is a place where you can quickly create some experiments (or testcases) that involves HTML, CSS, JS code
Fiddle Salad An online playground with an instantly ready coding environment
JS Bin JS Bin is a webapp specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code
JsFiddle Online Web Editor

Awesome Less / Translations

Chinese (中文)

Awesome Less / Articles

An Introduction To Less, And Comparison To Sass
Best Less Tutorials : A Comprehensive Guide to Less
Doing MORE with Less
How to Make a Loops in Less CSS
Lets use Less to Create Less CSS not just CSS
Revisiting Less

Awesome Less / Articles / Books

Instant Less CSS Preprocessor How-to
Less Web Development Essentials
Learning Less

Awesome Less / Videos

Learning Less
Less (CSS pre-processor) Tutorials
Less CSS Tutorials for Beginners
Less CSS - Tutorials for Beginners

Awesome Less / Experiments

3D Buttons
Border Radiuses Mixin
CSS3 Color Wheel
DEMO: Variables
Easy Buttons
Linear Gradient Mixin
Responsive Grid
Sizable CSS-only Icons
Triangle / Arrow Mixin

Awesome Less / Community

Contributing to Less 17,012 3 months ago
Stack Overflow

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