
A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.


9k stars
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Language: Python
last commit: 15 days ago
Linked from 12 awesome lists


Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Database

akka-persistence-gcp-datastore 19 9 days ago
anorm 238 about 1 month ago
clickhouse-scala-client 112 12 days ago
couchbase-jvm-clients 47 8 days ago
doobie 2,157 11 days ago
elastic4s 1,639 10 days ago
etcd4s 31 9 days ago
laserdisc 94 15 days ago
mysql-binlog-stream 14 2 months ago
neotypes 165 9 days ago
pulsar4s 226 about 1 month ago
zio-quill 2,148 8 days ago
ReactiveMongo 850 about 1 month ago
rediscala 791 5 months ago
relate 161 10 months ago
sangria 1,962 8 days ago
scala-forklift 188 about 2 months ago
scalarelational 58 6 months ago
scalikejdbc 1,260 8 days ago
scanamo 316 10 days ago
slick 2,647 9 days ago
slick-pg 839 about 2 months ago
squery 17 14 days ago
squeryl 584 8 days ago
molecule 17 8 days ago
zio-redis 123 9 days ago
skunk 1,577 8 days ago
kvs 23 9 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Graphical User Interfaces

scalafx 671 3 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Web Frameworks

analogweb-scala 13 9 months ago
cask 529 26 days ago
finatra 2,272 5 months ago
framework 1,266 16 days ago
playframework 12,535 8 days ago
scalajs-react 1,642 2 months ago
scalatra 2,650 8 days ago
sharaf 31 3 months ago
unfiltered 709 8 days ago
youi 210 13 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Reactive Web Frameworks

Binding.scala 1,586 13 days ago
udash-core 448 11 days ago
vertx-lang-scala 122 3 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Data Binding and Validation

dupin 42 6 months ago
octopus 150 3 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / i18n

scaposer 38 10 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Authentication

play-googleauth 35 9 days ago
play-pac4j 405 12 days ago
scala-oauth2-provider 538 10 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Cryptography

scrypto 201 13 days ago
jose 15 3 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Testing

bencher 518 6 days ago
cornichon 227 9 days ago
gatling 6,420 5 days ago
minitest 179 about 2 months ago
mockito-scala 354 2 months ago
munit 429 4 days ago
scalacheck 1,938 8 days ago
ScalaMock 502 19 days ago
scalaprops 277 5 days ago
scalatest 1,148 25 days ago
specs2 734 7 days ago
stryker4s 199 9 days ago
weaver-test 439 about 1 month ago
testcontainers-scala 630 about 2 months ago
utest 486 about 1 month ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / JSON

argonaut 546 4 days ago
borer 222 16 days ago
circe 2,485 19 days ago
diffson 313 14 days ago
jackson-module-scala 501 about 1 month ago 9,057 3 months ago Add-on module for Jackson ( ) to support Scala-specific datatypes
jawn 433 8 days ago
json4s 1,484 8 days ago
jsoniter-scala 738 12 days ago
ninny-json 21 18 days ago
play-json 361 about 1 month ago
ScalaJack 112 27 days ago
spray-json 973 9 months ago
tupson 6 3 months ago
zio-json 406 18 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / CSV

kantan.csv 345 3 months ago
scala-csv 696 18 days ago
spata 28 13 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Serialization

borer 222 16 days ago
avro4s 719 about 2 months ago
chill 608 about 2 months ago
ScalaPB 1,301 3 days ago
scodec 809 28 days ago
scrooge 791 5 months ago
upickle 714 26 days ago
proto 34 14 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Science and Data Analysis

algebird 2,288 about 2 months ago
ipex-llm 6,552 5 days ago
breeze 3,445 about 1 month ago
doddle-model 137 about 2 months ago
libra 198 about 2 months ago
LoMRF 80 28 days ago
mgo 71 2 months ago
numsca 184 3 months ago
onnx-scala 137 28 days ago
openmole 142 9 days ago
Optimus 141 7 months ago
rings 72 11 months ago
smile 6,017 11 days ago
spire 1,762 8 days ago
squants 922 8 days ago
zeppelin 6,382 13 days ago
spark-nlp 3,827 1 day ago
VecMatLib 3 4 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Big Data

flink 23,889 1 day ago
gridscale 27 7 months ago
kafka 28,494 3 days ago
alpakka-kafka 1,417 5 days ago
scio 2,552 5 days ago
Apache Crunch A Scala wrapper for which provides a framework for writing, testing, and running MapReduce pipelines
spark 39,387 5 days ago
gallia-core 85 7 months ago
nussknacker 645 8 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Command Line Interfaces

decline 647 about 1 month ago
mainargs 186 22 days ago
scallop 676 7 months ago
scopt 1,433 6 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Image processing and image analysis

scalismo 245 3 months ago
scrimage 1,072 about 2 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Functional Reactive Programming

fs2 2,358 19 days ago
iteratee 183 about 2 months ago
monix 1,927 about 2 months ago
REScala 90 8 days ago
zio 4,075 8 days ago
vertx-lang-scala 122 3 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Modularization and Dependency Injection

airframe 631 8 days ago
izumi 613 14 days ago
macwire 1,266 9 days ago
scaldi 288 about 2 months ago
jam 60 7 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Distributed Systems

akka 13,038 4 days ago
annette 18 4 months ago
finagle 8,778 18 days ago
poppet 25 4 months ago
automorph 10 about 2 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Extensions

Ammonite 2,608 12 days ago
better-files 1,475 about 2 months ago
blindsight 85 about 2 months ago
cats 5,243 6 days ago
chimney 1,160 3 days ago
chronoscala 67 12 days ago
Dsl.scala 256 13 days ago
each 256 about 2 months ago
eff 579 10 days ago Eff monad for cats -
enableIf.scala 66 3 months ago
enumeratum 1,190 about 2 months ago
log4s 171 8 months ago
izumi 613 14 days ago
Monocle 1,653 19 days ago
nscala-time 869 9 days ago
quicklens 824 6 days ago
refined 1,705 11 days ago
scala-async 1,145 11 days ago
scala-graph 562 2 months ago
scala-logging 910 17 days ago
scalameta 1,109 11 days ago
scalaz 4,670 4 days ago
scribe 525 5 days ago
shapeless 3,386 6 days ago
simulacrum 937 6 months ago
squid 197 8 months ago
tinylog 696 8 days ago
util 2,687 about 1 month ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Misc

Ammonite 2,608 12 days ago
bootzooka 742 8 days ago
eclair 1,234 4 days ago
fansi 226 26 days ago
fs2-aws 189 about 2 months ago
mailgun4s 17 5 months ago
managerial 13 19 days ago
media4s 34 9 months ago
play-swagger 403 11 months ago
PPrint 225 26 days ago
pureconfig 1,480 12 days ago
service-chassis 7 about 2 months ago
spliff 58 about 2 months ago
scountries 20 9 days ago
scurl-detector 16 7 days ago
aptus-core 7 7 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Android

scaloid 2,090 4 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / HTTP

akka-http 1,337 11 days ago
reboot 426 about 1 month ago
finch 1,597 8 days ago
http4s 2,546 10 days ago
lolhttp 91 about 2 months ago
requests-scala 721 19 days ago
scalaxb 335 30 days ago
sttp 1,448 3 days ago
tapir 1,351 9 days ago
endpoints4s 405 15 days ago
frontier 10 15 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Semantic Web

scowl 56 3 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Metrics and Monitoring

metrics-scala 426 9 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Parsing

atto 358 about 2 months ago
fastparse 1,090 26 days ago
parboiled2 717 8 days ago
scala-parser-combinators 649 11 days ago
cats-parse 232 8 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Sbt plugins

better-monadic-for 707 5 months ago
coursier 2,035 9 days ago
mdoc 395 12 days ago
sbt-api-mappings 90 3 months ago
sbt-assembly 1,948 28 days ago
sbt-buildinfo 551 about 1 month ago
sbt-ci-release 283 15 days ago
sbt-dependency-check 266 about 1 month ago
sbt-docker 733 3 months ago
sbt-doctest 182 10 days ago
sbt-ghpages 91 18 days ago
sbt-header 187 about 2 months ago
sbt-hepek 21 10 months ago
sbt-ide-settings 62 12 months ago
sbt-jmh 789 19 days ago
sbt-microsites 320 about 2 months ago
mima 456 17 days ago
sbt-native-packager 1,593 18 days ago
sbt-pack 495 9 days ago
sbt-pgp 142 8 months ago
sbt-release 643 19 days ago
sbt-scala-js-map 36 13 days ago
sbt-scalafmt 196 19 days ago
sbt-scoverage 649 10 days ago
sbt-site 174 6 months ago
sbt-sonatype 334 9 days ago
sbt-unidoc 124 17 days ago
sbt-updates 759 19 days ago
sbt-eclipse 717 21 days ago
splain 370 5 months ago
xsbt-web-plugin 382 8 days ago
sbt-git 345 17 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / XML / HTML

scala-scraper 717 16 days ago
xs4s 60 12 months ago
phobos 18 3 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Markdown

Laika 413 10 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / JavaScript

scala-js 4,570 8 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Scheduling

akka-quartz-scheduler 559 10 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Templating

scalatags 755 26 days ago
scalate 606 8 days ago
twirl 547 12 days ago
hepek 106 about 2 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Tools

bloop 901 4 days ago
coursier 2,035 9 days ago
dregex 45 10 days ago
fast-string-interpolator 91 9 days ago
fastring 127 13 days ago
gitbucket 9,142 12 days ago
giter8 1,737 9 days ago
metals 2,076 8 days ago
mill 2,042 3 days ago
sbt 4,794 8 days ago
scalafix 824 8 days ago
scalariform 527 5 months ago
scapegoat 525 9 days ago
wartremover 1,076 9 days ago
scala2plantuml 23 2 months ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Geospatial

geotrellis 1,335 14 days ago
osm4scala 79 11 months ago
rtree2d 131 5 days ago
stac4s 16 24 days ago
franklin 75 13 days ago

Awesome Scala / Table of Contents / Devops

skuber 75 17 days ago

Learning Scala / Books

Essential Scala by Noel Welsh and Dave Gurnell - Essential Scala is aimed at experienced developers who are encountering Scala for the first time
Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling by Debasish Ghosh
Functional Programming for Mortals by Sam Halliday
Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason
Functional Programming, Simplified (Scala edition) by Alvin Alexander
Get Programming with Scala by Daniela Sfregola - Tutorial-driven introduction to Scala
Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach by Gabriel Volpe
Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners
Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala by Jens Grassel
Reactive Programming with Scala and Akka Use the concepts of reactive programming to build distributed systems running on multiple nodes
Scala Cookbook by Alvin Alexander
Scala for the Impatient by Cay Horstmann - Covers most Scala features with short and easy to understand explainations
Scala With Cats by Noel Welsh and Dave Gurnell - Learn system architecture and design using the techniques of modern functional programming with
The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless by Dave Gurnell
Zionomicon by John A. De Goes, Adam Fraser - Master the dark art of creating scalable, type-safe, concurrent apps with ZIO

Learning Scala / Exercises

S-99 Ninety-Nine Scala Problems
Scala Exercises Brings the popular Scala Koans to the web. Offering hundreds of solvable exercises organized into 42 categories covering the basics of the Scala language
Exercism - Scala Exercises Community-driven Scala exercises
Learn-by-doing functional programming course on Scala 611 over 4 years ago Covers type classes, functors, applicatives, monads, monad transformers, free monad

Learning Scala / Tutorials and courses

A Tour of Scala Bite-sized introductions to some of the core language concepts
Functional Programming in Scala Coursera Specialization (5 courses) created by Martin Odersky et al. at the EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Dr. Mark Lewis Resources by >> |
Introduction to programming with dependent types in Scala Video Course by Dmytro Mitin
Scala Collections Cookbook Scala collections introduction. written in Chinese
Free Scala Courses A curated list of free Scala courses
Clean Architecture Example 24 over 1 year ago A step-by-step guide to develop an application using Clean Architecture in Scala

Learning Scala / Commercial courses

Foundations of Functional Programming in Scala a professional video course with exercises covering covers functional principles, custom IO (effects) and functional design
Scala Algorithms a collection of nearly 100 algorithms in pure-functional Scala with test cases, explanations and a web-based IDE. Built with http4s & Scala.js

Learning Scala / Community Members' Blogs 379 about 2 months ago

Learning Scala / Company Blogs

Functional Works / Learn Quality resources maintained by functional works
Scala Times Weekly newsletter about scala
47 Degrees Functional Programming news, updates, and more

Learning Scala / Podcasts

The Scala Logs Interviewing developers, open source contributors, subject matter experts, and the like to talk about FP, Scala, open source, and their interests
Scala Love Podcast about the Scala Programming Language and its community
CoRecursive Interviews In-depth Interviews with software developers, often on the subject of scala libraries and functional programming
Scala for Fun & Profit Interviewing Scala users and companies

Learning Scala / Communities

Scala Ukraine Telegram chat of Ukrainian Scala Community

Learning Scala / Misc.

Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Scala
Scalera Blog Blog about Scala language and its environment (howto's, good practices, tips,...). Weekly posts written in both spanish and english
Scala @LibHunt A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software
List of Scala Online Courses A list of free and paid Scala online courses by Classpert, An online course search and comparison website
Scala Days Conferences A youtube channel that provides full fledged videos, recorded at Scala Days Conferences
CA Art 16 almost 3 years ago A small project aimed at learning Scala on intermediate level by experimenting with Cellular Automata

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