
FPGA board catalog

A curated list of FPGA boards with their specifications and features

book List of FPGA Lattice boards using open tools


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ArticKoala by Greg Davill. LIFCL-40 CrossLink based

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / HX1K

DIPSY EPT (Emulator Programmer Tool)
FPGA eink controller on HAD. The idea is to control an old broken kindle 3 eink display with a FPGA
iCEblink40-HX1K by latticesemi. Proprietary
iCEstick Evaluation Kit (FTDI) by latticesemi. Proprietary
iceZUM Alhambra (FTDI)
NANDLand GoBoard (FTDI) comes with VGA, 2x7-seg displays
Olimex iCE40HX1K-EVB . (Serial). Proprietary
simpleFE simpleFE is a low-cost, open source, easy-to-use mixed-signal frontend. It is built to serve as a versatile bridge, performing high speed analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / HX4K

Alhambra II 87 4 months ago (FTDI)
BeagleWire FPGA (GPIO Beagleboard): comes with 4 PMODs
BlackIce II 69 about 4 years ago (Serial)
BlackIce MX (Serial) - by MyStorm
Bus Pirate Ultra and
first-fpga-pcb 66 over 4 years ago first @mattvenn. 6 PMODs + Raspberry Pi breakout
Glasgow revC 1,929 3 months ago
Graphics Gremlin 515 5 months ago . The Graphics Gremlin is an FPGA-based ISA video card specifically designed to emulate certain old video standards. This initial release emulates the original IBM PC monochrome graphics adapter (MDA) as well as the original IBM color graphics adapter (CGA). Since the logic is defined by the bitstream loaded into the FPGA, new emulations may be available in the future to support other video standards
HX4k PMOD Breakout 10 over 4 years ago . 10 !
IceCore 46 about 4 years ago
IceZero (GPIO Rpi - )
Kéfir I (FTDI)
krote 3 about 3 years ago Kröte is a minimal ICE40HX4K FPGA development board with five Digilent Pmod™ compatible sockets
Manila-Ice 9 about 4 years ago
picohx 30 10 months ago combines an iCE40 HX FPGA with the Raspberry Pi Pico. The Pico can program the FPGA over USB using a script included in this repo and then interact with it using GPIO
riegel 17 over 1 year ago Riegel is an FPGA computer designed by Lone Dynamics Corporation
un0rick (FTDI, GPIO RPi) - ultrasound tool

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / HX8K

Alchitry Cu (FTDI)
CAT Board 60 about 1 year ago (GPIO RPi). The CAT Board is a OSH Raspberry Pi HAT with a Lattice iCE40HX FPGA
DSP ICE 60 over 7 years ago . DSP ICE was developed because other boards didn't have all the features desired. The ultimate goal is to develop an SDR with swappable analog/RF front-ends
Glasgow Interface Explorer
iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board (FTDI). Proprietary
iceFUN (PIC16LF1459, led matrix, and buttons)
icoBOARD 1.0 (GPIO RPi).
iCEboy breakout - sourceforge. The goal of this project is to implement a GameBoy in Verilog using the open source IceStorm tools for Lattice iCE40HX-8K FPGAs
MiCE47 NXP i.MXRT1021DAF5A + iCE40HX8K

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / LP384

Gelatino . It is based on the iCE40LP384 FPGA from Lattice Semiconductor, embedded together with a ATMega328 Arduino-like hardware
FPGA-384 by SiliconFrog. . / same for .
logic-lp384 10 over 5 years ago . PMOD exposing a LP384 KiCad

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / LP1K

CaribouLite 1,105 5 months ago open-source SDR platform ( CaribouLite utilizes the SMI (Secondary Memory Interface) )
iCESugar-nano 107 about 1 year ago iCESugar FPGA Board base on iCE40LP1K-CM36

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / LP4K

ice5 Breakout Board
iceRadio 80 almost 8 years ago or
IcyBlue IcyBlue FPGA Feather is a breadboard-friendly, battery-backed, intuitive platform for FPGA development using a Lattice iCE40 FPGA
STM32F303 + ice5

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / LP8K

TinyFPGA BX (Serial)

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / UL1K


Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / UP5K

betrusted-ec 45 about 1 year ago The embedded controller (EC) is a UP5K FPGA responsible for secondary power management functions, and for intermediating between the trusted comms port on the SoC and the untrusted wifi stack
Doppler . Cortex M4F Microcontroller + FPGA development board
Fomu (FTDI). An FPGA board that fits inside your USB port
FPGA 101 Workshop Badge Board 71 almost 6 years ago (FTDI) by mmicko
Humble ICE RP2040, 32 Mbit Flash.
ice40helper 5 over 4 years ago
icehat . On - with
iCE40 UltraPlus Breakout Board (FTDI). iCE40 UltraPlus breakout board - Enables designers to evaluate key connectivity features of the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA. The breakout board brings out all I/Os and allows the FPGA to be programmed over a USB connector. Proprietary
ice Bling . Beautiful LED Earrings with Lattice iCE40.
ice40-dev-board 5 almost 4 years ago by medhyal - simple breakout board
ICEd ESPresso a tiny, WiFi-enabled FPGA+microcontroller dev board
ICE-dongle 6 almost 2 years ago USB-C Dongle with ice40 UP5k FPGA
iCEboy 12 about 1 year ago Nintendo Gameboy cartridge-shaped FPGA (Lattice iCE40UP5K) development board
iCEBreaker (FTDI) by 1bitsquared
iCEBreaker bitsy v1.1a 9 over 4 years ago (no FTDI)
iCE40-feather 23 over 2 years ago . Revision 0.2 was designed in 2021
ICESugar FPGA 365 4 months ago iCESugar FPGA Board base on iCE40UP5k. . V1.5 so far. Aliexpress:
ICE-V Wireless : Lattice Semi ICE40 boards are pretty popular notably thanks to the availability of open-source tools. ICE-V Wireless is another ICE40 UltraPlus FPGA board that also adds wireless support through an ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module with WiFi 4 and Bluetooth LE connectivity
lit3rick 22 8 months ago open source ultrasound pulse-echo raspberry pi hat shaped
nrfICE UP5K + nRF5340
pi_smi_up5k 8 over 4 years ago . Lattice ice40 up5k Raspberry Pi hat designed for using the secondary memory interface (SMI)
Pico ICE 159 4 months ago . Raspberry Pi RP2040, two 4MB SPI Flash chips, 8MB qSPI SSRAM.
PicoStation3D 47 about 4 years ago . 3D games console based on RP2040 and iCE40 UP5k
reDIP SID 95 6 months ago . The reDIP SID provides a fully functional open source hardware platform for MOS 6581/8580 SID emulation. The reDIP SID also aims to be a good no-frills generic choice for FPGA projects which may find use for audio and/or 5V tolerant I/O - it should be ideal for for e.g. retro computer and synthesizer projects
S1 Module 2 about 3 years ago . Nordic nRF52811 with BlueTooth, Maxim MAX77654 PMIC Battery Management, 32-Mbit of on board Flash, 6x12 mm.
SingularitySurfer 58 almost 2 years ago : An FPGA Lock-In Amplifier
UPDuino v1.0 (serial)
UPDuino v2.0 (FTDI)
UPDuino V3.1 331 8 months ago FTDI FT232H and 4MB qSPI Flash.
Vision FPGA 44 over 3 years ago

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / ECP5

basic-ecp5-pcb 101 over 3 years ago . 6 PMODs + Raspberry Pi breakout
ButterStick 196 over 1 year ago . SYZYGY + Eth
Darsena the Private Island development board for FPGA-based open source networking
ECPIX-5 sources to be released
ecp5-dev-board 9 almost 4 years ago by medhyal - simple breakout board
ECPIX-5 a modern ECP5 development board from LambdaConcept
ECP5-mini 78 over 3 years ago . Interesting
Flea Ohm (GPIO RPi)
FUSBee5 ft600 board
Kilsyth ft600 board
Kopflos Kopflos is an FPGA-based headless computer designed as a personal server for running timeless applications on Linux
Kondor AX . Proprietary
Lattice ECP5-5G dev board . Proprietary
LimeSDR Mini 2.0 . Boasting an LMS7002M FPRF from Lime and an ECP5 FPGA from Lattice, the LimeSDR Mini 2.0 platform will be ideal for developing logic intensive SDRs
LogicBone 113 over 4 years ago . LFE5UM5G-45F-8BG381C + 8Gb DDR3L
LUNA 997 3 months ago . A USB multitool for monitoring, hacking, and developing USB devices (work in progress).
Muselabs ECP5 Colorlight i5 module + a motherboard (6PMODs)
NUT2NT+ NUT2NT+ is an open source, multi-frequency, multi-signal, front-end GNSS receiver board built around the NT1065 chip. It’s a low-power, low-cost, all-GNSS RF-to-bits receiver for satellite navigation enthusiasts
OrangeCrab 491 4 months ago . ECP5 breakout board in a feather physical format
OVIO Core 28 about 4 years ago A project to try out different vision processing pipelines, for Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO), on the ECP5 FPGA
Pergola 77 over 4 years ago . Lattice ECP5 and an iMX RT MCU
TrellisBoard 103 over 5 years ago . Largest ECP5: LFE5UM5G-85F, 2 x PCIe 2.0, M.2, 1GByte DDR3L, HDMI, 1000BASE-T GbE, microSD, Dual PMOD
ULX3S by
ULX4M 7 9 months ago . ULX4M is a modular version of the popular open hardware project ULX3S

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / UP5K

MTX-BC48-DB 1 almost 4 years ago is a camera development board featuring a iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA, BGX13P22GA BLE module, and OVM7690 image sensor
Osmocom icE1usb The icE1usb is a dual-port E1 adapter with a USB interface. It can be used to attach to circuit-switched primary-rate E1 circuits used in traditional/legacy telecom environments. (PDF)
Precursor contains a iCE40UP5K

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / HX8K

Vive HMD . See teardown

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / ECP5

Colorlight I5_V6 271 5 months ago with pins breakdowns by JohnnyW11773607. And a
Colorlight 5A-75B 13,37eur (^^) More
image [Colorlight S2] -> See
Colorlight I5A-F
Colorlight i9 . Colorlight i9 receiving card for LED display led video wall . 68*36mm
Cynthion Cynthion is an all-in-one tool for building, testing, monitoring, and experimenting with USB devices. Built around a unique FPGA-based architecture, Cynthion’s digital hardware can be fully customized to suit the application at hand. As a result, it can act as a no-compromise High-Speed USB protocol analyzer, a USB-hacking multi-tool, or a USB development platform
Elgato CameraLink 4K . Running for example
Full HD 1080P HDMI SDI Capture Card PCIe 136eur
HPE ProLiant DL380T Gen10 Lattice FPGA server
NUT2NT+ . Four-channel, all-frequency, GNSS RF-to-bits receiver for precision, satellite-based positioning
TinySDR . LFE5U-25F.

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / LFE3

Turbosight TBS6205 - TBS6908 . LFE-17EA with PCIe. More details on this family of tuners -
DigitalDevices CineS2 DVB-T2

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / Others

MHS5200A though it seems a MACH XO2
DMM6500 . ECP5 in the teardown
HPE ProLiant DL380T Gen10

Awesome Lattice FPGA boards / Other commercial products / To follow up

Funnyplaying GBA SP IPS . Guessing those are Lattice fpgas
SD2SNES by @samlittlewood @ryzerth and up5K
$38 K210 AI Accelerator HAT contains a LP

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