
A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.


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Linked from 16 awesome lists

Awesome Sysadmin / Backups

Amanda Client-server model backup tool
Attic A deduplicating backup program written in Python
Bacula Another Client-server model backup tool
Bareos A fork of Bacula backup tool
Barman Backup and Recovery Manager for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers
Backupninja Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
Backuppc Client-server model backup tool with file pooling scheme
Brebis A fully automated backup checker
Bup 7,131 about 1 month ago Incremental backups with rolling checksums, git packfiles, de-duplication, and a FUSE filesystem
Burp Network backup and restore program
Duplicati Multiple backends, encryption, web-ui and multi-OS backup tool
Duplicity Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm
FreeFileSync Folder comparison and synchronization tool
Lsyncd 5,711 3 months ago File Monitor which spawns a process to synchronize the changes (rsync by default)
restic 25,980 4 days ago Fast, secure, efficient backup program
Rsnapshot Filesystem Snapshotting Utility
SafeKeep Centralized pull-based backup using
Snebu – Snapshot backup with global multi-client deduplication and transparent compression
UrBackup Another client-server backup system
ZBackup A versatile deduplicating backup tool
Backup 4,829 3 months ago Provides an elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems
DREBS 34 almost 10 years ago AWS EBS backup script that supports strategies

Awesome Sysadmin / Build Automation

Apache Ant Automation build tool, similar to make, written in Java
Apache Maven Build automation tool mainly for Java
GNU Make The most popular automation build tool for many purposes
Gradle Another open source build automation system

Awesome Sysadmin / ChatOps

CloudBot 273 10 months ago The simple, fast, expandable, open-source Python IRC bot
Eggdrop The world's most popular Open Source IRC bot, designed for flexibility and ease of use
Err A plugin based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable
Hubot A customizable, life embetterment robot
Lazlo 148 over 8 years ago A chatops automation framework in Go
Lita A robot companion for your company's chat room
KeyBase Encrypted chat, cloud and git

Awesome Sysadmin / Cloning

Clonezilla Partition and disk imaging/cloning program
Fog Another computer cloning solution
Redo Backup Easy Backup, Recovery and Restore

Awesome Sysadmin / Cloud Computing

AppScale Open source cloud software with Google App Engine compatibility
Archipel Manage and supervise virtual machines using Libvirt
CloudStack Cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services
Cobbler Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments
Eucalyptus Open source private cloud software with AWS compatibility
Mesos Develop and run resource-efficient distributed systems
OpenNebula An user-driven cloud management platform for sysadmins and devops
Openshift Origin Open source upstream of OpenShift, the next generation application hosting platform developed by Red Hat
OpenStack Open source software for building private and public clouds
The Foreman Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. FOSS
Tsuru Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software
Terraform Terraform allows you to practice infrastructure as code and is commonly used for AWS/GCE

Awesome Sysadmin / Cloud Orchestration

BOSH IaaS orchestration platform originally written for deploying and managing Cloud Foundry PaaS, but also useful for general purpose distributed systems
Ansible Contains modules for controlling many types of cloud resources
Cloudify Open source TOSCA-based cloud orchestration software platform written in Python and YAML
consul It is a tool for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure
doozerd 3,264 over 8 years ago Doozer is a highly-available, completely consistent store for small amounts of extremely important data
etcd 47,457 11 days ago A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
Juju Cloud orchestration tool which manages services as charms, YAML configuration and deployment script bundles
MCollective Ruby framework to manage server orchestration, developed by Puppet labs
Overcast Deploy VMs across different cloud providers, and run commands and scripts across any or all of them in parallel via SSH
Rundeck Simple orchestration tool
Salt Fast, scalable and flexible systems management software written in Python/ZeroMQ
serf Serf is a tool for cluster membership
StackStorm Event Driven Operations and ChatOps platform for infrastructure management. Written in Python
zookeeper ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services

Awesome Sysadmin / Cloud Storage

git-annex assistant A synchronised folder on each of your OSX and Linux computers, Android devices, removable drives, NAS appliances, and cloud services
nextCloud Provides access to your files via the web
ownCloud Provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices
Seafile Another Open Source Cloud Storage solution
SparkleShare Provides cloud storage and file synchronization services. By default, it uses Git as a storage backend
Swift A highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store
Syncthing Open Source system for private, encrypted and authenticated distribution of data

Awesome Sysadmin / Code Review

Gerrit Based on the Git version control, it facilitates software developers to review modifications to the source code and approve or reject those changes
Phabricator Code review tool build by facebook and used by WikiMedia, FB, dropbox etc. Comes with an integrated wiki, bug tracker, VC integration and a CLI tool called arcanist
Review Board Web-based collaborative code review tool

Awesome Sysadmin / Collaborative Software

Citadel/UX Collaboration suite (messaging and groupware) that is descended from the Citadel family of programs
EGroupware Groupware software written in PHP
Horde Groupware PHP based collaborative software suite that includes email, calendars, wikis, time tracking and file management
Kolab Another groupware suite
SOGo Collaborative software server with a focus on simplicity and scalability
Zimbra Collaborative software suite, that includes an email server and web client

Awesome Sysadmin / Configuration Management Database

Clusto 291 over 3 years ago Helps you keep track of your inventory, where it is, how it's connected, and provides an abstracted interface for interacting with the elements of the infrastructure
Collins At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge
i-doit Open Source IT Documentation and CMDB
iTop Complete open source, ITIL, web based service management tool
Ralph 2,211 4 days ago Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks
Sicekit 10 about 11 years ago The systems & infrastructure encyclopaedia toolkit (based on MediaWiki)

Awesome Sysadmin / Configuration Management

Ansible It's written in Python and manages the nodes over SSH
CFEngine Lightweight agent system. Configuration state is specified via a declarative language
Chef It's written in Ruby and Erlang and uses a pure-Ruby DSL
mgmt 3,591 9 days ago Next generation config management written in Go
Pallet Infrastructure definition, configuration and management via a Clojure DSL
Puppet It's written in Ruby and uses Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL
(R)?ex It's written in Perl and use plain Perl, over SSH without agent
Salt It's written in Python
Slaughter It's written in Perl

Awesome Sysadmin / Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Buildbot Python-based toolkit for continuous integration
Drone 32,148 3 days ago Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files
GitLab CI Based off of ruby. They also provide GitLab, which manages git repositories
Go Open source continuous delivery server
Jenkins An extendable open source continuous integration server
Concourse CI A pipeline-based CI system written in Go
Spinnaker Open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes
TeamCity Powerful Continuous Integration out of the box

Awesome Sysadmin / Control Panels

Ajenti Control panel for Linux and BSD
Cockpit New multi-server web interface for Linux servers written in C
Feathur VPS Provisioning and Management Software
Froxlor Easy to use panel for Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM support
ISPConfig Hosting control panel for Linux
Sentora Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows based on ZPanel
VestaCP Hosting panel for Linux but with Nginx
Virtualmin Control panel for Linux based on webmin
Webmin Linux server control panel
ZPanel Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows

Awesome Sysadmin / Deployment Automation

Capistrano Deploy your application to any number of machines simultaneously, in sequence or as a rolling set via SSH (rake based)
Fabric Python library and cli tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks
Mina Really fast deployer and server automation tool (rake based)
Rocketeer PHP task runner and deployment tool
Vlad the Deployer Deployment automation (rake based)

Awesome Sysadmin / Diagramming Draws network diagrams dynamically from a text file describing the placement, layout and icons

Awesome Sysadmin / Distributed Filesystems

Ceph Distributed object store and file system
DRBD Distributed Replicated Block Device
LeoFS Unstructured object/data storage and a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent storage system
GlusterFS Scale-out network-attached storage file system
HDFS Distributed, scalable, and portable file-system written in Java for the Hadoop framework
Lustre A type of parallel distributed file system, generally used for large-scale cluster computing
MooseFS Fault tolerant, network distributed file system
MogileFS Application level, network distributed file system
OpenAFS Distributed network file system with read-only replicas and multi-OS support
TahoeLAFS secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, peer-to-peer distributed data store and distributed file system
XtreemFS XtreemFS is a fault-tolerant distributed file system for all storage needs

Awesome Sysadmin / DNS

Bind The most widely used name server software
djbdns A collection of DNS applications, including tinydns
Designate DNS REST API that support several DNS servers as its backend
dnsmasq A lightweight service providing DNS, DHCP and TFTP services to small-scale networks
Knot High performance authoritative-only DNS server
NSD Authoritative only, high performance, simple name server
PowerDNS DNS server with a variety of data storage back-ends and load balancing features
Unbound Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
Yadifa Lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities powering the .eu top-level domain

Awesome Sysadmin / Editors

Atom A hackable text editor from GitHub
Brackets Open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers
Eclipse IDE written in Java with an extensible plug-in system
Geany GTK2 text editor
GNU Emacs An extensible, customizable text editor-and more
Haroopad Markdown editor with live preview
ICEcoder Code editor awesomeness, built with common web languages
IntellijIDEA 17,133 3 days ago Capable and ergonomic IDE, written in Java, It has a lot of plug-ins
jotgit 208 about 10 years ago Git-backed real-time collaborative code editing
Light Table The next generation code editor
Lime Aims to provide an open source solution to Sublime Text
SciTE A SCIntilla based Text Editor
TextMate 14,224 5 months ago A graphical text editor for OS X
Vim A highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient editing
Nano A popular text editor, by default comes with most Linux distributions
Visual Studio Code Fast, hackable, multi-platform code editor from Microsoft

Awesome Sysadmin / IT Asset Management

GLPI Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface
OCS Inventory NG Enables users to inventory their IT assets
Netbox 15,906 3 days ago IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool
RackTables Datacenter and server room asset management like document hardware assets, network addresses, space in racks, networks configuration
Ralph 2,211 4 days ago Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks
Snipe IT Asset & license management software
OpenDCIM A web based Data Center Infrastructure Management application

Awesome Sysadmin / LDAP

389 Directory Server Developed by Red Hat
Apache Directory Server Apache Software Foundation project written in Java
Fusion Directory Improve the Management of the services and the company directory based on OpenLDAP
OpenDJ Fork of OpenDS
OpenDS Another directory server written in Java
OpenLDAP Developed by the OpenLDAP Project
Apache Directory Studio The Eclipse-based LDAP browser and directory client

Awesome Sysadmin / Log Management

Echofish A web based real-time event log aggregation, analysis, monitoring and management system
Elasticsearch A Lucene Based Document store mainly used for log indexing, storage and analysis
Fluentd Log Collector and Shipper
Flume Distributed log collection and aggregation system
Graylog2 Pluggable Log and Event Analysis Server with Alerting options
Heka Stream processing system which may be used for log aggregation
Kibana Visualize logs and time-stamped data
Logstash Tool for managing events and logs
Octopussy Log Management Solution (Visualize / Alert / Report)

Awesome Sysadmin / Mail Servers

Courier IMAP/POP3 Fast, scalable, enterprise IMAP and POP3 server
Cyrus IMAP/POP3 Intended to be run on sealed servers, where normal users are not permitted to log in
Dovecot IMAP and POP3 server written primarily with security in mind
Qpopper One of the oldest and most popular server implementations of POP3
Exim Message transfer agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge
Haraka A high-performance, pluginable SMTP server written in JavaScript
MailCatcher Ruby gem that deploys a simply SMTP MTA gateway that accepts all mail and displays in web interface. Useful for debugging or development
Maildrop 724 over 5 years ago Open Source disposable email SMTP server, also useful for development
OpenSMTPD Secure SMTP server implementation from the OpenBSD project
Postfix Fast, easy to administer, and secure Sendmail replacement
Qmail Secure Sendmail replacement
Sendmail Message transfer agent (MTA)
Mail-in-a-Box Take back control of your email with this easy-to-deploy mail server in a box
iRedMail Full-featured mail server solution based on Postfix and Dovecot

Awesome Sysadmin / Messaging

ejabberd XMPP instant messaging server written in Erlang/OTP
Metronome IM Fork of Prosody IM
MongooseIM Fullstack real-time mobile messaging platform (XMPP+REST) in Erlang
Openfire Real time collaboration (RTC) server
Prosody IM XMPP server written in Lua
Tigase XMPP server implementation in Java
Candy Multi user XMPP client written in Javascript
Kaiwa Web based chat client in the style of common paid alternatives
Lets-Chat A self hosted chat suite written in Node

Awesome Sysadmin / Monitoring

Alerta 2,364 12 days ago Distributed, scaleable and flexible monitoring system
Canopsis Opensource Hypervision and Data Aggregation Software
Cacti Web-based network monitoring and graphing tool
Cabot Monitoring and alerts, similar to PagerDuty
Centreon IT infrastructure and application monitoring for service performance
check_mk Collection of extensions for Nagios
Flapjack Monitoring notification routing & event processing system
Icinga Fork of Nagios
LibreNMS 3,796 9 days ago fork of Observium
Monit Small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems
Munin Networked resource monitoring tool
Naemon Network monitoring tool based on the Nagios 4 core with performance enhancements and new features
Nagios Computer system, network and infrastructure monitoring software application
Node-Bell Real-time anomalies detection for periodic time series, metrics monitor
Observium SNMP monitoring for servers and networking devices. Runs on linux
Opsview Based on Nagios 4, Opsview Core is ideal for small IT and test environments
Riemann Flexible and fast events processor allowing complex events/metrics analysis
Sensu Open source monitoring framework
Sentry Application monitoring, event logging and aggregation
Serverstats A simple tool for creating graphs using rrdtool. ( )
Seyren 860 almost 2 years ago An alerting dashboard for Graphite
Shinken Another monitoring framework
Xymon Network monitoring inspired by Big Brother
Zabbix Enterprise-class software for monitoring of networks and applications
Zenoss Application, server, and network management platform based on Zope
Adagios Web based Nagios configuration interface
Dash 10,405 6 months ago A low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a GNU/Linux machine
Thruk Multibackend monitoring web interface with support for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken
Uchiwa Simple dashboard for the Sensu monitoring framework
OMD The Open Monitoring Distribution

Awesome Sysadmin / Metric & Metric Collection

Collectd System statistic collection daemon
Collectl High precision system performance metrics collecting tool
dashing - Ruby gem that allows for rapid statistical dashboard development. An all HTML5 approach allows for big screen displays in data centers or conference rooms
Smashing 3,229 over 1 year ago Ruby gem that allows for rapid statistical dashboard development. An all HTML5 approach allows for big screen displays in data centers or conference rooms. Fork of Dashing
Diamond 1,177 over 7 years ago Python based statistic collection daemon
Facette Time series data visualization and graphing software written in Go
Freeboard 6,438 about 1 year ago A damn-sexy front-end real-time dashboard. Transforms raw JSON into delicious UI
Ganglia High performance, scalable RRD based monitoring for grids and/or clusters of servers. Compatible with Graphite using a single collection process
Grafana A Graphite & InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor
Graphite Open source scalable graphing server
InfluxDB Open source distributed time series database with no external dependencies
KairosDB Fast distributed scalable time series database, fork of OpenTSDB 1.x
NetData Distributed real-time performance and health monitoring
OpenTSDB Store and server massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity
Packetbeat Captures network traffic and displays it in a custom Kibana dashboard for easy viewing
Prometheus Service monitoring system and time series database
RRDtool Open source industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data
Statsd 17,628 9 months ago Application statistic listener

Awesome Sysadmin / Network Configuration Management

GestióIP An automated web based IPv4/IPv6 IP Address Management tool
NOC Project Scalable, high-performance and open-source system for ISP, service and content providers
Netbox 15,906 3 days ago IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool
Oxidized 2,757 26 days ago A modern take on network device configuration monitoring with web interface and GIT storage
phpIPAM Open source IP address management with integration
RANCID Monitors network device's configuration and maintain history of changes
rConfig Another network device configuration management tool
trigger 551 12 months ago Robust network automation toolkit written in Python

Awesome Sysadmin / Newsletters

DadaMail Mailing List Manager, written in Perl
phpList Newsletter manager written in PHP

Awesome Sysadmin / NoSQL

Apache HBase Hadoop database, a distributed, big data store
Cassandra Distributed DBMS designed to handle large amounts of data across many servers
Hypertable C++ based BigTable-like DBMS, communicates through Thrift and runs either as stand-alone or on distributed FS such as Hadoop
CouchDB Ease of use, with multi-master replication document-oriented database system
ElasticSearch Java based database, popular with log aggregation, and email archiving projects
MongoDB Another document-oriented database system
RavenDB Document based database with ACID/Transactional features
RethinkDB Open source distributed document store database, focuses on JSON
FlockDB 3,337 over 7 years ago Twitter's distributed, fault-tolerant graph database
Neo4j Open source graph database
Couchbase In-memory, replicated, peristent key/value datastore
LevelDB 36,273 about 1 month ago Google's high performance key/value database
Redis Networked, in-memory, key-value data store with optional durability
Riak Another fault-tolerant key-value NoSQL database

Awesome Sysadmin / Packaging

fpm 11,141 23 days ago Versatile multi format package creator
omnibus-ruby 1,290 about 1 month ago Full stack, cross distro packaging software (Ruby)
packman Full stack, cross distro packaging software (Python)
tito 379 6 months ago Builds RPMs for git-based projects

Awesome Sysadmin / Queuing

ActiveMQ An open source message broker written in Java together with a full JMS client
BeanstalkD A simple, fast work queue
Gearman Fast multi-language queuing/job processing platform
Kafka A high-throughput distributed messaging system
NSQ A realtime distributed messaging platform
RabbitMQ Robust, fully featured, cross distro queuing system
ZeroMQ High-performance asynchronous messaging library

Awesome Sysadmin / RDBMS

Firebird True universal open source database
Galera Galera Cluster for MySQL is an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system up-time, no data loss, and scalability for future growth
MariaDB Community-developed fork of the MySQL
MySQL Most popular RDBMS server
Percona Server Enhanced, drop-in MySQL replacement
PostgreSQL Object-relational database management system (ORDBMS)
PostgreSQL-XL Scalable Open Source PostgreSQL-based database cluster
SQLite Library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL DBS

Awesome Sysadmin / Security

Blackbox 6,678 2 months ago Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial. Provides tooling to automatically encrypt secrets like passwords
Denyhosts Thwart SSH dictionary based attacks and brute force attacks
Fail2Ban Scans log files and takes action on IPs that show malicious behavior
fwknop Protects ports via Single Packet Authorization in your firewall
Glastopf A low-interaction web application honeypot to emulate vulnerabilities and gather attack data
Kippo 1,608 11 months ago A medium-interaction SSH honeypot, mostly used as a standalone SSH daemon with a configurable Filesystem sandbox
OSSEC OSSEC is a HIDS that performs log analysis, FIM, rootkit detection, and much more
OSQuery Query your servers status and info using a SQL like interface
pfSense Firewall and Router FreeBSD distribution
Snort Snort is a free and open source network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) and network intrusion detection system (NIDS) created by Martin Roesch in 1998
SpamAssassin A powerful and popular email spam filter employing a variety of detection technique
BounCA BounCA is a personal SSL / Certificate Authority Key management tool. Create self-signed SSL certificates via your browser. ( )

Awesome Sysadmin / Service Discovery

Consul Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration
Doozerd 3,264 over 8 years ago Doozer is a highly-available, completely consistent store for small amounts of extremely important data
ZooKeeper ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services

Awesome Sysadmin / Software Containers

Bitnami Produces open source installers or software packages for web applications and development stacks as well as virtual appliances
Docker Open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications
LXC Userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features
LXD LXD is a container "hypervisor"
OpenVZ Container-based virtualization for Linux
Docker Compose Fast, isolated development environments using Docker
Singularity Flexible containers without root

Awesome Sysadmin / SSH

Advanced SSH config Enhances ssh_config file capabilities, completely transparent
autossh Automatically respawn ssh session after network interruption
Cluster SSH Controls a number of xterm windows via a single graphical console
DSH Dancer's shell / distributed shell - Wrapper for executing multiple remote shell commands from one command line
Mosh The mobile shell
parallel-ssh Provides parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools
pdsh Pdsh is a high-performance, parallel remote shell utility
SSH Power Tool Execute commands and upload files to many servers simultaneously without using pre-shared keys
sshrc sources ~/.sshrc on your local computer after logging in remotely
stormssh A command line tool to manage SSH connections

Awesome Sysadmin / Statistics

Analog Logfile Analyser
AWStats Generates web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics graphically
GoAccess Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal
Open Web Analytics Add web analytics to websites using JS, PHP or REST APIs
Piwik Web analytics application
Webalizer Fast, free web server log file analysis program

Awesome Sysadmin / Status Pages

Cachet An open source status page system written in PHP

Awesome Sysadmin / Ticketing systems

Bugzilla General-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project
Cerb Group-based e-mail management project
Flyspray Web-based bug tracking system written in PHP
MantisBT Web-based bug tracking system
osTicket Simple support ticket system
OTRS Trouble ticket system for assigning tickets to incoming queries and tracking further communications
Redmine Open source project management/ticketing web application written in Ruby
Request Tracker Ticket-tracking system written in Perl
TheBugGenie Ticket system with extensive user rights system

Awesome Sysadmin / Troubleshooting

mitmproxy A Python tool used for intercepting, viewing and modifying network traffic. Invaluable in troubleshooting certain problems
Sysdig Capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze
Wireshark The world's foremost network protocol analyzer
Trinity Rescue Kit Linux Live CD for general computer troubleshooting

Awesome Sysadmin / Project Management

ChiliProject Fork of Redmine
GitBucket 9,142 12 days ago Clone of GitHub written in Scala; single jar install
GitLab Clone of GitHub written in Ruby
Gogs Self-hosted Git service written in Go
OpenProject Project collaboration with open source
Phabricator Written in PHP
Redmine Written in ruby on rails
Taiga Agile, Free, Open Source Project Management Tool based on the Kanban and Scrum methods
The Bug Genie Written in PHP
Trac Written in python

Awesome Sysadmin / Version control

Fossil Distributed version control with built-in wiki and bug tracking
Git Distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) with an emphasis on speed
GNU Bazaar Distributed revision control system sponsored by Canonical
Mercurial Another distributed revision control
Subversion Client-server revision control system

Awesome Sysadmin / Virtualization

Archipel XMPP based virtualization management platform
Ganeti Cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of KVM and Xen
KVM Linux kernel virtualization infrastructure
OpenNebula Flexible enterprise cloud made simple
oVirt Manages virtual machines, storage and virtual networks
Packer A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration
Proxmox VE Complete open source virtualization management solution
QEMU QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer
Vagrant Tool for building complete development environments
VirtualBox Virtualization product from Oracle Corporation
Xen Virtual machine monitor for 32/64 bit Intel / AMD (IA 64) and PowerPC 970 architectures

Awesome Sysadmin / VPN

OpenVPN Uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange
Pritunl OpenVPN based solution. Easy to set up
SoftEther Multi-protocol software VPN with advanced features
sshuttle 8,889 over 6 years ago Poor man's VPN
strongSwan Complete IPsec implementation for Linux
tinc Distributed p2p VPN
wireguard New minimal VPN Solution that is very fast

Awesome Sysadmin / Web

Apache Most popular web server
Caddy The HTTP/2 Web Server with Fully Managed TLS
Cherokee Lightweight, high-performance web server/reverse proxy
Lighttpd Web server more optimized for speed-critical environments
Nginx Reverse proxy, load balancer, HTTP cache, and web server
uWSGI 3,453 12 days ago The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services
HAProxy Software based load Balancing, SSL offloading and performance optimization, compression, and general web routing
Squid Caching proxy for the web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more
Traefik Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease
Varnish HTTP based web application accelerator focusing on optimizing caching and compression

Awesome Sysadmin / Webmails

Mailpile A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features
Roundcube Browser-based IMAP client with an application-like user interface
SquirrelMail Another browser-based IMAP client

Awesome Sysadmin / Wikis

BookStack A simple, user-friendly wiki built with PHP that uses MySQL for storage
DokuWiki Simple to use and highly versatile wiki that doesn't require a database
Gollum 13,773 19 days ago A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend
ikiwiki A wiki compiler
MDwiki Wiki completely built in HTML5/Javascript and runs 100% on the client
MediaWiki Used to power Wikipedia
MoinMoin An advanced, easy to use and extensible WikiEngine with a large community of users
Ōlelo Wiki 241 over 7 years ago A a wiki that stores pages in a Git repository
TiddlyWiki Complete interactive wiki in JavaScript

Resources / Blogs

Code as Craft Etsy's Ops blog, lots of technical posts
DevOpsGuys Devops consultants who blog about operations
Rackspace Developers Slightly biased blog with lots of Devops Topics

Resources / Books [Learn Cisco Network Administration in a Month of Lunches] ( ) - A tutorial designed for sysadmins who need to learn how to administer Cisco switches and routers
The Linux Command Line A book about the Linux command line by William Shotts
The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win How DevOps techniques can fix the problems that happen in IT organizations
The Practice of System and Network Administration The first and second editions describes the best practices of system and network administration, independent of specific platforms or technologies
The Visible Ops Handbook: Implementing ITIL in 4 Practical and Auditable Steps Is a methodology designed to jumpstart implementation of controls and process improvement
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook Approaches system administration from a practical perspective
Securing DevOps A book on Security techniques for DevOps that reviews state of the art practices used in securing web applications and their infrastructure

Resources / Newsletters

Servers for Hackers Newsletter for programmers who find themselves needing to know their way around a server
DevOpsLinks A community of DevOps, SysAdmin & Developers with a weekly newsletter and a team chat

Resources / Repositories

Dotdeb Repository with LAMP updated packages for Debian
ElRepo Community Repo for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS, etc)
EPEL Repository for RHEL and compatibles (CentOS, Scientific Linux)
Remi Repository with LAMP updated packages for RHEL/Centos/Fedora
Software Collections Community Release of . Provides updated packages of Ruby, Python, etc. for CentOS/Scientific Linux 6.x

Resources / Websites

Ops School Comprehensive program that will help you learn to be an operations engineer
Digital Ocean Tutorials A surprisingly vast resource for getting the basics of certain applications, tools, or even systems administration topics

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