
Curated list of inspiring and thoughtful answers given on stackoverflow, quora, etc.



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Linked from 4 awesome lists

Awesome Answers / Algorithms

Algorithm: Is there a good way of solving a comparison?
[1] How do you identify edge cases on algorithms?
What all basic data structures and algorithms should one learn before starting competitive programming?
How can I be a guru in algorithms?
Sorting 1 million 8 digit numbers in 1MB of RAM
Which hashing algorithm is best for uniqueness and speed?

Awesome Answers / Compilers

Compilers: What is a supercompiler?

Awesome Answers / Data Structures

Are new data structures still being invented in computer science?
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?
What are some lesser known but useful data structures?
What are the underlying data structures used for Redis?

Awesome Answers / Functional Programming

What is a good beginning text on functional programming?
In what ways are the major modern functional languages different from each other?
What's new in purely functional data structures since Okasaki?
Can an operating system be written in a functional language?
Why not be dependently typed?
What is a monad?
Learning Lambda Calculus
Is Category Theory useful for learning functional programming?
When do you choose functional programming over object oriented? What are the typical problem definitions where functional programming is a better choice?
Is there a software-engineering methodology for functional programming?
Why don't monads violate the purely functional nature of languages?
What is a sum type?
Why do some people not like OOP and prefer functional programming?
What do Lisp/Haskell programmers think about Prolog?
What is (functional) reactive programming?
What are some myths about functional programming and functional programming languages?
How can monads in computer science be viewed as special cases of monads in category theory?
Specification for a Functional Reactive Programming language
What are some myths about functional programming and functional programming languages?

Awesome Answers / Learning to program

How can I become a world-class coder in under three years?
What should every programmer know about security?
What are some basic concepts that every engineering student should know?
What technical details should a programmer of a web application consider before making the site public?
How does one become a great coder?
We all hear about how simple programming can be, but what are some truly complex concepts that even experienced programmers struggle with?

Awesome Answers / Math

Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain
If floating-point can't represent 0.1, how does parseFloat (".1") equal .1?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / Clojure

Common programming mistakes for Clojure developers to avoid
Why would someone learn Clojure?
Why are Clojure's let and for both monads?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / C/C++

The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?
Why do many C functions have an extra F?
What are the valid signatures for C's main() function?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / Haskell

Getting started with Haskell
Update Map in Haskell
I am building an investment engine for a startup, and my choice for developer wants to code it in Haskell. Is this the right choice? Do enough people know this so if he leaves I can continue without interruption?
What are some crazy things one can do with monads in Haskell?
Why do some programmers have difficulty in learning Haskell?
foldl is tail recursive, so how come foldr runs faster than foldl?
Does Haskell have tail-recursive optimization?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / JavaScript

How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal?
Use of .apply() with 'new' operator. Is this possible?
Is JavaScript's “new” keyword considered harmful?
Is JavaScript 's “new” Keyword Considered Harmful (Part 2)?
JavaScript inheritance and the constructor property
Inheritence of variable properties
How does JavaScript .prototype work?
JavaScript closures vs. anonymous functions
Why does JavaScript need a style guide? 145,636 3 months ago
Avoid Memory Leak / Usage Javascript
Perform debounce in React.js
Comparing two arrays in Javascript
How does work?
Will WebAssembly make Javascript skills more or less valuable in the future? [Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string “10”?]( )
Are functions like map(), reduce() and filter() already optimized for traversing array?
What are the actual uses of ES6 WeakMap?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / PHP

Is PHP a badly designed programming language?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / Python

Why are banks like JP Morgan and Bank of America Merrill Lynch using Python to replace historic legacy systems built in Java/C++?
What are killer Python tips which could make our coder lives more productive, easier and happier?
What are some of the best time-saving tips for Python?
How can I tell if a string repeats itself in Python?
Python Hidden Features

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages / Ruby

Ruby craziness: Class vs Object?

Awesome Answers / Programming Languages Theory

What makes a good programming language?
What is referential transparency?
Research and open challenges in Programming Language Theory
Why are there so many programming languages?
Uses of algebraic structures in theoretical computer science
What is the difference between the statement "Everything is an object" when said about JavaScript and when said about Ruby?
Which programming concept do people usually find harder: loops or recursion?
If you would create a new programming language, what would it look like?
What is fascinating about dynamically-typed programming languages?

Awesome Answers / Version Control Systems

How to update GitHub forked repository?

Awesome Answers / Miscellaneous

Can I parse XHTML with Regex?
How does a visually impaired computer programmer do programming?
What are the best examples of software bugs that became features (a.k.a. misbugs)?
What do the top 1% of software engineers do that the other 99% do not?
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?
What are the current fads in computer science, IT and software engineering?
What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?
How to become a Hacker?

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