
Awesome list of computational biology.


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Linked from 2 awesome lists


Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / scRNA

Gene Expression Omnibus Public functional genemics database
Single Cell PORTAL Public database for single cell RNA
Single Cell Expression Atlas Public database for single cell RNA

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Compound

PubChem One of the biggest chemical database such as compounds, genes and proteins
ChEBI Chemical database focused on small chemical compounds
ChEMBL Database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties
ChemSpider Chemical structure database
KEGG COMPOUND Collection of small molecules and biopolymers
LIPID MAPS Database of lipids
Rhea Database of chemical reactions
Drug Repurposing Hub Collections of drug repurposing data containing drug, moa, target etc
Therapeutic Target Database collections of drug-target, target-disease, and drug-disease dataset
ZINC ligand discovery database Free database of commercially-available compounds for virtual screening
MoleculeNet Benchmark for molecular machine learning
Ames Mutagenicity dataset Dataset for predicting mutagenicity
ADCdb Database for antibody-drug conjugates

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Pathway

PathwayCommons Database of Pathways and Interactions
KEGG PATHWAY Collection fo drawn pathway maps
WikiPathways Database of biological pathways

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Mass Spectra

MassBank Open souce databases and tools for mass spectrometry reference spectra
MoNA MassBank of North America Meta database of metabolite mass spectra, metadata and associated compounds

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Protein

THE HUMAN PROTEIN ATLAS One of the biggest human protein database contained cells, tissues, and organs
PROTEIN DATA BANK Database of the 3D shapes of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies
UniProt The collection of functional information on proteins
AlphaFold Protein Structure Database Database of 3D protein structures
RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) Repository of 3D structural data of large biological molecules
Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) Experiment for advancing the methods of predicting protein structure from sequence
Uniclust Collection of clustered protein sequence databases
CATH database Hierarchical classification of protein domain structures

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Genome

Human Genome Resources at NCBI Database of image, proteomics, transcriptomics and systems biology
GenBank Database of genetic sequence offered by NCBI
UCSC Genome Browser Genome blowser offered by UCSC
cBioPortal Database of Cancer Genomics. This has overall metaview for a lot of patients
10x Genomics Dataset Collection of single-cell datasets
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Resource for studying human gene expression and regulation
Dependency Map (DepMap) Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens in cancer cell lines
Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC) Comprehensive resource for exploring somatic mutations in human cancers
MGnify Free resource for archiving, analysis, and browsing of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data
JASPAR Open-access database of curated, non-redundant transcription factor binding profiles

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Disease

KEGG DRUG Comprehensive drug information resource for approved drugs
DrugBank A database of drug and target maintained by the University of Alberta

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Interaction / Drug Gene Interaction

DGIdb A database of drug-gene interactions and the druggable genome
Comparative Toxicogenomics Database A database of Chemical-gene interactions, Chemical-disease associations, Gene-disease associations, and Chemical-phenotype associations
SNAP A dataset which contains Drug-gene interactions
Therapeutics Data Commons A database for a lot of tasks such as drug-target, drug-response, drug-drug interaction

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Interaction / Drug (-Cell line) Response

NCI60 A database which focus on 60 cancer cell lines with many drugs
Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) A database of drug sensitibity which has 1000 human cancer cell lines and 100s compounds
Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia A database of cancer cell lines. This has 1000 cell lines
CellMiner Cross Database (CellMinerCDB) Integration of multiple cancer cell line databases

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Interaction / Chemical Protein Interaction

STITCH A database of Chemical Protein Interaction
BindingDB A database of compounds and targes
PDBBind Database of experimentally measured binding affinity data for biomolecular complexes
CrossDocked2020 Large-scale dataset for machine learning in structure-based virtual screening

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Interaction / Protein-Protein Interaction

STRING Protein-Protein Interaction Networks for several organisms
BioGRID Database of Protein, Genetic and Chemical Interactions
HIPPIE Human Protein-Protein Interaction database

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Interaction / Knowledge Graph

Drug Mechanism Database (DrugMechDB) 54 about 1 year ago : database of the mechanism of action from a drug to a disease
DRKG 576 over 2 years ago A library for biological knowledge graph

Awesome Computational Biology / Databases / Clinical Trial Database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies
ICD10 International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision
EU Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials DB (EudraCT) European database of clinical trials
MIMIC-IV Freely accessible critical care database

Awesome Computational Biology / API

PubMed esearch : API for searching articles in PubMed

Awesome Computational Biology / Preprocess

Chemistry Development Kit 493 16 days ago A software of cheminformatics and Machine Learning
RDKit 2,599 9 days ago A software of cheminformatics and Machine Learning
Scanpy scRNA analysis library in Python
Seurat scRNA analysis library in R

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction

drGAT 2 about 1 month ago : A model for drug response prediction with gene explainability with attention mechanism

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction / Drug Repurposing

DeepPurpose 958 4 months ago A DL Library for Drug Repurposing

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction / Drug Target Interaction

NeoDTI 73 over 3 years ago A library for Drug Target Interaction

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction / Compound Protein Interaction

MCPINN 3 about 1 year ago A library for drug discovery using Compound Protein Interaction and Machine Learning
TransformerCPI 133 over 2 years ago A library for Compound Protein Interaction prediction using Transformer

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction / Pre-trained embedding

Evolutionary Scale Modeling 3,148 8 months ago a library for protein embeddings
ChemBERTa-2 392 almost 2 years ago a library for chemical embeddingg and prediction

Awesome Computational Biology / Drug Response Prediction / LLM for biology

AI4Chem/ChemLLM-7B-Chat LLM for chemical and molecule science
BioGPT 4,288 2 months ago LLM for Biomedical text generation
GeneGPT 373 8 months ago LLM for biomedical information with several API
GenePT 166 7 months ago foundation LLM for single cell data
scPRINT 11 12 days ago scPRINT is pretrained on 50M cells to denoise and perform zero imputation of any single cell RNAseq profile

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