
A curated list of MQTT related stuff. sparkles


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Awesome MQTT / Contents / Community Resources
MQTT community wiki 5,071 11 days ago
Google Groups: MQTT
IRC channel #mqtt on the freenode network
A list of public brokers
Ben Hardill
Dominik Obermaier
Jan-Piet Mens
Nick O'Leary
An Introduction to MQTT: Why HTTP isn't the King of the Internet of Things Shinji Kim, Robert Bird - Akamai, Samsung Developer Conference 2017
Einführung in MQTT Dominik Obermaier & Jens Deters, conference 2016 (German)

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Broker

Ably MQTT broker service and protocol adapter
ActiveMQ A fast Java multiprotocol messaging and Integration Patterns server
Aedes 1,781 4 days ago Barebone MQTT broker that can run on any stream server, the node way
Emitter 3,834 6 days ago A distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe messaging platform based on MQTT protocol and featuring message storage
EMQ X 13,920 3 days ago Scalable and Reliable Real-time MQTT Messaging Engine for IoT in 5G Era
esp_uMQTT_broker 295 over 1 year ago A basic MQTT Broker on the ESP8266
hbmqtt 799 about 2 years ago Python MQTT broker using asyncio
HiveMQ Java MQTT Broker that supports MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1 and 5.0. Commercial and open source editions available
hrotti 127 almost 4 years ago A MQTT broker written in Go
KMQTT 186 about 1 month ago Kotlin Multiplatform MQTT broker, both embeddable and standalone
Moquette 2,300 19 days ago Java MQTT lightweight broker
Mosca Mosca is a node.js MQTT broker, which can be used Standalone or Embedded in another Node.js application
Mosquitto Open Source MQTT Broker

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Broker / Mosquitto

Free test server hosted by the Eclipse Foundation
Authorization Plugin in Go 515 16 days ago supports many types of logins
Let's Encrypt Mosquitto Docker Container makes it easy to encrypt

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Broker

MyQttHub Cloud MQTT broker
Mystique 24 over 1 year ago An extendable MQTT broker written in Go, with HTTP capabilities for observability. Implements MQTT v3.1.1
RabbitMQ RabbitMQ offers a MQTT Adapter
SurgeMQ High Performance MQTT Server and Client Libraries in Go
VerneMQ an Apache2 licensed distributed MQTT broker, developed in Erlang
Vert.x MQTT 184 9 days ago Vert.x component to handle connections, communication and messages exchange with remote MQTT clients
Waterstream MQTT broker leveraging Apache Kafka as its own storage and distribution engine
NanoMQ 1,565 8 days ago A light-weight and Blazing-fast MQTT Broker for IoT Edge platform

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Cloud

Adafruit IO Adafruit IO is the easiest way to connect your project to the internet. You can easily connect your project to Adafruit IO with your device-of-choice by using your programming language of choice (we have lots of libraries) and control or monitor over the internet. Data stored with Adafruit IO is yours to manage and control
Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform Provides secure and reliable communication between devices and the IoT Platform which allows you to manage a large number of devices on a single IoT Platform
AWS IoT Core AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT Core can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT Core, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected
Azure IoT Hub Enable highly secure and reliable communication between your IoT application and the devices it manages. Azure IoT Hub provides a cloud-hosted solution backend to connect virtually any device. Extend your solution from the cloud to the edge with per-device authentication, built-in device management, and scaled provisioning
CloudMQTT Hosted message broker for the Internet of Things. Perfectly configured and optimized message queues for IoT, ready in seconds
EMQ X MQTT Cloud A secure, reliable MQTT cloud service with best pratices from EMQ team
flespi Free and secure cloud MQTT broker with private namespaces, MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 support and gorgeous limits
Google Cloud IoT Google Cloud IoT is a complete set of tools to connect, process, store, and analyze data both at the edge and in the cloud. The platform consists of scalable, fully-managed cloud services; an integrated software stack for edge/on-premises computing with machine learning capabilities for all your IoT needs
HiveMQ Cloud HiveMQ Cloud is a fully managed MQTT platform that connects IoT devices to any IoT cloud platform. A cloud native IoT messaging platform that simplifies reliable and scalable IoT device connectivity
IBM WATSON With Watson, you can bring AI tools and apps to your data wherever it resides – whether it's on IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, Google, or your own private cloud platform

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Platforms

mainflux device management, data aggregation, data management, data analytics,connectivity and message routing and event management. Supported by Linux Software Foundation. Core analytics
thingsboard Device management, data collection, processing, event management, and visualization for your IoT projects

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Tools

hivemq-mqtt-web-client 359 about 1 year ago Browser-based MQTT client that utilizes MQTT over websockets
imqtt 21 about 8 years ago Interactive MQTT packet manipulation shell based on IPython
IoT-Testware The Eclipse IoT-Testware is a collection of conformance test suites for IoT protocols enriched with additional tools for fuzzing and performance testing
moxy 23 over 5 years ago A Golang MQTT proxy providing useful output traces to monitor and troubleshoot your MQTT communications
MQTT Board 95 over 1 year ago Open-source diagnostic-oriented MQTT client tool
mqtt-admin 127 over 3 years ago Web based MQTT frontend.
mqtt-benchmark 121 over 12 years ago A benchmarking tool for MQTT Servers
MQTT CLI 312 11 days ago A command line interface for connecting various MQTT clients supporting MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1
mqtt-client 17 about 1 year ago A Simple MQTT Client command line (Python) (use paho lib)
mqtt-forget 10 over 6 years ago Command line tool to remove retained MQTT topics by wildcard
mqtt-fuzz 76 over 2 years ago A simple fuzzer for the MQTT protocol
mqtt-malaria 266 about 3 years ago scalability and load testing utilities for MQTT environments
mqtt-mirror 38 12 months ago Mirror MQTT traffic from one broker to another. Available as a CLI tool, helm chart or docker image
MQTT-PWN 358 about 2 months ago MQTT-PWN intends to be a one-stop-shop for IoT Broker penetration-testing and security assessment operations
mqtt_recorder 22 about 1 year ago Simple cli tool for recording and replaying MQTT messages
mqtt-shell 17 about 11 years ago A simple interactive shell for MQTT
mqtt-spy Java based MQTT frontend. Supports scripting
mqtt_tree 5 over 1 year ago Displays all Topics in an expandable tree, helps to get an overview if you have a lot of clients publishing. (python, tkinter)
mqtt-utils 12 almost 11 years ago A collection of MQTT utilities
mqtt-wall 42 almost 4 years ago Subscription only web-based client – like Twitter wall for MQTT
mqtt-wildcard 14 over 6 years ago Node.js Module to match a MQTT Topic against wildcards
MQTT.fx MQTT.fx is a MQTT Client written in Java based on Eclipse Paho. Supports scripting
mqttcli 119 9 months ago MQTT Client for shell scripting
MQTTInspector 67 9 months ago A general MQTT testing app for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
MQTTLens A Google Chrome application, which connects to a MQTT broker and is able to subscribe and publish to MQTT topics
MQTT Explorer Tool to visualize your MQTT topics in a topic hierarchy, a MQTT swiss-army knife
MQTT TUI 372 about 1 month ago Simple lightweight terminal based MQTT monitor and publisher
Python MQTT Client Shell 50 about 5 years ago a text console-based, interactive shell for exercising various tasks associated with MQTT client communications
SimpleMQTT A Slack app to send messages from Slack to MQTT brokers with slash commands
Wireshark-MQTT 90 about 9 years ago MQTT dissector for Wireshark
VSMQTT Simple MQTT client integrated in Visual Studio Code
MQTTX 3,836 5 days ago MQTTX is a cross-platform MQTT desktop client open sourced by EMQ, which supports macOS, Linux, and Windows
MQTT-Tiles 102 6 months ago MQTT-based IoT dashboard visualization tool. Allows easy dashboards sharing. Works with any MQTT broker supporting the WSS protocol

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Clients

aiomqtt 55 over 1 year ago Async Python MQTT client based on paho-mqtt
CocoaMQTT 1,595 about 2 months ago MQTT for iOS and OS X written with Swift
emqttc 402 21 days ago Asynchronous Erlang MQTT Client
gmqtt 396 5 months ago Python MQTT v5.0 client (asyncio-based)
hbmqtt 799 about 2 years ago Python MQTT client using asyncio
hivemq-mqtt-client 852 about 2 months ago High-performance Java MQTT client library with different API flavours for MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1
Hulaaki 114 over 4 years ago An Elixir library for clients communicating with MQTT brokers
luamqtt 155 3 months ago Pure-lua MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 client
Machine Head 74 12 months ago A Clojure MQTT Client
MiniMQTT 79 26 days ago MQTT Client Library for CircuitPython
MIMIC MQTT Simulator Simulate up to 100,000 MQTT clients per server for development/testing/deployment of IoT applications
Moscapsule 271 over 3 years ago MQTT Client for iOS written in Swift
Mosquitto-PHP 529 about 1 year ago A wrapper for the Mosquitto MQTT client library for PHP
mqtt_cpp 432 6 months ago MQTT client for C++14 based on Boost.Asio
mqtt_lua MQTT Client library for the Lua language
MQTT-C 770 5 months ago A portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike
MQTT-Client-Framework 1,841 about 1 year ago iOS, OSX, tvOS native ObjectiveC MQTT Client Framework
mqtt-client A Polymer Web Component that implements a MQTT client (uses Paho mqttws31.js)
mqtt-elements 27 almost 8 years ago Polymer elements for MQTT
mqtt-rs 179 7 months ago MQTT protocol library for Rust
mqtt-stats 11 about 1 year ago Subscriber client to monitor MQTT Topic Statistics
mqtt-wrapper Polymer Element that wraps other Elements and links them to MQTT topics
mqtt.dart 51 over 5 years ago Dart MQTT client
MQTT.js MQTT client for Node.js
mqtt 815 10 months ago MQTT Clients, Servers and Load Testers in Go
mqttex 46 over 9 years ago MQTT implementation in Elixir
MQTTKit 461 almost 4 years ago MQTT Objective-C client for iOS
mqtt_monitor 9 over 2 years ago simple and lightweight console moniotor for mqtt topics, with eye-candies, in python 3
Paho Open source client implementations (C/C++, Java, Python, Javascript, Go, C#)
pubsubclient 3,818 about 2 months ago A client library for the Arduino Ethernet Shield that provides support for MQTT
ruby-mqtt 541 5 months ago Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol
rumqtt 203 over 4 years ago A fast, lock free pure Rust MQTT client
tcl-mqtt 5 over 1 year ago Small library to connect to a MQTT broker. Very, very basic
TMQTTClient 22 almost 9 years ago MQTT Client Library for Delphi
Vert.x MQTT 184 9 days ago Vert.x component that provides methods for connecting/disconnecting to a broker, publishing messages and subscribing to topics
wolfMQTT A client implementation of the MQTT written in C for embedded use. It supports SSL/TLS via the wolfSSL library
MQTTnet 4,434 13 days ago MQTT client and broker implementations in .NET

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Scripting

logic4mqtt 17 over 8 years ago Java based Logic and scripting engine for use with MQTT. Uses Java's general scripting interface, so scripts can be written in a multitude of languages like Javascript, Groovy etc
mqtt-scripts 61 over 3 years ago Node.js based script runner
Node-RED A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Interfaces

arduinoTemps2mqtt 14 about 9 years ago Arduino sketch, grab One-wire Temperature's and publish to a MQTT broker
Basecamp 253 over 4 years ago An Arduino library to ease the use of the ESP32 in IoT projects. See
deskmate 67 almost 4 years ago A hackable & portable MQTT-powered mini dashboard and control center
MySensors Arduino NRF24L01 based sensor network with support for an MQTT gateway
pubsubclient 3,818 about 2 months ago A client library for the Arduino Ethernet Shield that provides support for MQTT
RFM69-MQTT-client 81 over 7 years ago Arduino RFM69 based sensors and MQTT gateway
rpi2mqtt 23 almost 7 years ago Connect a RaspberryPis GPIOs and 1-Wire Temperature Sensors to MQTT
xbee2mqtt 23 over 8 years ago XBee to MQTT gateway
ESP32-BLE2MQTT 667 3 months ago BLE to MQTT bridge, exposes BLE GATT characteristics as MQTT topics for bidirectional communication
ESP8266MQTTMesh 265 8 months ago MQTT over mesh WiFi integrated library for ESP8266
esp_mqtt 1,145 almost 4 years ago MQTT client library for ESP8266
mqtt-ir-transceiver 143 almost 4 years ago ESP8266 based bidirectional gateway between MQTT and IR. Use with PlatformIO
mqtt-with-micropython Connect to MQTT with micropython and wipy/others (ESP32 inside)
nodemcu-gpiomqtt 10 over 6 years ago Lua script to connect ESP8266 GPIOs to MQTT
ESPEasy Turns ESP into a multifunction sensor device for solutions with web-based configuration
ESPHome builds ESP8266/ESP32 firmware from concise YAML descriptions, uploads to and manages flashed devices
Espurna 2,995 11 days ago firmware for ESP8266-based devices with rich web UI and ≈120 devices supported out of the box
OpenMQTTGateway 3,562 5 days ago MQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale compatibility, SMS & LORA
Sonoff-Tasmota 22,034 2 days ago Firmware for ESP8266 devices with web-based configuration. ≈500 devices supported (not only Sonoffs)
WiFi-IoT ESP8266/ESP32 firmware builder. Partly in Russian. Free features are limited
CODESYS-MQTT 110 10 months ago A MQTT client for CODESYS PLC
spicierModbus2mqtt 58 11 months ago Modbus master which publishes register values via MQTT
mqtt2opcua 83 over 2 years ago Bi Directional MQTT to OPCUA Bridge
OPC Router MQTT Gateway (publisher/subscriber) with various plug-ins (OPC UA Bridge, SQL Bridge, REST Bridge, SAP Bridge)
agi-mqtt 35 over 10 years ago Interface between Asterisk and MQTT
fritz2mqtt 8 almost 7 years ago Connect FRITZ!Box to MQTT
sip2mqtt 40 over 3 years ago A SIP monitoring script that publishes incoming calls with CallerID to MQTT
sms2mqtt 51 3 months ago Docker Gateway to send/receive SMS through MQTT using an USB GSM dongle (gammu)
mqtt-os-status 18 over 10 years ago Operating-system related data, published to an MQTT broker at fixed intervals
mqttlauncher 187 7 months ago Execute shell commands triggered by published MQTT messages
mqttpc 10 about 1 year ago Control processes via MQTT. Ability to send signals via MQTT and to publish stdout/stderr or pipe MQTT payloads into stdin
mqttwatchdir 39 almost 6 years ago Recursively watch a directory for modifications and publish file content to an MQTT broker
psmqtt 158 2 months ago Utility reporting system health and status via MQTT
WinThing 100 over 3 years ago Remotely control Windows through MQTT
check-mqtt 63 8 months ago A Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking connectivity to an MQTT broker
nag2mqtt 7 about 7 years ago Nagios event broker to MQTT gateway
notify-by-mqtt 15 about 2 years ago A Nagios/Icinga notification module which wraps data into JSON and fires it off to an MQTT broker
mqtt2notifysend 13 almost 3 years ago Subscribe to a topic and show notifications from MQTT messages on Ubuntu & other notify-send compatible Linux distros
OwnTracks Location tracking and geofencing for MQTT
graylog-plugin-mqtt 13 5 months ago MQTT Input Plugin for Graylog
influx4mqtt 38 over 3 years ago Subscribe to MQTT topics and insert into InfluxDB
mqtt2elasticsearch 3 over 6 years ago Send MQTT messages to Elasticsearch
mqtt2graphite 71 over 7 years ago Archived! Instead use with plugin
mqttcollect 22 over 8 years ago A collectd "Exec" plugin for MQTT
mqtthandler 21 about 2 years ago A Python logging handler module for MQTT
mqtt2mongodb 18 about 3 years ago Subscribe to MQTT topics and insert into MongoDB
mqtt-firebase A CLI tool for subscribing to MQTT topics and dumping them to a firebase firestore DB
aqara-mqtt 88 over 3 years ago Aqara (Xiaomi) Gateway to MQTT bridge
aqara2mqtt 6 about 6 years ago Attach Smart Hubs to MQTT
can2mqtt 80 2 months ago CAN-Bus - MQTT Bridge (also works vice versa)
cul2mqtt 9 over 6 years ago Interface between (868MHz RF-Devices like ELV FS20, HMS, EM, ...) and MQTT
domiqtt 2 11 months ago Connects to a Domiq Base (LCN) and translate from and to MQTT
eno2mqtt 10 over 8 years ago Interface between an Enocean USB300 (TCM310) adapter and MQTT
Evohome2mqtt 8 over 3 years ago MQTT Interface for the Honeywell Evohome system
gardena2mqtt 10 2 months ago Docker Gateway to control GARDENA Smart system devices (Sileno mower, Irrigation Control, etc.) through MQTT
helios2mqtt 7 3 months ago A daemon for syncing a helios easy controls system like my KWL EC 220D to MQTT
hm2mqtt.js 21 over 5 years ago Interface between EQ-3's Homematic line of smarthome devices and MQTT. Supports Homematic IP
homeeToMqtt 13 about 2 years ago Bidirectional Interface between homee and MQTT
HS100toMQTT 15 over 3 years ago Gateway between TPLink HS100/HS110 and MQTT
ipcam2mqtt 26 over 2 years ago A small FTP server to receive movement images from ipcameras and turn them into MQTT alerts
knx-mqtt-bridge 39 about 1 month ago ridges KNX and MQTT using the knx.js library
knx2mqtt 46 about 9 years ago Interface between the KNX home automation standard and MQTT
mcsMQTT Plug-in for HS3 (HomeSeer)
mqtt-dss-bridge 4 about 9 years ago MQTT digitalSTROM-Server Bridge
mqtt-unifi-protect-bridge 24 6 months ago Adding motion-status from UniFi Protect Cameras to MQTT
mqtt2homekit 36 almost 7 years ago Roughly the opposite of : Control your HomeKit-enabled devices with MQTT and without Siri or iPhone
node-lox-mqtt-gateway 27 over 4 years ago Gateway for Loxone™ mini server to communicate with MQTT broker
smartthings-mqtt-bridge 364 over 3 years ago Bridge between and MQTT
xiaomi2mqtt 27 over 4 years ago bridge between the Xiaomi Smart Home Gateway Aquara and a MQTT server
zigbee2mqtt 11,865 4 days ago Allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendors (Xiaomi/TRADFRI/Hue) bridge/gateway
zwavejs2mqtt 948 9 days ago Zwave to Mqtt gateway and Control Panel Web UI
control-freak IDE for IoT & friends. Built in MQTT support
Domoticz Domoticz beta supports MQTT
FHEM has a since V5.6
Home Assistant has a MQTT component
Home.Pi 193 over 9 years ago is based on MQTT
Homegear has build in MQTT support
homekit2mqtt 349 over 2 years ago Interface between and MQTT. Control MQTT connected devices with Siri or HomeKit Apps
ioBroker has a
Node-RED A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things, has native MQTT Support
openHAB has a
pimatic has a MQTT plugin
Arilux_AL-LC0X 190 about 5 years ago This is an alternative firmware for Arilux LED controllers which uses MQTT
chromoflex2mqtt 2 almost 9 years ago Control Chromoflex USP3 RGB LED modules via MQTT
h801/mqtt Alternative firmware for the H801 LED dimmer that uses MQTT as a control channel
hue2mqtt.js 30 almost 5 years ago Interface between the Philips Hue bridge and MQTT
MQTT DMX Controller 65 over 5 years ago DMX Controller with MQTT support
mqtt-dmx-sequencer 23 almost 7 years ago Headless counterpart to - use scenes and sequences exported from the MQTT DMX Controller and control them via MQTT
sunricher-wifi-mqtt 17 almost 3 years ago control Sunricher LED devices using MQTT
TRADFRI2MQTT 81 almost 4 years ago MQTT Bridge for IKEA TRÅDFRI Light Gateway
airtunes2mqtt 51 almost 6 years ago MQTT controlled Multi-Room Audio with Airplay/Airtunes Devices
bravia2mqtt 15 over 1 year ago Control your Sony Bravia TV with MQTT
broadlink-mqtt 222 4 months ago MQTT client to control BroadLink RM devices
chromecast-mqtt-connector 45 7 months ago Control your Google Chromecast devices using MQTT
harmony-api 394 over 4 years ago A simple server allowing you to query/control multiple local Harmony Home Hubs over HTTP or MQTT
htd2mqtt 3 almost 8 years ago Bridge between an HTD Lync audio system and MQTT
kodi2mqtt 82 over 3 years ago Interface between a Kodi media center instance and MQTT
lgtv2mqtt 106 over 1 year ago Interface between LG WebOS Smart TVs and MQTT
lirc2mqtt 23 over 4 years ago Send and receive infrared via
mopidy-mqtt 22 10 months ago MQTT features for Mopidy
MQTT-DashCast-Docker 5 over 6 years ago MQTT Docker to launch DashCast session on Chromecast
mqtt2atlonamatrix 0 almost 7 years ago Control Atlona HDMI matrix switches with MQTT
mqtt2tivoremote 4 over 4 years ago Make TiVo DVR remote control available through an MQTT smarthome style interface
onkyo2mqtt 35 over 3 years ago Interface between Onkyo AVR's EISCP network remote protocol and MQTT. Uses the onkyo-eiscp library
sonos2mqtt 75 5 months ago A bridge between Sonos and MQTT
VLC MQTT Module Control VLC via MQTT
xbmc2mqtt 4 over 9 years ago A simple plugin for XBMC to listen for a particular topic on an MQTT broker, and display a popup message
yamaha-avr2mqtt 10 almost 9 years ago A simple adapter for connection Yamaha AVR to MQTT
bcontrol2mqtt 3 over 6 years ago Publish measurements from TQ Energy Manager / to MQTT
mqtt-irc-bot 20 almost 9 years ago A MQTT to IRC / IRC to MQTT bridge or bot
mqttwarn 955 3 months ago Subscribe to MQTT topics (with wildcards) and notify pluggable services
twitter-to-mqtt 16 almost 12 years ago A python daemon that uses the Twitter Streaming API to access tweets and republishes them to an MQTT topic
AlexaMqttBridge 101 over 5 years ago Bridge between Amazon Alexa and MQTT
bt-mqtt-gateway 549 11 months ago Easily extensible Bluetooth to MQTT gateway, currently supports: EQ3 smart thermostat, Xiaomi Mi Scale, Linak Desk, MySensors and Xiaomi Mi Flora plant sensor
buderus2mqtt 16 almost 2 years ago Bridge between Buderus KM200 internet gateway and MQTT
chrome2mqtt 21 7 months ago Python program to enable MQTT control endpoints for chromecasts (both audio and video)
dashbutton2mqtt 16 almost 7 years ago Publish Amazon Dash Button presses to MQTT
flowerpower2mqtt 7 almost 7 years ago Publish measurements from Parrot Flower Power plant sensors to MQTT
gBridge 173 almost 2 years ago gBridge allows you to control (almost) any smart home device, any smart home software, with Google Assistant. Therefore, it transforms actions received from Google by voice commands to MQTT messages
haiku2mqtt 10 almost 7 years ago A bridge between Haiku smart fans and MQTT
homely 17 almost 3 years ago Collection of Go daemons for connecting Domoticz and other stuff
kobold2mqtt 1 almost 2 years ago Bridge between Vorwerk Kobold Vr200 internet gateway and MQTT
leaf-python-mqtt 24 about 6 years ago Extract data from Nissan Leaf API and post to MQTT
miflora-mqtt-daemon 610 4 months ago Linux service to send Xiaomi Mi Flora plant sensor data to an MQTT broker
MQTT.Cool A web gateway that optimizes any MQTT broker when sending real-time data to web clients with automatic throttling
mqtt2ble 26 almost 8 years ago A way to bridge MQTT topics to BLE Gatt characteristics
mqttclpro 99 over 4 years ago MQTT Client with tasker integration Android app
mqttDB 25 over 6 years ago A JSON store with MQTT interface
mqtt-camera-streamer 232 about 2 months ago Stream images from a connected camera over MQTT & view using Streamlit
MQTT Joystick Controller 7 over 4 years ago Open Source Android app that lets you control everything with your smartphone. Download it from Google Play
mqtt-transformer 14 3 months ago A simple service which consumes, transforms and periodically republish json messages on MQTT
node-mqtt-for-anki-overdrive 55 about 6 years ago Node.js Controller and MQTT API for Anki Overdrive
parrot-sample 18 about 7 years ago Sample code which uses MQTT to control a Parrot AR Drone
serial2mqtt 123 10 months ago A Linux gateway to connect low-cost microcontrollers only with a serial port to MQTT
snowboy2mqtt 6 almost 6 years ago Publish MQTT Messages on Snowboy Hotword Detection
speedtest2mqtt 15 over 6 years ago Run speedtest-cli and publish results via MQTT
unifi2mqtt 73 about 4 years ago Publish connected clients from Ubiquiti Unifi to MQTT
Valetudo 6,364 12 days ago Xiaomi (Roborock) Vacuum Robots Firmware with MQTT and Webinterface
wlan-thermo-mqtt-addon Addon for a popular DIY barbecue thermometer
MQTT Publisher Plugin Tasker (Automation for Android)
MQTT2ETCD 2 almost 5 years ago MQTT-ETCD gateway: PUT keys on ETCD through MQTT, and watch ETCD key changes on MQTT topics

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Visualization, Dashboards

Crouton 291 over 3 years ago A dashboard that taps into your IOT network, using only MQTT and JSON
d3-MQTT-Topic-Tree 96 almost 4 years ago A MQTT Topic Tree viewer using the d3 collapsible tree and MQTT over websockets
HelloIoT 105 over 3 years ago HelloIoT is a MQTT client and dashboard application
HOMR-REACT 18 over 7 years ago A configurable MQTT Visualization
IoT OnOff Configurable iOS/Android app
Linear MQTT Dashboard 54 about 4 years ago Easy, customizable control panel - MQTT-client
MMM-mqtt 15 over 3 years ago This is an extension for the MagicMirror². It provides the ability to subscribe to MQTT topics and display them
MQTT Dash Android App: With the app you can create dashboards for your MQTT enabled IoT Smart Home devices and applications
MQTT-Hyperdash 8 over 2 years ago A universal independent MQTT Dashboard for linux/Raspberry Pi
MQTT.Cool Test Client A web interface for testing interaction between MQTT.Cool and any MQTT broker
mqtt-panel 419 4 months ago A web interface for MQTT
mqtt-prometheus-message-exporter 19 almost 3 years ago A small service which will convert mqtt messages to prometheus metrics
mqtt-svg-dash 61 over 11 years ago Subscribe to MQTT, extract JSON from a message and make lights blink on an SVG page
mqtt2highcharts 62 about 8 years ago Plotting live numbered data from a subscribed MQTT topic using Highcharts
MYHELLOIOT MYHELLOIOT is a MQTT dashboard application inspired in my other MQTT project HelloIoT
node-red-dashboard 1,312 3 months ago A dashboard UI for Node-RED
PlotJuggler 4,366 about 2 months ago PlotJuggler is a tool to visualize time series (from sources such as: MQTT, Websockets, ZeroMQ, UDP, etc., supports data formats such as JSON, CBOR, BSON, Message Pack, etc.). It is a fast, powerful and intuitive cross-platform tool

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Architecture, Convention

mqtt-smarthome 442 over 2 years ago Smart home automation with MQTT as the central message bus - Architectural proposal
The Homie Convention 711 28 days ago A lightweight MQTT convention for the IoT

Awesome MQTT / Contents / Security, Encryption

Teserakt E4 End-to-end encryption and key management for MQTT and other M2M protocols – Open-source and paid plans

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