


389 stars
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37 forks
last commit: almost 4 years ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists

Awesome Chess / Books

Chess Problems Collection of chess puzzles
Chess strategy HTML version of chess strategy by Edward Lasker
Sicilian Dragon Attacking plans for black

Awesome Chess / FEN Parsers

fenparser by tlehman 15 over 9 years ago A parser for Forsyth-Edwards Notation wriitten in Python
fen by ucarion 3 8 months ago A Rust Forsyth-Edwards notation parser with proper error handling
fen-diagram by andyherbert JavaScript for generating chess diagrams using Forsyth-Edwards notation

Awesome Chess / Bots

latrunculorum 13 over 9 years ago A simple chess bot in Python
Chessbot Bot written in Java

Awesome Chess / Move Validators

chess.js 3,683 2 months ago chess.js, Structured code for chess authentication
npm chess package An algebraic notation driven chess engine that can validate board position and produce a list of viable moves
Chessnut Chessnut is a simple chess board model written in Python. It provides functionality of parsing FEN and generating a list of legal moves for each FEN representation

Awesome Chess / Websites A simple single page chess playing application facilitating the play of chess One of the most mature platforms for playing chess on the internet. It is open source too. It is equipped with daily puzzles and an TV to spectate other matches Play as well as learn chess from chess24 with the best of tutorials Lucrative, single page application for playing chess Learn and play chess with over 5 million other users Watch videos, solve puzzles, and play games. All for free. (Works similar to Khan Academy.) Online chess tactics training site Repository of information about programming computers to play chess The 'Free Internet Chess Server' (FICS) is one of the oldest Internet chess servers. There are lots of client applications for almost every device, operation system or webbrowser available

Awesome Chess / Boards

Chessboard.js 2,002 6 months ago chessboard.js is a standalone JavaScript chess board
chess-board 20 over 4 years ago A web component for displaying chess positions. It takes FEN string as input and renders the board as output
jchess 83 about 9 years ago A jQuery based JavaScript library for parsing and displaying chess games. Currently takes FEN and PGN as inputs
Chessboard-js 32 about 6 years ago A responsive mobile-first JavaScript chessboard library

Awesome Chess / Board Notations

FEN A FEN "record" defines a particular game position, all in one text line and using only the ASCII character set
PNG PGN is structured "for easy reading and writing by human users and for easy parsing and generation by computer programs."

Awesome Chess / Board Notations / Other Notations

Algebraic Chess Notation
ICCF numeric notation Official chess game notation for all International Correspondence Chess Federation games
Smith Chess Notation
Descriptive Notation

Awesome Chess / Pieces

Spiral Pieces in 3-D
Pieces on Wikipedia
Chess Pieces in Unicode
Icons on flaticons
Icons on thenounproject

Awesome Chess / Talks

Understanding Chess Mastery -Talk on understanding chess mastery by Jennifer Shahade
How Chess Can Revolutionize Learning Talk on how chess can revolutionize learning by Cody Pomeranz
Working backward to solve problems Talk on working backward to solve problems by Maurice Ashley
Chess Life
Why Chess is Boring Talk on why chess is boring by Bobby Fischer
Chess Peeps

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