
A curated list about React Hooks


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87 forks
last commit: 7 months ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome React Hooks / Hooks

Introducing Hooks
Hooks at a Glance
Using the State Hook
Using the Effect Hook
Rules of Hooks
Building Your Own Hooks
Hooks API Reference
Hooks FAQ

Awesome React Hooks / Tutorials/Articles/Workshops

React Today and Tomorrow and 90% Cleaner React Dan Abramov and Sophie Alpert
Making Sense of React Hooks Dan Abramov
React Hooks and Suspense Kent C. Dodds
React Hooks & testing: Stepping through React code Kent C. Dodds
My Thoughts on React Hooks Ben Awad
Fetching Data from an API with React Hooks useEffect Ben Awad
Are React Hooks Slower than Class Components? Ben Awad
Building a Todo List with React Hooks useState Ben Awad
Using React Hooks vs. Class Components Ben Awad
Using Immer with Reducers and React Hooks Ben Awad
React Hooks useContext Ben Awad
Everything you need to know about React Hooks Carl Vitullo
Hooks in react-spring, a tutorial Paul Henschel
React Hooks: Notes Taken Tomáš Konrády
Getting Started with React Hooks Chris Sevilleja
React hooks: not magic, just arrays Rudi Yardley
Why React’s new Hooks API is a game changer Rudi Yardley
Writing Custom React Hooks for GraphQL Nader Dabit
Manage global state with React Hooks Charles Stover
React Hooks: Managing Web Sockets with useEffect and useState Ross Bulat
Primer on React Hooks Austin Johnston
React Hooks - A deeper dive featuring useContext and useReducer Austin Johnston
Advanced React Hooks Workshop 64 about 1 month ago Kent C. Dodds

Awesome React Hooks / Discussions

v6 Candidate Preview: Use React Hooks for connect 23,363 11 days ago Mark Erikson
RFC: React Hooks 5,499 4 months ago Sebastian Markbåge
Using Hooks in React Native 118,482 3 days ago Héctor Ramos

Awesome React Hooks / Examples

Color Match Color Match Game
React Hooks counter Counter using useState of React Hooks
Toggle component Toggle component made with React Hooks
Hooks test 196 over 1 year ago Somewhat complicated use case solved relatively nicely with React Hooks
React Hanger 1,935 over 1 year ago React Hanger example
React Navigation Hooks 576 almost 2 years ago React hooks for convenient react-navigation use
Haunted 2,598 over 1 year ago React's Hooks API implemented for web components
useHooks Easy to understand React Hook recipes by
Collection of React Hooks Collection of React Hooks
React Spring demo Demo of how react-spring could use React Hooks as a new API
React Hooks React Hooks useState() and useEffect()
Hooks Todo App App made with React Hooks
react-thanos 33 over 1 year ago React hooks implementation of Google's Thanos easter egg

Awesome React Hooks / Extensions/Libraries

redux-react-hook 2,158 almost 3 years ago React Hook for accessing state and dispatch from a Redux store
react-use 41,613 18 days ago Collection of essential React Hooks
The Platform 4,407 almost 2 years ago Browser API's turned into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React elements for common situations
eslint-plugin-react-hooks This plugin enforce rule of hooks to avoid common mistakes
react-hooks-lib 545 about 3 years ago A set of reusable React Hooks
use-immer 4,011 4 months ago A hook to use immer as a React hook to manipulate state
react-hanger 1,935 over 1 year ago A small collection of useful hooks for React 16.7
react-firebase-hooks 3,580 6 months ago A set of reusable React Hooks for Firebase
react-intersection-visible-hook 49 almost 6 years ago React hook to track the visibility of a functional component based on IntersectionVisible Observer
use-timer 197 over 1 year ago Simple React hook to handle timer
react-native-hooks 3,460 23 days ago React Native APIs turned into React Hooks for use in stateless React components
react-with-hooks 152 over 5 years ago Ponyfill for the proposed React Hooks API
react-hooks-screen-type 15 almost 6 years ago Determining screen size type for Bootstrap 4 grid
use-http 2,310 8 months ago React hooks for making isomorphic HTTP requests
react-fetch-hook 348 over 1 year ago React hook for conveniently use Fetch API
storeon 1,978 15 days ago hook-based state manager in 173 bytes
react-hook-form 41,127 15 days ago Performance, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use for validation

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