
A curated list of awesome resources for WebExtensions development.


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Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome WebExtensions / Getting started

Chrome Extensions documentation Documentation for the original Chrome extension model
Mozilla's WebExtensions documentation MDN wiki for the WebExtensions API
Browser support for WebExtensions Compatibility table for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Safari Extensions documentation Developer documentation on building Safari extensions. Technically not WebExtensions, the API is completely different
Opera API support Detailed WebExtensions support for Opera
Browser Extension Standard Standard for the API, supported by Mozilla, Opera and Microsoft

Awesome WebExtensions / Community

Google Groups Discussions
Mozilla Discourse Discussions Matrix channel by Mozilla
google-chrome-extension tag on Stack Overflow Relevant questions
firefox-addon-webextensions tag on Stack Overflow Relevant questions
microsoft-edge-extension tag on Stack Overflow Relevant questions

Awesome WebExtensions / Libraries and Frameworks

webext-options-sync 150 about 2 months ago Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options
webext-storage-cache 81 25 days ago Map-like promised cache storage with expiration
webext-dynamic-content-scripts 87 3 months ago Automatically inject your on custom domains
mozilla/webextension-polyfill 2,687 4 days ago Polyfill to support the standardized promise based API in the namespace
@types/firefox-webext-browser Supplies TypeScript types for the namespace
redux-webext 108 over 2 years ago Uses Redux for managing the state of your WebExtension
ExtPay 505 2 months ago Take secure payments in extensions without needing to run a server backend
inject-react-anywhere 45 about 1 year ago Inject React components into 3rd party sites with convenient API and styles isolation
More… 103 about 2 months ago

Awesome WebExtensions / Tools

Chrome Webstore Upload 436 2 months ago Upload the extension to the Chrome Web Store via cli (or on Travis, automatically)
mozilla/web-ext 2,681 5 days ago Command line tool to help build, run, and test WebExtensions
chromepet 31 almost 10 years ago Get notified when your new version has been published
chrome-ext-downloader 51 about 3 years ago Download any extension on Chrome Web Store to see how they do it
chrome-store-api 31 over 3 years ago Chrome Web Store API wrapper
Chrome extension source viewer 1,430 10 months ago WebExtension to view source code of extensions directly on the store
@wext/shipit 129 over 3 years ago Tool to automatically publish to Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Addons and Opera Addons
wext-manifest-loader 25 6 months ago Webpack loader that lets you specify properties to appear only in specific browsers
webextension-manifest-loader 7 over 3 years ago Webpack loader that loads browser tailored manifest.json. It also imports all importable properties, allowing you to have 'manifest.json' as your only webpack entry point
webpack-extension-reloader 495 almost 2 years ago A Webpack plugin to automatically reload browser extensions during development
webpack-target-webextension 44 4 months ago Adds code-splitting support to WebExtensions build with Webpack
Extension.js 3,651 13 days ago Plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension development tool

Awesome WebExtensions / Testing

sinon-chrome 437 about 3 years ago Mocks the Chrome Extensions API for testing
addons-linter 314 4 days ago Validate an extension against Mozilla's guidelines
webextensions-jsdom 19 over 2 years ago Load popup, sidebar and background with JSDOM based on the manifest.json
webextensions-api-fake 17 over 4 years ago In-memory WebExtensions API Fake Implementation (includes TypeScript types)
webextensions-api-mock 5 over 4 years ago WebExtensions API as sinon stubs (includes TypeScript types)
webextensions-schema 4 over 2 years ago Programmatically consume the WebExtensions Schema JSON files

Awesome WebExtensions / Boilerplates

browser-extension-template 782 2 months ago Barebones boilerplate with parcel, options handler and auto-publishing
create-webextension 24 almost 6 years ago Yarn WebExtension generator
generator-web-extension 298 over 1 year ago WebExtension generator that creates everything you need to get started with cross-browser web-extension development
WXT 4,141 4 days ago Next-gen framework for developing web extensions

Awesome WebExtensions / Sample Extensions

npmhub 764 about 2 months ago
Hide Files on GitHub 320 almost 2 years ago
mdn/webextension-examples 4,086 27 days ago Various example extensions curated for the MDN documentation

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