
Resources for inspiration, lists of software, libraries and other stuff related to Motion UI design, animations and transitions.


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Motion UI Design / Resources for inspiration / Sites

Tympanus codrops – Interactive demos and experiments
Codyhouse – Interactive demos and experiments
Dribbble – Animated shots category on Dribbble
Codepen – HTML/CSS/JS sandbox
Give ’n’ Go – A curated gallery of Dribbble shots reworked as interactive CodePen pens – A collection of awesome mobile interfaces
Awwwards – Websites examples of designs with animation – CSS animated demos – experiments by @michaelvillar (Stripe) – Experiments by @hakimel – Animations in software user interfaces – A collection of interesting web sites curated by Animade studio
appealing. – A collection of mobile transitions and animations
UI Movement Animated interfaces and newsletter

Motion UI Design / Resources for inspiration / Pinterest boards

Gestures, transitions, animations by Yuri Vetrov
Web UI animation by JRMY LFBV
UX/UI interaction & Motion design by Matthieu Lerat
Animated UX/UI by Julien Tilly
Motion UI by CodeDesign

Motion UI Design / Resources for inspiration / Processing and other weird, but funny stuff

Bees & bombs – Processing experiments by Dave Whyte
PATAKK – Processing experiments by Paolo Zagreb
dvdp – Visual chinatown by davidope
bigblueboo – 3d and processing experiments by Charlie Deck
Misha Kvakin – Cinema4D and UI experiments

Motion UI Design / Articles

How fast should your UI animations be? by @valhead
Getting started with UI motion design by @Molly Lafferty
A Designer’s Guide to Perceived Performance by @Luke Jones
How to Use Animation to Improve UX by @Nick Babich
How To Use Animations and Motion in Web Design by @PageCloud
UI Animation: Eye-Pleasing, Problem-Solving by @Tubik Studio
UI Motion Design — The Compendium by @Thalion
Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto by @Issara Willenskomer
Jedi Principles of UI Animation @Adaptive Path
Micro Interaction; great experience for user engagement @Sneha Munot
UI Animation. Microinteraction for Macroresult @Tubik Studio
The Principles of UX Choreography @Rebecca Ussai Henderson

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation

Adobe After Effects – The industry-standard animation and creative compositing app lets you design and deliver professional motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video and web:

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation / Adobe After Effects

Using After Effects for UI Animation Prototypes ( video)
UI Animation tutorials
How to Use After Effects for Web Animation Prototypes ( video)
MtMograph summits ( video)
30 days of AE ( video)
After Effects CC Essential Training on Lynda ( video)
BodyMovin 30,391 2 months ago – Converter from AE to SVG/canvas
Squall – Converter from AE to iOS

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation

Apple Motion – MacOS app for create and edit motion graphics, titling for video production and film production, and 2D and 3D compositing for visual effects
Adobe Photoshop – Raster graphics editor that can also produce gif UI animations:

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation / Adobe Photoshop

9 Photoshop UI Animation Tutorials

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation

Adobe Flash – Software for creating vector graphics, animations, games etc
Apple Keynote – MacOS app for presentations, but also great for high-fidelity animations and prototypes:

Motion UI Design / Software / Video, gif, presentation / Apple Keynote

How To Prototype UI Animations In Keynote

Motion UI Design / Software / Visual programming

Quartz Composer – MacOS app with node-based visual programming language for prototyping MacOS/iOS apps:

Motion UI Design / Software / Visual programming / Quartz Composer

The 4 Minute Guide to Quartz Composer ( video)
Introducing Origami for QC
Origami – A tool for creating modern UI by Facebook
Avocado – A toolbox for interaction designers

Motion UI Design / Software / Visual programming

Form – App with a node-based visual programming language for prototyping apps by Google
Principle For Mac – MacOS app for create animated and interactive user interface designs
Floid – MacOS interaction design tool for any platform & device (Web, iOS, Android)

Motion UI Design / Software / HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Framer studio – MacOS app for prototyping animations by CoffeeScript programming language

Motion UI Design / Software / HTML, CSS and JavaScript / Framer studio

Your first prototype with framer

Motion UI Design / Software / HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Tumult Hype – MacOS app for creating HTML/CSS sites, banners, presentations etc
Adobe Edge Animation – App for creating HTML/CSS sites, banners, presentations etc:

Motion UI Design / Software / HTML, CSS and JavaScript / Adobe Edge Animation

Prototyping UI Animation

Motion UI Design / Software / HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Adobe Experience Design (ex-Project Comet) – App for creating design, prototype and animation of websites and mobile apps (Preview version)
Google web designer – HTML-based designs and motion graphics
Animatron – Web app for creating animations, banners, and infographics
Pixate – Prototyping platform
SpiritJS – Animation tool for the web (unrealized yet)

Motion UI Design / Helpers – Easing functions cheat sheet – Cubic-bezier visual tool – List of CSS properties thats trigger repaint, reflow or compositing

Motion UI Design / Libraries

Web Animation Infographics – Great (but old) infographic with libraries by used technology
Bouncy Ball – Comparing animation techniques by showing how to bounce a ball with each one

Motion UI Design / Libraries / CSS

Animate.css – Collections of CSS animations
Effeckt.css – Collections of UI animations
Bounce.js – Tool for generate nice CSS keyframes animation from js easing function
Animations.css Collection
Magic animations – Collection
UI buttons – Collection of buttons
Hover.css – Hover effects
Morf – Transitions with custom easing functions
Awesome CSS3 animations – Library of animations
All Animation – Set of fun animations to make your project sexier
CSS Animate – Tool for easy and fast creating CSS3 keyframes animation
Mantra – Tool for creating keyframes animation

Motion UI Design / Libraries / JavaScript

GreenSock – Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web
Velocity.js – Accelerated JavaScript animation
Impulse – High-performance interactions for mobile web
AniJS – Animations by declared data-attributes
Snabbt.js – Minimalistic animation library in JavaScript – High-performance JavaScript library for animations & interfaces
Processing.js – JavaScript library for Processing visual programming language
Framer.js 5,839 over 5 years ago – Prototyping tool for designing UI, interaction and animation
Dynamics.js – JavaScript library to create physics-based animations
Mo.js 18,398 4 months ago – Motion graphics toolbelt for the web
AnimateTransition – Library for transition of blocks and popups
Animate Plus 5,955 about 6 years ago – CSS and SVG animation library for modern browsers, performant and lightweight (3KB gzipped), making it particularly well-suited for mobile
Gravitas.js 163 over 9 years ago – Super fast physics simulations for JavaScript
Popmotion – JavaScript motion engine that makes creating engaging user interactions quick and simple
anime.js Lightweight JavaScript animation library
useAnimations micro-animations icon library;

Motion UI Design / Libraries / SVG

SnapSVG — JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM

Motion UI Design / Libraries / SVG / SnapSVG

How to Manipulate and Animate SVG With Snap.svg

Motion UI Design / Libraries / SVG

BonsaiJS – Lightweight graphics library with intuitive graphics API and SVG renderer
Vivus.js – Allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearence of being drawn
Walkway.js – Easy way to animate SVG images consisting of line, path, and polyline elements
Transformicons – Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS

Motion UI Design / Web animation performance – Collection of articles and presentations about browser performance
High performance animations
How to Create Smoother Animations and Transitions in the Browser
CSS animations and transitions performance: looking inside the browser

Motion UI Design / Speeches, presentations, videos

Interface Animations (Mark Geyer) – Workshop on BlendConf 2014
The future of UX – Animation on the Brain (Rachel Nabors)
Designing Complex SVG Animations (Sarah Drasner, Trulia)
Designing with animation (Pasquale D'Silva) ( video)
Animating Web Experiences (John Allsopp) ( video)
Putting Your UI in Motion (Val Head) ( video)
Motion design with CSS (Val Head) ( video)
Lets move! (Benjamin De Cock, Stripe) ( video)
Animating Your UX (Rachel Nabors) ( video)
Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS (Sara Soueidan) ( video)
Animating the User Experience (Rachel Nabors) ( video)
Designing meaningful animation (Val Head) ( video)
Functional Animation (Sarah Drasner) ( video)
Animations anew - laziness, arrogance and intolerance (Andrey Sitnik) ( Russian language)

Motion UI Design / Newsletters, podcasts, screencasts

The UI Animation Newsletter – newsletter with resources plus helpful advice on how to make web animation work for you coming straight to your inbox each month by @valhead
Web Animation Weekly – newsletter with articles, videos, book reviews, and other goodies pertaining to the wonderful worlds of web animation and motion design by Rachel Nabors
Motion and meaning – Podcast about motion for digital designers by @valhead and Cennydd Bowles
All The Right Moves – Animation reviews by @valhead
UI Movement best of the week UI animations newsletter

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / Android

Material design guidelines: Motion

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / MacOS

OS X Human Interface Guidelines: Animation

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / iOS

User Interface Design for iOS 7 Apps ( video)
iPhoto for iOS: UI Progression and Animation Design ( video)

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / Apple Watch

Specifications: Animations

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / Windows

Guidelines for animations
Microsoft web framework: Motion

Motion UI Design / Guidelines / IBM

IBM Design Language – Animation design guidelines

Motion UI Design / Guidelines

SalesForce Lightning

Motion UI Design / Books

The Web In Motion: Practical Considerations For Designing With Animation by Smashing Magazine
Motion Design for iOS by Mike Rundle
Animation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Futureproof Web Design Techniques. Interaction Design & Complex Animations by @UXPin
CSS animations by @valhead
Designing Interface Animations by @valhead (unpublished yet)

Motion UI Design / How to Share

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