
Awesome resources for Relay


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last commit: almost 3 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Learning Resources / Documentation

Official Docs Official Relay documentation

Learning Resources / FAQs

Unofficial Relay FAQ Common questions answered! Relay resources are scarce at the moment, so this is very helpful if you get stuck

Learning Resources / Tutorials

Getting Started with Relay One of the few detailed walk throughs of hand-on Relay
Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client A complete workable example

Learning Resources / Tutorials / Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client

Relay 102: Mutations A follow up to "Relay 101" concentrating on mutations

Learning Resources / Tutorials

Facebook Relay talk - Lunch and Learn session Walkthrough of building a simple app, and demonstration of
A Beginner's Guide to Relay Mutations Mutations in depth
Learn Relay Shows you how to make a Pokemon-themed CRUD app, providing a personal, cloud-based GraphQL backend so you can focus on the client-side code

Learning Resources / Overviews

React Data Fetching with Relay Clear conceptual overview of Relay's moving parts and magic
Joseph Savona - Relay: An Application Framework For React Conceptual overview of Relay from the Facebook team
F8 2015 - React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile Overview of Relay, some about the philosophy
Relay - Daniel Dembach - Hamburg React.js Meetup A good general overview of Relay, some discussion of alternatives. Common questions are covered in Q&A at the end
Facebook Relay talk - Lunch and Learn session Walkthrough of building a simple app, and demonstration of
React with Relay and GraphQL with Andrew Smith High level overview of Relay and GraphQL, with some useful discussion from the audience. Some discussion of other front-end frameworks, as well
Relay for Visual Learners Very clear set of diagrams laying out how the different parts of Relay relate to each other
Relay: Seamless Syncing For React An overview of what Relay is, and some discussion of experience using it in production

Learning Resources / Overviews / Cartoon Intro to Facebook's Relay

Part 1: Saying what data you need with GraphQL
Part 2: Fetching data from the server
Part 3: Syncing changes back up to the server
Part 4: How it all fits together

Learning Resources / Example Implementations

Relay TODO MVC 158 19 days ago The classic TODO example app, written with Relay
relay-chat 90 over 7 years ago Relay with routing and pagination
koa-graphql-relay-example 99 almost 8 years ago "TODO" app with and
todomvc-relay-go 66 about 8 years ago Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend

Learning Resources / Lists of Lists

Relay and GraphQL Introduction Materials

Ecosystem / Libraries & Packages

graphql-relay-js 1,537 3 months ago Simplifies creating a JS GraphQL server for
Babel Relay Plugin Use Relay the latest ES6+ syntax
react-router-relay 558 about 5 years ago bindings for Relay. Greatly simplifies many local state UI uses cases

Ecosystem / Libraries & Packages / react-router-relay

Relay and Routing A well-articulated walk through of , and the problems that it solves
relay-nested-routes Generate nested routes that reflect nested data. Helpful for managing deep data
isomorphic-relay-router 137 about 7 years ago Server side rendering support for

Ecosystem / Libraries & Packages

relay-decorator 19 almost 5 years ago Simply syntax for Relay containers with ES7 decorators ( syntax)
recompose-relay Ease composition of Relay containers by currying and providing the component after the container
relay-local-schema 253 12 days ago Use a local schema; no need for a remote GraphQL server
react-native-relay 75 over 8 years ago Use Relay with React Native

Ecosystem / Libraries & Packages / react-native-relay

out of the box 18,380 12 days ago May be supported in the future

Ecosystem / Libraries & Packages

relay-sink 125 over 7 years ago Use Relay to fetch and store data outside of a React component
babel-plugin-flow-relay-query 38 almost 7 years ago Convert types into Relay fragments
sequelize-relay 76 almost 6 years ago Make Relay compatible with
relay-mongodb-connection 40 almost 7 years ago Create Relay connections from MongoDB cursors
relay-composite-network-layer 49 almost 9 years ago Compose your Relay Network Layer of many different Network Layers each with their own schema
react-relay-network-layer 276 almost 6 years ago A Network Layer that adds support for query-batching and middlewares. It additionally provides some useful middlewares such as for auth, for logging, etc

Ecosystem / Tooling

GraphiQL 15,991 12 days ago A library to introspect GraphQL, test queries and mutations

Ecosystem / Tooling / GraphiQL

GraphiQL App 2,958 about 1 year ago A standalone app for viewing GraphQL, introspection docs, and testing queries/mutations. Invaluable for debugging your Relay app

Ecosystem / Tooling

relay-local-schema 253 12 days ago Use a local schema; no need for a remote GraphQL server
Babel Relay Plugin Use Relay the latest ES6+ syntax

Ecosystem / Starter Kits

Relay Skeleton 125 over 8 years ago Relay project skeleton
Relay Starter Kit 1,013 about 7 years ago An app that it already set up with a basic setup. Just clone and tweak to suit your needs!
Node.js API Starter Kit 3,836 8 months ago Boilerplate and tooling for building data APIs with Node.js, GraphQL and Relay
Simple Relay Starter 156 over 7 years ago A Browserify version of the
UniversalRelayBoilerplate Boilerplate + examples for React Native (iOS, Android), React (isomorphic, Material-UI), Relay, GraphQL, JWT, Node.js, Apache Cassandra
Relay on Rails Starter Kit 43 almost 9 years ago A barebones starter kit for Relay application on Rails server. Just clone and tweak!
Relay Fullstack 986 almost 7 years ago Relay Starter Kit integrated with Relay, Express, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS

Relay-Specific Server Support / Go

Go Relay 423 almost 4 years ago A Go/Golang library to help construct a graphql-go server supporting react-relay
todomvc-relay-go 66 about 8 years ago React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend

Relay-Specific Server Support / JavaScript

graphql-relay-js 1,537 3 months ago Simplifies creating a JS GraphQL server for

Relay-Specific Server Support / Python

graphql-relay-py 146 over 1 year ago A library to help construct a server supporting

Relay-Specific Server Support / Ruby

graphql-relay-ruby Relay helpers for GraphQL & Ruby

Relay-Specific Server Support / Ruby / Rails

GraphQL and Relay on Rails — First relay powered react component Full walk through of a simple Relay setup, including clonable code
Relay/GraphQL On Rails A brief example of Relay with Rails, complete with several diagrams to aid in comprehension
Relay on Rails Starter Kit 43 almost 9 years ago A barebones starter kit for Relay application on Rails server. Just clone and tweak!

Relay-Specific Server Support / Scala

sangria-relay 90 about 1 month ago Relay support for


Writing Simple Unit Tests with Relay An early first look at testing Relay

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