
Rails toolkit

A curated list of resources and tools for Ruby on Rails developers

A curated list of awesome things related to Ruby on Rails


4k stars
155 watching
424 forks
last commit: 3 months ago
Linked from 5 awesome lists


Awesome Rails / Resources / Official Resources

Rails Official Website
Rails Official Guide
Rails Official Guide (Edge Guide)
Rails API Documentation
Rails Source Code 56,200 2 months ago
Rails Official Blog

Awesome Rails / Resources / External Resources

Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book
Agile Web Development with Rails 6
Docker for Rails Developers
Rails 5 Test Prescriptions
Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap, Second Edition
Growing Rails Applications in Practice
Crafting Rails 4 Applications
The Rails 7 Way
Full Stack Rails Mastery
RailsCasts *(inactive since 2013)
GoRails *(freemium)
Drifting Ruby *(freemium)
A curated list of Ruby on Rails courses
CJ Avilla
Mix & Go
Phil Smy
David Battersby
Learn Ruby on Rails (thoughtbot)
Ruby on Windows Guides
Explore Ruby Discover & find a curated list of popular & new Ruby libraries across all languages, top authors, trending project kits, discussions, tutorials & learning resources
RailsNotes Blog — The Ruby on Rails guides you wished you had!

Awesome Rails / Resources / Jobs

railsjobs on Reddit
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reverse job board for rails devs -
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rails jobs on RubyJobBoard

Awesome Rails / Resources / Community

rails on Twitter
rails on Reddit
Ruby on Rails Discussions
Gorails forum
WIP Ruby (Telegram group)
Ruby on Rails Link (Slack)

Awesome Rails / Resources / Articles

More than "Hello World" in Docker: Build Rails + Sidekiq web apps in Docker
Design Patterns with Ruby on Rails part 1: Introduction and Policy Object -
The Progressive Rails App
Modern Rails flash messages (part 1): ViewComponent, Stimulus & Tailwind CSS -
Building a Rails App With Multiple Subdomains
Reactive Rails applications with StimulusReflex
1 Backend, 5 Frontends - Todo List with Rails, React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and jQuery
Create a Video Party App With Rails Part 1: Building the Backend -
The Rails Model Introduction I Wish I Had
How to create a gem in Ruby on Rails? -From Scratch-
Multiple Foreign Keys for the Same Relationship in Rails 6
QR Code Reader on Rails
Magic Links with Ruby On Rails and Devise
I created the same application with Rails and no JavaScript
Instantly speed up your Rails application by self-hosting your fonts
Reactive Map with Rails, Stimulus Reflex and Mapbox
A Future for Rails: StimulusReflex
Introduction to Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns Part 1 -
Rails Concerns: To Concern Or Not To Concern
Building an Event Sourcing System in Rails, Part 1: What is Event Sourcing? -
Real Time Notification System with Sidekiq, Redis and Devise in Rails 6
Deploying Your Rails 6 App
What's Cooking in Rails 7?
Using Hotwire Turbo in Rails with legacy JavaScript
From Rails scaffold listing to Hotwire infinite scroll
Building a Component Library in Rails With Storybook
How to Speed Up Load Times In A Rails App - What I Wish I Knew Four Months Ago
Endless Scroll / Infinite Loading with Turbo Streams & Stimulus
Ruby/Rails Machine Setup Guide - - -
How to Write Fast Code in Ruby on Rails
How to Introduce Composite Primary Keys in Rails
Enforcing Modularity in Rails Apps with Packwerk
8 Useful Ruby on Rails Gems We Couldn't Live Without
Ruby on Rails Code Audits: 8 Steps to Review Your App
Rails 6.1 is Out! How to Prepare Your App Now
When Should You Upgrade Your Rails Application?
Helpful Resources for Upgrading Your Rails App Version
Upgrading Rails: Interview with Eileen Uchitelle
nil?, empty?, blank? in Ruby on Rails - what's the difference actually?
How well Rails developers actually test their apps
Rails multitenancy story in 11 snippets of code
Painless Rails upgrades
Comparison of approaches to multitenancy in Rails apps
Managing Rails Event Store Subscriptions — How To
Rails connections, pools and handlers
How to balance the public APIs of an open-source library — practical examples from RailsEventStore
Rack apps mounted in Rails — how to protect access to them?
10 Ruby on Rails Best Practices
Building APIs with Ruby on Rails and GraphQL
Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture in Rails
Beyond Rails Abstractions: A Dive into Database Internals
Search and Autocomplete in Rails Apps
Start Your SEO Right with Sitemaps on Rails
Handle Password and Email Changes in Your Rails API
Master Many-to-Many Associations with ActiveRecord
Common Rails Security Pitfalls and Their Solutions
Efficient GraphQL queries in Ruby on Rails & Postgres
Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams
Effectively Using Materialized Views in Ruby on Rails
Full Text Search in Milliseconds with Rails and PostgreSQL
Advanced Active Record: Using Subqueries in Rails
PostGIS vs. Geocoder in Rails
Creating Custom Postgres Data Types in Rails
Integration Testing Ruby on Rails with Minitest and Capybara
Mocking in Ruby with Minitest
How to Test Rails Models with RSpec
Dockerizing a Ruby on Rails Application
Dockerizing Ruby and Rails development
How to GraphQL with Ruby, Rails, Active Record, and no N+1
Keep up with the Tines: Rails frontend revamp
Pulling the trigger: How to update counter caches in your Rails app without Active Record callbacks
GraphQL on Rails: On the way to perfection
Danger on Rails: make robots do some code review for you!
GraphQL on Rails: From zero to the first query
A fixture-based approach to interface testing in Rails
How To Add Stimulus to a Ruby on Rails Application
Build a RESTful JSON API With Rails 5
Making Hotwire and Devise play nicely
Taking Rails to the next level with Hotwire
Hotwire, ViewComponents and TailwindCSS: The Ultimate Rails Stack
Adding Super Fast Frontend Search in Rails with Lunr
The 3 Tenets of Service Objects in Ruby on Rails
Famous Web Apps Built with Ruby on Rails
Building a JSON API with Rails 5
Five Practices for Robust Ruby on Rails Applications
Crafting APIs With Rails
Working with the SQL ‘time’ type in Ruby on Rails
Upgrading Rails apps with dual boot
What Are Rails Parameters & How to Use Them Correctly
How to Remove Single Table Inheritance from Your Rails Monolith
Build a Rails application with VueJS using JSX
Implementing Multi-Table Full Text Search with Postgres in Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord PostgreSQL Data Integrity and Validations
Programming Community Curated Resources For Learning Ruby on Rails
Choosing ruby on rails for your next web development project (business guide)
Dockerizing a Rails application
How to painlessly set up your Ruby on Rails dev environment with Docker
How I used Docker with Rails
Rails 6 Features: What's New and Why It Matters
Containerizing Ruby on Rails Applications
Behind The Scenes: Rails UJS
Implement SSR with React + Rails 89 2 months ago

Awesome Rails / Open Source Rails Apps

FAE 849 2 months ago A modern CMS developed by FINE (using Rails 5.2)
activeWorkflow 845 almost 2 years ago An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents (using Rails 6.0)
adopt-a-hydrant 715 over 1 year ago A civic infrastructure detection app (using Rails 4.2)
airCasting 62 2 months ago A platform for recording, mapping, and sharing health and environmental data using your smartphone (using Rails 6.1). -
alaveteli 391 2 months ago A platform for making public freedom of information requests - using Rails 7.0 -
alonetone 353 about 1 year ago A music hosting, management & distribution app (using Rails 7.0). -
api.rss 348 almost 4 years ago A RSS feed conversion (to API) app (using Rails 6.0)
asakusaSatellite 101 over 2 years ago A realtime chat application for developers (using Rails 6.0). -
askaway 33 over 7 years ago Question & answer app specialized in politics (using Rails 4.1)
autolab 769 2 months ago A course management app (using Rails 6.0). -
beatstream 126 over 1 year ago A music streaming app - using Rails 3.2
bike_index 274 2 months ago A bike registry tracking app (using Rails 6.0). -
blackCandy 1,264 3 months ago A music streaming app (using Rails 7.0)
brimir 1,382 about 6 years ago An email helpdesk app (using Rails 5.2). (archived)
calagator 438 11 months ago A community calendaring app (using Rails 5.2)
campo 441 over 9 years ago A forum app (using Rails 4.1)
canvas-lms 5,735 2 months ago A learning management app
catarse 1,638 almost 2 years ago A crowdfunding platform for creative projects (using Rails 4.2). -
chatwoot 21,631 2 months ago A simple and elegant live chat software (using Rails 6.1)
chronlife 8 about 1 year ago A social platform for people with chronic diseases (using Rails 7.0)
ciao 1,886 3 months ago A URL status checking app (using Rails 6.0)
coRM 27 about 8 years ago A customer relationship management app - using Rails 3.2 -
coderwall (legacy) 860 about 9 years ago A social network app for software engineers - using Rails 3.2
coderwall (next) 203 11 months ago A social network app for software engineers - using Rails 5.0
codetriage 1,410 about 1 year ago An open source project finder app (using Rails 7.0). -
commudle 247 almost 2 years ago A community management app (using Rails 5.2)
contribulator 86 about 3 years ago An open source project finder app - using Rails 5.1
coursemology2 148 2 months ago Learning platform app (using Rails 6.0)
covoiturage-libre 112 over 5 years ago A carpooling app - using Rails 5.0 (archived)
crabgrass-core A collaboration platform for activist groups (using Rails 5.2)
crowdAI 149 about 2 years ago An app for data science challenges (using Rails 5.2). -
crowdtiltOpen 600 over 8 years ago A crowdfunding platform - using Rails 6.1
cw-ovp 28 almost 2 years ago video packaging to *.m3u8 for HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) with FFMPEG on website (using Rails 6.0)
danbooru 2,307 4 months ago A taggable image board app (using Rails 7.0)
dcaf_case_management 87 2 months ago A case management app (using Rails 7.0)
dgidb 95 almost 2 years ago A drug gene interaction platform - using Rails 6.0
diaspora 13,407 6 months ago A social networking app - using Rails 6.1 -
discourse 42,613 2 months ago A platform for community discussion (using Rails 7.0). -
docuseal 8,138 2 months ago A platform to fill and sign digital documents (using Rails 7.0). -
ekylibre 424 12 months ago A farm management app (using Rails 5.0) 142 over 6 years ago A messaging app with encryption support (using Rails 4.2)
eol 59 over 5 years ago An encyclopedia app - using Rails 3.2 -
expertiza 187 2 months ago A learning material sharing app (using Rails 5.1)
fairmondo 108 over 2 years ago A marketplace app (using Rails 5.1). -
fat-free-crm 3,582 2 months ago An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform (CRM) (using Rails 6.1). -
feedbin 3,501 3 months ago A RSS reader app (using Rails 7.0). -
follow-all 81 over 5 years ago A Twitter account management app (using Rails 4.2). (archived)
forem 22,045 2 months ago Social platform app specialized for web development (using Rails 7.0). -
freeATS 21 2 months ago An open source applicant tracking system with self-hosting capabilities (using Rails 7.1). -
fromthepage 171 2 months ago A wiki-like app for crowdsourcing transcription of handwritten documents (using Rails 6.0). -
gitlabhq 23,836 2 months ago A code collaboration app (using Rails 6.1)
graff_mags 19 over 10 years ago A graffiti magazine sharing app (using Rails 4.1)
granny 11 8 months ago An OpenAI chat app (Rails 7.0)
growstuff 431 2 months ago A data management app for food gardeners (using Rails 6.1). -
hackershare 600 8 months ago Social bookmarks website for hackers (using Rails 7.0). -
hashrobot 49 about 7 years ago A social media management app (using Rails 4.2)
helpy 2,380 almost 2 years ago A customer support app (using Rails 4.2). -
hitobito 386 2 months ago An event organization app (using Rails 6.1). -
hours 1,037 about 2 years ago A time tracking app (using Rails 4.2)
human-essentials 478 2 months ago An inventory management system for essentials banks (using Rails 7.0). -
inaturalist 676 2 months ago A community app for nature and related stuff (using Rails 6.1). - 116 almost 6 years ago A control panel app for app deployment (using Rails 4.1)
kanban 643 over 9 years ago A Trello clone (using Rails 4.2)
kitsu-tools 2,090 about 1 year ago An anime discovery platform (using Rails 4.1)
lavish 691 about 2 years ago A color scheme generator (using Rails 4.2)
lifeToRemind 11 about 2 years ago A career planning app (using Rails 5.2)
lobsters 4,141 2 months ago A link aggregation app (using Rails 7.0). -
loomio 2,379 2 months ago A collaborative decision-making app (using Rails 6.1). -
mastodon 47,348 2 months ago A microblogging app (using Rails 6.1). -
multiwoven 1,556 2 months ago The open-source reverse ETL, data activation platform for modern data teams. (using Rails 7.1.1) - 21 10 months ago A multi-tenant subdomain control panel (using Rails 7.1) -
obtvse2 258 almost 7 years ago A blogging app (using Rails 4.0)
onebody 1,401 about 4 years ago A social networking app for churches - using Rails 5.1
openFarm 1,578 7 months ago A database for information about farming and gardening (using Rails 5.2). -
opencongress 48 almost 9 years ago A website for getting information about US Congress - using Rails 3.0 (archived)
openproject 9,581 2 months ago A project management app (using Rails 7.0). -
opensourcefriday 1,185 2 months ago A project contribution tracking app (using Rails 6.0). -
openstreetmap-website 2,235 2 months ago A map viewing app (using Rails 7.0). -
otwarchive 1,420 2 months ago A social networking app for fans - using Rails 6.0 -
passwordPusher 2,146 2 months ago A password delivery app (using Rails 6.1). -
peatio 3,600 over 1 year ago A crypto currency exchange app (using Rails 4.0)
planningalerts-app 95 3 months ago A planned applications tracking app (using Rails 6.1). -
podiscover 20 about 1 year ago An open source social media platform to discover new podcasts. (using Rails 7.0) -
popHealth 126 about 8 years ago A population health reporting app (using Rails 4.1)
postal 15,008 3 months ago A mail delivery platform (using Rails 5.2)
publify 1,828 2 months ago A blogging app (using Rails 6.1)
quant 139 over 9 years ago A personal health tracker (using Rails 4.1)
racing_on_rails 41 4 months ago A bike racing organization app (using Rails 6.1)
rapidFTR 286 about 8 years ago An information provider app for aid workers (using Rails 4.0)
redmine 2,452 almost 3 years ago A project management app (using Rails 6.1). -
rentmybikes-rails 60 over 10 years ago A marketplace app - (using Rails 4.0)
reservations 139 over 4 years ago An inventory management app (using Rails 6.0). -
retrospring 266 2 months ago A social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle -
rletters A frontend for database of journal articles for researchers (using Rails 6.0) 2,337 2 months ago A gem hosting platform (using Rails 7.0). -
sanataro 52 about 2 years ago An account tracker (using Rails 4.2)
scholarsphere 12 2 months ago A digital assets management app - using Rails 6.1
selfstarter 3,173 over 2 years ago A crowdfunding app (using Rails 4.0)
sharetribe 2,369 3 months ago A peer-to-peer marketplace platform (using Rails 5.2). -
socify 376 about 6 years ago A social networking platform - using Rails 5.0
somleng 66 2 months ago An Open Source Communications-Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) and Telco-as-a-service (TaaS). (using Rails 7.1). -
splits-io 133 4 months ago A speedrun data store and analysis engine. (using Rails 6.0). -
spokenvote 43 about 2 years ago A social voting app (using Rails 4.2)
stackneveroverflow 166 about 2 years ago A question asking & answering platform - using Rails 5.0
teambox 1,849 almost 12 years ago A collaboration app - using Rails 3.0 - (archived)
theodinproject 3,812 2 months ago A teaching & learning platform (using Rails 6.1). -
tracks 1,187 2 months ago A goal tracking app (using Rails 6.0). -
trado 155 7 months ago An e-commerce platform (using Rails 4.2)
united A free and open membership directory for collective organizations (using Rails main). -
vglist 150 2 months ago A video game library tracking web app (using Rails 7.0). -
websiteOne 143 10 months ago A project tracking app (using Rails 6.1)
whitehall 903 2 months ago A content management app used by UK government - using Rails 7.0

Awesome Rails / Gems

rails 56,200 2 months ago A full-stack web development framework
actioncable 56,200 2 months ago A gem to integrate websocket with a Rails app -
actionmailbox 56,200 2 months ago A gem to handle incoming emails within a Rails app -
actionmailer 56,200 2 months ago A gem to compose, deliver & test emails within a Rails app -
actionpack 56,200 2 months ago A gem to manage requests & responses within a Rails app
actiontext 56,200 2 months ago A gem to integrate rich text editor into a Rails app -
actionview 56,200 2 months ago A gem to handle view templates within a Rails app -
activejob 56,200 2 months ago A gem to handle background jobs within a Rails app -
activemodel 56,200 2 months ago A gem to define a set of interfaces to use in model classes within a Rails app -
activerecord 56,200 2 months ago A gem to connect model classes with relational databases within a Rails app -
activestorage 56,200 2 months ago A gem to handle file uploads to cloud storage providers within a Rails app -
activesupport 56,200 2 months ago A gem to provide some extensions to support a Rails app -
railties 56,200 2 months ago A gem to handle gems & engines used in a Rails app to work together
ace-rails-ap 134 about 2 years ago A gem to integrate cloud9 editor into Rails asset pipeline
action_policy 1,429 2 months ago A tool to handle authorization
actionview-svelte-handler An Action View template handler to seamlessly integrate Svelte views
active_decorator 1,110 4 months ago A gem to keep views & helpers object-oriented
active_enum 124 11 months ago A gem to provide enum classes
activeadmin 9,516 2 months ago A gem to provide admin panel
activerecord-analyze 220 12 months ago A gem to add EXPLAIN ANALYZE to Rails Active Record query objects
activerecord-import 4,060 2 months ago A gem to handle bulk data insertion using ActiveRecord
activerecord-pg_enum 167 over 2 years ago A gem to integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature
activerecord-postgis-adapter 889 2 months ago ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS
activerecord-postgres_enum 361 8 months ago A gem to adds migration and schema.rb support to PostgreSQL enum data types
activerecord-sqlserver-adapter 973 2 months ago ActiveRecord connection adapter for the SQL Server
activerecord-typedstore 447 12 months ago A gem to implement with type definition
activity_notification 508 5 months ago A gem to integrate user activity notification
aggregate_root 1,426 2 months ago A gem to handle event sourcing
ahoy_email 1,123 3 months ago A tool to provide mail analytics
alba 954 3 months ago A JSON serializer for Ruby, JRuby, and TruffleRuby
algoliasearch-rails 412 3 months ago A gem to integrate Algolia search
annotate 4,433 7 months ago A gem to annotate rails classes with schema & routes info
anycable-rails 501 2 months ago A gem to handle websocket server
apipie-rails 2,476 3 months ago A REST API documentation tool
auther 23 3 months ago A gem to provide simple, form-based authentication
autoprefixer-rails 1,216 3 months ago A gem to add vendor prefixes to stylesheets
avo 1,546 2 months ago Configuration-based, no-maintenance, extendable Ruby on Rails admin panel
bemi-rails 84 6 months ago A robust data change tracking and audit trail for Rails
better_errors 6,877 8 months ago A tool to provide better error page
brakeman 7,033 2 months ago A gem to scan code against security vulnerabilities
breadcrumbs_on_rails 947 2 months ago A gem to create & manage breadcrumbs-style navigation
bulma-rails 352 3 months ago A wrapper for Bulma, a CSS framework based on flexbox
cancancan 5,600 2 months ago A gem to handle authorization
carrierwave 8,782 2 months ago A gem to handle file uploads
caxlsx_rails 744 5 months ago A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram
counter_culture 1,970 4 months ago A gem to provide counter caches
devise 24,048 3 months ago A gem to provide authentication
doorkeeper 5,346 2 months ago A gem to introduce OAuth2 provider functionality
draper 5,227 5 months ago A gem to add presentation logic
factory_bot_rails 3,083 3 months ago A fixture replacement for testing in Rails
filestack-rails 223 2 months ago A gem to integrate Filestack
formtastic 5,204 6 months ago A Rails form builder gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
friendly_id 6,165 about 1 year ago A gem to deal with slugs & permalinks
frozen_record 397 6 months ago A gem to provide ActiveRecord-like interface to query static YAML files
geokit-rails 1,573 12 months ago A gem to integrate Geokit in Rails apps
good_job 2,729 2 months ago A gem to provide Postgres-based ActiveJob backend
gretel 10 5 months ago A tool to generate breadcrumbs
groupdate 3,809 3 months ago A gem to manage temporal data
hotwire-rails 968 about 3 years ago A gem to integrate Hotwire in Rails apps
image_optim_rails 56 3 months ago A gem to handle image optimization
js-routes 1,616 2 months ago A tool to generate all Rails routes as JavaScript helpers
kaminari 8,589 5 months ago A gem to provide pagination
kt-paperclip 276 2 months ago A gem to handle file uploads
lockbox 1,470 3 months ago A gem to deal with encryption
lograge 3,478 3 months ago A gem to customize logger in Rails apps
mailkick 935 4 months ago A tool to handle mail unsubscriptions
marginalia 1,750 7 months ago A gem to attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries
metka 53 almost 2 years ago A gem to manage tags using Postgresql array columns
money-rails 1,806 8 months ago A gem to integrate Money gem in Rails apps
paloma 93 almost 4 years ago A gem to manage page-specific JavaScript in Rails apps
passive_columns 43 3 months ago A gem that extends Active Record to retrieve specific columns from DB on demand
pgcli-rails 34 2 months ago A replacement of command to manage Postgresql
premailer-rails 1,701 8 months ago A gem to handle email styling
prerender_rails 358 about 1 year ago A gem to prerender JavaScript-rendered pages
rabarber 101 3 months ago A gem to handle role-based authorization
rails-erd 4,009 over 1 year ago A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram
rails-mermaid_erd 135 2 months ago A gem to interactively generate entity-relationship diagram in image or Markdown format
rails-settings-cached 1,064 2 months ago A gem to manage global settings as key-value pairs
rails_admin 7,908 3 months ago A gem to create & manage admin panel for Rails app
rails_event_store 1,426 2 months ago A gem to implement event store in Rails
rails_semantic_logger 337 3 months ago A gem to provide alternative logging approach for Rails app
ranked-model 1,091 3 months ago A gem to handle sorting for rows
ransack 5,693 3 months ago A gem to provide search functionality
react-rails 6,748 4 months ago A gem to integrate React.js with Rails app
react_on_rails 5,120 2 months ago A gem to integrate React.js with Rails app with SSR
redisWebManager 172 over 1 year ago Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance
reform-rails 99 over 1 year ago A gem to wrap Reform gem, a form validation tool, with Rails app
rgeo-activerecord 90 4 months ago A gem to provide common tools used by RGeo-based spatial adapters
rodauth-rails 620 2 months ago A gem to wrap Rodauth, an authentication handler, for Rails apps
rollup 313 3 months ago A gem to handle time-series data in Rails
route_translator 880 2 months ago A tool to handle route translation
rspec-rails 5,192 3 months ago A testing framework
rubocop-rails 823 2 months ago A code style checking tool
scenic 3,458 3 months ago A gem to manage database views
searchkick 6,568 2 months ago A gem to provide search functionality
select2-rails 964 about 2 years ago A gem to integrate Select2 library in Rails apps
sequel-activerecord_connection 138 3 months ago A gem to allow Sequel to reuse an ActiveRecord connection
shakapacker 432 3 months ago A gem to use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
simple_form 8,216 6 months ago A gem to handle forms
solid_queue 1,986 2 months ago A gem to Database-backed Active Job backend
solidus 5,055 2 months ago A fork of Spree gem, an open source e-commerce platform
sorbet-rails 637 over 1 year ago A gem to integrate Sorbet gem in Rails apps
spree 13,172 2 months ago An open source e-commerce platform
spring 2,808 4 months ago A gem to preload Rails app
sprockets 958 4 months ago A gem to compile & serve web assets
stimulus-rails 648 5 months ago A gem to integrate Stimulus.js in Rails apps
tinymce-rails 817 2 months ago A gem to integrate Tinymce in Rails apps
transloadit-rails 47 almost 2 years ago A gem to integrate Transloadit's file uploading and encoding service
trove 67 almost 2 years ago A gem to handle machine learning models deployment
turbo-rails 2,146 4 months ago A gem to integrate Turbo.js in Rails apps
view_component 3,337 2 months ago A gem to introduce view components
webpacker 5,304 7 months ago A gem to bundle web assets using Webpack
zeitwerk 2,001 4 months ago A gem to handle thread-safe code loading

Awesome Rails / Starters/Boilerplates

default_rails_template 29 2 months ago Default template for generating new Rails applications
docker-Rails-Template 133 about 3 years ago A freshly updated version of "rails new", preconfigured to be run with Docker
docker-rails 1,121 4 months ago
jumpstart(excid3) 1,199 6 months ago Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default
jumpstart(thomasvanholder) 20 about 4 years ago Template for set-up of Rails 6, Tailwind 2.0 and Devise
kickoff_tailwind 579 about 2 years ago A rapid Rails 6 application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS
rails-devise-graphql 286 about 2 years ago A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, and more
rails-template(mattbrictson) 1,084 about 1 year ago Application template for Rails 6 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity
rails-template(TristanToye) 34 almost 2 years ago MVP Ready Rails - A Template for Your Next Rails App
rails-template(ackama) 314 3 months ago Application template for Rails 6.1 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity
rails-template(astrocket) 78 about 2 years ago Template for Rails 6.0 + Kubernetes + Webpacker + Stimulus + TailwindCSS + Let's Encrypt
rails-template(dao42) 381 over 2 years ago A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer
rails-templates(lewagon) 663 8 months ago Jump start your Rails development with Le Wagon best practices
rails-templates(nimblehq) 103 3 months ago Our optimized Rails templates used in our projects
rails-vue-template 23 about 2 years ago An example of how to use VueJS as a single page application inside Rails using Webpacker
rails_new 164 over 1 year ago A thoughtfully designed template for building modern Rails apps. Get started in minutes instead of hours
suspenders 4,019 3 months ago A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku
vuejs-rails-starterkit 218 about 2 years ago Vue.js + Rails Starting Kit GitHub Template to develop Hybrid Mobile Application
rails_api_base 505 2 months ago Rails 6 boilerplate project for JSON RESTful APIs
rails_hotwire_base 76 6 months ago Rails 6 boilerplate project with Hotwire for full-stack applications with a modern SPA-like experience

Awesome Rails / Other Rails Tools / Platforms

Nanobox 1,611 over 5 years ago A micro-PaaS (μPaaS) for creating consistent, isolated, development environments deployable anywhere

Awesome Rails / Other Rails Tools / Generators

Rails Composer 3,380 over 5 years ago

Awesome Rails / Other Rails Tools / DevTools

Bencher A suite of continuous benchmarking tools designed to catch performance regressions in CI
rails-dashboard 150 over 1 year ago A dev-tool to improve your rails log
Optic 1,386 2 months ago Optic automatically documents and tests your APIs

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