
A curated list of awesome loosely performance related JVM stuff. Inspired by awesome-python.


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Awesome JVM / Bytecode

asmtools Used to develop tools for the production of Java .class files
Byte Buddy Code generation library creating Java classes at runtime without the help of a compiler
Jitescript 188 over 3 years ago Bytecode generation library similar to BiteScript

Awesome JVM / Garbage collectors

Azul Pauseless Garbage Collection Providing continuous, pauseless operation for Java applications
Balanced GC GC policy available in the Java Virtual Machine for IBM WebSphere Application Server V8
Epsilon GC Completely passive GC implementation with bounded allocation limit, and lowest runtime performance overhead possible
G1 The Garbage-First Garbage Collector
Shenandoah Ultra-Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector
The Garbage Collection Handbook Book that addresses new challenges to garbage collection made by recent advances in hardware and software
ZGC Garbage collector optimized for low latency and very large heaps

Awesome JVM / Load tools

Gatling Asynchronous non-blocking scenario driven load testing tool for testing HTTP servers
wrk2 4,244 7 months ago A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk

Awesome JVM / Languages

Ceylon Object-oriented, strong and static programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat
Clojure Dialect of Lisp created by Rich Hickey. Dynamically typed with emphasis on functional programming
Erjang A JVM-based Erlang VM
Eta Pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM
Frege 3,635 about 2 years ago Pure functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell
gojava 183 over 6 years ago Java bindings for Go packages
Golo A simple dynamic language that makes extensive usage of
Groovy Optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities
Java General-purpose, concurrent, strongly typed, class-based object-oriented language
JRuby Implementation of the Ruby language on the JVM
JPHP 1,708 almost 3 years ago PHP on the Java VM
Jython Python for the Java Platform
Kawa Extension of the Scheme language, which is in the Lisp family of programming languages
Kotlin Statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser
LuaJ Java-centric implementation of lua vm built to leverage standard Java features
Nashorn Lightweight high-performance JavaScript runtime in Java with a native JVM
OCaml-Java Supports OCaml language v4. Generates plain Java bytecode and have seamless integration with Java
Rembulan 162 over 4 years ago Rembulan is an implementation of Lua 5.3 for the JVM, written in pure Java with minimal dependencies
Renjin JVM-based interpreter for the R language for the statistical analysis
Scala Strong and static programming language that combine object-oriented and functional programming ideas
Xtend Flexible and expressive dialect of Java, which compiles into Java 5 source code

Awesome JVM / Machine Learning

Deeplearning4j Open-Source, Distributed, Deep Learning Library for the JVM
H2O Fast statistical, machine learning & math runtime
Smile 6,017 11 days ago Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine

Awesome JVM / Memory and concurrency

Agera 7,197 over 2 years ago Reactive Programming for Android by Google
Agrona 2,846 4 days ago Library of data structures and utility methods that are a common need when building high-performance applications
Apache Arrow A high-performance cross-system data layer for columnar in-memory analytics
bloofi 78 over 8 years ago Java implementation of multidimensional Bloom filters
Cap’n Proto Insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system
caffeine 15,761 4 days ago A high performance caching library for Java 8
Chronicle-Bytes 396 9 days ago Low level memory access wrappers
Chronicle-Queue 3,267 7 days ago Micro second messaging that stores everything to disk
Chronicle-Map 2,768 4 days ago In-memory key-value store designed for low-latency and/or multi-process applications
clj-ds 219 10 months ago Clojure's data structures modified for use outside of Clojure
colfer 744 about 2 months ago Binary serialization format and class generator
commons-math Library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components
CuckooFilter4J 172 over 1 year ago Bloom filter replacement for approximated set-membership queries
cyclops 1,311 over 1 year ago Integration modules for RxJava, Reactor, FunctionalJava, Guava & Javaslang
Eclipse Collections 2,426 5 days ago Collections framework for Java
externalsortinginjava 253 over 1 year ago Sort very large files using multiple cores and an external-memory algorithm
failsafe 4,179 4 months ago A lightweight, zero-dependency library for handling failures
fasttuple 142 almost 3 years ago Collections that are laid out adjacently in both on- and off-heap memory
fast-uuid 161 over 1 year ago Java library for quickly and efficiently parsing and writing UUIDs
FlatBuffers Efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python
geohash 409 4 days ago Java utility methods for geohashing
gs-collections 1,813 over 1 year ago Goldman Sachs collections framework
hollow 1,202 5 days ago Java library and comprehensive toolset for harnessing small to moderately sized in-memory datasets
high-scale-lib 415 over 9 years ago Cliff Click's High Scale Library
hppc 977 3 months ago High Performance Primitive Collections
injector 59 over 9 years ago A new Executor for Java
java-concurrent-hash-trie-map 151 almost 4 years ago Java port of a concurrent trie hash map implementation from Scala collections
java-hll 312 over 6 years ago Java library for the HyperLogLog algorithm
JavaFastPFOR 534 4 months ago Library to compress and uncompress arrays of integers very fast
java-string-similarity 2,689 over 2 years ago String similarity and distance measures, including Levenshtein edit distance and sibblings, Jaro-Winkler, Longest Common Subsequence, cosine similarity etc
JCTools Concurrent data structures currently missing from the JDK
DSL-JSON High performance JSON library with advanced compile-time databinding
jsoniter Claims to be the fastest JSON parser ever (copy of DSL-JSON)
jOOL 2,083 2 months ago Useful extensions to Java 8 lambdas
Koloboke 1,004 over 7 years ago Java Collections til the last breadcrumb of memory and performance
LevelDB 1,524 almost 2 years ago Rewrite (port) of LevelDB in Java
lightweight_trie 47 over 12 years ago A very memory-efficient trie (radix tree) implementation
lmdbjni 204 over 3 years ago Java API to LMDB (HawtJNI) which is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store written in C
lmdbjava 790 7 months ago Java API to LMDB (JNR) which is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store written in C
low-gc-membuffers 134 over 2 years ago In-memory circular buffers that use direct ByteBuffers to minimize GC overhead
lwjgl3 4,752 10 days ago Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications
MapDB Collections backed by off-heap or on-disk storage
mph-table 96 about 1 year ago Minimal Perfect Hash Tables are an immutable key/value store with efficient space utilization and fast reads
mug A small, zero-dep functional util library originating from Google
netty-buffers Memory buffer pool implementation similar to jemalloc
ObjectLayout A layout-optimized Java data structure package
ohc 1,066 23 days ago Java large off heap cache developed for Apache Cassandra 3.0
okio 8,765 4 days ago Modern Java IO library that do clever things to save CPU and memory
onyx-java 5 over 7 years ago Mirrors the Onyx Platform core API by providing a Java equivalent for each component of an Onyx workflow
parquet Columnar storage format that uses the record shredding and assembly algorithm described in the Dremel paper
PauselessHashMap 151 almost 2 years ago A java.util.HashMap compatible map that won't stall puts or gets when resizing
pcollections 764 7 months ago A Persistent Java Collections Library
protobuf Google's data interchange format
Quasar Lightweight threads and actors for the JVM
rtree 1,090 11 days ago Immutable in-memory R-tree and R*-tree implementations in Java with reactive api
RTree2D 131 5 days ago RTree2D is a 2D immutable R-tree with STR (Sort-Tile-Recursive) packing for ultra-fast nearest and intersection queries on plane and spherical surfaces
Reactive Streams Standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure
Reactive Streams Utilities 64 over 5 years ago Future standard utilities library for Reactive Streams
RoaringBitmap 3,504 8 days ago A better compressed bitset in Java
rollinghashjava 75 over 8 years ago Rolling hash functions in Java
Reactor Reactive data applications on the JVM for Java, Groovy, Clojure and other
RxJava 47,852 9 days ago Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences
SmoothieMap 295 almost 5 years ago java.util.Map impl with worst put latencies more than 100 times smaller than java.util.HashMap
Simple Binary Encoding 3,095 4 days ago High Performance Message Codec
splitmap 19 almost 6 years ago A parallel bitmap implementation
DataSketches A Java software library of stochastic streaming algorithms
stormpot 350 19 days ago A fast object pool for the JVM
stream-lib 2,259 almost 5 years ago A Java library for summarizing data in streams for which it is infeasible to store all events
streamvbyte 371 6 months ago Fast integer compression in C using the StreamVByte codec
TraneIO High-performance implementation of the Future abstraction
transducers-java 119 over 1 year ago Composable algorithmic transformations independent from the context of their input and output sources
VarInt 23,053 1 day ago No-deps variable int implementation without deps (by Bazel)
vavr Functional Library for Java 8+
wire 4,236 4 days ago Clean, lightweight protocol buffers for Android and Java
Zero-Allocation-Hashing 792 about 1 month ago Hashing any sequences of bytes in Java, including all kinds of primitive arrays, buffers, CharSequences and more

Awesome JVM / Metaprogramming

Antlr Parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files
auto 10,417 4 days ago A collection of source code generators for Java
Apache Calcite Dynamic data management framework and SQL parser plugin
Checker Framework Compiler plug-ins that find bugs or verify their absence
compile-testing 697 5 days ago Testing tools for javac and annotation processors
derive4j 566 almost 2 years ago Algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, morphisms, optics and typeclasses
error-prone 6,825 4 days ago Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors
GHCVM 2,608 about 2 years ago A Haskell to JVM compiler that supports GHC Haskell
Graal New experimental just-in-time compiler for Java that is integrated with the HotSpot virtual machine
grappa 63 over 8 years ago Java fork of Parboiled. Write grammars with no preprocessing phase
immutables Generate simple, safe and consistent value objects
javacc Parser generator for use with Java
javaparser 5,393 4 days ago Java 1.8 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java
JavaPoet 10,812 5 days ago A Java API for generating .java source files
jparsec 337 over 2 years ago Builds mini parsers in pure Java a la Haskell Parsec
JSweet A transpiler from Java to TypeScript/JavaScript
MPS Design and build extensible DSLs and editors
lombok Reduce the amount of boilerplate code that is commonly written for Java classes
parboiled 1,278 10 days ago Parsing of arbitrary input text based on parsing expression grammars
Sulong 628 almost 6 years ago LLVM IR interpreter written in Java using Truffle and Graal
TeaVM 2,621 3 days ago Ahead-of-time translating compiler (transpiler) from Java bytecode to JavaScript
Truffle 20,277 3 days ago Framework for implementing languages as simple interpreters
Xtext Framework for development of programming languages and DSLs

Awesome JVM / Native

hawtjni 165 about 1 year ago A JNI code generator based on the JNI generator used in Eclipse SWT
Java Grinder 496 4 months ago Compile Java bytecode to microcontroller assembly
j2v8 2,539 almost 2 years ago Java API for Google's V8 JavaScript engine
JavaCPP 4,479 2 months ago JavaCPP provides efficient access to native C++ inside Java
jnr-ffi 1,250 8 months ago Load native libraries without writing JNI code by hand
jssembly 123 over 7 years ago Execution of native assembly from Java
NuProcess 714 12 days ago A low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process execution implementation for Java
Project Panama Enriching the connections between the JVM and APIs used by C programmers

Awesome JVM / Network

Aeron 7,338 4 days ago Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport
armeria 4,800 4 days ago Asynchronous RPC/API client/server library built on top of Java 8, Netty 4.1, HTTP/2, and Thrift
Chronicle-Network 245 about 1 year ago A High Performance Network library
comcast 10,298 5 months ago Simulating shitty network connections
gor 18,593 2 months ago HTTP traffic replay in real-time
gRPC A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first
jRT 48 about 8 years ago Measures response time of a java application to socket-based requests
JXIO 79 over 7 years ago Java API over AccelIO (C library), a high-performance asynchronous reliable messaging and RPC library optimized for hardware acceleration
K3PO 48 almost 2 years ago Create arbitrary network traffic and behavior to certify whether a network endpoint behaves correctly
muxy 822 over 3 years ago Simulating real-world distributed system failures
Netty Async event-driven network library for high performance protocol servers & clients
okhttp 45,758 5 days ago An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications
one-nio 655 15 days ago library for building high performance Java servers
proteus-java 43 over 5 years ago Proteus Java Client based on RSocket
reactive-grpc 824 6 months ago Reactive gRPC is a suite of libraries for using gRPC with Reactive Streams programming libraries
RSocket RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports such as TCP, WebSockets, and Aeron
SimianArmy 7,971 almost 6 years ago Resiliency tool that helps ensure that your applications can tolerate random instance failures
pcap4j 1,165 about 2 years ago Java library for capturing, crafting, and sending packets using libpcap
pig 462 almost 4 years ago A Linux packet crafting tool
tcpdump Packet analyzer for network traffic capture
tcpflow 1,680 16 days ago Captures TCP connections flows in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis and debugging
tcpreplay 1,174 3 months ago Pcap editing and replay tools

Awesome JVM / Nix tools

atoptool Logging of system and process activity for long-term analysis, highlighting overloaded system
bcc 20,352 7 days ago Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
Flame Graphs Visualization of profiled software, allowing the most frequent code-paths to be identified quickly and accurately
ioping 947 5 months ago Simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool
javap Disassembles class files into code that reflects the java bytecode
jhat Java Heap Analysis Tool
jhsdb Launch a postmortem debugger to analyze the content of a core-dump from a crashed JVM
jinfo Prints configuration information for a given process
jstack Prints stack traces of threads for a given Java process
jstat Monitors GC and compiler statistics in the JVM
hwloc Reports the structure of the processor, number of cores, hyperthreads and cache size
likwid 1,656 3 days ago Read hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD processors
numactl Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
oprofile System-wide hardware performance monitoring with easy-to-use interface at low overhead
perf Linux profiling with performance counters
perf-tools 9,822 11 months ago Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
sysdig Capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze
sysstat Performance monitoring tools for Linux
taskset/process-affinity Retrieve or set a processes’s CPU affinity
tiptop Like top but also shows instructions per cycle (IPC)

Awesome JVM / Profilers

allocation-instrumenter 480 10 months ago Java agent that rewrites bytecode to instrument allocation sites
aprof 219 10 months ago Java memory allocation profiler
async-profiler 7,479 5 days ago Sampling CPU profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events
BTrace 5,803 10 days ago a safe, dynamic tracing tool for the Java platform
Byteman tracing, monitoring and testing tool for Java
bytestacks 40 4 months ago Turn JVM bytecode execution into flame graphs
Chronon Record your entire java program. Replay on any machine
GCeasy Machine learning guided Garbage collection log analysis tool. Auto-detect problems in the JVM GC logs and recommend solutions to it
GCViewer 4,452 over 1 year ago GCViewer is a tool that visualizes verbose GC output
grav 293 over 5 years ago A collection of tools to help visualise process execution
hawkshaw Tools for tracking down memory / JVM problems & generating predictable-as-possible VM behaviour
HdrHistogram A Histogram that supports recording and analyzing sampled data value counts
hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir A Metrics Reservoir implementation backed by HdrHistogram
HdrLogProcessing 30 over 3 years ago Utilities for HDR Histogram logs manipulation
heapster 395 over 8 years ago Production heap profiling for the JVM
honest-profiler 1,249 10 months ago Sampling JVM profiler without the safepoint sample bias
jamm 680 9 months ago Measure actual object memory use including JVM overhead
Java Flight Recorder (JFR) Tool for collecting diagnostic and profiling data about a running Java application with almost no performance overhead
java-sizeof 120 over 6 years ago Memory consumption estimator for Java
jcstress Experimental harness and tests to aid the research in the correctness of concurrency support in the JVM, class libraries, and hardware
jfr-flame-graph 261 12 months ago Converting JFR Method Profiling Samples to FlameGraph compatible format
jfr-report-tool 53 over 6 years ago Tool for creating reports from Java Flight Recorder dumps
jitwatch 3,079 about 2 months ago Log analyser / visualiser for Java HotSpot JIT compiler
jitwatch-intellij 168 over 2 years ago JITWatch plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
jHiccup jHiccup is an open source tool designed to measure the pauses and stalls associated with an application’s underlying Java runtime platform
jmh Micro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targetting the JVM
jmh-compare-gui 70 about 8 years ago GUI for comparing JMH results
JOL Analyze actual object layout schemes, footprint, and references in JVMs
JProfiler Helps resolve performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues
JVMTI Provide a native API to inspect the state and to control the execution of applications running in the JVM
jvmtop 1,224 about 3 years ago Lightweight console application to monitor running jvms on a machine in top-like manner
jvm-profiler 1,780 8 months ago Java Agent to collect various metrics and stacktraces for Hadoop/Spark JVM processes in a distributed way
MAT Java heap analyzer that help find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption
leakcanary 29,351 about 1 month ago A memory leak detection library for Android and Java
metrics Measure the behavior of critical components in production environment
micrometer 4,450 4 days ago An application metrics facade for the most popular monitoring tools
osquery osquery is an instrumentation framework that expose the operating system as a high-performance relational database
Overseer Low-Level Hardware Monitoring and Management for Java
OpenTracing A vendor-neutral open standard for distributed tracing
perf-map-agent 1,648 about 4 years ago Generate method mappings to use with the linux tool
perfj 352 over 5 years ago Linux perf for java programs
polarbear 21 almost 12 years ago A tool to help diagnose OutOfMemoryError conditions
Riemann JVM Profiler 292 about 1 month ago JVM agent which sends function-level profiler telemetry to a Riemann server for analysis, visualization, and storage
statsd-jvm-profiler 330 over 1 year ago JVM agent profiler that sends profiling data to StatsD
Swiss Java Knife 3,311 8 months ago Small set of tools for JVM troublshooting, monitoring and profiling
Takipi Tells you when and why code breaks in production
Tracer 180 about 1 year ago Manages custom trace identifiers and carries them through distributed systems
YourKit Fully featured, easy to use, low overhead profiler
Zipkin 16,949 15 days ago A distributed tracing system gather timing data for disparate services developed by Twitter

Awesome JVM / Runtimes

Capsule 1,148 over 2 years ago Dead-Simple Packaging and Deployment for JVM Apps
CRaSH The shell for the Java Platform
Drip 1,545 over 3 years ago Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs
HotswapAgent 2,329 15 days ago Redefine classes at runtime and skip the redeploy process
jvmkill 181 over 1 year ago Agent that forcibly terminates the JVM when it is unable to allocate memory or create a thread
Nailgun Nailgun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead

Awesome JVM / Virtual Machines

Avian 1,218 over 3 years ago Lightweight highly portable JVM with an option for AOT compilation
Dalvik Android runtime (ART) is the managed runtime used by applications and some system services on Android
DCEVM Modification of Java HotSwap VM with unlimited support for reloading classes at runtime
HotSpot HotSpot virtual machine maintained and distributed by Oracle Corporation
IBM J9 JVM developed by IBM
Eclipse OpenJ9 3,273 4 days ago Eclipse OpenJ9
J2ObjC 5,990 10 days ago Translator from Java source to Objective-C code. Keeps shared code between iOS native apps and Android native apps
jvm.go 3,583 almost 5 years ago A JVM written in Go
ParparVM 1,705 5 days ago An Open Source Java bytecode to C translator for iOS native development. Designed as a part of the WORA for mobile project
MobiDevelop's RoboVM Fork 951 12 days ago Ahead of time compiler for JVM bytecode targeting iOS, Mac OSX and Linux
Zing The only JVM that eliminates Java garbage collection pauses for large heap sizes
Zulu The only certified multi-platform build of OpenJDK: Free, 100% open source Java

Resources / Documentation

TCP Tracepoints Linux bcc/BPF using tcplife by Brendan Gregg
Linux tracing workshop 1,269 over 4 years ago JVM monitoring with BPF, examples and hands-on labs for Linux tracing tools workshops
JVM Anatomy Park mini-post series where every post goes deep for only a single topic by Aleksey Shipilёv
Coordinated Omission problem Discussion on Mechanical Sympathy
False sharing Threads impact the performance of each other while modifying independent variables sharing the same cache line. Martin Thompson
The JVM specification The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 8 Edition
The Java Memory Model Starting point for discussions of and information concerning the Java Memory Model
The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers Unofficial guide to implementing the new Java Memory Model (JMM) specified by JSR-133
Garbage Collection Tuning Guide HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide
Safepoints Where is my safepoint? Nitsan Wakart
Topics in High-Performance Messaging Design decisions, experience and constraints explained in high performance messaging systems
Top 10 Performance Mistakes Digest of the top 10 performance related mistakes Martin Thompson has seen in production
The USE method The Utilization Saturation and Errors (USE) Method is a methodology for analyzing the performance of any system. Brendan Gregg
An introduction to distributed systems 8,997 almost 2 years ago Kyle Kingsbury (author of Jepsen)
Using JDK 9 Memory Order Modes For expert programmers familiar with Java concurrency, but unfamiliar with the memory order modes available in JDK 9 provided by VarHandles
CPU Utilization is Wrong Measure instructions per cycle (IPC) for CPU utilization. Brendan Gregg
Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery Brendan Gregg
What every programmer should know about solid-state drives Emmanuel Goossaert
Quick Tips for Fast Code on the JVM Daniel Spiewak

Resources / Communities

concurrency-interest Discussion list for JSR-166
hotspot-compiler-dev Technical discussion about the development of the HotSpot bytecode compilers
hotspot-dev HotSpot development mailing list
hotspot-gc-dev Technical discussion about the development of the HotSpot garbage collectors
mechanical-sympathy Discussing how to code sympathetically to and measure the underlying stack/platform so good performance can be extracted
Performance Java User's Group For expert Java who want to push their systems to the next level
Virtual Machine Meetup 2017 Venue for discussing the latest research and developments in the area of managed language execution

Resources / Media

FOSDEM 2018 FOSDEM 2018 Free Java devroom
JFokus 2018 The GC edition. Shenandoah, ZGC, Zing, Fibers, Falcon etc
G1 Garbage Collector in Java 8/9 Kirk Pepperdine
Extreme Profiling: Digging Into Hotspots Nitsan Wakart
Java vs. C Performance Cliff Click
Why JNI is slow? Cliff Click
A Crash Course in Modern Hardware Cliff Click
Java Profiling from the Ground Up Nitsan Wakart
The Illusion of Execution Nitsan Wakart
Mythbusting Modern Hardware to Gain 'Mechanical Sympathy' Martin Thompson
Designing for Performance Martin Thompson
How NOT to Measure Latency Gil Tene
JVM Language Summit 2015 JVM Language Summit 2015
JVM Language Summit 2016 JVM Language Summit 2016
JVM Language Summit 2017 JVM Language Summit 2017
Bits of advice for VM writers Cliff Click
Understanding Java garbage collection ... Gil Tene
Faster Object Arrays Gil Tene at GOTO Conferences
Java Memory Model Pragmatics Aleksey Shipilev
With GC Solved, What Else Makes a JVM Pause? John Cuthbertson
JVM Mechanics Douglas Hawkins
Give me 15 minutes and I'll change your view of Linux tracing Brendan Gregg
Kernel Recipes 2017: Performance Analysis with BPF Brendan Gregg
Shenandoah deep talk Aleksey Shipilëv slightly-deeper-than-usual Shenandoah talk from Virtual Machine Meetup 2017
Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could Aleksey Shipilev - Devoxx 2017/11
Analyzing and Debugging the Java HotSpot VM at the OS Level Volker Simonis
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 Programming and Performance Intro
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 Bugs and Coding Styles
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/18 Java vs C/C++
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/21 Debugging Data Races
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/24 Fast Bytecodes for Funny Languages
Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/28 Struct of Arrays vs Array of Structs
Cliff Click podcast 2017/10/04 The 3 Hardest Problems in Programming
Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/05 Modern Hardware Performance and Cache Lines
Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/09 Queuing In Practice
Which technique do programming language parsers and interpreters use? Cliff Click
Everything about Stack Traces and Heap Dumps Andrei Pangin
Fast and safe production monitoring of JVM with BPF tools Sasha Goldshtein
The Future of the Linux Page Cache Matthew Wilcox

Resources / People

Aleksey Shipilëv Developing Oracle/Open JDK/Hotspot and other Java-related technologies
Andrey Breslav Lead Language Designer of Kotlin @ JetBrains
Brian Goetz Java Language Architect at Oracle
Ben Christensen Facebook, Netflix, Apple engineering
Brendan Gregg Cloud performance, kernel engineer, speaker, author
Charles Nutter JRuby guy
Claes Redestad Working with OpenJDK stuff @ Oracle
Cliff Click Creator of the HotSpot Server Compiler
Dave Dice Senior research scientist in the Scalable Synchronization Research Group within Oracle
Dávid Karnok RxJava committer that blogs about advanced RxJava
Doug Lea Author of the Java memory model
Gil Tene Azul Systems
Heinz Kabutz Author of 250+ Java Specialists' Newsletters
Ivan Krylov JVM expert
Jake Wharton Square, Google, open source hacker
John Rose HotSpot developer
Jonas Bonér Founder & CTO of Lightbend
Lukas Eder Blogger. Author of JOOQ
Marcus Lagergren Java language team alumnus
Mark Reinhold Chief Architect, Java Platform Group, Oracle
Martin Thompson Pasty faced performance gangster
Martijn Verburg Java Champion
Kirk Pepperdine Working in high performance and distributed computing for nearly 20 years
Nitsan Wakart Azul Systems
Norman Maurer Netty developer
Paul Phillips Forever undisputed SLOC Scala compiler dev
Per Liden Hacking on the HotSpot JVM at Oracle
Peter Lawrey Innovative developer of high performance Java systems for competitive advantage
Rafael Winterhalter Author of ByteBuddy
Richard Warburton Developer, Speaker, Author
Richard Startin Performance Analyst, developer, blogger
Ron Pressler Parallel Universe. Leading Fibers and Continuations for the JVM
Stephen Colebourne Java Champion. Occasional blogger and speaker. Best known for Joda projects and JSR-310
Todd L. Montgomery Ex-CTO, Ex-NASA researcher, network geek, messaging middleware designer
Stéphane Maldini Project Reactor Lead @Pivotal
Stuart Marks Doctor Deprecator. Java/JDK/OpenJDK developer
Vladimir Ivanov hacking HotSpot JVM @ Oracle
Viktor Klang Deputy CTO at Typesafe Inc

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