
Analyzer toolkit

A curated list of tools and resources for writing and using diagnostic analyzers in the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn)

A curated list of .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") diagnostic analyzers and code fixes. Everyone can contribute here!


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awesome-analyzers / Getting Started

Use Roslyn to Write a Live Code Analyzer for Your API MSDN Magazine by Alex Turner
Adding a Code Fix to Your Roslyn Analyzer MSDN Magazine by Alex Turner
How To Write a C# Analyzer and Code Fix 19,145 3 months ago Roslyn wiki
ASP.NET Core middleware with Roslyn Analyzers blog by Thomas Ardal
.NET Analyzers GitHub organization An organization for the development of analyzers (diagnostics, code fixes, and refactorings) using the .NET Compiler Platform
roslyn-analyzers 1,598 3 months ago Official Roslyn diagnostic analyzers developed and maintained by the Roslyn team. Contains:
StyleCopAnalyzers 2,674 3 months ago An implementation of StyleCop rules using the .NET Compiler Platform
Wintellect.Analyzers 91 over 8 years ago .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") diagnostic analyzers and code fixes written by Wintellect
sonarlint-vs 468 3 months ago SonarLint is a Visual Studio 2015 extension that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues injected into C# code
sonar-dotnet 802 3 months ago the Sonar Roslyn analyzers which are powering SonarLint. They are also published as NuGet package
Roslynator 3,130 3 months ago A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn
ErrorProne.NET 901 4 months ago ErrorProne.NET is a set of Roslyn-based analyzers that will help you to write correct code. The idea is similar to Google's error-prone but focusing on correctness (and, maybe, performance) of C# programs
Gu.Analyzers Roslyn analyzers and fixes
Meziantou.Analyzer A Roslyn analyzer to enforce some good practices in C#
SharpSource 37 6 months ago A collection of analyzers that aim to surface defects at compile that would otherwise go unnoticed until it's too late
Blowin.Required 4 over 3 years ago Implementation of proposal 'Required Properties'
BlowinCleanCode 15 almost 2 years ago BlowinCleanCode is a Roslyn-based C# code analyzer that aims to provide a set of rules that helps to simplify code and make it cleaner
Selectorlyzer.Analyzers 8 4 months ago Selectorlyzer.Analyzers is a highly customizable Roslyn Analyzer designed to empower developers with the ability to create project-specific analyzers using a CSS selector-like syntax
Menees.Analyzers 22 9 months ago Roslyn-based C# code analyzers. Various analyzers ported from StyleCop+
SecurityCodeScan 942 8 months ago Vulnerability Patterns Detector for C# and VB.NET
Puma Scan Security analyzer that provides real time, continuous source code analysis for C# applications
AngleSharp AngleSharp is the ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, CSS3, and XML to construct a DOM based on the official W3C specification
AspNetCoreAnalyzers Analyzers for Microsoft.AspNetCore
AsyncFixer Advanced Async/Await Diagnostics and CodeFixes for C#
SmartAnalyzers.MultithreadingAnalyzer 30 over 5 years ago A set of Roslyn analyzers related to multithreading
Asyncify Asyncify-CSharp is an analyzer and codefix that allows you to quickly update your code to use the Task Asynchronous Programming model. This model, introduced in C# 5, adds an intuitive way of handling asynchronous calls within C#. The analyzer allows large codebases to be easily modified to use the TAP model by finding violations and applying fixes up the call tree
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers Static code analyzer to detect common mistakes or potential issues regarding threading and async coding
Moq.Analyzers Roslyn analyzer that helps to write unit tests using Moq mocking library by highlighting typical errors and suggesting quick fixes. Port of Resharper extension to Roslyn. Find the full list of detected issues at project GitHub page
Roslynator.Testing.CSharp.Xunit Testing framework for Roslyn analyzers, refactorings and code fixes
xunit.analyzers Code Analyzers for projects using that help find and fix frequent issues when writing tests
ZeroFormatter.Analyzer Analyzer of ZeroFormatter, verify rule for [ZeroFormattable] classes
ClosedTypeHierarchyDiagnosticSuppressor 50 5 months ago Roslyn-based C# diagnostic suppressor that enhances the exhaustiveness checks for the closed type hierarchy pattern aka discriminated unions
OneOfDiagnosticSuppressor 14 9 months ago Roslyn-based C# diagnostic suppressor that enhances the exhaustiveness checks of from the and thus enables effective use of native as an alternative to the library's own and methods
NSubstitute.Analyzers 2,704 3 months ago Provides diagnostic analyzers to warn about incorrect usage of NSubstitute in C# or VB
System.IO.Abstractions.Analyzers 25 3 months ago Analyzer for helping using package
MappingGenerator 1,029 about 3 years ago 🔄 "AutoMapper" like, Roslyn based, code fix provider that allows to generate mapping code in design time
NetFabric.Hyperlinq.Analyzer 44 10 months ago Best practices for collection enumeration in C#
SmartAnalyzers.ExceptionAnalyzer 20 over 5 years ago A set of Roslyn analyzers related to exceptions usages
DotNetAnalyzers.DocumentationAnalyzers An implementation of .NET documentation rules using Roslyn analyzers and code fixes
IDisposableAnalyzers Analyzers and fixes for IDisposable

awesome-analyzers / Deprecated Analyzers

Code Cracker 1,130 about 1 year ago An analyzer library for C# and VB that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties
CSharpEssentials 160 almost 9 years ago C# Essentials is a collection of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings that make it easy to work with C# 6 language features
RefactoringEssentials 637 over 3 years ago Free Visual Studio 2015 extension for C# and VB.NET refactorings, including code best practice analyzers to improve your projects
Public API analyzer 18 about 6 years ago (Superseded by ) - Helps tracking reusable code public API exposure, aids in proper encapsulation
VSDiagnostics A collection of code-quality analyzers based on the new Roslyn platform. This project aims to ensure code-quality as you type it in your editor rather than having to do this as a separate build-step
RoslynClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer 645 almost 3 years ago Roslyn based C# heap allocation diagnostic analyzer that can detect explicit and many implicit allocations like boxing, display classes a.k.a closures, implicit delegate creations, etc
Mews.Analyzers Roslyn based code analyzers used by Mews

awesome-analyzers / Free and online tools

Roslyn Quoter 957 3 months ago Roslyn tool that for a given C# program shows syntax tree API calls to construct its syntax tree

awesome-analyzers / Blogs

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