
A curated list of awesome projects made or inspired with Sinatra.


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last commit: almost 2 years ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists

Contents / General

Sinatra Sinatra Official website
Sinatra on Github 12,184 3 months ago
Sinatra Receipes Community contributed recipes and techniques
Sinatra - The Book A cookbook full of excellent tutorials and recipes for developing Sinatra web applications. It's git repo is repo 291 about 1 month ago This repo contains the Sinatra website and documentation sources published at
Sinatra in the wild 291 about 1 month ago Various applications, extensions and websites built with Sinatra
Sinatra mailing list

Contents / Generators

Corneal 255 25 days ago A Sinatra app generator with Rails-like simplicity
Hazel 91 almost 9 years ago A simple Sinatra app generator, heavily based on snfn
Snfn 22 about 13 years ago A Sinatra application generator

Contents / Authroization

Sinatra Authorization 74 almost 11 years ago HTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra
Sinatra-authorize 10 over 13 years ago Smooth authentication-agnostic rule-based authorization extension for Sinatra

Contents / Authentication

hancock 11 about 3 years ago An OpenID based Single Sign On server with a simple API, written in Sinatra
hancock-client 3 almost 15 years ago A sinatra app and rack middleware piece for the hancock SSO server
sinatra-oauth-provider 56 over 15 years ago A Sinatra OAuth Provider

Contents / Blogging

Blorgit 36 almost 12 years ago A simple org-mode based, git amenable, blogging engine running on sinatra
Haze 18 about 14 years ago A minimalistic blogging engine, the successor of Honk (~200 LOC)
Honk 9 about 15 years ago A minimalistic, YAML, text-based blogging engine
Marley 246 almost 15 years ago Minimalist blogging engine without textareas based on Markdown, Ruby, Sinatra and Git push hooks
Postview 51 almost 14 years ago A simple blog-engine that render text files written in Markdown
Scanty 430 about 15 years ago A really small blogging software
Scanty with CouchDB 46 over 14 years ago Scanty using CouchDB
scanty-redis 31 over 14 years ago Scanty using redis
sin 47 over 16 years ago A mini blog engine in Sinatra with hAtom and MetaWeblog API and S3 upload support (~160 LOC)
Sinandra 6 almost 14 years ago A blog engine using Sinatra and Cassandra
Wind 55 over 12 years ago HTML5 blog engine focused in a easy, extensible and fast admin
Yet-another-Sinatra-Blog-Engine 2 about 12 years ago A simple blog engine written in Ruby using Sinatra

Contents / Boilerplate and Template

Frank-Sinatra 51 about 10 years ago A boilerplate for modular MVC style Sinatra (1.4.2^) applications
puresong 2 over 9 years ago A small Sinatra application that demonstrates use of Pure CSS with SQLite
ratpack 38 almost 4 years ago Sinatra boilerplate using activerecord, sqlite, and twitter bootstrap
sinatra-boilerplate Starter Kit for Sinatra Apps. It uses , and
sinatra-boilerplate 79 almost 10 years ago Another boilerplate combined with , , and
sinatra-boilerplate 16 almost 11 years ago Sinatra, Zurb Foundation, Guard, Slim, Compass, RSpec, Capybarra... All the bling ready to go
sinatra-boilerplate 41 almost 12 years ago Sinatra + Haml + Sass + Compass + Bourbon + CoffeeScript
sinatra-foundation-skeleton 29 about 12 years ago A skeleton Sinatra application which utilizes Zurb's Foundation 3 framework
sinatra-template 526 almost 2 years ago A base Sinatra application template with DataMapper, and RSpec
sinatra-twitter-bootstrap 23 almost 9 years ago Twitter Bootstrap Sinatra extension with HAML helpers

Contents / Community Platform

sinforum Simple forum build with Sinatra, DataMapper, Haml, SASS and CoffeeScript

Contents / Continuous Integration

Integrity 670 almost 9 years ago A continuous integration server
Travis CI 8,412 4 months ago Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects. Some sub-projects of Travis CI uses Sinatra, including , , , and

Contents / CMS

Nesta 902 11 days ago A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra. Content can be written in Markdown or Textile and stored in text file
Spontaneous 78 over 6 years ago An CMS with intuitive, attractive and responsive HTML5 interface

Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Better Errors 6,876 3 months ago Better Errors replaces the standard Rails error page with a much better and more useful error page. It is also usable outside of Rails in any Rack app as Rack middleware
rack-mini-profiler 3,706 about 2 months ago Middleware that displays speed badge for every html page. A simple but effective mini-profiler for .NET, Ruby, Go and Node.js. Introduced in
racksh 423 about 1 year ago Console for Rack based ruby web apps. It's like script/console in Rails (~ 100 LOC) or merb -i in Merb, but for any app built on Rack. Thanks to Rack::Test::Methods (from rack-test) and Ruby REPLs (pry and irb)
tux 300 over 1 year ago A sinatra shell to interacte with helpers, view rendering and to view your app's routes and settings

Contents / Email

sinatra-email-services-server An email services server using Sinatra
sinatra-mailer 58 about 16 years ago Send emails from Sinatra in a very simple way

Contents / File Uploading

CarrierWave 8,774 12 days ago A classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks

Contents / Internet Application Clones

chirp 90 over 15 years ago Simple Sinatra-based micro-blog/Twitter clone
shorty 6 about 10 years ago URL shortener written in Sinatra & MongoDB

Contents / Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra

Angelo 303 over 2 years ago Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports WebSockets and SSE in their own thread, called "cells" (or actors)
Dolly 0 about 8 years ago Minimal Ruby microframework inspired by Sinatra
Gin 25 over 10 years ago A small Ruby web framework, built on Rack, which borrows from Sinatra expressiveness, and targets larger applications
Hobbit 274 almost 4 years ago A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack (thanks to ). Hobbit is a DSL inspired by Sinatra. (~ 150 LOC)
Nancy 82 over 1 year ago Minimal Ruby microframework for web development inspired in and (~150 LOC)
padrino 3,365 about 2 months ago Padrino is a full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra
Rack::App 410 11 months ago Bare bone minimalistic (masochistic) pico framework for building rack apps. Inspired by sinatra, grape and the pure use form of Rack
Sin 23 almost 16 years ago A multi-app web-app DSL derived from Sinatra, riding on rack. Sin is a rebuild of sinatra, splitting up the classes into files and going for a reusable application class
Scorched 275 over 1 year ago Light-weight, DRY as a desert, web framework for Ruby. Simliar to Sinatra. Scorched is a true evolutionary enhancement of Sinatra, with more power, focus, and less clutter

Contents / Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra (Other Languages)

Astley 13 over 14 years ago Bash: ,
Bogart 210 about 14 years ago C:
Garland 3 over 10 years ago C++:
Compojure 4,084 8 months ago Clojure:
Zappa 950 over 4 years ago CoffeeScript:
frank 77 almost 9 years ago Crystal: ,
Start 528 over 3 years ago Dart:
Plug 2,844 16 days ago Elixir: ,
Fresh 33 over 13 years ago Erlang: ,
Bird 57 over 13 years ago Haskell: , ,
Martini 11,636 over 2 years ago Go: ,
Graffiti 98 over 10 years ago Groovy:
Spark 9,638 12 months ago Java:
Express 65,254 23 days ago JavaScript: ,
Moresel.jl 130 over 4 years ago Julia:
Mercury 104 over 13 years ago Lua: ,
Martini 17 over 14 years ago .NET: , ,
Dancer 543 15 days ago Perl: ,
FatFree 2,658 about 1 year ago PHP: , , ,
itty 409 over 10 years ago Python: ,
Finatra 2,272 5 months ago Scala: ,
Valatra 41 over 12 years ago Vala:

Contents / NoSQL

Sinandra 6 almost 14 years ago A blog engine using Sinatra and Cassandra
sinatra-mongo 39 over 12 years ago A light extension to sinatra for using mongo
sinatra-mongoid A Mongoid (ODM, Object-Document-Mapper for MongoDB) extension for Sinatra
redis-sinatra 29 almost 2 years ago Redis stores for Sinatra
riak-browser 6 almost 11 years ago A simple ruby/Sinatra Riak browser and editor

Contents / ORM

bowtie 50 over 12 years ago Simple admin interface generator for MongoMapper (mongo) & DataMapper (dm) models
sinatra-activerecord 730 12 months ago Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helper methods and Rake tasks
sinatra-datamapper 2 over 10 years ago A Sinatra extension for DataMapper ORM support
sinatra-sequel 196 almost 7 years ago Sinatra extension that adds Sequel ORM features, database config, and database migrations

Contents / Routers

http_router_sinatra 7 over 13 years ago Kick ass router for Sinatra based on http_router
SimpleRouter Small and simple standalone router, meant for use with Rack applications. Familiar Sinatra-like DSL for defining actions. Modular architecture
sinatra-advanced-routes 38 over 6 years ago Make Sinatra routes first class objects (extracted from BigBand)
sinatra-router 61 8 months ago A tiny vendorable router that makes it easy to try routes from a number of different modular Sinatra applications

Contents / Service Integration

beach 13 over 9 years ago Small Sinatra app to host web hooks for Slack
dogetip-slack 10 over 6 years ago Sinatra app to enable Dogecoin tipping via slack
doorbell-server 18 over 2 years ago Simple Sinatra app which acts a bridge between Slack and the LMN doorbell
snarkov 26 over 1 year ago Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack
frankie 139 about 15 years ago a Sinatra plugin allows you to easily create a Facebook application
shopify-sinatra-app 80 7 months ago Lightweight extension for building Shopify apps using Sinatra

Contents / Stylesheets

sinatra-compass 17 over 11 years ago Integrates the Compass stylesheet framework with Sinatra
haml-more 19 about 14 years ago Adds more functionality to Haml and Sass

Contents / Testing

cucumber-sinatra 64 about 11 years ago Help you to initialize a cucumber environment for a sinatra application. It will generate the required files from templates
mumuki-ruby-server 4 over 1 year ago Sinatra server for running Rspec tests within . Mumukit is a Test Server Development Kit
mock_server 110 7 months ago A lightweight Sinatra application backed by sqlite that can mock ReST responses. Has interface to easily create, search & maintain mocks
rspec-sinatra 14 almost 10 years ago Help you to initialize a RSpec environment for a sinatra application. It will generate the required files from templates

Contents / Wiki Engine

bliki 39 almost 15 years ago A small blog + wiki engine built on Sinatra + Stone
git-wiki 534 over 8 years ago A quick & dirty git-powered Sinatra wiki (~200 LOC)
lilwiki A small wiki backed by sqlite
rikiki 2 over 11 years ago Tiny wiki engine using in browser markdown and Sinatra
Weaky 30 over 1 year ago A basic CouchDB/Sinatra wiki

Contents / Writing APIs

API-mock-server 26 over 8 years ago A Full-Featured API Mock Server built with Sinatra and MongoDB
Pliny 802 4 months ago Pliny helps Ruby developers write and maintain excellent APIs
pliny-template 136 almost 10 years ago Base Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby
sinatra-hat 142 over 15 years ago Easy REST-ful apps with Sinatra. Mount models as web services
sinatra-reset 146 about 13 years ago Generates RESTful routes for the models of a Sinatra application (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Stone)

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