
A collection of awesome things regarding Prisma ecosystem.


614 stars
21 watching
53 forks
last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Prisma / Docs

Prisma Docs
Prisma Examples 6,083 11 days ago

Awesome Prisma / Events

Prisma Day (remote)
GraphQL Meetup (remote)
TypeScript Meetup (remote)

Awesome Prisma / Community Prisma Tools

Prisma Audit Trails 78 about 2 months ago
Prisma 2 Scratchpad 12 almost 2 years ago
nx-nest-graphql 12 over 3 years ago
Pal.js - CLI to start Prisma and GraphQl projects with just 2 commands
CRUD generator for nexus
CRUD generator for graphql-modules
CRUD generator for sdl-first approach
Prisma Select - solution for N + 1 issue
Prisma Delete - workaround missing cascade deletes function in prisma migration
Prisma schema - convert schema.prisma file to javascript object or from Snake case to Camel case
Prisma admin React component
Prisma plugin for the IntelliJ Platform 42 over 2 years ago
Gatsby with prisma-client 14 over 4 years ago
Testing Prisma with PostgreSQL and Jest 103 over 1 year ago
Documentation Generator 560 7 months ago
Schematics to add Prisma support to a NestJS application 25 5 months ago
Prisma Schema SDL 112 about 1 year ago
Multi-tenancy with Prisma 390 over 1 year ago
Starter Template for NestJS and Prisma 19 over 2 years ago
prisma-relay-cursor-connection 263 12 days ago
Caching Prisma 63 3 months ago
prettier-plugin-prisma 214 3 months ago
prisma-sequelize-generator 14 about 3 years ago
Prisma Schema Sorter - sort schema models, enums, generators and datasources 22 6 months ago
Declarative Authorisation Middleware 79 about 1 year ago
NestJS and Prisma Yarn Monorepo Starter Template 128 almost 2 years ago
Prisma Redis Middleware - cache queries in Redis 358 10 months ago
Prisma Yup Generator - Prisma 2+ generator to emit Yup schemas from your Prisma schema 52 6 months ago
Schemix - Generate Prisma Schemas with TypeScript 482 9 months ago
Prismock - Run tests in isolation with an in-memory implementation of Prisma 189 12 days ago
prisma-ast - A Builder object to programmatically query and edit your schema.prisma files 141 7 months ago
prisma-query-formatter - Substitute params and format queries for logging 1 about 1 month ago

Awesome Prisma / Community Prisma Tools / Prisma Clients

Prisma Client Python 1,846 6 days ago

Awesome Prisma / Community Prisma Tools / Schema Visualization Tools

Prisma ERD Visualizer 278 10 months ago
prisma-uml 116 29 days ago
DBML Generator 672 8 months ago
Prisma ERD Generator 880 10 months ago
Prismaliser - Visualise your Prisma schema models and relations
Archibase - Collaborative schema editor based on Prisma SDL
Prisma Editor - A powerful tool to visualize and edit Prisma Schema 814 about 1 month ago
prisma-markdown - Markdown generator, including ERD and descriptions 426 4 months ago
Hubql - Visualization platform with Prisma schema support

Awesome Prisma / How Tos

How to GraphQL
PostgresQL Tutorials

Awesome Prisma / Twitter


Awesome Prisma / Tutorials

Get started with Prisma v2. Prisma Client
An Introduction to Prisma 2
Static Sites with Next.js 9.3 and Prisma
Using Prisma with GraphQL Codegen
Using Prisma in Azure Functions
Building a sane Docker image for Typescript, Yarn Workspaces and Prisma 2
Building a Backend for React with Next.js, Prisma 2, and PostgreSQL
Build A Pet Management System With Remix, Prisma, and Postgres
How To Write Efficient Unit Tests with Prisma ORM

Awesome Prisma / Tutorials / Tutorials with Nexus

Complete Introduction to Fullstack, Type-Safe GraphQL (feat. Next.js, Nexus, Prisma)
Improve Your GraphQL performance with Prisma
Let's take Prisma 2 for a test drive on AWS Lambda with GraphQL

Awesome Prisma / Tutorials / Tutorials with NestJS

How to query your database using Prisma with NestJS

Awesome Prisma / Community

GitHub 39,075 5 days ago

Awesome Prisma / Projects Using Prisma

Calendso 31,479 11 days ago
Tottem 977 over 1 year ago
Predict Covid
NestJS Crud Prisma 58 about 1 year ago Crud for restful api's built with NestJS and Prisma (uses )
tRPC Prisma Starter 705 12 days ago Starter project with Prisma + Next.js + CI + testing + E2E type-safety using
prisma-next-auth-graphql-starter 78 11 months ago Fullstack starter with Prisma, next-auth, next.js, tailwindcss and graphql-shield
Wasp 13,488 3 days ago Wasp is a declarative domain-specific language for developing, building, and deploying modern Javascript full-stack web apps with less code
Neighborhood Pet Manager 8 over 1 year ago
Dotfyle Discover and share Neovim plugins

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