
A curated list of awesome JSON libraries and resources.


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Linked from 8 awesome lists


Awesome JSON / Applications

Dadroit JSON Viewer Very fast JSON Viewer, supporting huge (multi gigabytes) files, JSON log (JSON-Lines and ndjson)
Visual JSON 301 over 8 years ago simple JSON pretty-viewer for Mac OS X. (inactive)
JSONExport 4,803 12 months ago convert a object to a class of one of the currently supported languages

Awesome JSON / Binary Serialization

MessagePack An extremely efficient object serialization library
UBJSON The universally compatible format specification for binary JSON
CBOR Concise Binary Object Representation
PSON 459 about 7 years ago Protocol JSON, super efficient binary serialization format
JSON BinPack Space-efficient binary JSON serialization format based on JSON Schema

Awesome JSON / Browser Extensions

JSON Formatter ( ) - Makes JSON easy to read. Open source
JSON Viewer ( ) - It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP
JSON Finder ( ) - Browse like you do it in Finder
JSON Viewer Pro ( - An open source Chrome extension for browsing JSON with syntax highlighting and folding, or as a visual graph
Discoverable JSON ( ) - Gron inspired Extension. Convert a JSON document into javascript expressions. Comes with filter, remove, find-and-replace capabilities
JSONView ( ) - View JSON documents in the browser
JSONAce ( ) - Formats & syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the web browser using the ACE editor
JSONView ( ) - A port of the JSONView Firefox extension that formats and syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the browser

Awesome JSON / Command-line tools

dsq 3,701 about 1 year ago Tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more
fx 18,967 about 2 months ago A interactive terminal tool
jo 4,661 11 months ago A small utility to create JSON objects
jsoncat 27 almost 4 years ago Pretty-print Json in terminal with colors and adjusting tabs size
jq 30,210 17 days ago A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor

Awesome JSON / Command-line tools / jq

jaq 2,694 7 days ago A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity. Written in Rust
gojq 3,263 12 days ago Pure Go implementation of jq. A bit faster and more portable

Awesome JSON / Command-line tools

livejq 12 about 1 month ago An alternative implementation in rust for continuous parsing without crashing on invalid JSON
json A "json" command for massaging JSON on your Unix command line
json-search 4 about 1 year ago A small tool to search for objects/values in json files
jshon A parser designed for maximum convenience within the shell
jarg Shorthand JSON and form encoding syntax in the shell
jsawk 1,386 about 3 years ago Like awk, but for JSON
json-dotenv 8 over 1 year ago Manipulate and extract envfiles in json format
gron 13,776 12 months ago Convert a JSON file into discrete assignments that are greppable
jid 6,866 6 months ago Incremental Digger. Drill down JSON interactively by using filtering queries like jq
jiq 918 over 1 year ago It's with . You can drill down interactively by using filtering queries
jv 119 almost 7 years ago jv (for jsonviewer) helps you view your JSON
jl 474 over 2 years ago Functional sed for JSON
oj 843 20 days ago A fast and flexible command line JSON processor
visidata 7,835 4 days ago A terminal spreadsheet-like tool for interactively exploring data
jc 7,821 9 days ago Converts the output of many CLI tools, file-types, and common strings into JSON
logdy 1,200 2 months ago jq, tail, less, grep and awk merged together and available in a clean web UI

Awesome JSON / Databases

MongoDB an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database
RethinkDB An open-source distributed document database with a pleasant and powerful query language
EJDB 1,445 about 1 month ago Embedded JSON Database engine published under MIT license. (C)
lowdb 21,393 4 months ago Flat file database built on lodash API. (Javascript)
Lawnchair 2,131 over 4 years ago A lightweight clientside document store. (Javascript)
JSON ODM 101 over 1 year ago Object document mapper for JavaScript to use on the server or in the browser. (Javascript)
JSON Server 72,615 11 days ago Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds
Kinto 4,321 12 days ago A lightweight JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities
CouchDB Seamless multi-master sync, that scales from Big Data to Mobile, with an Intuitive HTTP/JSON API and designed for Reliability
RxDB 21,324 3 days ago Event-driven JSON-Database with JSON-Schema, mango-Query and CouchDB-sync. (Javascript)
JSONlite 844 about 2 years ago A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store. (Bash)

Awesome JSON / Datasets Various country related datasets, as JSON inc currency, country codes, names and more
countries 5,961 2 months ago World countries
MTG JSON Up to date Magic the Gathering card data
Heartstone JSON Up to date Hearthstone card data
getCountries() Generator for custom Countries data

Awesome JSON / Data modeling

JSONModel 6,852 almost 3 years ago Magical Data Modelling Framework. (Objective-C)

Awesome JSON / Data generation

jsonymize 17 over 9 years ago Reads data from standard input, anonymizes, then writes to standard output
dyson 837 over 1 year ago Server for dynamic, fake JSON. (node.js)

Awesome JSON / Differencing

JSONPatch A format for describing changes to a document
JSON-Patch 1,791 3 months ago Lean and mean Javascript implementation of the JSON-Patch standard (RFC 6902). (Javascript)
jiff 623 about 2 months ago JSON Patch and diff based on rfc6902. (Javascript)
json-patch-php 112 over 5 years ago implementation of JSON-patch (IETF RFC 6902) (PHP)
dffptch 172 over 7 years ago A micro library for diffing and patching using a compact diff format. (Javascript)
jsondiffpatch 4,795 2 months ago Diff & patch for JavaScript objects. (Javascript)

Awesome JSON / Editors

FrontAid CMS Content Management System that supports arbitrary data model structures
JSONEdit User friendly, visual editor built as an AngularJS directive
JSON Crack Display your JSON as a graph

Awesome JSON / Format Extensions

GeoJSON A geospatial data interchange format
JSON-LD A lightweight Linked Data format
JSON-RPC A stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol
JSONP Safer cross-domain Ajax with JSON-P/JSONP
JsonML A compact format for transporting XML-based markup as JSON which allows it to be losslessly converted back to its original form
JSON5 a extension that aims to make it easier for humans to write and maintain by hand
JSON6 236 almost 3 years ago JSON for Humans (ES6)
JSON 1.1/JSONX An evolved version 1.1 with format extension for humans incl. comments, unquoted and multi-line strings, optional and trailing commas and more
JSON Resume The open source initiative to create standard for resumes
JSON Web Tokens A compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties
JSON API A standard for building APIs
Collection+JSON A read/write hypermedia-type designed to support management and querying of simple collections
hal-json A set of conventions for expressing hyperlinks in either JSON or XML
JSON Activity Streams A format for syndicating social activities around the web
JSON-stat 22 about 3 years ago Simple lightweight format for data dissemination
/contribute.json Making open source contribution information easier to access, across projects
NDJSON 671 almost 2 years ago (Newline delimited JSON) - a standard for delimiting JSON in stream protocols
survey.js JSON based survey library
JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) A protocol for synchronising JSON-based data objects efficiently, with support for push and out-of-band binary data upload/download
JackSON: JSON secret keeper 18 almost 4 years ago JSONic way of storing secrets in config file
Sequence JSON 135 5 months ago A proposal for a standard way of creating music sequence data in JSON

Awesome JSON / Frontend components

JSON editor jQuery plugin 559 over 5 years ago component for you web apps/pages. (jQuery)
jqTree Widget for displaying a tree structure in html. (jQuery)
jsTree jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. (jQuery)
Dynatable.js 2,770 over 2 years ago A funner, semantic, HTML5+JSON, interactive table plugin. (jQuery)
JSON Formatter 372 almost 4 years ago Angular directive for collapsible JSON in HTML. (AngularJS)
react-jsonschema-form A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema. (React)
@textea/json-viewer 442 12 days ago A React component for JSON viewer. (React)
ngx-formly 2,787 25 days ago JSON powered / Dynamic forms for Angular

Awesome JSON / Libraries

Jansson 3,062 about 2 months ago A C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating data
jsmn A minimalistic parser in C. It can be easily integrated into the resource-limited projects or embedded systems
json-build 36 about 2 years ago A minimalistic serializer in C. It can be easily integrated into the resource-limited projects or embedded systems
ojc 35 5 months ago A fast JSON parser
ArduinoJson 6,695 7 days ago An efficient library for embedded systems
JSON++ 41 over 8 years ago A self contained Flex/Bison parser for C++11
json11 2,548 over 4 years ago A tiny library for C++11
Nlohmann JSON 42,285 30 days ago A C++11 header-only class
RapidJSON 14,181 11 days ago A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
simdjson 19,162 14 days ago Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
data.json 538 3 months ago parser/generator to/from Clojure data structures
JSON-Fortran 334 about 1 month ago A Fortran library for writing, reading, and manipulating JSON files and data structures
ojg 843 20 days ago A collection of high performance JSON processing and generating tool
aeson-qq 80 over 1 year ago JSON quasiquoter for Haskell
json-schema JSON Schema library for Haskell
hjsonschema JSON Schema Draft 4 library for Haskell
JSON-java 4,510 about 2 months ago A reference implementation
Fast JSON Processor 25,723 3 months ago
Gson 23,294 4 days ago A Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa
Jackson 9,057 3 months ago A multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON data format
moshi 9,731 11 days ago A modern JSON library for Android and Java
essential-json 5 about 2 years ago A lightweight Java library for serialization, parsing and manipulation with a clean and precise API
dsl-json 1,008 7 months ago A very fast streaming JSON library. Operates on byte arrays
mjson 82 over 2 years ago Lean JSON Library for Java, with a compact, elegant API
JSON-js 8,692 over 1 year ago JSON in JavaScript
JSON 3 A modern implementation
oboe.js 4,783 over 1 year ago A streaming approach, speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes
FracturedJsonJs A JSON formatter that produces human-readable but fairly compact output
JsonHilo 33 16 days ago Minimal lossless parse event streaming, akin to SAX
JSONKit 6,211 almost 4 years ago Objective-C library
SBJson 3,735 2 months ago Parse one or more chunks of data
JSON::Tiny 11 almost 7 years ago Perl module for encoding and decoding JSON in a minimalistic way
PL/JSON 449 3 months ago A generic JSON object written in PL/SQL
Webmozart JSON 358 over 3 years ago A robust decoder/encoder with support for schema validation
simplejson 1,639 about 2 months ago A simple, fast, extensible encoder/decoder
jsonpickle Library for serializing any arbitrary object graph
metamagic.json An ultra-fast Python 3 implementation of a JSON encoder
oj 3,138 14 days ago A fast JSON parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem
MultiJSON 754 3 months ago A generic swappable back-end for JSON handling
json2react 169 almost 2 years ago Use JSON to create React Stateless Components
jsonfx 381 almost 8 years ago serialization framework for .NET
jsonapi-consumer 6 almost 2 years ago Client framework for consuming JSONAPI based APIs on the
FracturedJson A formatter that produces human-readable but fairly compact output
spray-json 973 9 months ago A lightweight, clean and simple implementation in Scala
circe 2,485 19 days ago Yet another JSON library for Scala
scala-jsonapi 107 almost 6 years ago Support library for integrating the JSON:API spec with Play, Spray and/or Circe backends
jsoniter-scala 738 12 days ago Scala macros for compile-time generation of ultra-fast JSON codecs
jshn JSON parsing and generation library in for shell scripts (Ash/Bash)
SwiftyJSON 22,624 about 2 months ago The better way to deal with data in Swift

Awesome JSON / Linters

jsonlint 1,933 about 2 years ago Parser and validator with a CLI. (Javascript)
JSON Lint 1,321 about 1 month ago PHP linter. (PHP)

Awesome JSON / Online tools

JSONLint The JSON Validator
JSONCompare The Advanced Version of the JSON Linter
JSONMate JSON editor, inspector and beautifier
JSON Editor online A web-based tool to view, edit and format
Collapsible JSON Formatter Formatter and Colorer of Raw Code
JSON Formatter and Validator Formatter to help with debugging
JSON Generator Tool for generating random data
FakeJSON Web API to quickly generate fake data for your application
JSON to CSV A free, in-browser JSON to CSV converter
CSV to JSON Easy, privacy-friendly and offline-first online csv to json converter
json2csharp Generate c# classes from a json string or url
JSON Utils Site for generating C#, VB.Net, and Javascript classes from JSON Simply edit GeoJSON map data
jq play A playground for jq
json2yaml Convert JSON to YAML online
JSON Selector Generator A simple GUI for generating the selectors to access Fully client-side validator and formatter
ObjGen Online live JSON generator
JSONPlaceholder Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
Extends Class Diff tool to compare two files
JSON Schema Validate API A simple and free JSON Schema Validation API
JSONPerf A Visual, Unbiased and Up-to-Date JSON Performance Benchmark
FracturedJson Formatter that produces human-readable but fairly compact output

Awesome JSON / Schema Specifications

JSON Schema a JSON based format for defining the structure of JSON data
Itemscript Language for validating and specifying values
Kwalify 22 over 7 years ago A parser, schema validator, and data binding tool
Rx Simple, Extensible Schemata

Awesome JSON / Services

Exchange Rate API A simple and free API for currency exchange rate data JSON IP and GeoIP REST API
JSONProxy 303 over 2 years ago Simple HTTP proxy that enables cross-domain requests to any JSON API
jsonpad a simple JSON storage platform

Awesome JSON / Supersets

YAML A human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages
HanSON 153 over 1 year ago JSON for Humans - with unquoted identifiers, multi-line strings and comments
μson 78 almost 2 years ago (uson) - a shorthand for JSON
HOCON 6,151 about 2 months ago Human-Optimized Config Object Notation
ASON 2 over 9 years ago A semantically complete superset of JSON (draft)
TOML 19,431 about 2 months ago A minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics
HCL 5,237 about 1 month ago A structured configuration language that is both human and machine friendly

Awesome JSON / Tutorials

Introducing JSON
JSON Tutorial An introductory tutorial on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JSON - Rosetta Code Basic operations in different languages (57 languages in this moment)
What is JSON and how to use it Video tutorial for beginners
jq Primer: Munging JSON Data How jq can be used to process JSON files just as effectively as traditional Unix tools
AXON 22 about 8 years ago A simple text based format for interchanging of objects, documents and data. It tries to combine the best of JSON, XML and YAML
CSON 1,337 9 months ago CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. JSON for CoffeeScript objects
MSON 900 over 6 years ago Markdown syntax compatible with describing JSON and JSON Schema
ArchieML Structured text format optimized for human writability

Awesome JSON / Resources

Type-o-rama 244 almost 2 years ago JS type systems interportability, comparison of different JS type systems and conversion between them
Awesome jq 790 3 months ago A curated list of awesome jq tools and resources

Awesome JSON / Templates

Jsonnet A domain specific configuration language that helps you define JSON data
rabl 3,646 5 months ago General ruby templating with json, bson, xml, plist and msgpack support. (Ruby)
json2html HTML templating library with wrappers for both jQuery and Node.js. (Javascript)

Awesome JSON / Testing

JSON Test Testing platform for services utilizing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JSONassert 989 2 months ago Write JSON unit tests in less code. Great for testing REST interfaces. (Java)
JsonUnit 884 4 days ago A library that simplifies JSON comparison in unit tests. It's strongly inspired by XmlUnit
JSON Parsing Test Suite 885 5 months ago A very complete test suite and validation framework

Awesome JSON / Text Editor Plugins

JSON Reformat 172 about 2 years ago Reformat tool
vim-json 1,233 5 months ago A better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly
FracturedJsonVsc Formatter that produces human-readable but fairly compact output
nvim-jqx 294 4 months ago Browse and query json files in neovim from the quickfix window. (Lua)

Awesome JSON / Transformations

json-sharp 6 over 7 years ago Javascript tool to process operations on pure JSON objects. (Javascript)
json2json 190 about 3 years ago Transform (reformat) structures from one to another. (Javascript)
trans 179 almost 9 years ago The ultimate object transformer. (Javascript)
osmtogeojson 687 3 months ago Converts OSM data to GeoJSON. (Javascript)
fast-xml-parser 2,523 14 days ago Fast XML to JSON and vice versa javascript/JSON conversion
x2js 1,007 over 2 years ago XML to JSON and vice versa javascript conversion functions. (Javascript)
JSONC 649 almost 6 years ago JSON compressor and decompressor. (Javascript)
JsonMapper 1,561 27 days ago Map nested structures onto PHP classes (PHP)
SassyJSON 169 over 3 years ago Sass-powered API. (Sass)
json.human.js A small library to convert a JSON object into a human readable HTML representation that is easy to style for different purposes
JSONtoFoundation 42 over 9 years ago OS X utility that converts a JSON object to a Foundation object that can be used in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch development. (Swift)
fanci 30 about 7 years ago Extract, rename and transform JSON based on a template. (node.js)
Pinch 27 over 10 years ago String.replace for JavaScript objects. (Javascript)
deepjson A better way to load big json config files. (node.js)
jsontl 7 over 9 years ago allow transformation using a JSON-based transformation language. (node.js)
json-transforms 140 about 1 month ago A recursive, pattern-matching, approach to transforming JSON structures
normalizr 20,967 over 2 years ago Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema. (Javascript)
JSON-populate 155 about 2 years ago Tool for populating JSON data with infinitely recursive circular references. Sort of like Falcor, but for plain JSON
CircularJSON 604 over 5 years ago JSON does not handle circular references. Now it does
Sawmill 116 about 1 month ago JSON transformation library (Java)
nimnjs 45 12 months ago JSON to nimn bidirectional converter
stylops 0 3 months ago CSS subset to JSON conversion. (node.js)

Awesome JSON / Queries

dasel 7,084 4 days ago Query and update data structures using selectors from the command line. Comparable to / but supports JSON, YAML, TOML and XML with zero runtime dependencies
JMESPath A query language for JSON
JSON Mask 864 over 2 years ago Tiny language and engine for selecting specific parts of a JS object, hiding the rest. (Javascript)
JSONiq The JSON Query Language
ObjectPath The agile query language for semi-structured data. (Python)
DefiantJS Lightning-fast searches using XPath expressions, and transform using XSL. (Javascript)
JSONSelect 1,591 about 3 years ago CSS-like selectors. (Javascript)
JSONPath XPath implementation. (Javascript/PHP)
searchjs 310 12 days ago A library for filtering based on a json SQL-like language
json-rel 16 almost 2 years ago Transparent references in JSON
JSONata Query and transformation language used in Node-RED, supports function expressions

Awesome JSON / JSON Schema Frontend components

JSON Editor 5,802 over 6 years ago JSON Schema Based Editor. (jQuery)
angular-schema-form 2,467 over 1 year ago Generate forms. (AngularJS)
JSON Schema View 49 over 7 years ago An AngularJS directive for rendering JSON Schema in HTML (AngularJS)
Angular JSON Schema Form 30 about 8 years ago Angular directive for making forms out of JSON Schema. (AngularJS)
AlpacaJS Generates JSON Schema driven forms on top of Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI and HTML (jQuery)

Awesome JSON / JSON Schema Tools

prmd 2,099 about 1 year ago Tools and doc generation for HTTP APIs
generate-schema 1,033 8 months ago Effortlessly convert your JSON Object to JSON Schema, Mongoose Schema, or a Generic template for quick documentation / upstart
Docson 491 11 months ago Documentation for your types
Orderly JSON 223 over 14 years ago A textual format for describing JSON compiled into JSONSchema
jsonschema2pojo 6,224 13 days ago Generates Java types and annotates those types for data-binding with Jackson 1.x or 2.x, Gson, etc
Matic 180 almost 8 years ago Build tool for generating HTML documentation
JSON Schema + Faker 3,279 about 1 month ago Fake your schemas
DLL.js 68 over 6 years ago Gets you a JSON Schema from PostgreSQL or SQLite3 JSON Schema generator from JSON object
js-schema 388 almost 8 years ago A new way of describing object schemas in JavaScript. It has a clean and simple syntax, and it is capable of serializing to/from the popular JSON Schema format
aptos 150 almost 4 years ago A tool for validating data using JSON Schema and converting JSON Schema documents into different data-interchange formats
JSON Schema $Ref Parser 955 2 months ago Parse, resolve, and dereference JSON Schema $ref pointers

Awesome JSON / JSON Schema Resources

Understanding JSON Schema A website aiming to provide more accessible documentation for JSON schema
JSON Schema Store A collection of popular schemas
Using JSON Schema a Book and GitHub project, showing how JSON Schema can be used for a variety of tasks and in different programming contexts
Awesome JSON Schema 119 9 days ago A curated list of awesome JSON Schema resources, tutorials, tools, and more

Awesome JSON / JSON Schema Validators

json-schema-benchmark 385 3 months ago Performance benchmark for Node.js validators
is-my-json-valid 963 about 2 years ago A validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
jsen 156 about 7 years ago A validator built for speed
themis 60 almost 9 years ago A blazing fast validator
jsck 160 about 7 years ago JSON Schema Compiled checK
z-schema 340 2 months ago validator written in JavaScript for NodeJS and Browsers
jjv 198 almost 5 years ago Javascript Library for Schema Validation
request-validator 0 over 9 years ago Flexible request validator middleware for express and connect
tv4 1,169 4 months ago Tiny Validator
ajv 13,757 20 days ago The fastest validator. Supports v5/6 proposals
Medeia Validator 57 over 2 years ago Compliant (draft-04/06/07) and fast streaming validator written in Kotlin
JSON Schema for PHP 3,528 15 days ago PHP implementation of JSON schema
JSON Guard A validator for JSON Schema Draft 4
jsonschema 4,593 12 days ago Python implementation of jsonschema
JSON Schema Toolkit 31 over 3 years ago Programmatic building of JSON schemas (recursive field mappings) with validation, a Django JSON Field, and native PostgreSQL JSON type constraints
Ruby JSON Schema Validator 1,544 about 2 months ago validating against a JSON schema conforming to JSON Schema Draft 4

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