
Self-reference examples

A curated collection of examples and references to self-referential concepts across various domains

A curated list of examples of self-reference in art, science, and technology


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Awesome Self-Reference / Art

The Treachery of Images A painting by René Magritte
Triple Self-Portrait A painting by Norman Rockwell
Mise en abyme A formal technique of placing a copy of an image within itself
Droste effect The effect of a picture recursively appearing within itself, in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear

Awesome Self-Reference / Language

Autogram A sentence that describes itself in the sense of providing an inventory of its own characters
Fumblerule A rule of language or linguistic style, humorously written in such a way that it breaks this rule
Recursive acronym An acronym that refers to itself

Awesome Self-Reference / Mathematics

Liar's paradox This sentence is false
Russell's paradox Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
Trott's constant The unique number whose digits equal its continued fraction coefficients
13532385396179 A number that is its own prime factorization, that is 13532385396179 = 13 × 53² × 3853 × 96179
Tupper's self-referential formula A formula that visually represents itself when graphed at a specific location in the (x, y) plane
Life in Life Conway's Game of Life running inside Conway's Game of Life using OTCA metapixels

Awesome Self-Reference / Computing

Quine A computer program that takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output

Awesome Self-Reference / Computing / Quine

An Ouroboros Quine 14,061 3 months ago A Ruby program that generates Rust program that generates Scala program that generates (through 128 languages in total) REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again
A radiation hardened quine 680 over 3 years ago A Ruby quine that remains a quine after any one of the characters in its source code is removed
quinesnake 917 over 5 years ago A quine that plays snake over its own source
The Qlobe A Ruby quine with an ASCII image of a globe in its source code that rotates by 45 degrees after each run, eventually coming around after eight runs
html_wysiwyg A truly naked, brutalist html quine

Awesome Self-Reference / Computing

hashquine_by_retr0id.png A PNG image of the ouroboros that displays its own MD5 hash
Meta-circular evaluator An interpreter that defines each feature of the interpreted language using a similar facility of the interpreter's host language
A Micro-Manual for LISP - Not the whole truth 120 over 1 year ago The LISP interpreter written in LISP
Fix-point combinator A higher-order function fix that, for any function f that has an attractive fixed point, returns a fixed point x of that function
Universal Turing machine A Turing machine that can simulate an arbitrary Turing machine on arbitrary input
Bootstrapping A technique for producing a self-compiling compiler - that is, compiler (or assembler) written in the source programming language that it intends to compile
Man man Manual pager man page (accessed using )

Awesome Self-Reference / Web

Wikipedia An article about Wikipedia on Wikipedia
Wayback Machine Snapshots of The Internet Archive stored in The Internet Archive
Quine Tweet A tweet that quote tweets itself
Awesome Self-Reference 265 5 months ago A curated list of examples of self-reference in art, science, and technology, which includes itself

Awesome Self-Reference / Other

Hofstadter's law "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law"
Miniatur Wunderland The world's largest model railway in Hamburg, Germany has a model of itself in its model of Hamburg
Untitled Goose Game The village where Untitled Goose Game takes place contains a small model version of itself, and also a tiny version of the model inside that

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