
🦄 Curated list of awesome Dutch (tech related) events


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last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Events in NL

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Awesome Events in NL / Rotterdam

Makersclub Bimonthly casual drinkup without an agenda
EuRuKo An annual European conference about Ruby (2019)
NodeSchool Monthly meetup about learning Node.js
Crowdsource Crowdsource ideas for startups

Awesome Events in NL / Amsterdam

Makersclub Bimonthly casual drinkup without an agenda
Hackers & Founders Monthly meetup at Cafe De Doffer
The Next Web Conference Biggest tech conference (May 18 & 19)
AMSxTech Community driven conference (March 31) and monthly meetups
FunctionConf Conference about serverless architectures (June 15 & 16)
Amsterdam-rb Active Ruby meetup with frequent, large events
Amsterdam-Elixir Monthly Elixir meetups
Amsterdam-Rust Monthly meetups and workshops around Rust
Lead Developers Amsterdam For Lead Developers, Tech Leads, Chapter Leads and Senior Engineers heading towards Lead positions
DevOps Day Amsterdam Development, operations, QA, InfoSec, management, and leadership
React Amsterdam React Amsterdam is a and a full day conference (April 21) on all things React

Awesome Events in NL / Utrecht

The Kick 030 Two monthly event with talks about the creative industry
Creative Show-off Pitch your idea/business while drinking a beer

Awesome Events in NL / Everywhere

CocoaHeads Monthly meetup about iOS and MacOS development
CoderDojo Monthly workshops for kids (7-17) to learn to code
Design by Fire Café Conferences and Gatherings on Interaction Design

Awesome Events in NL / Other

Lanyrd Directory of conferences and events
Meetup Directory of meetups

Backlinks from these awesome lists: