
Curated list of awesome Esoteric languages and resources


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Awesome Esolangs / Languages

><> A stack-based 2d language with support for reflection
1+ A surprisingly user-friendly language with a highly-limited instruction set
78 5 over 4 years ago A single-character command language focused around the numbers 7 and 8
ajsone Language defined completely in JSON
AlmostBinary 8 over 1 year ago Code in binary and run on any platform
ArnoldC Based on the best one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Befunge Two-dimensional language
Brackets 7 over 3 years ago Language made of brackets, a lot of brackets
Brainfuck Minimalist language using only 8 single-character commands
C Flat 18 almost 4 years ago Musical language focused on sound rather than notation with creative freedom in mind
CellTail 7 about 1 year ago A 1d celular automata based language, supports a complex pattern matching syntax
Charcoal 209 4 months ago Concise language for sketching ASCII art
Chef Programs that look like cooking recipes
Chicken Only 1 valid symbol: 'chicken'
ChuckScript 32 about 8 years ago Unary-based language, where the code is a single number
COW Brainfuck variant using twelve variations of as instructions
DNA# Language based on the structure of the DNA
Dots 6 over 3 years ago A turing-complete language using "." symbol only
Electra 94 about 2 months ago Code like an electrician
Emojicode Full-blown programming language consisting of emojis
Enterprise™ 1,597 over 1 year ago Non deterministic unnecessarily statically typed language
False Heavily obfuscated language with a minimal implementation
Fetlang 1,487 5 months ago Designed such that source code looks like poorly written fetish erotica
FlipJump 62 about 2 months ago 1 instruction: Flip a bit, then Jump. The simplest OISC
Folders 385 almost 3 years ago Code written with folders
FreakC 128 about 2 years ago Full-blown programming language with NSFW contents and memes
Fugue Music as source code
Golfscript Stack oriented, aimed at solving problems in as few keystrokes as possible
Haifu Designed with the core values of Eastern philosophy in mind
INTERCAL Parody language intended to be completely different from other languages
Japt 74 over 3 years ago Reduced JavaScript for golfing
Jelly 861 about 4 years ago Golfing language based on J
JellyScript Brainfuck-based with delicious jelly
JSFuck 8,139 about 1 month ago Esoteric programming style based on the atomic parts of JavaScript
Lazy K Minimal, turing-complete pure functional language without extra features
legit Programs defined entirely by the graph of the git repository instead of its contents
LolCode Language with keywords based on the lolcat meme expressions
Malbolge Named after the 8th level of hell, is designed to be as difficult as possible to program
Monicelli 1,328 over 1 year ago Programming using Italian-like gibberish
Ni 6 about 4 years ago Brainfuck-based with more helpful instructions
Omgrofl Syntax resembling Internet slang
Ook! Brainfuck-based language, where the commands are orangutan words
Orca Livecoding environment to quickly create procedural audio sequencers
Piet Language in which programs look like abstract paintings using colors as code. Named after Piet Mondrian
RASEL 6 almost 3 years ago Fungeoid with no limits on program space, float precision, and with a bit of random access to stack
reMorse Morse-styled language
Rockstar 80 almost 3 years ago Designed for creating computer programs that are also song lyrics
Shakespeare Language where the code appear to be Shakespearean plays
Spooky The scariest programming language
Suzy 8 almost 15 years ago 3D language inspired in Befunge
Technologic Language in which programs look like the lyrics to the Daft Punk song Technologic
Thue 28 over 10 years ago language based on nondeterministic string rewriting of a semi-Thue grammar
Tru 4 about 4 years ago A stack-based language with prefix-free brackets
TrumpScript 7,549 almost 5 years ago Make Python great again
Turtle 5 over 4 years ago Uses long-term storage for memory use
Unary Brainfuck-based language where all the commands are 0
Unlambda Obfuscated functional programming
Velato Language that uses MIDI files as source, programs are defined by the pitch and order of notes
Vigil 2,894 about 2 years ago Only Vigil is truly vigilant about not allowing code that fails to pass programmatic specifications
Watson 268 3 months ago Stack-based Turing-incomplete configuration files
文言 (Wenyan) Closely follows the grammar and tone of classical Chinese literature
Whenever Language that does things whenever it wants
Whitespace Use only white-characters (space, tabs and newlines)
WordLang A language based on meaning-like grammar that produces output
Z Use only the letter z
ZOMBIE Inherently evil multithreaded language designed for Necromancers

Awesome Esolangs / Algorithms

πfs 6,687 almost 5 years ago Pi-based storage system, store your data by searching a matching sequence in pi
Stacksort Sorts a list by searching answers in Stack Overflow and executing code snippets until is sorted

Awesome Esolangs / Others

asmbf 108 almost 2 years ago The only true brainfuck assembler toolkit
CSS-only-chat 6,585 about 1 year ago A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend
FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition 21,276 3 months ago Simple FizzBuzz game implemented under the most strict enterprise standards
MalbolgeLisp 486 over 1 year ago A Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled
NoCode 60,508 2 months ago Secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere
Petrovich Operating System concept based on random actions and rewards/punishments
vapor.js 1,374 about 2 years ago The World's Smallest & Fastest JavaScript Library

Awesome Esolangs / Resources

DM's Esoteric Programming Languages List of esoteric languages and algorithms written by dangermouse
Esofiles 96 4 months ago The Esoteric Files Archive, an archive of implementations of esoteric programming languages and examples
Esolang Wiki of esoteric programming languages and related Resources
Esoteric Codes Articles and documents collection
Rosettacode Provides examples in different languages, including esoteric languages
Wikipedia/Esoteric programming languages Wikipedia list of esoteric languages
Esolang List of ideas Compilation of ideas for esoteric languages and related

Awesome Esolangs / Articles

Let's Build a Basic Interpreter (Ruslan's Blog) Series of articles explaining the basics of compilers and interpreters and how to build one
Six programming paradigms that will change how you think about coding Post by Yevgeniy Brikman describing different programming paradigms that are not commonly applied
The Fun (and Madness) of Esoteric Programming Languages Straightforward introduction to esoteric languages with examples
On the Turing Completeness Of MS PowerPoint Turing Machine on PowerPoint

Awesome Esolangs / Community

Anarchy Golf Informal problems server
Code Golf Stack Exchange Golfing problems and answers
Freenode IRC Channel The #esoteric IRC channel on freenode
Reddit Esolangs Reddit community on esolangs
Esolangs Discord Server A Discord community about esoteric languages

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