
Workflow toolset

A curated collection of tools and resources for deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes using the Argo workflow engine

A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo (a CNCF graduated project)


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Awesome Argo

Recordings for ArgoCon North America 2024
Distributed Machine Learning Patterns The book from Manning Publications (uses Argo Workflows) is officially published!
videos 2,046 4 months ago ArgoCon North America 2023 are available!

Awesome Argo / New releases:

What’s new in Argo Workflows v3.5
Argo CD v2.11 Release Candidate
Argo Rollouts 1.7 Release

Awesome Argo / What is Argo?

Argo Workflows : Kubernetes-native workflow engine supporting DAG and step-based workflows
Argo CD : Declarative continuous delivery with a fully-loaded UI
Argo Rollouts : Advanced Kubernetes deployment strategies such as Canary and Blue-Green made easy
Argo Events : Event based dependency management for Kubernetes

Awesome Argo / Ecosystem Projects

Argo CD Autopilot 918 4 months ago offers an opinionated way of installing Argo CD and managing GitOps repositories
Argo CD Extensions 110 over 1 year ago enables extensions for Argo CD
Argo CD Image Updater 1,303 4 months ago is a tool to automatically update the container images of Kubernetes workloads which are managed by Argo CD
Argo CD Interlace 81 over 2 years ago is a Kubernetes controller to enable software supply chain security capabilities in Argo CD
Argo CD Operator 668 4 months ago is a Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters
Argo CD Vault Plugin 838 4 months ago is an Argo CD plugin to retrieve secrets from Secret Management tools and inject them into Kubernetes resources
Argo Helm 1,795 4 months ago is a collection of community-maintained Helm charts for Argo projects
Argo Rollout Extension 199 6 months ago contains the Argo Rollout dashboard that can be added into the Argo CD Web UI
Argo Rollouts Manager 102 4 months ago is a Kubernetes operator that provides an easy way to install, upgrade and manage the lifecycle of Argo Rollouts
Argo Workflows Catalog 91 over 2 years ago contains free reusable templates for Argo Workflows
Argo Workflows Plugins contains reusable plugins that extend Argo Workflows with new capabilities
GitOps Engine 1,711 4 months ago contains various GitOps operators that address different use-cases and provide different user experiences but all have a similar set of core features
Hera 621 4 months ago is an Argo Python SDK. Hera aims to make construction and submission of various Argo Project resources easy and accessible to everyone
Notifications Engine 281 6 months ago is a configuration-driven Golang library that provides notifications for cloud-native applications
active-monitor 176 5 months ago is a Kubernetes controller which enables deep cluster monitoring and self-healing using Argo Workflows
applicationset-progressive-sync 126 over 1 year ago is a controller to allow a progressive sync of ArgoCD Applications generated by an ApplicationSet
argo-cd-action 78 10 months ago is a GitHub Action for executing Argo CD
argo-compare 24 4 months ago is a small CLI tool showing the difference in the resulting helm manifests rendered from Applications in different git branches
argo-cd-mixin 47 9 months ago is a monitoring mixin for ArgoCD. A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus rules for ArgoCD
argo-watcher 59 4 months ago is a small service that improves the visibility of deployments that are using Argo CD Image Updater
argocd-commenter 136 4 months ago is a Kubernetes controller to notify a change of Argo CD Application status via comments on GitHub pull requests and GitHub Deployments
argocd-lovely-plugin 405 4 months ago is a plugin that allows you to composite multiple things together into a single argocd application or applicationSet. Includes allowing Helm+Kustomize, addition other manifests trivially and running additional plugins in a pipe
argocd-nutshell 26 over 1 year ago is a set of scripts to set up repeatable, zero-conf demo and test environments for Argo CD using Vagrant, Ansible and VirtualBox
argocd-trivy-extension 71 11 months ago is Argo CD extension to enable visualization of Trivy generated vulnerability reports in Argo CD UI
argopm 21 4 months ago is a package manager for Argo Workflows. It enables developers to distribute and consume argo workflow templates as reusable modules
backstage-plugin-argo-cd is a Argo CD plugin for Backstage, an open platform for building developer portals
Cello 283 8 months ago is a service for running infrastructure as code software tools including CDK, Terraform and Cloud Formation via GitOps
ci-github-notifiter 39 4 months ago is a lightweight container to post Argo Workflow statuses back to GitHub as
Couler 919 6 months ago provides a unified interface for constructing and managing workflows on different workflow engines
deployKF 381 8 months ago effortlessly integrates Kubeflow, and leading MLOps tools on Kubernetes into open ML platforms (uses Argo CD and Argo Workflows)
Devtron 4,513 4 months ago is a Web-Based CI/CD Platform for Kubernetes, powered by Argo
Flowify Collaborative no code UI for Argo Workflows
k8s-bootstrapper 264 6 months ago is a framework to set up production ready Kubernetes clusters using Terraform and Argo CD
Kargo 1,826 4 months ago helps GitOps practitioners streamline continuous delivery for Kubernetes by automating the progression of changes from one environment to the next
Kedro 10,050 4 months ago is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code
kubechecks 209 4 months ago is a tool to check what changes a pull-request will make to your ArgoCD applications, with reporting directly in the PR
kubefirst 1,821 4 months ago provides fully automated open source application delivery and infrastructure management GitOps platforms for Kubernetes
Kubeflow Katib 1,521 4 months ago is a Kubernetes-native project for automated machine learning (AutoML)
Kubeflow Pipelines 3,634 4 months ago is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable, and scalable with Kubeflow
Metaflow 8,341 4 months ago is a Python library for building and managing real-life data science projects
Nixidy 112 5 months ago is a tool to apply the rendered manifest pattern using NixOS-like modules to define Argo CD applications
Onepanel 722 about 2 years ago is the open source, end-to-end computer vision platform
Orchest 4,091 almost 2 years ago is a tool for building data pipelines/workflows. It supports Jupyter notebooks and scripts in multiple languages and provides a user friendly UI/browser based editor
Orkestra 105 almost 2 years ago is a cloud-native release orchestration and lifecycle management (LCM) platform for the fine-grained orchestration of inter-dependent Helm charts and their dependencies
Piper 22 4 months ago is a Kubernetes controller which enables managing multi-branch pipelines for Argo Workflows to shift left pipeline configuraiton
Ploomber 3,530 6 months ago helps overcome the challenges of working with Jupyter notebooks and allows teams to develop collaborative, production-ready pipelines using JupyterLab or any text editor
provider-argocd 73 4 months ago is the Crossplane infrastructure provider for Argo CD
Reloader 7,786 4 months ago is a Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on associated Deployments/StatefulSets/Daemonsets and Argo Rollouts
Seldon 4,409 4 months ago is an MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage thousands of production machine learning models
SQLFlow 5,112 12 months ago extends SQL to support AI and compiles the SQL program to a workflow that runs on Kubernetes
Tator 111 4 months ago is a web platform for analyzing large video and image datasets. Tator lets you rapidly deploy custom analytics workflows to gain insights from your raw imagery
terraform-provider-argocd 434 4 months ago is the Terraform provider for Argo CD

Awesome Argo / Books

teaches you how to take machine learning models from your personal laptop to large distributed clusters. You’ll explore key concepts and patterns behind successful distributed machine learning systems, and learn technologies like TensorFlow, Kubernetes, Kubeflow, and Argo Workflows with real-world scenarios and hands-on projects
GitOps and Kubernetes teaches you how to use Git and the GitOps methodology to manage a Kubernetes cluster. The book interleaves theory with practice, presenting core Ops concepts alongside easy-to-implement techniques so you can put GitOps into action. Learn to develop pipelines that trace changes, roll back mistakes, and audit container deployment

Awesome Argo / Blog Posts

All About ArgoCD, a Beginner’s Guide
Applied GitOps with Argo CD
Architecting Workflows For Reliability
Argo 101 - What is Argo?
Argo Ansible Role: Provisioning Argo Workflows on OpenShift
Argo CD: The GitOps Way
Argo CD and Crossplane for Managing the Whole Application Stack
Argo CD Best Practices
Argo CD Build Environment Examples
ArgoCD Best Practices You Should Know
ArgoCD Multi-cluster Deployments
ArgoCon 2021 Akuity Team Recap
Argo Integration Review
Argo Rollouts and Service Mesh: Automate and Control Canary Releases
Argo Security Automation with OSS-Fuzz
Argo Workflow As the Choice To Run Data Pipelines in Casavo
Argo Workflow — Container Template
Argo Workflows Controller Scalability Testing on Amazon EKS
Automate Canary Analysis on Kubernetes with Argo
Building a Successful Open Source Community as an End User Company
Best Practices for Multi-tenancy in Argo CD
CI/CD with Argo on Kubernetes
Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton and ArgoCD on AWS
Continuous Delivery Using a Carvel ytt Argo CD Plugin
Decentralized GitOps Over Environments
Deploy Argo CD with Ingress and TLS in Three Steps: No YAML Yak Shaving Required
Deploying Argo CD and Sealed Secrets with Helm
Designing A Complete CI/CD Pipeline CI/CD Pipeline Using Argo Events, Workflows, and CD
DevOps in Argo CD — Disaster Recovery
Enforcing Kubernetes Best Practices Using Kyverno and Argo CD
Exploring Messaging Systems with Argo Events
Extending GitOps: Effortless Continuous Integration and Deployment on Kubernetes
Four Lessons That Took Argo From First Commit to GitOps Darling
From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between
Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Kubernetes Deployments
GitOps Deployment and Kubernetes - using Argo CD
GitOps for Kubeflow using Argo CD
GitOps - Getting Started with ArgoCD
GitOps – Including Backup in Your Continous Deployments
GitOps Model for Provisioning and Bootstrapping Amazon EKS Clusters Using Crossplane and Argo CD
GitOps Toolsets on Kubernetes with CircleCI and Argo CD
GitOps with Argo CD
Gradual Code Releases Using an In-House Kubernetes Canary Controller on Top of Argo Rollouts
Hera - the Missing Argo Workflows Python SDK
How GitOps and Operators Mark the Rise of Infrastructure-As-Software
How Many Do You Need? - Argo CD Architectures Explained
How to Automate Verification of Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Elastic Observability
How to Create a Theme for your Argo CD With Minimal CSS
How to Deploy With ArgoCD When Helm Values and Chart Are in Different Repositories
How to Manage Kubernetes Secrets with GitOps?
How to Update your OpenFaaS Functions Automatically with the Argo CD Image Updater
Human-Centric Data Science on Kubernetes with Metaflow
Humans of Cloud Native: Yuan Tang – From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between
Introducing the AI Assistant for Argo CD inside Akuity Platform
Jenkins X 3 and Argo CD
KubeCon EU 2022 - Akuity Team Recap
Kubernetes Cluster Vending Machine With vcluster
Kubernetes multi cluster et multi région en GitOps avec ArgoCD (French)
Kubernetes Security through GitOps Best Practices: ArgoCD and Starboard
Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization with Argo
Making Complex R Applications into Production using Argo Workflows
Manage Namespaces on Multitenant Clusters with ArgoCD, Kustomize and Helm
Measuring Argo Workflow Costs with Kubecost
Minimize Failed Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Smoke Tests
Multi-cluster Management for Kubernetes with Cluster API and Argo CD
Observations and Thoughts after Building 3 Kubernetes Platforms in Financial Services Industry
Open Source Model Management Roundup: Polyaxon, Argo, and Seldon
Producing 200 OpenStreetMap Extracts in 35 Minutes Using a Scalable Data Workflow
Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts: Canary Deployment
Recover Automatically from Failed Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Prometheus Metrics
Running Argo Workflows Across Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
Scheduling Data Science Workflows in Azure with Argo and Metaflow
Sealed Secrets on Kubernetes with ArgoCD and Terraform
Set up Microservices on Kubernetes — Automating Kubernetes with ArgoCD
Setting up Argo CD With Helm
Simplify and Automate Deployments Using GitOps with IBM Multicloud Manager 3.1.2
Solving Configuration Drift Using GitOps with Argo CD
Stay Up to Date With Argo CD and Renovate
Part1 Terraform Automation With Argo on Kubernetes ( & )
The Dynamic Duo of Kubernetes: Exploring Argo CD and Cluster API Integration
Unveil the Secret Ingredients of Continuous Delivery at Enterprise Scale with Argo CD
Using Argo to Train Predictive Models
Using Argo CD with vclusters
Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld And Argo CD
Argo Workflows Guide in Chinese 7 over 2 years ago
How To Create ArgoCD Applications Automatically Using ApplicationSet? “Automation of GitOps”
Why we Created the Argo Project
Why We’re Switching Off Airflow — Sort Of
Picking A Kubernetes Orchestrator: Airflow, Argo, and Prefect
What Is ArgoCD? A Practical Tutorial With Kubernetes [How to Structure Your Argo CD Repositories Using Application Sets](
How to Model Your GitOps Environments and Promote Releases between Them
Stop Using Branches for Deploying to Different GitOps Environments
How to Preview and Diff Your Argo CD Deployments

Awesome Argo / Blog Posts / Argo CD

[0] vs. Flux: , , ,
vs. Spinnaker
vs. Spinnaker, Jenkins X, and Tekton

Awesome Argo / Blog Posts / Argo Workflows

vs. Airflow and Prefect
[0] vs. Airflow: , ,

Awesome Argo / Videos

Revolutionizing Scientific Simulations with Argo Workflows
Scaling Kubernetes: Best Practices for Managing Large-Scale Batch Jobs with Spark and Argo Workflow
Enforcing Supply Chain Security and Simplifying Compliance Audit for ArgoCD Deployments
Managing Argo CD Multi-Tenancy Effectively
Multi-Stage Deployment Pipelines the GitOps Way
DevOps in a GitOps World
Argo in an AI-Native World: Effective In-Cluster Machine Learning and Analytics at Scale
Expanding the Application Lifecycle for Everyone
Beyond Prototypes: Production-Ready ML Systems with Metaflow and Argo
Major League Baseball + Argo CD: A Home Run
Migrating CI/CD from Jenkins to Argo
Git Going Fast with Cilium and Argo
How to Train an LLM with Argo Workflows and Hera
Towards Greener Deployment: Assessing Energy Efficiency in Argo CD and Traditional CD Pipelines
Orchestrating Rocket Simulations W/ Argo
Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts
Driving the Platform at Deutsche Bahn with Crossplanes Provider-ArgoCD
Building a Bridge Between Argo CD and Terraform
Updating Databases the GitOps Way
Lessons from Implementing Pull Request Generated Preview Apps at MasterClass
The Journey from ClickOps to GitOps at Ford with Red Hat
Scaling Argo Events for Enterprise Scheduling: A Case Study from Intuit
The Life of an Argo Workflows Salesperson
Scaling to Thousands of Data & CI/CD Pipelines Using Argo and Virtual Clusters
Threat Model Report: Security Considerations for Hardening Declarative GitOps on K8s with Argo CD
Cross Cluster Execution of Argo Workflows
300 Hours of Repetitive Work in Just 3 Hours by Leveraging Argo Workflows and ArgoCD
Real Time Argo Rollouts Analytics Powered by Notification Engine
Tailored Deployment Strategies: Argo Rollouts for Diverse Applications
Juggling Argo Rollouts for Progressive Delivery Across Multiple-Services
Extending Argo Projects: Customizing Argo CD and Argo Rollouts for Your Needs
Hitting the Runway with ArgoCD at American Airlines
Click-Free Environment Promotion Driven by ApplicationSets Progressive Syncs
Streamlining Big Data Workflows with Memoization & Work Avoidance
Promotion Between Environments
The ArgoCD AppProject - What Is a Project and How to Power Your Multi-Tenant Security
Comparing Argo Workflows and Apache Airflow at Scale
Threat Model Report: Security Considerations for Hardening Declarative GitOps on K8s with Argo CD
Scaling Multi-cluster Management with Argo CD and Application Sets
Argo and GitOps in a Managed Services World
ArgoCD as the Engine of a Brownfield Migration to Kubernetes
ArgoCon EU 2023 Welcome + Opening Remarks
Argo Project: The Cloud Native Key Ingredient
Argo Rollouts from the Trenches – Next Level Progressive Delivery Best Practices
Argo Rollouts Reinvented: Unleash the Power of Custom Plugins for Progressive Delivery
Argo Workflows in Action: Rabobank's Journey to Cloud Native Banking
Cloud Native Deployments in Air Gapped Environments
Configuring Volumes for Parallel Workflow Reads and Writes
From Legacy to GitOps
GitOps - The Magic Key to Cloud Native Security
GitOps and CI/CD: Maintaining Security in the Age of Automation
GitOps Me Some of That! Managing Hundreds of Clusters with Argo CD
How to Avoid a Kubernetes Doom Loop
How to Preview and Diff Your Argo CD Deployments
Improving Release Reliability with Argo Rollouts Across 10k Customer Services
Leveraging Argo WorkflowTemplates Within a Data Platform
Managing Artifacts at Scale for CI and Data Processing
Merging Best Practices with Reality: One Repository for Code and Helm
Multi-Branch Pipeline with Argo Workflows and CI/CD Debugging
NextGen Argo: Elevating Continuous Delivery with Easy to use PLugins
Operate Sidecar and Sidecar-Less Applications with Istio and ArgoCD Rollouts
Revolutionizing Continuous Deployment: How Databricks Integrates Argo Rollouts to Achieve Zero-Downtime Releases
Sailing Across the Ocean of Argo Ecosystem Like a Pro
Scaling Argo Security and Multi-Tenancy in AWS EKS at the New York Times
Scaling Gene Therapy Research with Argo Workflows and Hera
Scaling GitOps Using ArgoCD Application-Sets: Lesson Learnt
Shipping Argo Workflows in Packages
Telefonistka - Safe and Controlled GitOps Promotion Across Environments
Training and Ensuring Reliability of ML Models at Wolt: The Power of ArgoCD, Flyte, and Argo Workflows
Using Kustomize KRM Functions to Enhance Argo CD Application Deployments
A Briefer History of Argo Project from the Founding Engineers
A Distributed Job Scheduler Story: CronWorkflows integration with RBAC infrastructure for Over 100+ Teams
Adobe’s Internal Developer Platform Journey and Lessons
A Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud Infrastructure with GitOps at CERN
Applied GitOps with Argo CD Autopilot Using Multiple Clusters with an ApplicationSet
Argo-Based Service Delivery for Multi-Tenant, Multi Region Clusters at Adobe
Argo: The Present, Past, and Future
Argo and Tekton: Pushing the Boundaries of the Possible on Kubernetes
Argo CD - GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
Argo CD: Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes
Argo CD and Stateful Applications - Tips and Tricks
Argo CD in the Cloud: DevOps and Docker Live Show
Argo CD Observability with AIOps - Detect Incident Fast
Argo CD Production Best Practices
Argo CD Walkthrough – Learn Argo CD in 18 Minutes
Argo Events - Event-Based Dependency Manager for Kubernetes
Argo Events Deep-dive
Argo Graduation Q&A - Open Meeting with the Creators of Argo
Argo Roadmap Updates For CD, Rollouts, Workflows, and Events
Argo Rollouts - Canary Deployments Made Easy In Kubernetes
Argo Rollouts at Scale: How We Brought Automated Rollback to 2100+ Micro-services at Monzo
Argo Workflows - 90m Hands-on Contributor Workshop
Argo Workflows - Deep-dive into Components and Hands-on Experiments
Argo Workflows and Pipelines - CI/CD, Machine Learning, and Other Kubernetes Workflows
Argo’s Vibrant Ecosystem and Community
Attacking Argo CD with Argo CD (and then Defending)
Automated Progressive Delivery Using GitOps and Service Mesh
Automating Map-building Pipelines for Safe Autonomous Driving with Argo Workflows at TuSimple
Automating Research Workflows at BlackRock
Automation of Everything - How To Combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts
Best Practices on Organizing GitOps Repositories
Bridging into Python Ecosystem with Cloud-Native Distributed Machine Learning Pipelines 20 4 months ago
Building a Batch Processing Platform with Argo
Building a Successful Open Source Community as an End-user Company
Building AutoML Pipelines With Argo Workflows and Katib
Building Data Science Platform with Argo Workflows
Building Medical Grade AI with Argo Workflows
Challenging the Status Quo with Kubernetes and Argo
CI/CD for Data Pipelines with Argo Workflows
CI/CD for Machine Learning at MLB using Argo Workflows
CI/CD in Light Speed with K8s and Argo CD
Cloud-native CI/CD via ArgoCD & Workflows in Multi-region & Muti-cell Environment
Cloud Native AutoML with Argo Workflows and Katib
Cloud Native Live: Argo's Vibrant Ecosystem and Community + Maintainer Q&A
Combining Argo CD (GitOps), Crossplane (Control Plane), and KubeVela (OAM)
Couchbase - How To Run a Database Cluster in Kubernetes Using Argo CD
Creating A Scalable Foundation for Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy
Deploying Cluster Addons at Scale using ApplicationSets
Deployments on the Edge using Argo CD & Workflows and K3s
Distributed Load Testing Using Argo Workflows
Don’t Let a Bot In! Protect Fortune 500 Companies & Users
Dynamic, Event-Driven Machine Learning Pipelines with Argo Workflows
Easy Notifications for Kubernetes
Engineering Cloud Native AI Platform 20 4 months ago
Environments Based on Pull Requests (PRs): Using Argo CD To Apply GitOps Principles on Previews
Exploring HashiCorp Vault and ArgoCD - the GitOps Way
Extending GitOps to Manage K8s (so you don’t have to)!
From Code to Docs to Marketing: How to Contribute
From PR to Artifactory in 60 Secs! Adobe Service Runtime Java Libraries Release Pipelines Using Argo Workflows
Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Deployments
GitOps Cloud Resource Management
GitOps for Kubernetes with ArgoCD, Crossplane, Kyverno and Paralus
GitOps Guide to the Galaxy: Argo Workflows
GitOpsify Everything: When Crossplane Meets Argo CD
GitOps with Argo CD and an Argo Rollouts Canary Release
GitOps Without Pipelines With ArgoCD Image Updater
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Pipelines at Adobe
How a Couple of Characters (and GitOps) Brought Down Our Site
How Adobe Planned For Scale With Argo CD, Cluster API, And VCluster
How Intuit Does Canary and Blue Green Deployments
How Salesforce Is Moving From Spinnaker To Argo Workflows For Provisioning Add-Ons
How Scalable is Argo-Rollouts: A Cloud Operator’s Perspective
How the Argo Project Transitioned From Security Aware To Security First
How to Apply GitOps to Everything - Combining Argo CD and Crossplane
How To Build Production Grade DevOps Platform Using Argo
How to Keep a Secret in GitOps, Without Keeping It in Git
Human-Friendly, Production-Ready Data Science Stack With Argo Workflows & Metaflow
Hundreds of Clusters Sitting in a Tree with Argo CD
Implementing Preview Environments with GitOps in Kubernetes
Infra-like-apps - GitOpsifying Cloud Natively Managed Infrastructure with Crossplane and Argo CD
Integrating Backup into Your GitOps CI/CD Pipeline
Introducing Couler: Unified Interface for Constructing and Managing Workflows 20 4 months ago
Introduction to Argo CD: Kubernetes DevOps CI/CD
Intro to GitOps, Argo projects and Continuous delivery with Kubernetes
Intuitive Progressive Delivery Across Microservices in a Dependency Graph Using Argo Rollouts
Journey of the Argonauts
K8s Cluster Vending Machine With vCluster
Keynote: Welcome + Opening Remarks (Maintainers Fireside Chat)
Kubernetes Blue-Green Deployments with Argo Rollouts
Kubernetes Canary Deployments with Argo Rollouts
Kubernetes Security through GitOps Best Practices: ArgoCD and Starboard
Large Scale Batch Processing with Argo Workflows and Events
Leveling Up Your CD: Unlocking Progressive Delivery on Kubernetes
Level Unlocked: GitOps to the Edge and Infrastructure Provisioning
Leveraging Argo Workflows and Argo Events for Cloud Agnostic Enterprise Machine Learning Deployments and Model Management
Like Peas And Carrots: Argo CD And Crossplane For Infrastructure Management
Litmus 2 - Chaos Engineering Meets Argo Workflows
Machine Learning as Code: GitOps for ML with Kubeflow and ArgoCD
Machine Learning with Argo and Ploomber
Maintainer Update on Argo CD and Rollouts
Maintainer Update on Argo Workflows and Events
Making Complex R Forecast Applications Into Production Using Argo Workflows
Manage More Clusters with Less Hassle, with Argo CD Application Sets
Managing Thousands of Automatic Machine Learning Experiments with Argo and Katib
Metaflow Integration with Argo Workflows
MLOps at Tripadvisor: ML Models CI/CD Automation with Argo
Multi-Stage Delivery with Keptn and Argo Rollouts
Multi-Tenancy For Argo Workflows And Argo CD At Adobe
Observability In ArgoCD/Rollouts Using Streaming ML For Reducing MTTR
Open Source Canary Deployments with Application Metric Analysis
Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld And Argo CD
Preview Environments with ArgoCD
Processing Petabytes in Python with Argo Workflows & Dask
Progressive Infrastructure Delivery using Kargo and Argo CD
Production-Ready AI Platform on Kubernetes 20 4 months ago
Robocat Meets Octopus and Octocat: Interoperability in CI/CD
Running Cloud-native Spark Jobs with Argo Workflows
Scaling Argo for the Enterprise
Scaling Kubernetes across BlackRock’s Aladdin Platform
Scaling Software Delivery on Argo
Secure by Default with GitOps - A Guide to OPA with Argo CD
Securing GitOps Supply Chain with Sigstore and Kyverno
Shh, It’s a Secret: Managing Your Secrets in a GitOps Way
Smarter Progressive Delivery at Intuit
Supercharge Your Dev Experience [DX] with ArgoCD, Crossplane, & Shipa
TGI Kubernetes with Joe Beda: Argo Workflow System
TGI Kubernetes with Joe Beda: CloudEvents and Argo Events
The Argo Ecosystem: Tailoring Your Installation Through Community Add-ons
The Future of Continuous Delivery
The Future of GitOps
The Journey from DevOps to GitOps
TikTok’s Story: How To Manage a Thousand Applications on Edge With Argo CD
Towards Cloud-Native Distributed Machine Learning Pipelines at Scale 20 4 months ago
Tutorial: Everything You Need To Become A GitOps Ninja
Unleash ArgoCD Observability Superpowers
Unveil The Secret Ingredients for Argo CD in the Enterprise-Scale 20 4 months ago
Using Argo CD & Datree for Stable Kubernetes CI/CD Deployments
Using Argo CD with vclusters
Using Argo Project to Help Elastic infoSec Team in Securing Elastic
Using Argo Workflows to Curate Chaos Engineering with LitmusChaos

Awesome Argo / Certifications

Introduction to Continuous Delivery and GitOps using Argo CD by

Awesome Argo / Community

( )
Argo Project GitHub Organization ( and )

Awesome Argo / Community / Argo Project User Survey Results:

CD & Rollouts 2023: ,
2021 630 4 months ago
2020 630 4 months ago

Awesome Argo / Community

Peer Appreciation Program for Argo The community can nominate individuals who they see as going above and beyond when it comes to contributing to and/or promoting the Argo Project

Awesome Argo / Acknowledgement

Argo Workflows 15,155 4 months ago
Argo CD 18,151 4 months ago
Argo Events 2,392 4 months ago
Argo Rollouts 2,812 4 months ago

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