
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.


53k stars
2k watching
7k forks
Language: Dart
last commit: 14 days ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists


Articles / Introduction

Google IO 2018 Building beautiful, flexible user interfaces
Presentation by
Flutter Web Ins and Outs of Flutter Web by

Articles / Websites / Blogs

Welcome to Flutter English and French blog dedicated to providing practical solutions to most asked questions about Flutter by Didier Boelens
SZAŁKO-BLOG Step by step advanced design by
Flutter by Example Tutorials based on Redux, Firebase, Custom Animations, and UI
Flutter Institute Very original content and tutorials by
Norbert In depth articles, features and app creation by
Flutter Tips Articles, tips & tricks in the development by
FilledStacks Tutorials and guides on development by
Awesome Flutter tips 2,943 about 2 years ago Tips to help developers increase productivity by
Flutter4Fun UI Challenge implementation blog by
Flutter Stack Weekly Weekly newsletter on new development and updates curated by

Articles / Tutorial

Animated Chat Building beautiful UIs by Google Code Labs
Firebase Chat Firebase integration by Google Code Labs
Flutter and Dart development Articles and tutorials by

Articles / Beginner

Roadmap to Flutter Development 5,446 8 months ago [5433⭐] - Visual roadmap with principles, patterns, and frameworks for Flutter newbies by
Layout Cheat Sheet Extensive examples of layout widgets by
Getting Started with Flutter by
Beginner's Guide 376 over 1 year ago [377⭐] - Comprehensive guide to the basics of Flutter and Firebase by

Articles / Intermediate

Flutter state management for minimalists Understanding app architecture without relying on third-party frameworks by . See also

Articles / Advanced

Rendering Pipeline [1140👍] and - Engine architecture by Adam Barth
Render Objects What are Widgets, RenderObjects and Elements? by
Streams and RxDart Skillmatters presentation by
Gesture System Flutter Deep Dive: Gestures by
Schemas Widget, State, Context and InheritedWidget explanations by
Rendering Engine Tutorial Flutter's Rendering Engine: A Tutorial by
Inherited Widget Flutter’s InheritedWidget to hold app state by
From Mobile to Desktop Building applications for smartphones and desktops by
Accessibility widgets Deep dive information about all aspects of accessibility by
Profiling w/ Timeline Using the Timeline allows you to find and address specific performance issues in your application by

Advanced graphics rendering

Shaders Fragment shaders, set it up, how it works and making it work by

Advanced graphics rendering / Howtos

Parallax Effect Parallax & non linear animation by
Build Flavor Define build configurations and switch them by
Build Flavor Easily build flavors in Flutter (Android and iOS) with flutter_flavorizr by


Boring Show Exploration with the Flutter Team
Tensor Programming Very rich content by
Mtechviral [Hindi/English] Mtechviral Series By
Flutter in Practice Free video courssd for beginners & non-programmers by
Whatsupcoders Free video series on Flutter Widgets by
Reso Coder Intermediate and advanced videos by

Components / Demonstrations

Official Gallery 6,370 4 months ago Demo for the material design widgets provided by Flutter Team
Flutter Examples 6,937 4 months ago [6923⭐] - Simple basic isolated apps for devs by
Flutter Catalog 2,170 3 months ago [2167⭐] - showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view, by

Components / UI

Facebook Reactions 431 8 months ago [425⭐] - Facebook reactions widget by
Flushbar 1,005 over 1 year ago [1004⭐] - Highly configurable Snackbar by
Stepper Touch 303 12 days ago [303⭐] - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by
Liquid Pull To Refresh 1,249 about 1 year ago [1249⭐] - A beautiful and custom refresh indicator by
Direct Select 775 9 months ago [774⭐] - Selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup by
Before After 916 3 months ago [913⭐] - Beautiful slider which makes it easier to display the difference between two images, by
Scratcher 573 11 months ago [573⭐] - Scratch card widget which temporarily hides content from user, by
Beautiful_Popup 677 almost 2 years ago [677⭐] - Beautify your app popup by
Animated Selection Slide 371 over 3 years ago An animated selection widget by swiping by
Flutter Neumorphic 2,011 5 months ago [2007⭐] - Ready to use Neumorphic kit for Flutter with 🕶️ dark mode
Dough 707 2 months ago [704⭐] - Widgets for a squishy user interface by
Card Settings 547 3 months ago [545⭐] - package for building settings forms by
Timelines 715 over 1 year ago [712⭐] - Powerful & Easy to use timeline package by
Timeline Tile 739 2 months ago [735⭐] - Tile to help build beautiful and customisable timelines by
Rounded Loading Button 329 4 months ago [325⭐] - Button with a loading indicator, complete with success and error animations by
Flyer Chat 1,603 21 days ago [1594⭐] - Community-driven chat UI implementation by the
Smooth Page Indicator 1,205 3 months ago [1199⭐] - Customizable animated page indicator with a set of built-in effects
Forui 376 5 days ago [359⭐] - Minimalistic UI library heavily inspired by shadcn/ui by
Shadcn 930 11 days ago [894⭐] - Shadcn-ui port. Fully customizable UI components
Super List 283 2 months ago [283⭐] - Drop-in replacement for SliverList and ListView that can handle large amount of items with variable extents by
Reorderables 727 over 1 year ago [726⭐] - Drag&Drop Table, Row, Column, Wrap(Grid) and SliverList elements by
Liquid Pull To Refresh 1,249 about 1 year ago [1249⭐] - A beautiful and custom refresh indicator by
PlutoGrid 661 about 2 months ago [661⭐] - Web and desktop datagrid that can be controlled by the keyboard by
Typeahead 819 about 2 months ago [817⭐] - Display overlay suggestions to users as they type by
StaggeredGridView 3,126 4 months ago [3122⭐] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by
Sticky Headers 1,083 7 months ago [1080⭐] - Configurable sticky headers by
Hidden Drawer Menu 352 7 months ago [351⭐] - Beautiful drawer mode menu feature with perspective animations by
Flutter Inner Drawer 513 3 months ago [513⭐] - Easy way to create an internal drawer (left / right) where you can enter a list-menu or other by
Fancy Bottom Navigation 760 10 months ago [758⭐] - Animated bottom navigation by
Circular Bottom Navigation 655 7 months ago [653⭐] - Beautiful animated bottom navigation bar by
Bottom Navy Bar 1,022 2 months ago [1022⭐] - Beautiful and colorful animated bottom navigation bar by
Google Nav Bar 736 about 2 months ago [737⭐] - A modern google style nav bar for flutter by
Rubber Bottom Sheet 562 about 1 year ago [562⭐] - Elastic material bottom sheet by
Modal Bottom Sheet 1,864 about 2 months ago [1860⭐] - Modal bottom sheet with Material, Cupertino iOS13 or custom appareance by
RangeSlider 374 4 months ago [374⭐] - 2-thumb configurable RangeSlider by
Flutter Xlider 518 6 months ago [518⭐] - A material design slider and range slider, horizontal and vertical, with RTL support by
Offline 1,058 3 months ago [1054⭐] - Tidy utility to handle offline/online connectivity by
ShowCaseView 1,498 about 2 months ago [1488⭐] - Way to showcase your app features on iOS and Android by
Mix 569 4 days ago [561⭐] - An expressive way to effortlessly build design systems by
Blurhash 523 11 months ago [520⭐] - Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Encode a blurry image under 30 caracters by
Slidable 2,695 about 2 months ago [2690⭐] - Slidable list item with left and right slide actions by
Backdrop 332 about 1 year ago [331⭐] - implementation for flutter
Frosted Glass Render effect by
Shimmer 1,788 9 months ago [1784⭐] - Shimmer effect while content is loading by
Wave 1,106 7 months ago [1106⭐] - Displaying some waves with custom color, duration, floating and blur effects by
Liquid Swipe 1,221 8 months ago Liquid swipe to your stacked containers by
PhotoFilters 404 9 months ago [403⭐] - Apply filters to an image by
Shine 146 about 1 year ago [146⭐] - Pretty shadows with dynamic light positions by
Clay Containers 438 8 months ago [437⭐] - Neumorphic widget primitives to serve as the foundation of your own designs by
Calendar Carousel Widget 838 11 days ago Calendar carousel by
Table Calendar 1,819 3 months ago [1813⭐] - Calendar organized neatly into a Table, with vertical autosizing by
Time Planner 223 about 1 year ago [223⭐] - A beautiful, easy to use and customizable time planner for flutter mobile, desktop and web by
Dynamic Widget 1,559 4 months ago [1554⭐] - Build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code by

Components / Image

Carousel Slider 1,595 about 2 months ago [1591⭐] - Carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget by
Photo View 1,904 about 1 month ago [1901⭐] - Scalable image view with loading placeholder by
SVG 1,664 5 months ago [1661⭐] - SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library by
Image Cropper 994 about 2 months ago [993⭐] - Crop your images support ratio, rotation, zoom by
Cached Network Image 2,437 9 days ago [2431⭐] - Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory by
Lottie 1,160 4 months ago [1157⭐] - Use airbnb's popular by
Bitmap 176 10 months ago [175⭐] - Perform Bitmap manipulations (such as contrast and exposure) with a help from the Dart FFI by
Crop 258 about 1 year ago [258⭐] - Crop any widget/image in Android, iOS, Web and Desktop by
Image Picker 4,308 3 days ago Images Selection by
WeChat Assets Picker 1,500 9 days ago [1496⭐] - Assets picker in WeChat style, support multi assets by
Advance Image Picker Select and edit images from Android/iOS library and capture camera shots from within the same view by

Components / Map

GeoCoder 186 7 months ago [185⭐] - Forward and reverse geocoding by
AMap 538 over 1 year ago [538⭐] - Access to AMap services(高德地图) by
Map 130 8 months ago [129⭐] - Fully-fledged interactive Map widget for flutter written in pure Dart. Supports all platforms. by

Components / Charts

Circular Chart 398 4 months ago [398⭐] - Animated radial and pie charts by
FL Chart 6,765 15 days ago [6741⭐] - Draw fantastic charts in Flutter by
Bezier Chart 447 over 1 year ago [446⭐] - Beautiful bezier line chart widget for flutter that is highly interactive and configurable by
Echarts 739 about 1 year ago [739⭐] - Large collection of advanced reactives charts by
Graphic 1,588 about 1 month ago [1587⭐] - Data visualization library based on the Grammar of Graphics by

Components / Navigation

Fluro 3,673 over 1 year ago [3672⭐] - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by
Get 10,278 11 days ago [10245⭐] - Navigate between screens & display snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context by
Beamer 589 17 days ago [588⭐] - Route through guarded page stacks and URLs using the Navigator 2.0 API effortlessly by
auto_route 1,578 about 2 months ago [1570⭐] - AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Components / Auth

Local Auth 4,308 3 days ago Touch ID, lock code, fingerprint auth on iOS and Android
Google Sign-In 4,308 3 days ago Google OAuth
Firebase Auth 8,653 3 days ago Firebase OAuth
Firebase Phone Auth Phone number auth via SMS by
SimpleAuth 352 over 1 year ago [352⭐] - Azure Active Directory, Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linked In, Microsoft Live Connect, Github, OAuth, Basic Auth by
Flutter AppAuth 273 7 days ago [271⭐] - Plugin that provides a wrapper around the AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs by

Components / Text & Rich Content

Masked Text 276 almost 2 years ago [276⭐] - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by
Fleather 197 8 days ago Soft & gentle rich text editor
AutoSizeText 2,032 10 months ago [2025⭐] - Automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds by
Parsed Text 219 12 months ago [219⭐] - Interactive text based on content recognition, also supports Regex by
TeX 276 about 2 months ago [276⭐] - Render Mathematics Equations with full HTML and JavaScript support by
Code Field 230 3 months ago Customizable code field widget supporting syntax highlighting by

Components / Forms

Form Builder 1,483 3 days ago [1480⭐] - Framework that simplifies building forms, validating fields, reacting to changes, and collecting the final user input by
Reactive Forms 470 17 days ago [467⭐] - Model-driven approach to handling Forms inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular's Reactive Forms

Components / Analytics

Usage 146 4 months ago [146⭐] - Google Analytics wrapper for command-line, web, and Flutter apps
Firebase Analytics 8,653 3 days ago Connect to Firebase Analytics API

Components / Internationalization

GenLang 100 almost 2 years ago [100⭐] - Code generator for Internationalization by
Flutter Translate 402 4 months ago [401⭐] - Internationalization (i18n) library by
attranslate 334 22 days ago Semi-automated translation of ARB or JSON files by

Components / Media

photo_manager 675 3 days ago [671⭐] - Provides assets (image/video/audio) abstraction management APIs that can be easily integrated with custom UI widgets by and
Audio Players Plugin 1,984 about 1 month ago [1976⭐] - Play multiple audio files simultaneously (Android/iOS) by
Flutter Audio Recorder 121 7 months ago Provides full controls and access to recording details such as level metering by
Flutter Sound 870 7 days ago [868⭐] - Flutter audio recorder and player at one hand by
AssetsAudioPlayer 752 7 months ago [752⭐] Simultaneous playback of audio from assets/network/file and displaying notifications [android / ios / web / macos]
Audio Service System background audio support by . by
WebRTC 4,098 12 days ago [4086⭐] - WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android by
Chewie 1,929 25 days ago [1926⭐] - Provides low-level access to video playback by
Video Trimmer 433 3 months ago [432⭐] - Visualise and trim videos by
CamerAwesome 958 about 2 months ago [952⭐] - Community camera plugin rework by
Video Editor 391 about 2 months ago [386⭐] - Edit (crop, trim, rotate) a video and a its cover by
Speech Recognition 336 almost 2 years ago [337⭐] - Speech to text by
OK Google Integrate google assistant by

Components / Storage

Firebase Storage 8,653 3 days ago Firebase as data storage
Secure Storage 1,124 12 days ago [1118⭐] - Keychain and Keystore storage by

Components / Monetization

Admob GoogleAdmob supports interstitial ads in both iOS and Android by Brett Nesbitt
Firebase AdMob 8,653 3 days ago Ad integration using Firebase
Inapp Purchase 550 5 months ago [550⭐] - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from by
Admob Flutter 435 about 2 months ago Admob plugin that shows banner ads using native platform views by &
Facebook Audience Network 156 about 2 months ago Facebook Audience Network Ad plugin that shows banner, interstitial, in-stream video, rewarded video & natvie ads by
Square In-App Payments SDK 340 3 months ago [339⭐] - Take payments by embedding a card entry form in your app that produces nonces from customer-provided card information or digital wallets by


Mates 592 over 1 year ago [592⭐] - How to load profiles from the API and a nice profile details page by
The Gorgeous Login 1,739 10 months ago [1736⭐] - Design and smooth login template by
Liquid Pay Payment App 305 almost 2 years ago [304⭐] - Liquid Pay App Concept by
FlutterFoodybite 1,578 2 months ago [1567⭐] - Beautiful food app UI template by
Flutter Samples 3,086 almost 2 years ago [3083⭐] - Collection of nice flutter samples by
ActingWeb First_App 481 8 months ago [476⭐] - Starter app with basic elements for a team-developed production-quality app by
Smart Washing Machine 881 almost 2 years ago [880⭐] - Smart washing machine UI challenge app with Box2D physic engine by

Templates / Clone

GitTouch 1,564 2 months ago [1565⭐] - Open source mobile client for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and Gitea by
RustDesk 73,528 4 days ago [72980⭐] - Open source virtual / remote desktop. TeamViewer alternative. Built with Rust by

Templates / Machine Learning

m2cgen 2,800 2 months ago [2792⭐] - CLI tool to convert ML models into native Dart code by

Templates / Vision

ARKit Plugin 798 4 months ago [798⭐] - Wrapper for ARKit - Apple's augmented reality platform for iOS by
ARCore Plugin 434 6 months ago [433⭐] - Augmented reality with ARCore platform by


Pub packages Packages filter in Dart Pub Repository
Plugins 4,308 3 days ago Official Flutter Team Plugins

Plugins / Device

WebView 1,479 7 months ago [1479⭐] - Render web content by
Location 1,106 about 1 month ago [1104⭐] - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by
Proximity Sensor Plugin A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by
Local Notifications 2,449 6 days ago [2441⭐] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by
Device Calendar 267 6 days ago Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by
Badger 308 3 months ago [308⭐] - Update app badge on the launcher by
UDID 246 8 months ago [245⭐] - Persistent UDID across app reinstalls by
Downloader 907 2 months ago [906⭐] - Create and manage download tasks by
InAppWebView 3,219 3 days ago [3178⭐] - Add inline WebView widgets or open an in-app browser window by
AppAvailability 92 over 1 year ago [92⭐] - List, launch and check installed apps by
File Picker 1,326 about 2 months ago [1320⭐] - Native file explorer to load absolute file path by
VPN 353 29 days ago [350⭐] - Access VPN services by
Geolocator 1,241 5 days ago [1240⭐] - A Flutter geolocation plugin which provides easy access to the platform specific location services by
Permission Handler 2,030 25 days ago [2023⭐] - A Flutter permission plugin which provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions by
Live Activities 168 25 days ago [164⭐] - A plugin to use iOS live activities & Dynamic Island features by
Blue 2,383 2 months ago [2378⭐] - Bluetooth by
NFC Reader 397 6 months ago [394⭐] - NFC reader plugin for iOS and Android by
Reactive Ble 665 about 2 months ago [664⭐] - Handles BLE operations for multiple devices by
NFC Manager 200 about 2 months ago [200⭐] - Generic NFC plugin for iOS and Android by

Plugins / Storage

Sqflite 2,859 5 days ago [2856⭐] - SQLite flutter plugin by
Drift 2,582 3 days ago Drift is an easy to use, reactive, typesafe persistence library for Dart & Flutter by
ObjectBox 1,021 4 days ago On-device database for fast cross-platform Dart object persistence by

Plugins / Services

OneSignal 616 29 days ago [615⭐] - Push notification service by
In App Review 314 2 months ago [311⭐] - Requesting and Writing Reviews for Android, iOS and MacOS by

Frameworks / State management

Bloc 11,764 3 days ago [11726⭐] - Collection of packages that help implement the BLoC design pattern by
Provider 5,102 6 months ago [5101⭐] - State-management library for Flutter by
RiverPod 6,194 7 days ago [6172⭐] - Provider, but different by
Get It 1,331 4 days ago [1323⭐] - Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation by
GetX 10,278 11 days ago [10245⭐] - Contextless, State-management & navigation by
MobX 2,392 14 days ago [2390⭐] - Supercharge the state-management in your apps with Transparent Functional Reactive Programming (TFRP). Port of MobX from the Js/React land
Signals 437 13 days ago [433⭐] - Reactive programming made simple. Port of Signals pattern by
Redux.dart 516 over 1 year ago [516⭐] - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by and
Redux 1,653 over 1 year ago [1653⭐] - Built to work with , utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets
Async Redux [229⭐] - Redux without boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers by

Frameworks / Widgets

Hooks 3,125 2 months ago [3119⭐] - Advanced code sharing between widgets by
Functional widget 596 7 months ago [595⭐] - Code generator writing widgets as functions with annotations by

Frameworks / Data

Graphql 3,244 24 days ago [3243⭐] - Implementation of the GraphQL spec by
GeoFlutterFire 305 3 months ago [305⭐] - Implementation of GeoFirestore for flutter by
Ferry 601 9 days ago [600⭐] - Powerful & Extensible GraphQL Client by

Frameworks / Backend

Dynamic Widget 1,559 4 months ago [1554⭐] - Build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code by
NETCoreSync 78 almost 2 years ago Centralized database synchronization framework for multiple clients, built on top of library by
Parse for Flutter 575 2 months ago [575⭐] Open source backend framework by
Serverpod 2,503 3 days ago Write your server-side code and API in Dart

Frameworks / Animation

SpinKit 2,996 4 months ago [2990⭐] - Animated loading indicators by
AnimatedTextKit 1,654 3 months ago [1652⭐] - A collection of cool text animations by
Drawing Animation 485 9 months ago [484⭐] - Create drawing line animations based on SVG path data by
Simple Animations 1,023 over 1 year ago Create awesome custom animations easily by
Staggered Animations 1,569 over 1 year ago [1566⭐] - Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row by
Animate Do Animation package inspired in Animate.css by
Funvas 526 9 months ago [524⭐] - Create fun by
Flutter Animate [915⭐] - A performant library that makes it simple to add almost any kind of animated effect by

Frameworks / Testing

flutter_convenient_test 481 3 months ago [479⭐] - Tests with action history, time travelling, screenshots, rapid re-execution, video recordings, interactive mode by
Patrol 870 3 days ago [860⭐] - Easy-to-learn, powerful UI testing framework eliminating limitations of , , and by

Frameworks / Web

Responsive Framework 1,268 about 1 month ago [1262⭐] - Automatically adapt UI to different screen sizes. Responsiveness made simple by


styled_widget 1,264 about 1 year ago [1260⭐] - Simplifying your widget tree structure by defining widgets using methods by

Engines / Rendering

Graphx 491 6 months ago [491⭐] - Making drawings and animations extremely simple, inspired by Flash, by

Engines / Game

Flame 9,185 3 days ago [9154⭐] - Minimalist game engine by
Bonfire 1,224 18 days ago [1217⭐] - Flame engine based game engine for 2D RPG games
Zerker 684 about 2 months ago [681⭐] - Lightweight and powerful graphic animation library by
Flip 265 22 days ago [265⭐] - Reversi game by
Crush 577 6 months ago [575⭐] - How to build a Math-3 game, like Candy Crush, Bejeweled by
Tetris 1,601 about 1 month ago [1601⭐] - Tetris game by
Awesome Flame 1,054 about 2 months ago [1047⭐] - Curated list of the best Flame games, projects, libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more by

Open Source Apps / Premium

AppFlowy 56,377 3 days ago [55783⭐] - Open Source Notion Alternative. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust by
RustDesk 73,528 4 days ago [72980⭐] - Open source virtual/remote desktop and TeamViewer alternative. Built with Flutter and Rust by
Spotube 29,558 5 days ago Open source Spotify client for desktop and mobile by

Open Source Apps / Top

Flutter Team Samples 17,114 3 days ago [17079⭐] - Collection of examples (including maps, json, Material and Cupertino) by the
Flutter Common Widgets 23,632 10 months ago [23626⭐] - Collection of official widgets demos & docs in chinese to help developers learn quickly by
Music Player 1,710 9 months ago [1708⭐] - Full featured music player by
WhatTodo 1,176 about 1 month ago [1175⭐] - Todoist like UI by
FlutterGram 2,317 about 2 months ago [2314⭐] - Complete Instagram based on Firestore & Google Functions by
Trace 1,109 over 1 year ago [1108⭐] - Modern and powerful crypto portfolio & market explorer by
Taskist 998 10 months ago [998⭐] - Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management by
Linwood Butterfly 979 5 days ago [972⭐] - Powerful note taking app and an alternative to OneNote by
Trinity Orientation @ Univ Toronto 618 9 months ago [617⭐] - Orientation week at Trinity College, U of T by
Transform Widget 26 almost 6 years ago Image widgets as 3D game engine sprites by
TailorMade 327 about 1 year ago [327⭐] - Managing a Fashion designer's daily routine using a mixture of ReBLoC w/ Firebase Cloud Store & Functions by
Spacex-Go 872 6 months ago [869⭐] - Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker.
Enigma 397 over 1 year ago Privacy chat with end-to-end encryption by
Chillify 736 over 2 years ago Fancy music app made with Provider and Bloc pattern by
Pokedex 2,353 5 months ago Pokedex app with beautiful UI and smooth animation by
Timy Messenger 2,082 over 1 year ago [2081⭐] - Group messaging app with a focus on organizing events by and
GitJournal 3,461 29 days ago [3454⭐] - Journaling your data in a Git Repo by
AuthPass 2,266 about 1 month ago [2251⭐] - Keepass compatible password manager for mobile and desktop by
Fwitter 3,875 2 months ago [3858⭐] - Full Twitter clone using Firebase solution by
Harpy 2,070 2 months ago [2064⭐] - Feature rich Twitter client by
Mooltik 205 about 1 year ago [203⭐] - Animation app for making cartoons by
Spotube 29,558 5 days ago [28916⭐] - A lightweight free Spotify crossplatform-client with no Spotify premium account requirement by
Let's Draw 279 about 2 months ago [278⭐] - A simple drawing app made by
Openreads 889 5 days ago [872⭐] - A simple privacy oriented mobile books tracker using Open Library API by


Launcher Icons 1,994 7 days ago Generate your launcher icons easily by and
FlutterIcon [420⭐] - Icon set generator by
FVM 4,587 4 days ago [4565⭐] - Flutter Version Management: A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions
Environment Configuration 92 29 days ago [92⭐] - CLI tool to generate configurations for application environments by
Flutter Flavorizr 456 4 days ago [453⭐] - CLI utility to easily generate flavors for Android and iOS in less than 3 minutes by
Fontify 103 4 months ago [103⭐] - CLI tool to convert SVG icons to OTF font and generate Flutter-compatible class by
FlutterGen 1,462 4 days ago [1460⭐] - Assets code generator for your images, fonts, colors, etc — Get rid of String-based APIs
Very Good Cli 2,154 4 days ago [2150⭐] - Very Good Command Line Interface for Dart created by
Flutter Sidekick 1,541 27 days ago [1529⭐] - Simple app to make Flutter development more delightful by
Dart Code Metrics 860 about 1 year ago [859⭐] - Additional linter which reports code metrics, checks for anti-patterns and provides additional rules for the Dart analyzer by
Melos 1,123 11 days ago [1116⭐] - Manage projects with multiple packages, automated versioning, changelogs & publishing via Conventional Commits by

Utilities / VSCode

Awesome Snippets Collection of commonly used classes and methods by
Flutter Files Quick generation for BLoC templates files by context menu by
Flutter Intl i18n binding from arb files by

Utilities / IntelliJ / Android Studio

Enhancement_Suite 286 6 months ago [286⭐] - Search for libraries, update version, Bloc, Snippet, etc you're covered by
Flutter Intl 18n binding from arb files by

Utilities / Desktop

Desktop Embedding 7,103 6 months ago [7102⭐] - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google
Golang Desktop Embedder 5,859 28 days ago [5856⭐] - Golang embedder for desktop by
Native Shell 628 19 days ago [628⭐] - Experimental embedder for Flutter by
Rust Desktop Embedder 2,104 over 1 year ago [2101⭐] - Rust embedder for desktop by
bitsdojo_window 803 10 months ago Customize windows owner-drawn chrome by
Raspberry Pi Embedder 1,598 7 days ago [1587⭐] - Light-weight Embedder for Raspberry Pi by
Fluent UI 2,907 5 days ago [2890⭐] - Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Flutter by
MacOS UI 1,826 16 days ago [1820⭐] - Widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language by
Ubuntu Yaru 200 9 days ago [195⭐] - Distinct look and feel of the Ubuntu Desktop by
Awesome Flutter Desktop 1,545 3 months ago [1537⭐] - A curated list of awesome things related to Flutter desktop by

Podcasts / English

It's all widgets! Flutter podcast by

Podcasts / Portuguese

Universo Flutter by

Podcasts / Spanish

Código Flutter by

Podcasts / Russian

Flutter Dev Podcast by


It's All Widgets! Open list of published apps by , , and
Awesome Flutter Linux 179 3 months ago A curated list of awesome Linux-specific Flutter packages and projects by

Bonus / Fun

The One [459👍]

Bonus / Hardware

Matrix2 22 almost 2 years ago Sense Hat's LED matrix control game by

Bonus / Guide & Interviews

Interview Questions 352 over 3 years ago List of helpful questions you can use to interview potential candidates by
The International Flutter Starter Kit Guide by the experts by & A community curated flutter developer learning roadmap from the 6th most starred GitHub project

Community / Presentation material

Logo Logo for stickers impressions

Community / Communication

Gitter Exchange channel
r/FlutterDev Reddit community by
Discord Discord server to discuss and get help by
Flutter Community Central place for community made packages
OpenFlutter Make it easier 让 Flutter 更简单
Hashnode Read and write posts, participate in discussions or ask questions
Flutter Events An open list of Flutter events by
FlutterX Searchable list of resources by

Community / 🇦🇴 Angola

Group Facebook
Page Facebook
Page Twitter

Community / 🇦🇺 Australia

GDG Sydney Slack
GDG Sydney Meetup
Flutter Sydney Twitter

Community / Bangladesh

Facebook Group

Community / 🇧🇷 Brazil

Flutter Brasil Slack
Flutter Comunidade BR Medium
Flutter Comunidade BR Twitter
São Paulo Meetup
Flutter para iniciantes

Community / cm Cameroon

Flutter Cameroon Twitter
Flutter & Dart Community CM Telegram

Community / 🇨🇦 Canada

Toronto Meetup
Montreal Meetup
Calgary Meetup

Community / 🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Page Facebook
Group Facebook

Community / 🇩🇰 Denmark

Denmark Meetup

Community / 🇪🇹 Ethiopia


Community / 🇫🇷 France

Bordeaux Meetup - - - -
Newsletter Flutter Digest

Community / 🇩🇪 Germany

Berlin Meetup - - - - -
Flutter Berlin Twitter - -
Flutter Berlin Slack
Munich LinkedIn

Community / 🇬🇷 Greece

Athens Meetup
Flutter GR Slack

Community / 🇮🇹 Italy

Flutter Italia Developers Telegram Website

Community / 🇮🇳 India

Flutter India 🇮🇳 Telegram

Community / 🇮🇱 Israel

Flutter Israel Developers Facebook

Community / 🇮🇩 Indonesia

Flutter Indonesia Telegram

Community / 🇮🇷 Iran

Persian Flutter Telegram

Community / 🇯🇵 Japan

Tokyo Flutter Developers Meetup

Community / 🇰🇪 Kenya

Flutter Developers Kenya Meetup
Flutter Developers Kenya Twitter

Community / 🇰🇷 Korea

Flutter Korea Meetup
Flutter Korea User Group Facebook
GDG Korea #flutter channel Slack

Community / 🇲🇾 Malaysia

Flutter/Dart Dev Malaysia Telegram

Community / 🇳🇬 Nigeria

DevCenter Square Slack
FlutterLagos Telegram
FlutterLagos Twitter

Community / 🇵🇰 Pakistan

Facebook Group

Community / 🇵🇭 Philippines

Facebook Page
Facebook Group

Community / 🇵🇱 Poland

Flutter Developers Poland Facebook Group
Flutter Poland Slack workspace
Flutter Warsaw Meetup
Flutter Warsaw Twitter
Flutter Warsaw YouTube Channel
Poznan Flutter Developer Group
Flutter Wrocław Meetup
Tricity Meetup
Tricity Twitter

Community / 🇵🇹 Portugal


Community / 🇵🇪 Peru

Flutter Peru Group Facebook
Flutter Peru Meetup
Flutter Peru Twitter

Community / 🇷🇺 Russia

Telegram - Oh, my Flutter
Flutter Voronezh Meetup

Community / 🇪🇸 Spain

Madrid Community
Madrid Meetup
Madrid Twitter

Community / 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka

Community GitHub Page
Facebook Page

Community / 🇹🇷 Turkey

Telegram Channel
Telegram Group

Community / 🇺🇦 Ukraine


Community / 🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Flutter London
London Meetup

Community / 🇺🇸 United States

Chicago Meetup Meetup [Washington DC] ( )
NYC Meetup

Community / 🏴 Kurdistan

Kurdistan Meetup

Community / 🇳🇴 Norway

Meetup Oslo
Meetup Stavanger

Community / 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan


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