
A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.


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last commit: about 2 years ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists


Awesome Swift / UI

Sejima 70 over 3 years ago User Interface Library components for iOS
Eureka 11,771 23 days ago Elegant iOS Forms in pure Swift
XLActionController 3,325 over 1 year ago Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
FlourishUI 228 over 5 years ago Framework for modals, color exensions and buttons
SwiftColors 693 almost 2 years ago HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor
FontAwesome.swift 1,574 over 1 year ago Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
SwiftOverlays 631 about 6 years ago GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications
ios-charts 27,532 about 2 months ago A powerful chart / graph framework, the iOS equivalent to
TagCellLayout 358 over 1 year ago UICollectionView layout for Tags with Left, Center & Right alignments
TagListView 2,642 about 1 year ago Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view
SwiftyButton 552 about 3 years ago Simple and customizable button in Swift
Swiftstraints 122 almost 2 years ago Powerful auto-layout framework that lets you write constraints in one line of code
PagingMenuController 2,496 over 2 years ago Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
GaugeKit 1,025 over 2 years ago Customizable gauges. Easy reproduce Apple's style gauges
Hokusai 430 almost 7 years ago A library for a cool bouncy action sheet
LNRSimpleNotifications 201 over 2 years ago Simple Swift in-app notifications
GoogleMaterialIconFont 145 about 8 years ago Google Material Icon Font for Swift and ObjC
CozyLoadingActivity 608 over 2 years ago Lightweight loading activity HUD
VideoSplash Video based UIViewController
EZAlertController 366 over 1 year ago Easy Swift UIAlertController
EZSwipeController 843 almost 4 years ago UIPageViewController like Snapchat/Tinder/iOS Main Pages
ImagePicker 4,859 about 1 month ago A nicely designed and super easy to use ImagePicker
Notie 84 over 7 years ago In-app notification in Swift, with customizable buttons and input text field
Whisper 3,756 about 2 years ago Break the silence of your UI, whispering, shouting or whistling at it
HTYTextField 312 almost 5 years ago A UITextField with bouncy placeholder in Swift
SwiftPasscodeLock 199 over 5 years ago An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift
SlideMenuControllerSwift 3,405 about 1 year ago iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift
Hue 3,501 about 1 year ago Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need
SAHistoryNavigationViewController 1,570 almost 7 years ago SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller
WobbleView 2,189 over 7 years ago Implementation of wobble effect for any view in app
SimpleAlert 399 about 1 year ago Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift
Interactive Side Menu 708 about 4 years ago Customizable iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift 3.0
NFDownloadButton 434 about 6 years ago Revamped Download Button
EFQRCode A better way to operate quick response code in Swift
SendIndicator 62 over 6 years ago Yet another task indicator
SectionedSlider 371 over 4 years ago Control Center Slider
Cupcake 288 almost 4 years ago An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS
PinLayout 0 5 months ago Extremely Fast views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable
Gemini 3,248 about 1 year ago Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift
Hero 22,028 8 months ago Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions
CrispyCalendar 314 6 months ago CrispyCalendar is the calendar UI framework
Ribbon 295 about 3 years ago 🎀 A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS

Awesome Swift / Files

FileKit 2,335 6 months ago Simple and expressive file management in Swift

Awesome Swift / JSON/XML Manipulation

SwiftyJSON 22,624 about 2 months ago The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
json-swift 721 over 7 years ago A basic library for working with JSON in Swift
Argo 3,489 about 3 years ago JSON parsing library for Swift, inspired by Aeson
ObjectMapper 9,141 5 months ago JSON Object mapping written in Swift
Alamofire-SwiftyJSON 1,374 about 4 years ago Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON
SWXMLHash 1,399 8 days ago Simple XML parsing in Swift
AEXML 1,012 9 months ago Simple and lightweight XML parser for iOS written in Swift
Starscream 8,287 5 months ago WebSockets Library
JASON 1,012 over 3 years ago JSON parsing with outstanding performances and convenient operators
Fuzi 1,071 3 months ago A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser with XPath & CSS support in Swift 2
Tailor 242 about 7 years ago A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs
SwiftyJSONAccelerator 946 over 1 year ago Generate Swift 5 model files from JSON with Codeable support

Awesome Swift / Databases

Realm 16,280 14 days ago A mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables
SQLite.swift 9,696 3 months ago A pure Swift framework wrapping SQLite3. Small. Simple. Safe
SwiftData 517 almost 5 years ago A simple and effective wrapper around the SQLite3 C API written completely in Swift
Squeal 297 almost 6 years ago A Swift wrapper for SQLite databases
SQLiteDB 588 over 1 year ago Basic SQLite wrapper for Swift
SwiftMongoDB 266 about 8 years ago A Swift driver for MongoDB
ModelAssistant 28 almost 4 years ago Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
PostgresClientKit 132 over 1 year ago A PostgreSQL client library for Swift. Does not require libpq

Awesome Swift / Testing

Quick 9,790 27 days ago A behavior-driven development test framework for Swift and Objective-C
Sleipnir 845 over 8 years ago A BDD-style framework for Swift
Nimble 4,805 12 days ago A Matcher Framework for Swift
Fakery 1,792 over 1 year ago Swift fake data generator
SwiftRandom 561 over 4 years ago Generator for random data
MockFive A mocking framework for Swift with runtime function stubbing

Awesome Swift / Documentation

jazzy 7,339 15 days ago A soulful way to generate docs for Swift & Objective-C

Awesome Swift / Events

Caravel 147 over 5 years ago A Swift event bus for UIWebView and JS
EmitterKit 566 almost 2 years ago An elegant event framework built in Swift
Swift-Custom-Events 98 almost 8 years ago A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development
Kugel 75 over 4 years ago A glorious Swift wrapper around NSNotificationCenter

Awesome Swift / Queue

TaskQueue 681 about 6 years ago A Task Queue Class developed in Swift
Dispatcher 107 over 7 years ago Queues, timers, and task groups in Swift
GCDKit 319 over 7 years ago Grand Central Dispatch simplified with Swift

Awesome Swift / HTTP

Alamofire 41,069 7 days ago an HTTP networking library written in Swift
ReactiveAPI 79 10 months ago Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit
SwiftHTTP 1,880 over 3 years ago Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests
Net 302 almost 9 years ago HttpRequest wrapper written in Swift
OAuthSwift 3,264 5 months ago Swift based OAuth library for iOS
Moya 15,110 2 months ago Network abstraction layer written in Swift
Just 1,403 6 months ago HTTP for Humans (python-requests style HTTP library)
SocketIO-Kit 139 about 7 years ago iOS/OSX Client compatible with v1.0 and later
SwiftWebSocket 1,532 about 3 years ago High performance WebSocket client library for Swift
AeroGear IOS Http 45 almost 6 years ago is a thin layer to take care of your http requests working with NSURLSession
Nuke 8,082 18 days ago Advanced framework for loading and caching images
Siesta Ends state headaches by providing a resource-centric alternative to the familiar request-centric approach to HTTP
Taylor 926 about 8 years ago a web server library in Swift
Perfect 13,839 8 months ago a web framework tayin Swift
Swifter 3,893 7 months ago an HTTP server engine in Swift
Kingfisher 23,132 14 days ago A lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web

Awesome Swift / Caching

HanekeSwift 5,204 almost 4 years ago A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images
Carlos 644 about 1 year ago A simple but flexible cache for iOS and WatchOS 2 apps, written in Swift

Awesome Swift / Security

CryptoSwift 10,153 about 1 month ago Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language
SHA256-Swift 72 over 7 years ago Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods
SwiftSSL An Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift
SwiftyRSA 1,274 4 months ago RSA public/private key encryption in Swift

Awesome Swift / Logging

QorumLogs 786 over 6 years ago — Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
CleanroomLogger 1,323 over 1 year ago A configurable and extensible pure Swift logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
XCGLogger 3,939 3 months ago A debug log framework for use in Swift projects
Swell 360 almost 7 years ago A logging utility for Swift and Objective C
Log 830 almost 5 years ago A logging tool with built-in themes, formatters, and a nice API to define your owns
NSLogger 4,999 about 1 year ago A high perfomance logging utility which displays traces emitted by client applications running on Mac OS X, iOS and Android

Awesome Swift / Command Line

CommandCougar 54 over 2 years ago An elegant pure Swift library for building command line applications

Awesome Swift / Audio

AudioKit 10,657 about 2 months ago Audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform
MusicKit 612 over 3 years ago Framework and DSL for creating, analyzing, and transforming music in Swift
WebMIDIKit 146 over 1 year ago Simplest MIDI Swift framework

Awesome Swift / Third Party APIs

GooglePlacesAutocomplete 269 almost 7 years ago Simple Google Places address entry for iOS
Swifter 2,374 over 2 years ago A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
SwiftIB 24 almost 5 years ago An InteractiveBrokers API Library for OS X written in Swift. InteractiveBrokers is one of a few, if not the best, brokerage company provide Gateway+API solution for traders

Awesome Swift / Extensions

Dollar.swift 4,255 7 months ago A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript
swiftz 3,335 over 2 years ago A Swift library for functional programming
ExSwift 3,377 over 5 years ago JavaScript (Lo-Dash, Underscore) & Ruby inspired set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes
Observable-Swift 1,234 over 5 years ago Value Observing and Events for Swift
PromiseKit 14,222 17 days ago A delightful Promises implementation for iOS
Promissum 68 over 2 years ago Promise library with functional combinators like , , &
Promise Simple promises library in Swift
PureFutures 17 over 6 years ago Futures and Promises library
SwiftTask 1,934 over 5 years ago Promise + progress + pause + cancel, using SwiftState (state machine)
Pythonic.swift Pythonic tool-belt for Swift – a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library
SWRoute 586 about 10 years ago A tiny Swift wrapper. Allows you to route (hook) quite any function/method with another function/method or even a closure
Euler 1,153 over 3 years ago Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
swix 593 over 4 years ago Swift Matrix and Machine Learning Library
Easy-Cal-Swift 271 over 9 years ago Overload +-*/ operator for Swift, make it easier to use (and not so strict)
AlecrimCoreData 778 over 4 years ago A simple Core Data wrapper library written in Swift
Async 4,596 6 months ago Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
SwiftState 904 almost 4 years ago Elegant state machine for Swift
LlamaKit 621 over 9 years ago Collection of must-have functional Swift tools
ReactKit 1,193 about 9 years ago Swift Reactive Programming
Basis 316 over 6 years ago A number of foundational functions, types, and typeclasses
CAAnimation + Closure 113 about 7 years ago Add start / completion closures for CAAnimation instances
SwiftyUserDefaults 4,862 6 months ago — a cleaner, swiftier API for NSUserDefaults
Pluralize.swift 199 almost 2 years ago Great Swift String Pluralize Extension
SwiftSequence 375 almost 8 years ago A ÎĽframework of extensions for SequenceType in Swift 2.0, inspired by Python's itertools, Haskell's standard library, and other things
BrightFutures 1,901 over 2 years ago Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
EZSwiftExtensions 2,996 6 months ago How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work
BFKit-Swift 1,000 almost 4 years ago A collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
Sugar 1,068 over 4 years ago Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa
ZamzamKit 270 about 1 year ago A collection of micro utilities and extensions for Standard Library, Foundation and UIKit
Bow 645 almost 2 years ago Companion library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift
SwiftCoroutine 836 almost 3 years ago Swift coroutines for iOS and macOS

Awesome Swift / Misc

acli 2 over 9 years ago commandline tool to download curated libraries from github (very beta)
Compass 825 almost 4 years ago Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application
R.swift 9,493 11 days ago tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images and segues in your Swift project
SwiftKVC 134 over 6 years ago Key-Value Coding (KVC) for native Swift classes and structs
Tactile 712 almost 5 years ago A safer and more idiomatic way to respond to gestures and control events
Swift 4 Module Template 450 6 months ago An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 4 modules
SwiftValidators 240 over 2 years ago String validation for iOS developed in Swift. Inspired by validator.js
Versions 208 almost 5 years ago Helping you find inner peace when comparing version numbers in Swift
Swift 4 Module Template 450 6 months ago An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 4 modules

Resources / Swift Websites

Official website A home page of Swift programming language
Official blog Official Swift Blog
Jameson Quave's blog Tips for everyday work with Swift
Swift Collection on Medium Collection of blog posts about Swift on Medium
Swift Collection on Collection of blog posts about Swift on raywenderlich
SwiftInFlux 1,863 almost 9 years ago An attempt to gather all that is in flux in Swift
We ❤ Swift Tutorials and guides
Natasha The Robot Nice blog about Swift by Natasha The Robot A curated list of helpful resources to learn Swift. Tutorials, Code Samples, References
Hacking with Swift a complete Swift training course that teaches you app development through 36 hands-on projects, for free
SwiftLang a Swift Resource Center & Community
WWDC-Recap A collection of session summaries in markdown format, from WWDC 19 & 17
Cocoacasts Tutorials and videos about Swift and Cocoa development

Resources / Swift Books

The Swift Programming Language
Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C
Swift Standard Library Reference
Learn to Program iOS and OS X with Apple Swift

Resources / Swift Videos

TheSwiftLanguage youtube channel Videos about the Swift programming language by Apple
Brian Advent youtube channel High quality Swift tutorials
SkipCasts youtube channel Skip Wilson's casts on Swift
Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift Stanford course by Paul Hegarty

Resources / Swift Playgrounds

Learn-swift playground 795 almost 4 years ago Learn Swift interactively through these playgrounds
Design-Patterns-In-Swift 15,115 2 months ago Design Patterns implemented in Swift
SwiftStub an online Swift playground and REPL

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