
A curated list of resources for creating applications with hyperledger fabric


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Linked from 1 awesome list


Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Apps / Closed

Monetago Reduce instances of fraud around receivables financing
Tellus Smart contracts transaction designer without coding

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Apps / Samples

Fabric samples 2,776 11 days ago Official maintained samples created by the Hyperledger team and contributors
Marbles 1,025 over 5 years ago Marbles sample created by IBM visually demonstrating all the possibilities
Hyperledger composer samples 104 about 5 years ago Official samples for Hyperledger composer
Kuma token 75 over 5 years ago Example token implementation
Land Ownership Tracking 13 almost 6 years ago Sample Hyperledger Composer application that allows government agencies to track ownership and transactions

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Boilerplates / Client, API and Network

BLOCKOTUS Organism Boilerplate for building a complete app with Hyperledger fabric. It includes a Client (Svelte.js), a Server (Express), Chaincode Contracts, a Network sample and development scripts

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Boilerplates / Client

Backend typescript boilerplate 114 over 1 year ago Client boilerplate for interacting with the Fabric network using a REST API (Typescript, Nestjs, swagger, pusher)

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Boilerplates / Network

Fabric starter 240 almost 2 years ago Starter Application and Deployment Scripts
Hyperledger Fabric network boilerplate 67 almost 2 years ago Network boilerplate for easily setting up a new network

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Tools / Client

hyperledger-fabric-client-utils 20 over 5 years ago Set of utility functions which can be used to interact with chaincode
fabric-node-chaincode-utils 78 over 4 years ago A Nodejs module that helps you build your Hyperledger Fabric nodejs chaincode faster and easier
hlf-sdk-go 42 4 months ago A third-party Golang Hyperledger Fabric SDK

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Tools / Network

hyperledger-fabric-network-setup 31 over 6 years ago Helper functions for generating configurations for more advanced network setup
Chainstack managed blockchain Deploy a running network in minutes on Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services
IBM Cloud blockchain platform Managing and hosting a live network on IBM Cloud
Hurley Quickly setup your network development environment
WorldSibu - Forma Real Multi-cloud Remote Blockchain Infrastructure Orchestrator
Zeeve Deploy and Manage Blockchain Network on multiple cloud providers like GCP, AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean or On-premise

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Tools / Chaincode

hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup 30 over 5 years ago Setup which makes it easy to develop Nodejs chaincode
hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils 21 almost 6 years ago Utility functions for Nodejs chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
fabric-shim-types 3 almost 6 years ago Typescript types for the chaincode package
fabric-mock-stub 49 almost 4 years ago Mock implementation of the stub for testing Nodejs chaincode
fabric-shim-crypto-types 0 over 4 years ago Typescript types for the package
CCKit 191 almost 2 years ago Library for creating and testing golang chaincode, includes extended Mockstub implementation

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Tools / Other

hyperledger composer playground Online playground for developing applications using composer
tineola 50 almost 2 years ago Command line interface and packaged chaincode built for offensive security testing
setup-hlf GitHub Action GitHub Action to set up hyperledger fabric in workflows

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Books / LeanPub

Mastering Hyperledger fabric Master The Art of Hyperledger Fabric using docker-compose, docker swarm and Kubernetes Container Orchestrator

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Books / Amazon

Mastering Hyperledger fabric Master The Art of Hyperledger Fabric using docker-compose, docker swarm and Kubernetes Container Orchestrator

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Documentation / Docs

Official docs Officially maintained docs for the Hyperledger Fabric project
Couchdb query docs Official CouchDB documentation required for writing rich queries
Node SDK docs

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Documentation / Courses

Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies FREE
Hyperledger - Blockchain Technologies for Business by Иван Ванков Youtube series explaining Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric - build first network by Иван Ванков Technical youtube series Hyperledger Fabric

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Documentation / Tutorials

Hyperledger Fabric The Hard Way 21 over 1 year ago Bootstrap Hyperledger Fabric the hard way without script following Production Network approach
Hyperledger Fabric SDK Go: How to build your first app? 275 almost 3 years ago Chainhero tutorial on how to build applications on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0.5
Hyperledger Development within 21 days
Hyperledger Fabric dev env setup Kubernetes
Fabric on Google Cloud Platform
Write your first Chaincode (v1.4) using Node, Babel, Model/Controller and Test it using Mocha
Start Developing Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode in Node.js
Walkthrough of Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK and Client Application
Deploy a Hyperledger Fabric v2 Web App Using the Node.js SDK
Debug your Blockchain business network using Hyperledger Composer

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Documentation / Whitepaper

White paper Hyperledger projects

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Documentation / Research Papers

Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains
Performance Benchmarking and Optimizing Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform
FastFabric: Scaling Hyperledger Fabric to 20,000 Transactions per Second

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / Architecture

Hyperledger Fabric and how it isn’t concurrent out of the box.
Trust your competitor? How you can do that with a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Explaining consensus mechanisms in Hyperledger Fabric
Understanding Hyperledger Fabric Gossip
Private and confidential transactions with Hyperledger Fabric
Two Enter, One Leaves Early attempts to bring Ethereum to Hyperledger Fabric
Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (1/3): Fabric Architecture
Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (2/3): Private Data Collection
Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (3/3): Network Traffic Handling, Service Discovery, and Operations Service

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / Private Data

Private data, a built-in “GDPR compliant” solution for Hyperledger Fabric Theoretical guide on private data and sideDBs
A Beginner’s Guide to SideDBs and Private Data for Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs Chaincode Practical guide on how to write private data chaincode

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / CouchDB

Fantastic queries and where to find them Guide on how to write rich queries

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / Devops

Hyperledger Fabric on Multiple Hosts Multi-host Hyperledger Fabric deployment using docker swarm

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / Composer

Developing multi-user application using the Hyperledger Composer REST Server

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Articles / Other

Tools that will help create your first Hyperledger Fabric application
How to deploy (early) production ready Hyperledger Fabric applications using IBM Cloud
The new and exciting features in Hyperledger Fabric 1.1(-preview)
How to start writing your Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs chaincode
How to start testing your Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs chaincode
How to prevent key collisions in Hyperledger Fabric chaincode
Tools that will help create your first Hyperledger Fabric application
On the origins of Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric smart contract data model: protobuf to chaincode state mapping
Hyperledger Fabric chaincode test driven development (TDD) with unit testing
Start Developing Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode in Node.js
Walkthrough of Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK and Client Application
How to write unit tests for Hyperledger Fabric Go chaincode Applied for Fabric v1.x

Awesome Hyperledger Fabric / Community

Community chat
Hyperledger wiki for Fabric
Support mailing list

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