
A curated list of awesome Nim frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by other awesome lists.



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last commit: almost 5 years ago
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Awesome Nim / Async processing

Nim-Asyncdispatch2 353 about 1 month ago Hard fork of Asyncdispatch. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Build Systems/Package Management

ChooseNim 682 6 months ago Installing and switching between Nim versions (à la rustup, pyenv). [MIT]
Nake 145 over 2 years ago Describe your Nim builds as tasks. [MIT]
Nawabs 21 about 3 years ago A build system that throws away version numbering in favor of git hashes. [MIT]
Nimble 1,251 22 days ago Nimble can be used as a build system. [BSD]

Awesome Nim / Build Systems/Package Management / Byte Size

nim-bytes2human 12 over 3 years ago Calculate all Byte units from an integer, with precision from Bytes to Yottabytes, and return a human friendly string representation. [LGPL]

Awesome Nim / Checksums

nim-crc32 15 about 1 month ago CRC32 for Nim, 2 proc, just pass the thing you want to do CRC. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Database

ormin 152 almost 3 years ago Prepared SQL statement generator , A lightweight ORM
nimongo 101 over 2 years ago Pure Nim lang MongoDB driver. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Date Time

nim-datetime2human 8 12 months ago Calculate date & time with precision from seconds to millenniums. Human friendly date time as string. ISO-8601. [LGPL]

Awesome Nim / Deep Learning

Arraymancer 1,334 15 days ago A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU, OpenCL and embedded devices. [Apache-2.0]
NimTorch PyTorch - Python + Nim. A Nim front-end to PyTorch's native backend, combining Nim's speed, productivity and portability with PyTorch's latest implementations. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Design

nim-random-font-color 11 almost 3 years ago Random curated Fonts, pastel Colors and Seamless CSS3 Patterns for your UI/UX design, design for non-designers, poors man design. [LGPL]

Awesome Nim / Embedded

msp430f5510 Run Nim on MSP430f5510 micro-controller (6KB of RAM)
stm32f3 12 over 8 years ago Run Nim on STM32F3 micro-controller (16KB of RAM)
ardunimo 47 over 8 years ago Nim wrapper for Arduino + LinkIt ONE SDK by Mediatek
ardunimesp Nim wrapper for Arduino ESP8266 framework + A tool for flash, compile and make the nim project into an Arduino project

Awesome Nim / Game Development

frag 213 over 7 years ago Cross-platform 2D|3D game framework for the Nim programming language. [MIT]
zengine 156 about 7 years ago 2D | 3D Game development library
SDL2 147 over 2 years ago Wrapper for SDL 2. [MIT]
GLAD 3,738 29 days ago Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs. [MIT]
nim-glm 94 over 3 years ago Port of the popular glm C++ library to Nim. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / GUI

ui 47 about 3 years ago Wrapper for IUP - Beginnings of what might become Nim's official UI library
nim-kdialog 8 over 5 years ago Nim Qt5 Wrapper for Desktop. [LGPL]
nimAntTweakBar 11 about 3 years ago Wrapper for AntTweakBar
nimx 1,092 about 1 year ago Desktop, Mobile & Web GUI framework in Nim
NiGui 720 about 2 months ago cross-platform, desktop GUI toolkit [MIT]

Awesome Nim / IDE

Aporia 379 over 6 years ago Text editor to get started with Nim easily (not maintained anymore)
Editor Integration 16,475 4 days ago Official list of editor plugins for Nim
Nim Playground Code and run Nim online

Awesome Nim / Implementations

Nim 16,475 4 days ago Nim (formerly known as "Nimrod") is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language which has an excellent productivity/performance ratio. Nim's design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, elegance (in the order of priority). [MIT]
Nlvm 705 about 1 month ago LLVM backend for Nim. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Macros

cascade 98 5 months ago Method & assignment cascades for Nim, inspired by Smalltalk & Dart. [MIT]
gara 103 over 4 years ago Macro-based pattern matching library. [MIT]
pipe 60 about 3 years ago Pipe operator for Nim, as seen in functional languages. [MIT]
unpack 54 over 5 years ago Sequence/object unpacking/destructuring. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Package Repositories

Nim packages 445 8 days ago List of packages for Nimble
Nim package directory This service allows you to explore Nim packages known to Nimble. It tests package installation and generates documentation using "nim doc"

Awesome Nim / REPL

INim 640 3 months ago Interactive Nim Shell. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Scripting

Nimcr 84 about 3 years ago Running Nim code with Shebangs

Awesome Nim / Services

Luntic 32 about 7 years ago Lightweight REST in-memory discovery service. [Apache-2.0]

Awesome Nim / Text Processing

regex 227 3 months ago Pure Nim regex engine with linear time match. [MIT]
glob 61 7 months ago Pure library for matching file paths against Unix style glob patterns. [MIT]
nim-datauri 1 almost 3 years ago Data URI Base64 UTF-8. [LGPL]

Awesome Nim / Text Processing / Translation

nim-tinyslation 12 over 5 years ago Text string translation from free online crowdsourced API. [LGPL]

Awesome Nim / Text Processing / Template Engines

smalte 34 almost 3 years ago Is a dead simple and lightweight template engine. Specially designed for configure application before start in Docker. [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Web / Web Frameworks

Jester 1,572 9 months ago The sinatra-like web framework for Nim. Jester provides a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Nim. [MIT]
Karax 1,067 9 days ago Framework for developing single page applications in Nim
nawak 108 almost 10 years ago Web micro-framework in Nimrod, heavily inspired by jester, flask and the like. [MIT]
oauth 66 2 months ago OAuth library for Nim. [Apache-2.0]
rosencrantz DSL to write web servers, inspired by and its successor

Awesome Nim / Web / Parsing HTML

Nimquery 134 almost 2 years ago Library for querying HTML using CSS selectors, like Javascript's . [MIT]

Awesome Nim / Web / Generating HTML

HastyScribe 192 about 1 year ago Self-contained markdown compiler generating self-contained HTML documents

Development Tools / Binding Generators

Nimpy 1,464 4 months ago Gen Python wrappers, call python from nim. [MIT]
Pymod 219 about 7 years ago Gen Python C-API wrappers. [MIT]

Development Tools / Command-Line Interface Automation

cligen 507 14 days ago Infer & generate command-line interace/option/argument parsers [MIT]
docopt.nim 212 about 1 year ago Command-line args parser [MIT]
commandeer 94 almost 7 years ago Provides a small command line parsing DSL (domain specific language) [MIT]

Resources / Books

Nim in Action Nim's first book
Nim Days 210 10 months ago A project to document my journey with nim with mini applications, libraries documented from A to Z and also to provide new Nim users with some extra in depth information

Resources / Blogs

Nim Blog Official Nim blog
Goran Krampe Wrapping C, arduino, performance, links
HookRace Blog with multiple articles on Nim
Rants from the Ballmer Peak Posts on Nim and other languages
Yuriy Glukhov's blog Making and shipping a game in Nim
Araq's Musings Blog on Nim from the creator himself

Resources / Community

The Nim forum
The Nim IRC channel
The Nim Gitter channel
The Nim mailing list
The Nim SubReddit
The Nim Telegram
The Nim Telegram on Spanish

Resources / Websites

Nim Basics Tutorial for beginners and people just starting with Nim
How I start Great guide going from 0 to a bf interpreter and then a bf to Nim compiler
Learn Nim in Y minutes Whirlwind tour
Nim by Example Series of pages and examples for learning the Nim programming language
Nim for Python programmers 16,475 4 days ago Guide to Nim for people with experience in Python
Rosettacode:Nim 100s of solutions for various tasks using Nim (Implementations available in other languages as well)

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