Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Learning the Skills |
CS 642: Intro to Computer Security | | | |
CyberSec WTF | | | |
Cybrary | | | |
Free Cyber Security Training | | | |
Hak5 | | | |
Hopper's Roppers Security Training | | | |
Learning Exploitation with Offensive Computer Security 2.0 | | | |
Mind Maps | | | |
MIT OCW 6.858 Computer Systems Security | | | |
OffensiveComputerSecurity | | | |
OWASP top 10 web security risks | | | |
SecurityTube | | | |
Seed Labs | | | |
TryHackMe | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / YouTube Channels |
0patch by ACROS Security | | | |
BlackHat | | | |
Christiaan008 | | | |
Detectify | | | |
Hak5 | | | |
Kaspersky Lab | | | |
Metasploit | | | |
ntop | | | |
nVisium | | | |
OpenNSM | | | |
OWASP | | | |
Rapid7 | | | |
Securelist | | | |
Segment Security | | | |
SocialEngineerOrg | | | |
Sonatype | | | |
SophosLabs | | | |
Sourcefire | | | |
Station X | | | |
Synack | | | |
TippingPoint Zero Day Initiative | | | |
Tripwire, Inc. | | | |
Vincent Yiu | | | |
44contv | | | |
MIT OCW 6.858 Computer Systems Security | | | |
BruCON Security Conference | | | |
BSides Manchester | | | |
BSidesAugusta | | | |
CarolinaCon | | | |
Cort Johnson | | | |
DevSecCon | | | |
Garage4Hackers - Information Security | | | |
HACKADAY | | | |
Hack In The Box Security Conference | | | |
Hack in Paris | | | |
Hacklu | | | |
Hacktivity | | | | | | | |
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | | | |
LASCON | | | |
leHACK | | | |
Marcus Niemietz | | | | | | | |
NorthSec | | | |
Pancake Nopcode | | | |
Psiinon | | | |
SJSU Infosec | | | | | | | |
Security Fest | | | |
SecurityTubeCons | | | |
ToorCon | | | |
USENIX Enigma Conference | | | |
ZeroNights | | | |
0x41414141 | | | |
Adrian Crenshaw | | | |
Corey Nachreiner | | | |
BalCCon - Balkan Computer Congress | | | |
danooct1 | | | |
DedSec | | | |
DEFCON Conference | | | |
DemmSec | | | |
Derek Rook - CTF/Boot2root/wargames Walkthrough | | | |
Don Does 30 | | | |
Error 404 Cyber News | | | |
Geeks Fort - KIF | | | |
GynvaelEN | | | |
HackerSploit | | | |
iExplo1t | | | |
JackkTutorials | | | |
John Hammond | | | |
Latest Hacking News | | | |
LionSec | | | |
LiveOverflow | | | |
Metasploitation | | | |
NetSecNow | | | |
Open SecurityTraining | | | |
Pentester Academy TV | | | |
Penetration Testing in Linux | | | |
rwbnetsec | | | |
Samy Kamkar's Applied Hacking | | | |
SecureNinjaTV | | | |
Security Weekly | | | |
Seytonic | | | |
Shozab Haxor | | | |
SSTec Tutorials | | | |
Tradecraft Security Weekly | | | |
Troy Hunt | | | |
Waleed Jutt | | | |
webpwnized | | | |
Zer0Mem0ry | | | |
LionSec | | | |
Adrian Crenshaw | | | |
HackerSploit | | | |
Derek Rook - CTF/Boot2root/wargames Walkthrough | | | |
Tradecraft Security Weekly | | | |
IPPSec | | | |
The Daily Swig | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Sharpening Your Skills |
Backdoor | | | |
The cryptopals crypto challenges | | | |
Challenge Land | | | | Archive (2011-2015) | | | | | | | |
CTFLearn | | | |
CTFs write-ups | | | |
CTF365 | | | |
The enigma group | | | |
Exploit exercises | | | |
Google CTF | 4,556 | 4 months ago | |
Google CTF 2019 | | | |
Google's XSS game | | | |
Hack The Box | | | |
Hacker test | | | |
Hacker Gateway | | | |
Hacksplaining | | | | | | | | | | | |
Hack this site! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Over the wire | | | |
Participating Challenge Sites | | | |
PentesterLab | | | |
Pentestit | | | |
Pentest Practice | | | | | | | |
PicoCTF | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ringzer0 Team | | | |
ROP Emporium | | | |
SmashTheStack | | | |
Shellter Labs | | | |
Solve Me | | | |
Vulnhub | | | | | | | |
tryhackme | | | | | | | |
Stereotyped Challenges | | | |
Stripe CTF 2.0 | | | |
Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop | 1,893 | over 2 years ago | |
Hacking Articles | | | |
Hacker101 CTF | | | |
Hacking Lab | | | |
Portswigger | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Reverse Engineering, Buffer Overflow and Exploit Development |
A Course on Intermediate Level Linux Exploitation | 990 | over 4 years ago | |
Analysis and exploitation (unprivileged) | | | |
Binary hacking | | | |
Buffer Overflow Exploitation Megaprimer for Linux | | | |
Corelan tutorials | | | |
Exploit tutorials | | | |
Exploit development | | | |
flAWS challenge | | | |
Introduction to ARM Assembly Basics | | | |
Introductory Intel x86 | | | |
Lena's Reversing for Newbies (Complete) | | | |
Linux (x86) Exploit Development Series | | | |
Megabeets journey into Radare2 | | | |
Modern Binary Exploitation - CSCI 4968 | 5,547 | over 3 years ago | | - reversing conference | | | |
Reverse Engineering for Beginners | | | |
Reverse engineering reading list | 2,369 | almost 2 years ago | |
Reverse Engineering challenges | | | |
Reverse Engineering for beginners (GitHub project) | | | |
Reverse Engineering Malware 101 | | | |
Reverse Engineering Malware 102 | | | | challenges | | | |
Shell storm | | | |
Shellcode Injection | | | |
Micro Corruption — Assembly | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Privilege Escalation |
4 Ways get linux privilege escalation | | | |
Abusing SUDO (Linux Privilege Escalation) | | | |
AutoLocalPrivilegeEscalation | 487 | over 3 years ago | |
Basic linux privilege escalation | | | |
Common Windows Privilege Escalation Vectors | | | |
Editing /etc/passwd File for Privilege Escalation | | | |
Linux Privilege Escalation | | | |
Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script | 1,590 | about 3 years ago | |
Linux Privilege Escalation Scripts | | | |
Linux Privilege Escalation Using PATH Variable | | | |
Linux Privilege Escalation using Misconfigured NFS | | | |
Linux Privilege Escalation via Dynamically Linked Shared Object Library | | | |
Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet | | | |
OSCP - Windows Priviledge Escalation | | | |
Privilege escalation for Windows and Linux | | | |
Privilege escalation linux with live example | | | |
Reach the root | | | |
RootHelper | 485 | over 3 years ago | |
Unix privesc checker | | | |
Windows exploits, mostly precompiled. | 1,837 | over 4 years ago | |
Windows Privilege Escalation | | | |
Windows Privilege Escalation | | | |
Windows privilege escalation checker | 2,515 | 7 months ago | |
Windows Privilege Escalation Fundamentals | | | |
Windows Privilege Escalation Guide | | | |
Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Malware Analysis |
Malware traffic analysis | | | |
Malware Analysis - CSCI 4976 | 3,776 | over 2 years ago | | | | | [Bad Binaries] ( ) |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Network Scanning / Reconnaissance |
Foot Printing with WhoIS/DNS records | | | |
Google Dorks/Google Hacking | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Vulnerable Web Application |
bWAPP | | | |
Damn Small Vulnerable Web | 794 | 10 months ago | |
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) | | | |
Google Gruyere | | | |
OWASP Broken Web Applications Project | 298 | about 1 year ago | |
OWASP Hackademic Challenges project | 319 | over 4 years ago | |
OWASP Mutillidae II | | | |
OWASP Juice Shop | 10,585 | 4 months ago | |
WebGoat: A deliberately insecure Web Application | 7,096 | 4 months ago | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Vulnerable OS |
General Test Environment Guidance | | | |
Metasploitable2 (Linux) | | | |
Metasploitable3 | 4,812 | 9 months ago | [ ] |
Vulnhub | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Linux Penetration Testing OS |
Android Tamer | | | |
BackBox | | | |
BlackArch | | | |
Bugtraq | | | |
Docker for pentest | 732 | about 3 years ago | |
Kali | | | |
LionSec Linux | | | |
Parrot | | | |
Pentoo | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Exploits | | | | |
Exploit Database | | | |
CXsecurity | | | |
Snyk Vulnerability DB | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Forums |
0x00sec | | | |
Antichat | | | |
CODEBY.NET | | | |
EAST Exploit database | | | |
Greysec | | | |
Hackforums | | | |
4Hat Day | | | |
CaveiraTech | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Archived Security Conference Videos | | | | |
Irongeek | | | | | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Online Communities |
Hacktoday | | | |
Hack+ | | | |
MPGH | | | |
Awesome Hacking Resources / Table of Contents / Online News Sources |
InfoSec | | | |
Recent Hash Leaks | | | |
Security Intell | | | |
Threatpost | | | |
Secjuice | | | |
The Hacker News | | | |