
Lore Generators

A curated list of tools and generators for creatingLorem ipsum text with various features and options.

A curated list of awesome lorem ipsum generators.


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last commit: 5 months ago
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Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Practical

Adhesiontext Unique generator can serve up words that only include specified characters
Blind Text Generator Choose from various flavors of traditional dummy text
CorporateLorem Lorem Ipsum with real articles from newspapers and blogs
Dummy Text Generator Regular generator with some special options like headings and subheadings
Faux Texte French lorem ipsum generator with options to choose from various styles
HTML-ipsum ( ) - Provides pre-filled HTML patterns
Jipsum Randomized lorem ipsum
Journo Ipsum A lorem ipsum generator for future-of-news nerds A fast, mouse-friendly lorem ipsum generator
Lorem 2 Static lorem ipsum
Lorem Ipsum The Original
Lorem Ipsum Generator Generates standard lorem ipsum
Lorem Markdown Generates text structured with markdown
Loripsum Full-featured generator of standard lorem ipsum
The Amazing Lorem Ipsum Generator Classic lorem ipsum generator with a number of formatting options
Wizipsum Allows you to add, use and share your own content, available as an npm package and Chrome Extension
WP Ipsum Generates a bucketload of WordPress-flavored nonsense

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Animals

Cat Ipsum Featuring our furry feline friends
Doggo Ipsum Featuring doggos and puppers
Zombie Ipsum Frightful filler for your damned designs

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Eras

90s Ipsum Dope!

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Famous Individuals

Birolipsum Featuring the 38th President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro
Bob Ross Lipsum A happy little lorem ipsum generator
Busey Ipsum Featuring Gary Busey
Chuck Norris Facts Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits
Dalaipsum Featuring quotes by His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama
Mussum Ipsum Featuring the
Neil deGrasse Tyson Ipsum No one is dumb who is curious
Nietzsche Ipsum Ecce Ipsum
Obama Ipsum Yes we can
Sagan Ipsum Featuring American scientist and author Carl Sagan

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Music

DJ Khaled Ipsum Featuring DJ Khaled
Dylan Ipsum Featuring lyrics from Bob Dylan's extensive catalogue
Katy Perry Ipsum Featuring Katy Perry lyrics
Nickelback Ipsum Nickelback lyrics ipsum text
Rush Ipsum Lorem Ipsum…with a 1000% more Rush

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Food and Drink

Bacon Ipsum Choose between "all meat" or "meat with filler"
Cajun Ipsum Some Ipsum for your web page, cher!
Cheese Ipsum A cheesier Lorem Ipsum generator
Cheeseburger Ipsum Cheeseburgers know that what you want can also be what you need
Coffee Ipsum Give your project a caffeine kick
Cupcake Ipsum The sweetest ipsum
Liquor Ipsum A stiffer lorem ipsum generator
Pizza Ipsum Ipsum hot from the oven
Tuna Ipsum A Fishier Lorem Ipsum Generator
Wine Ipsum In vino veritas

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Geographic and Dialects

Bavaria Ipsum Ein bairischer Blindtext-Generator
Bogan Ipsum This is apparently an Australian/New Zealand slang term for a
Chiquito Ipsum
Durham Ipsum Ipsum from Durham, North Carolina
Gangsta Lorem Ipsum Fo shizzle
Hacker Ipsum Hack the pentagon? (y/n):
Hillbilly Ipsum Ain't laid an egg since way last spring
Hipster Ipsum Artisanal filler text for your site or project
Lancashire Ipsum Champion filler text from Lancashire, UK
Melbourne Ipsum The ipsum of Melbourne, Australia
Pirate Ipsum The best Lorem Ipsum Generator in all the sea!

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Literature

Bible Ipsum Featuring the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible
Cthuvian Ipsum Sourced from the R’lyehian language of the Cthulhu Mythos developed by H.P. Lovecraft
Fifty Shades Ipsum Terrible erotic fiction at the click of a button
Harry Potter Ipsum Accio Filler Text!
Joyce Ipsum Featuring James Joyce's "Ulysses"
Lit Ipsum Classic literature ipsum with texts from Project Gutenberg. Click and drag to copy to clipboard. Responsive
Lorem Gibson Featuring the works of William Gibson

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / Miscellaneous

Bro Ipsum One copy to Bro them all
Business Ipsum Business Lorem Ipsum
Coder Ipsum Thought-leadership synergistic programming filler text
Corporate Ipsum Designed to facilitate the needs of corporate paper-pushers everywhere
Fyre Ipsum Sourced from the Fyre Festival pitch deck (with a little Magnises thrown in)
Gothic Ipsum A dreadful Lorem Ipsum generator
Ipsum Generator Offers option to pepper original lorem ipsum with different flavoring
Japanese Ipsum (日本語 Ipsum) Generates Japanese text, including hiragana, katakana, and kanji
Judo Ipsum a Lorem Ipsum generator with judo and jujitsu techniques
Mattress Ipsum The most comfortable Lorem Ipsum Generator. Snuggle in!
Metaphorpsum A wise– if perhaps slightly pedantic– generator of metaphor
Modernipsum An artier lorem ipsum generator
Monocle Ipsum
Office Ipsum Let's crank out some copy
Placehodler Lorem ipsum for crypto
Robot Ipsum Mechanically Modern Material Made Mostly For Mankind
The Rational Placeholder Text Generator Enter a topic of your choice and this generator will fetch relevant content from Wikipedia
Time Cube Ipsum You can not comprehend the actual ipsum in a single rotation of Earth
Video Game Ipsum Gaming themed placeholder text
Web 2.0 Ipsum Featuring Web 2.0 startup names
Weed Ipsum Dank text nuggets for the cannabiseur

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Whimsical / TV and Film

Bluth Ipsum Featuring the family from
DeLorean Ipsum Based on the films
DevLorem Featuring various actors like Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman and others
Fillerama TV and Film. Choose from , , , , , , , and vanilla Lorem Ipsum
Forcem Ipsum May the Ipsum be with you
Game of Thrones Ipsum Choose between different languages from the hit TV series
Godfather Ipsum An ipsum generator with iconic quotes from The Godfather trilogy: "I'm gonna make him an ipsum he can't refuse"
Gosling Ipsum Featuring quotes from Ryan Gosling characters
Grey's Anatomy Lorem Ipsum Generator Featuring words from the long-running ABC series
Heisenburg Ipsum Featuring various characters from the TV show
Jeffsum Featuring Jeff Goldblum
Vole Text Generator Featuring TV theme songs
Neah Featuring quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger characters
Partridge Ipsum Featuring Alan Partridge
Rick and Morty Ipsum Internet's schwiftiest lorem ipsum generator
Rick and Morty Ipsum Generator
Samuel L. Ipsum Featuring Samuel L. Jackson
Star Trek Ipsum Featuring handpicked quotes from the television series
Stranger Ipsum Featuring quotes from the Netflix series
TV Ipsum Featuring mash-ups sourced from a number of hit cartoon or sci-fi TV shows

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet. / Tools, Apps, and Extensions

Any Ipsum WordPress plugin to roll your own custom lorem ipsum generator.
aozora 21 over 6 years ago CLI that can pull full text from
Emmet Plugin available for
LittleIpsum Tiny, standalone Latin text generator for OS X
Sublime Text Packages Placeholder packages for Sublime Text
RoughDraft.js ( ) - Quickly create an interactive HTML mock-up, with minimal html markup and no server side code

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