
A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Magento ecosystem


89 stars
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21 forks
last commit: about 3 years ago
Linked from 1 awesome list

Awesome Magento / Table of Contents

Magento Patches 273 over 3 years ago

Awesome Magento / Essentials

Local Xml 37 over 10 years ago A great Start for your Magento Theme's local.xml file

Awesome Magento / Testing

EcomDev PHPUnit 299 almost 2 years ago Magento PHPUnit Integration
MageTest BehatMage 85 about 5 years ago Behat for Magento
MageTest MageSpec 91 almost 7 years ago PHPSpec for Magento

Awesome Magento / Command Line

Mage Run 1,439 26 days ago Tools to work with Magento from command line
Interactive Magento Console 28 over 10 years ago
mage2.docker 58 4 days ago Nginx(Pagespeed), MariaDB, PHP , Redis, Elastic Search Configurator with Magento 2 installer (updated: 19 April 2020)
Mage Run 870 9 days ago Tools to work with Magento from command line
Pestle 533 over 1 year ago A collection of command line scripts for Magento 2 code generation

Awesome Magento / Module Manager

Modman 728 over 3 years ago Modularize extensions using symlinks
Modgit 175 about 5 years ago Shell script for Git module deployment with include/exclude filters

Awesome Magento / Themes

Nandroid Foundation 62 over 11 years ago Foundation 3 Framework for Magento
Webcomm Bootstrap 526 over 6 years ago Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template
Cvaldemar Bootstrap 83 about 12 years ago Another Bootstrap based Magento Template
Pendabl Bootstrap Another Bootstrap based Magento Template
Zeljkoprsa Boilerplate 236 over 11 years ago Magento Theme Package based on HTML5 Bolierplate
Gpmd Responsive Theme 60 over 10 years ago Simple responsive (fluid) Magento theme
Jreinke Admin Theme 225 over 4 years ago Magento Admin a facelift
Blank Sass 383 over 2 years ago SASS based version of Magento 2 Blank theme

Awesome Magento / Modules

VF EasyAjax 63 over 6 years ago Send ajax requests and return a custom information from the server
FastIndexer 80 over 9 years ago Makes indexing of your Magento store around x times faster!
Strategery-Inc/Magento-InfiniteScroll 122 almost 5 years ago Automatically load the next page of products in Magento
Switcher 172 over 6 years ago Configurable products switcher extension that allows you to change the configurable products dropdowns to labels, colors or images
UMC1.9 242 almost 7 years ago New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +
Simple Configurable Products 283 over 7 years ago Enhancement to Magento to allow simple product prices to be used instead of the default special-case configurable product prices
Customer Activation 120 over 5 years ago Magento extension which makes it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the administrator
Magento layered navigation 138 almost 3 years ago Improved Magento layered navigation extension
Magento ElasticSearch 151 almost 6 years ago Magento ElasticSearch Implementation
Algolia Search for Magento 1.6+ 164 3 months ago Official Algolia implementation for Magento 1 – provides instant and typo-tolerant search, multicategory auto-complete and layered navigation (faceting)
Algolia Search for Magento 2 170 4 days ago Official Algolia implementation for Magento 2 – provides instant and typo-tolerant search, multicategory auto-complete and layered navigation (faceting)
Magento ElasticSearch 761 5 days ago Magento ElasticSearch Implementation
Blog 264 15 days ago Magento 2 Blog extension
Elasticsuite 761 5 days ago Magento 2 Merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch

Awesome Magento / Security

MageFirewall 35 about 8 years ago Magento Firewall for securing your e-commerce system

Awesome Magento / Sessions

Cm RedisSession 208 11 months ago Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking
Aoe_DynamoDbSession 5 about 9 years ago Magento Session Handler for AWS DynamoDB

Awesome Magento / Caching

Guidance Cachebuster 125 over 5 years ago Automatic purging of static assets from HTTP caches
Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis 388 about 2 months ago A Zend_Cache backend for Redis with full support for tags
Cm_Cache_Backend_File 144 about 1 year ago Much improved replacement for Zend_Cache_Backend_File
Zend_Cache_Backend_Mongo 12 about 9 years ago Zend Framework cache backend for MongoDB

Awesome Magento / Caching / Full Page Caching

Nexcess Turpentine 519 almost 4 years ago Cache extension for Magento that works with Varnish
Betabrand Varnish 95 almost 12 years ago Another Cache extension for Magento that works with Varnish
Lesti Fpc 358 about 2 months ago Simple Magento Fullpagecache

Awesome Magento / Htaccess

Magento Htaccess 112 about 5 years ago A htaccess boilerplate for all Magento Community installations

Awesome Magento / Robot.txt

Robot.txt 25 over 8 years ago A simple SEO robots.txt boilerplate for all Magento Community installations

Awesome Magento / Nginx

Magento Nginx 506 about 2 months ago Default Nginx config for Magento

Awesome Magento / MySQL

Magento MySQL 194 about 3 years ago Magento default mysql settings

Awesome Magento / Utils

Magento Utils 94 over 9 years ago A collection of snippets and scripts to simplify your life as a Magento developer
Coding Standard 308 about 1 month ago Magento Code Sniffer Coding Standard
PHPCS Rules PHPCS Magento Rules
Magento Tools 18 over 13 years ago Tools to help work with Magento
MagentoSnippets for Sublime 27 over 7 years ago Magento Front End Snippets, plugin for Sublime Text
Magento Bulk 23 about 12 years ago Bulk Import/Export helper scripts and CLI utilities for Magento Commerce

Awesome Magento / Deployments

Cookbook Magento 36 about 3 years ago Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef
Chef Magento 3 over 4 years ago Installs and Configures a Magento project with Chef
Deploy Scripts 69 over 7 years ago Scripts used to build/package, deploy and install Magento projects
MASC-M Automated Server Configuration for Magento
Magento2 Frontools 430 6 months ago Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 based on Gulp.js

Awesome Magento / Continuous Integration

EcomDev MageCI 75 about 7 years ago A set of tools to help set up a proper environment for testing magento

Awesome Magento / Composer Integration

Cotya Composer 212 4 months ago Composer installer for Magento modules

Awesome Magento / Docker Images

Docker Magento 142 about 6 years ago Docker image for Magento
Docker Magento 94 about 8 years ago Another Docker image for Magento
Magento Nginx Docker Container Template for Magento with NginX and php-fpm
Docker Magento 49 about 8 years ago Production ready scalable Magento setup utilizing the docker
Docker Magento 2 Focused to development process, pretty faster on the Linux
Docker Magento 2 454 over 4 years ago Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI

Awesome Magento / Vagrant Files

Magento Vagrant Puppet 34 over 12 years ago A Vagrantfile and some puppet scripts for an installation of a magento shop
Magento Vagrant Puppet Nginx 61 almost 9 years ago Installs magento and a nginx server
Jasonevans1 Vagrant 19 over 10 years ago Another Vagrant project for Magento
Amacgregor MageVagrant 57 about 10 years ago Vagrant/Chef base box for running Magento
Magento 2 Vagrant 446 over 5 years ago Vagrant Box for Magento 2 Developers

Awesome Magento / Sample Data Mirrors

Sample Data Compressed 124 over 3 years ago A highly compressed version of the magento 1.9 sample data and a script to create it
Sample Data Another mirrir link

Awesome Magento / Community Codebases

Firegento 107 over 5 years ago (unofficial)
OpenMage 865 10 days ago (unofficial)
Bragento (unofficial)
Magento 11,489 4 days ago (official)

Awesome Magento / Git Ignores

Magento Gitignore 9 almost 10 years ago .gitignore file for Magento-based projects
Magento Gitignore 161,513 26 days ago Another .gitignore file for Magento-based projects
Inchoo Gitignore Another .gitignore file for Magento-based projects by inchoo

Awesome Magento / Resources

Magento-Functions 28 about 7 years ago A Resource of Magento Functions
Demac Media
Nick Says
Fabrizio Banca
Magento Quickies
Alan Storm
Magento for Developers Guide
Magento Best Practices
Magento PHP Developer's Guide
Magento Themes from scratch
Introducing Magento Layout
Magento local.xml Boilerplate
Magento Certified Developer study guide
Moderators Kit
Magento User Guides
Magento Developers List
Magento on Stackexchange
Magento on Stackoverflow
Magento on Reddit
Magento The Right Way

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