
Style config

A collection of pre-configured settings and tools for stylelint, a JavaScript code quality linter

A list of awesome Stylelint plugins, configs, etc.


506 stars
11 watching
31 forks
last commit: 4 months ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists


Awesome Stylelint / Analysis platforms

codacy-stylelint 4 3 months ago Codacy integration
codeclimate-stylelint 25 almost 3 years ago Code Climate integration
megalinter Integrated into MegaLinter
putout 713 3 months ago Integrated into Putout
reviewdog/action-stylelint 47 3 months ago Reviewdog GitHub Action

Awesome Stylelint / Configs

@archoleat/stylelint-config-extended-scss Archoleat config for SCSS with property sorting
@primer/stylelint-config The GitHub shareable config
@stylistic/stylelint-config The stylistic shareable config for
@wordpress/stylelint-config WordPress CSS Coding Standards shareable config
stylelint-config-clean-order Order styles with stylelint-order
stylelint-config-hudochenkov Personal configs use stylelint-order
stylelint-config-idiomatic-order Order styles based on idiomatic-css
stylelint-config-prettier-scss Turns off conflicting rules when using Prettier for SCSS
stylelint-config-property-sort-order-smacss Property Sort Ordering based on the SMACSS methodology
stylelint-config-recess-order Sorts CSS properties the way Recess did and Bootstrap does
stylelint-config-recommended-vue The recommended shareable Vue config for Stylelint
stylelint-config-sass-guidelines Sass guidelines config
stylelint-config-standard-scss Standard config for SCSS
stylelint-config-standard Standard config for CSS
stylelint-config-two-dash-bem BEM Convention zero dependency rule enforcing Two Dashes style for Stylelint
stylelint-config-wikimedia Wikimedia CSS Coding Standards shareable config

Awesome Stylelint / Custom syntaxes

postcss-angular Angular Components
postcss-html HTML, including Vue SFC
postcss-less Less
postcss-linaria Linaria
postcss-lit Lit elements
postcss-markdown Markdown
postcss-sass Sass
postcss-scss SCSS
postcss-styled-components Styled-components
postcss-styled-syntax Template literals

Awesome Stylelint / Editor integrations

ale 13,601 3 months ago Vim plugin
coc-stylelint 44 about 4 years ago Neovim. language server extension
flycheck 2,423 3 months ago Emacs extension
linter-stylelint 115 over 1 year ago Atom plugin
null-ls 3,641 over 1 year ago Neovim plugin
sublimeLinter-contrib-stylelint_d 10 about 8 years ago Sublime Text plugin as daemon
sublimeLinter-stylelint 31 6 months ago Sublime Text plugin
vscode-stylelint VS Code extension

Awesome Stylelint / Formatters

@csstools/stylelint-formatter-github Output errors and warnings directly in GitHub pull requests
stylelint-actions-formatters Output errors and warnings for GitHub Actions
stylelint-checkstyle-formatter Output Checkstyle XML reports
stylelint-codeframe-formatter Output codeframe errors and warnings
stylelint-formatter-github Output errors and warnings directly in GitHub pull requests
stylelint-formatter-gitlab-code-quality-report Output errors and warnings as a GitLab Code Quality report (artifact)
stylelint-formatter-pretty A pretty formatter for terminals

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Architecture and methodologies

stylelint-css-modules Enforce CSS modules architecture (Pack)
stylelint-css-modules-no-global-scoped-selector Disallow global-scoped selectors in CSS Modules
stylelint-force-app-name-prefix Enforce app name prefix for rules
stylelint-itcss Enforce ITCSS architecture (Pack)
stylelint-plugin-defensive-css Enforce defensive CSS best practices (Pack)
stylelint-react-native Enforce React Native rules (Pack)
stylelint-selector-bem-pattern Enforce BEM patterns for selectors
stylelint-selector-tag-no-without-class Disallow certain tags without a class qualifier in selectors
stylelint-suitcss Enforce SUITCSS conventions (Pack)

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Browser compatibility

stylelint-no-browser-hacks Disallow browser hacks that are irrelevant to the browsers you are targeting
stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features Disallow CSS that is unsupported by the browsers you're targeting

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Colors

stylelint-color-format Enforce HEX, RGB or HSL colors
stylelint-gamut Enforce standard different color spaces (Pack)
stylelint-no-indistinguishable-colors Disallow colors that are suspiciously close to being identical

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / File system

stylelint-no-unresolved-module Disallow unresolved imports (import-like or )

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Images

stylelint-images Enforce good performance and avoid mistakes with images (Pack)

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Internationalization

stylelint-plugin-logical-css Enforce logical CSS properties, values and units (Pack)
stylelint-use-logical-spec Enforce usage of logical properties and values

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Nesting and specificity

stylelint-at-rule-no-children Disallow block rule declarations inside at-rules
stylelint-use-nesting Enforce nesting when it is possible

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Pre-processors

stylelint-sass-render-errors Display Sass render errors and deprecations
stylelint-scss Enforce SCSS-specific conventions (Pack)
stylelint-stylus Enforce Stylus-specific conventions

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Performance

stylelint-high-performance-animation 80 4 months ago Disallow low-performance animation and transition properties

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Stylistic

@stylistic/stylelint-plugin Enforce stylistic conventions by using the rules removed in Stylelint 16.0.0 (Pack)
stylelint-file-max-lines Limit a maximum number of lines per file
stylelint-group-selectors Group selectors that have the same set of properties and values
stylelint-max-lines Limit the number of lines in a source
stylelint-order Enforce a specific order for things like properties (Pack)
stylelint-transform-function-no-whitespace Disallow whitespace between transform functions and their parentheses
stylelint-selector-no-empty Disallow empty selectors

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Variables and constraints

stylelint-8-point-grid Enforce an 8-point grid
stylelint-declaration-block-no-ignored-properties Disallow property values that are ignored
stylelint-declaration-strict-value Enforce variables, functions or keywords for the value of specific properties
stylelint-media-use-custom-media Enforce usage of custom media queries
stylelint-no-restricted-syntax Disallow specified syntax
stylelint-scales Enforce scales for numeric values (Pack)
stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties Disallow unknown custom properties
stylelint-z-index-value-constraint Specify minimum and maximum constraint value for z-index

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Units

stylelint-rem-over-px Enforce units over units

Awesome Stylelint / Plugins / Uncategorized

@isnotdefined/stylelint-plugin Disallow obsolete CSS and enforce unit steps (Pack)

Awesome Stylelint / Task runners

broccoli-stylelint Broccoli plugin
ember-cli-stylelint Ember CLI plugin
grunt-stylelint Grunt plugin
gulp-stylelint Gulp plugin
jest-runner-stylelint Jest plugin
nx-stylelint Nx plugin
stylelint-webpack-plugin Webpack plugin

Awesome Stylelint / Testing

jest-preset-stylelint Jest preset for Stylelint plugins
stylelint-tape Test custom rules using Tape
stylelint-test-rule-node A rule tester using Node.js built-in test runner ( )

Awesome Stylelint / Tools

pre-commit-stylelint 14 3 months ago Mirrors all releases for the pre-commit hooks framework
stylelint-define-config Provide a function for files
stylelint-find-new-rules Find Stylelint rules that are not configured in your Stylelint config

Awesome Stylelint / Tutorials

Lint your CSS with Stylelint CSS Tricks article
Stylelint: The Style Sheet Linter We've Always Wanted Smashing Magazine article
Floss your style sheets with Stylelint The first article written about Stylelint
Writing Your First Custom Stylelint Rule Quickly create and integrate your own Stylelint rules

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